Special Operations Forces In...

By HarveyAdrian

158K 2.8K 1.8K

[ A tactical approach story. ] When he was still a young kid, Harvey Johanson quickly became fond o... More

S.O.F.I.T.O.W. Trailer
Prologue - The Essence of a Gun
Chapter 01 - Enlisting
Chapter 02 - A New Beginning
Chapter 03 - Moon Shadow ( Part 1 )
S.F.O.D. Report #01: "HOTELS"
Chapter 04 - Moon Shadow ( Part 2 )
Chapter 05 - Another Home
Chapter 06 - Give or Take
Chapter 08 - Thick but Narrow, Thin but Wide
Chapter 09 - Snake Stings
Chapter 10 - Forward Assist
S.F.O.D. Report #02: "FOXTROTS"
Chapter 11 - Ventures of a Fallen Knight
Chapter 12 - Safety First, Kill Later
Chapter 13 - The Quality of Reason
Chapter 14 - A Questionable Welcome
S.F.O.D. Report #03: "DELTAS"
Chapter 15 - Big Brown Riding Hoods
[ CPAL#13 ]
Chapter 16 - A Mistake by Revenge
Chapter 17 - Consequences of a Mistake
Chapter 18 - Exclusive Tutelage
Chapter 19 - Feigning King
Chapter 20 - Bishops of the King
S.F.O.D. Report #04: "NOVEMBERS"
S.F.O.D. Report #05: "OSCARS"
Chapter 21 - Gratitude Equals Honor
Chapter 22 - Proving One's Request
Chapter 23 - A Second Inclusion
Chapter 24 - Nowhere Out of Purpose
Chapter 25 - First Out Bound
S.F.O.D. Report # 06: "ECHOES"
Chapter 26 - The Hidden Law
[ - O P E R A T O R_M O O D_2 - ]
Chapter 27 - No Time for the Ungrateful
Chapter 28 - Illegal Ordeal
S.F.O.D. Report #07: "ROMEOS"
S.F.O.D. Report #08: "JULIETS"
Chapter 29 - Legitimate Contentment

Chapter 07 - Enamored by Greed

3.4K 114 83
By HarveyAdrian





"Rewinding log..."

"Week 1"
"1947 hrs."
"Bandit Camp"
"Gargan Forest"




Rewind back on the midst of Operation Moon Shadow...

At their main camp on a hill, bandits were celebrating their brutal raids nearby the area. They are drinking and eating near a campfire, with all of their looted money and treasures stacked behind them. There are also a couple of captured young females of different kinds imprisoned inside cages. They were all captured from certain raids and ambushes. Villagers, traders, and even members of certain knights are among them.  The slaves were beaten and sexually assaulted. Some bandits were raping women inside tents and rooms as the cries of pain of the women are echoing together with the bandit's cheers and shouts of celebration.

"Bwah! Nothing like a good celebration after all the raids!" their leader, named the Jackal, cheered as he drinks a mug of beer while fondling the chests of a captured female knight near him. He is a tall and muscular man with a mohawk of blue hair, and accessories of magical rings on his fingers.

"Ahahaha. You said it right, boss! Good thing that we sent one of our special groups out there!" another bandit replied to him as he carries a box of looted objects to a corner.

"Ahahaha. Can you imagine that? After having a jackpot raid on those poor soldiers in their camp, we also hit another jackpot at Arksonville! Ahahahaha. What a bunch of losers!"

"Well, we need to prepare for the upcoming war. We gotta stock goodies before the war starts!"

"Yeah. I doubt that the Almeda Kingdom will have the upper hand against the Riman Nation. They are cowards and weak as fuck compared to the brutal and powerful soldiers and mages from the Riman Nation!"

"Hehehe. Those fuckers did a good job looting that place yesterday afternoon! Hey, you! Are the treasures good in the back?" the Jackal asked a bandit behind him.

"Yes, boss! We've arranged the goods from the knight's weapons and armor, to other pieces of jewelry and gold as you've ordered." the bandit replied as he stocked all of the boxes inside a room.

"Hmm, nice. For our slave goodies, what else can we do with them?" the Jackal said with a menacing smile as he tightly fondles the chests of the captured female knight. The female knight endures it as tears began flowing out of her eyes, afraid for her life.

