My kryptonian daughter (techn...

By hentai-lovin-angel

268K 6.9K 4.3K

It's hard enough to take care of a child in general...but what would it be like if this child of yours was an... More

The normal day
Crashed date night
Teen parents
Difficult choices
Just leave us alone
When "evil" does good deeds
The candle that fades pt 1
The candle that fades pt 2
The candle that fades pt3
The punchline
Help from below
Both sides of the gun
Let me help you
Love concers nothing
Our new home
Rescue, rehabilitate, and in need of rescuing again
Survival of the horniest pt 1
Survival of the horniest pt 2
Survival of the horniest pt 3 (L)
Not a chapter (new story)
Trigon pt 1
Trigon pt 2
Down hill from here
A new friend
You can't take her!!
Suffer no more
Burying the hatchet
Healing wish
Facing the past
The aging machine
New problems
At home training
Personal training
Love crazed pt 1
Love crazed pt 2 (L)
New teammate
Boys being boys
The burdan of fatherhood
Kryptonian's best friend
Game night
To be a hero or not to be a hero
The perfect solider
Titans east
(Not a chapter)
Buncha bullshit I felt like saying
The molder of clay
Terrorist amoung assassins
Chaotic beginning
Rise of our king
The end pt 1
The end pt 2
The end pt 3
Alright its out

Trigon pt 3

3.3K 97 35
By hentai-lovin-angel



3rd POV

(Y/n) unconsciously took a couple of steps forward to where the girls were being held. Trigon's smile grew wider as he waited for the bloodshed to commence. Moriah's cried had been loud enough to echo across the room. (Y/n) raised the blade over the strapped down girls as he saw the fear in their eyes. But he was too far gone to even stop himself.

(Y/n)'s POV


(Y/n)- "what the hell? What is this?! Where am I!?"

Every direction I turned was only darkness, with the inclusion of me walking through and endless void.

???- "hey (Y/n), isn't that your girlfriend?"

(Y/n)- "huh?"

???- "huh?"

Out of the darkness came a memory as the room that I witnessed that event take place began to manifest. Though it was rather translucent. A weird ghost like me just walked right through me and went straight for the window. I looked through the window and....and....

(Y/n)- "no...."

Cindy was on the third floor of the school again....I, or ghost me, ran into the darkness where the door should've been.

(Y/n)- "what?"

I looked out the window to see her gone. I ran out into the Black abyss and appeared in the court yard.

(Y/n)- "what is this shit?!"

I heard something fallen with a giant thud. I turn around and see Cindy on the ground with the same pool of blood. I took a step forward before the ghost me runs to Cindy's body.....then.....he disappears.

(Y/n)- "why am I reliving this?"

I tried to turn and run but when I turned around, I was right in-front of her body. I gasped and fell back while trying to run away.

Cindy- "it's all your fault....."

(Y/n)- "w-what?"

Her body rises up like a vampire that had been raised from its coffin. Her eyes shot open and I saw that they were blackened, completely devoid of emotion. She looked down at me and grabbed me.

Cindy- "it's your fault I'm like did this to me!!"

(Y/n)- "n-no, I didn't....I....I."

Cindy- "you what huh!?"

(Y/n)- "I-I didn't do it."

Cindy- "how long do you plan on lying to everyone!? It WAS your fault!! And now, thanks to you, I'm not only able to see my parents but I'm also unable to live a normal life!!"

(Y/n)- "n-no!! I didn't d-do i-"

Cindy- " LIAR!!"

She threw me to the ground.


Some binds formed on my hands and I was brought upward. This....fake Cindy forced me to look at her and then she pointed to the distance.

Cindy- "watch closely~"

The top floor of the school was back and I saw her standing up there again. This time, Trigon was behind her and he whispered something in her ear. She cried even more and jumped off again landing with a loud crack as blood began to come out.

(Y/n)- "s-stop that!!"

Cindy- "do not tell me what to do!!"

The blood that came from her fall then made its way back into her body as the whole situation was reversed, then played again, then reversed, then it played again on an endless loop.

(Y/n)- "STOP THAT!! PLEASE....please stop...."

I looked away as tears streamed down my face. I was soon met with a slap.

Cindy?- "how dare you shed crocodile tears for something you wanted to happen. I never should've said yes to you."

I looked at her with watery eyes.

(Y/n)- "what did you say?"

Cindy?- "you heard me you sociopathic pervert. I should've never said yes!"

(Y/n)- "that's where you're wrong."

The binds no longer held me as I got dropped and landed on my feet.

Cindy?- "w-what?"

(Y/n)- "you weren't the one who said yes. It was me."

I took a couple of steps forward as she started backing away.

(Y/n)- "you may have gotten into my head but you still know nothing about me. Call me pervert, idiot, failure, I don't care I've heard it all. But I'm more than what you think."