"Hehehe. As the usual boss! But I think we could go "hard" on them next time! Hehehehehe!" a bandit in front of him said as he grabs another captured female slave. The bandits cheer as they lust even more for them.

 "Hey, boss. Mind if I do one of them now? I'm kinda horny right now." 

"Me too boss!"

"Eh sure. Just don't pick the silver-haired one. She's mine."

"You mean that woman knight that refuses to surrender inside that blue tent?" the bandit, pointing at the said blue tent in the far corner of the area.

"Oh yeah. That stubborn knight? I also love to place my head on those beautiful tights!" they whistle cheerfully and lust.

"It's a waste that we didn't get another knight girl like her."

"Hehe. Yeah. But at least we got some of their tastes. Oh. How I miss their screams and howls, and their jiggling boobs while raping them. Hmm hmm."

"Now you got me horny again! Come on! Let's go now and give them some more!"

Thus, they continue raping the female captives as the captives endure all of the atrocious acts of their captors, and the echoes of their cries and shouts resonate once again in the entire area.

Meanwhile, in the said blue tent where the captured silver-haired female knight was imprisoned, she is crouched in the dark corner with tears in her eyes, hearing the mumbled noises, cries, and shouts of the other female captives. She began thinking about her past and current events with regret and sorrow. When seconds later, the entrance of her tent opens, and a silhouette of a big man appears. The man chuckles as he stares at the silver-haired woman with malicious intent. He approaches the cage where the woman is and throws out a loaf of bread inside. 

"Here! Take this shit!" Jackal said. But the woman is not budging and is still motionless in the corner. 

"HEY! EAT THAT SHIT!" Jackal irritated shouted at her. The woman then lifts up her head and looks at him with a very cold stare. Jackal, surprised, takes a step back as he looks at the menacing gaze of the woman at him. He twitches his face with irritation as he bangs her cage.

"TSK! DON'T YOU STARE AT ME LIKE THAT! Let's see if you can still stare at me like that tomorrow when I have my time on you!" he said with a menacing tone and exits out of the tent.




Back at the Cathedral...

Preparing to go to sleep after eating their dinner for tonight, the peasants take a rest on their respective bed sheets in the living room once again as they still recovering from their wounds from yesterday. Four Able Units were also replaced by the previous four units for their security outside the room with their same gears and weapons. 

"Hey..." Isabella whispered to Glenn who is just on her left side. Glenn, facing back as he tries to sleep, replies as he whispers.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Things are becoming weird, isn't it?" Isabella whispered as she looks above at the ceiling.

"Yeah. I know, right. I also can't believe that the story of Fruchiel becoming an angel of destruction is really a piece of false information. They really tricked us, people." Glenn whispered in irritation.

"I can hear you, guys." Herman whispered next to Isabella on her right side. 

"Oh. You're still awake, Herman?" she said as she looks at him. Herman, with both of his hands on his head, sighs in thought.

"Yeah. I'm not that sleepy yet." he whispered.

"I-I see. What do you think, Herman?" 

Herman opens his eyes and looks up as well at the ceiling.

"First, our village. Then, Fruchiel's true identity and story. And then, the rising tension between the kingdom and the Riman Nation. " he sighed in irritation as well.

"This world is really becoming a shitshow!" he added. Glen and Isabella make worried expressions on their faces as they keep thinking about the possible outcomes in the future. Until Glenn stands up on his bedsheet with a sigh.

"Hm? Toilet?" Herman whispered at Glenn.

"Yeah. Be right back." Glenn, as he makes his way outside the living room, greeting the four Able Units that were guarding the area. He already knows his way toward the comfort room inside the Cathedral because of the tour that Fruchiel did to them earlier. As he makes his way in the dimmed area towards the comfort room, he sees other Able Units standing and guarding various areas across the rooms and hallways. Others patrol outside with their NODs.

Arriving at the comfort room, he does his business and cleans himself up. When suddenly after exiting the comfort room, he can hear faint mumbles from people behind the building. He silently approaches it. Outside a certain window, he can now see a group of people from the other group, doing some sort of preparations with their gears and load-outs in front of the parked Chinook. They are the ten HOTEL Operators with Harvey in front of them. The pilots of the Chinook meanwhile can be seen inside the Chinook's cockpit, conducting system checks. Glenn was then surprised when sees Harvey opening his hud systems and a bright hologram of a big red vehicle in an open space near them. 

"Hm. I really need to cut off the trees around here. I can't spawn this bird yet. Only one bird can park here." Harvey complained to himself. He then began scrolling back to his hud and goes to another tab.

"Alright. Looks like I will have to summon some reinforcements for the job." Harvey, as he begins picking out the spawns on his hud. After thinking for a couple of seconds, he finally decides on his spawns.

"I need to have at least some 10 Souls on the reserve, just in case of an emergency. So that leaves me a 43 Souls budget. So, I will spawn another 40 Infantry for 20 Souls, designate Baker Company, to do the tree-cutting, and 20 SFs for 20 Souls, designate and absorb into HOTELS for the upcoming recon operation."

The system automatically detects his input and confirms it with the voice of Fruchiel again. 

"Spawn Function Detected!"
"Confirm "40 Infantry Units for: 20 Souls?" and..."
"Confirm "20 SFs for: 20 Souls?" ..."

"Ugh, Is there a mute function to this fucking voice? Her voice still irritates me." he complained. At the same time, he confirms all of it, and two magic circles appear on the ground which spawns the respective spawns. Watching while crouched behind an open window, Glenn observes it with awe and shock as the spawns begin to emerge from the two magic circles. After the units were spawned, the magic circles disappear and the spawns salute Harvey.

"Baker Company at your service, Sir Harvey." Baker 1-1 saluted.

"HOTEL Twenty-One to HOTEL Forty. Sir." HOTEL 21 also saluted.

"Alright. Go inside the basement and gear up on weapons and armor in the armory there. Go for the same load-outs as the others in here."  Harvey commanded them.

"Sir, yes sir." the units and the operators said with a low voice so as to not wake up the peasants and disturb their surroundings. One by one they walk inside the Cathedral to the basement. Because of this, Glenn thinks that this was his cue to leave. He stands up to go back to the living room. But as he looks behind him, a man in bulky clothing and a rifle slung on his chest, silently stares at him motionless with his NODs on. Glenn gasps in shock as he looks at the man. It's one of the Able Units patrolling inside the Cathedral. He then began feeling cold sweat behind his back as he also begins hearing the footsteps of the incoming new spawns inside the building.

"AH-I-I'm sorry!" Glenn said, raising his both arms in surrender. But the unit just looks and inspects him for a while. After some brief seconds, the unit speaks.

"Hm? For what?" he said casually.

"...Huh?" Glenn, surprised about him. He thought that he will be apprehended for discovering Harvey's powers.

"Bu-But why?" he asked back. Then, a man interrupts him from behind a window where he was looking earlier. 

"Don't worry. It's alright." the man said. Glenn quickly looks back and sees that it is Harvey outside the window. Earlier, the Able Unit behind Glenn informed Harvey about this and contacted Harvey on his radio after he sees Glenn in the distance. Harvey lets Glenn watch as he didn't give any orders to stop any people from discovering his hud systems.

"SI-SIR HARVEY! I'M SO SORRY!" Glenn bowed in front of Harvey. 

"Calm down. I'm not going to detain you because of this. Technically, it's my fault for not telling this sooner." Harvey added. Glenn lifts up his head with worry on his face.

"S-So, the people around here are made by you, Sir Harvey?" he asked.

"Yeah. Long story short: One of the angels like Fruchiel blessed me with this power - " Harvey said as he opens up his hud with a blue light in front of him.

" - and it lets me spawn some objects that came from my world."

"A-Are you from another world? Sir Harvey?" Glenn asked with shock.

"Yeah. Are there some otherworld beings around here as well?" Harvey asked back.

"We-Well, there are. But they are really rare and they came from the summons of the churches. But this was way, way back. Maybe a hundred years ago." Glenn explained. This leaves Harvey in thought.

"Oh, I see. Maybe there are still people in this world that came from the same world as mine."

"Maybe I can ask that stupid angel about this tomorrow after she gets some rest." Harvey contently said.


"Alright. For now, just keep it a secret okay? Don't tell the others about this." 

But then, another Able Unit comes in and joins them, with another guest.