Cindy?- "stay back!!"

(Y/n)- "how dare you take her form!"

She then stopped moving and smiled.

Cindy?- "fine, you don't like it when I take this form? I don't either but your reactions were hilarious. I think it's time I reverted to my true self."

Her body turned black and started to elongate. She became a giant black snake with red eyes. Her tail wrapped around me and I was brought face to face with her.

???- "what are you gonna do now?"

She began constricting me....I felt my my strength leave me....

(Y/n)- ", I won't go through with this shit...."

???- "too late, now die."

She constricted me even more....I kept struggling and moving but....I went eyes got heavy....I couldn't move anymore and just gave up....some weird sound echoed throughout the strangely enough sounded like....crying?

(Y/n)- "M-Moriah....n-no....p-please....d-don't cry....."

I could feel my strength come back and I broke free from the snake thing's grasp.

???- "h-how? HOW!?"

I landed firmly on the ground and looked up at it.

(Y/n)- "I don't fall easy, that's how."

She growled and hisses at me before reeling her head back and striking me. I stood tall, not moving a single muscle as she landed her attack...but it did nothing.

(Y/n)- "get out of my HEAD!!"

She screeched and was soon taken away by some weird light from above. The light also lifted me up and took me away form this abyss.

(Real world)

I dropped the blade that was in my hand and I ran to my crying child.

(Y/n)- "shhhhhshhhshh, it's okay. It's okay, daddy's here now. No need to cry."

She clung to me as I rocked her back and forth. I looked up to see Trigon who looked at me in disbelief.

Trigon- "how!? How did you escape!?"

(Y/n)- "to bed honest, I have no idea. But here's a better question. How will you escape?"

Trigon- "you think you can hurt me boy!? Then try it!!"

I grabbed the blade and threw it at his chest. He used his arm to block it, but it cut right through his forearm.

Trigon- "ARRGH, YOU PEST!!"

He teleported all of us out from inside the tower and set us all on the roof. A giant red portal came from the sky as Trigon came out of it, this time he was the size of a skyscraper.

Trigon- "I am Trigon, conquerer of world, devoured of millions of souls. I will not be bested by a measly CHILD!!!"

Both of his hands had red glowing aura surrounding them and I started to feel my pain return. I vomited blood this time.

Rachel- "(Y/N)!!"

She ran to me.

Rachel- "Azarath metrion zinthos!"

The pain stopped and I stopped vomiting blood. I took a deep breath and tried my best to stand up.

Trigon- "your two weeks has been dropped to four days. Enjoy your last moments on earth mortal."


A giant black portal appeared behind him and a couple of black hands came out of Rachel, grabbing Trigon and pushing him inside. He was almost in and in some weird last resort he shot some red beam at me. I closed my eyes and braced for impact but nothing happened. I didn't even feel the chest pain thing. Though he was laughing all the way into the black void before it closed.

Rachel- "(Y/n)! Are you ok!?"

(Y/n)- "y-yeah, I think so. How are the others?"

Rachel- "they're fine, though Robin is still a bit shaken up by the whole thing."


Mika- "(Y/n)! Oh my gosh I was looking everywh-"

I stuck my hand out in front of her.

Mika- "w-what is this?"

(Y/n)- ""

Mika- "w-what?"

(Y/n)- "every fiber in my body is shouting at my brain to kill you right here and now. But Robin talked me down. He said that it was all just that ring of yours that drove you insane over me. So I'm reluctantly letting you live. Just give me the ring and everything will be back to normal."

Mika- "n-no!! I can't!! Please don't take it from me!!"

(Y/n)- "Rachel, a little help."

She nodded as her eyes turned red and she became a shadow demon herself.

(Y/n)- "give me the damn ring!!"

She took it off as the pink glow was back again. Her normal body returned but she fainted soon after. I tossed the ring to Rachel and faced the other girls. I picked up the blade that Trigon so nicely left me and I walked to them. They all started pleading for their lives as I just sigh.

(Y/n)- "I honestly don't have the energy to kill you three. And to tell you the truth you girls aren't even worth. Lock them up, I might have use for them later."

Three portals came from under them and they fell in the cells that the tower had installed. I picked Moriah up and headed toward the kitchen.

(Y/n)- "four days huh....fucking perfect."

I fed Moriah and throughout the whole thing, the mental image of Trigon influencing Cindy to jump and the gaslighting that that stupid fucking snake did stayed stuck in my head. The guilt came back, but three times as heavier than before.

Thoughts- 'I'm sorry....'


('The scene in Berserk where Casca gave birth to the fucking disgusting demon fetus now forever haunts I thought hey if I can't have peace then you can't either.....

Here's two pictures from the manga.

I apologize for not being sorry......

And now I can't eat dinner....fucking karma is a bitch.')

Bye bye

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