"Uh, excuse me. Is the person named Glenn here?" the unit asked. He quickly notices the three and looks at the guest. It's Isabella.

"Oh. Looks like a meeting is currently ongoing here." the other unit said to himself.

"ISABELLA!" Glenn shouted as he looks at her. She has a worried face and stares at Harvey.

"Si-Sir Harvey...." she asked with a worried tone. Harvey quickly realizes the reason.

"Oh. You must've heard us, right?"

Isabella nods. Because of this, Harvey sighs in surrender and gives up on keeping his hud systems a secret from the others.

"Alright alright. Tomorrow, I will explain ALL of it. Okay? I'm sorry again. For now, you two rest up. " Harvey apologized to them.

"I-It's okay, Sir Harvey. I'm also sorry." Isabella added. 

"Yep. Have a good evening." Harvey smiled and waved them. 

"Th-thank you. Good evening as well." Isabella said.

"Have a good evening too, Sir Harvey." Glenn added.

The two then make their way back inside the living room to rest with little guilt, while Harvey and the units continue on with their operation. 




Morning comes...

The peasants slowly wake up from the mumbled and faint noises coming from outside of the Cathedral. They rub their eyes, looking around to see what was going on. Some of them stand up and ask the Able Units guarding the living room.

"What is that noise?" an old woman asked.

"Don't worry. They are just cutting up trees outside." a unit replied as he looks at an open window. Seconds later, the noises became louder and louder. The peasants look at each other and wonder what causes the noises. 

"Ca-can we look outside?" another peasant asked.

"Sure. Go ahead." the unit replied. One by one they walk outside of the Cathedral, only to see trees on the ground. They were cut down using chainsaws spawned by Harvey last night as the units from the Baker Company worked through all night.

"SO MANY TREES ARE CUT DOWN!" some of them shouted.

"WHAT KIND OF TOOL ARE THEY USING? THEY ARE SO LOUD!" as they cover both of their ears.

Isabella, Glenn, and Herman, also observe the event with the peasants. They can see that almost a hundred trees are cut down around the Cathedral.

"I-I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Herman shouted with awe.

"THEY ARE AS LOUD AS THAT FLYING VEHICLE YESTERDAY!" Glenn added. When suddenly, another noise of faint thumps can be heard from behind the Cathedral, gradually becoming louder as well. They also inspect it. As they make their way to the back of the Cathedral, they encounter some of the units looking at another vehicle on the ground. It's another helicopter from the 1960s - the Bell AH-1 Cobra, hovering just about ten feet above the ground for testing.

"IT'S ANOTHER FLYING VEHICLE!" one of the peasants shouted as the roaring thumps of the Cobra echo across the area. Strong wind gush began to topple and sway some trees near it. Nonetheless, the units near the vicinity continue cutting down trees with the new chainsaws. Near the area as well, Harvey is also observing the Cobra with the other Able Units. After a few seconds, the Cobra landed and stops its engines. The thumping noise lessens until the chainsaws remain. Finished assessing the Cobra, Harvey notices the peasants behind him and approaches them. 

"Mornin'! Sorry for the noise! We tried cutting off the tree using axes and machetes. But we realized that the process was taking longer than we thought. So we use the things called "chainsaws" that came from my world!" Harvey said to the peasants.

"O-Otherworld?!" the peasants asked.

"Yes. I'll explain inside. Follow me."

The peasants follow Harvey back to the living room. Inside the room, Harvey begins to tell his whole story. His origins, up to the current time.


After an hour's worth of storytelling, Harvey finishes it up. The peasants ask Harvey questions about what his world looks like. Harvey answers them all. The more modern societies in his world, the technologies, modern weapons, vehicles, etc. Needless to say, the peasants were all surprised and in awe as they hear about Harvey's world.

"Wo-wow! Your world is really beautiful, Sir Harvey!" a peasant praised him. 

"Thank you. But, it also has a very bloody history. Countless wars and battles had happen in our world." Harvey said with a sad expression. The peasants, relating to that experience, also sympathize with him. Especially the current events that are ongoing in their world right now. The atmosphere inside the room once again envelops grief and sorrow. Then, a man raises his head to ask Harvey a question.

"Sir Harvey!" 

Harvey checks to see who is it. It's none other than Glenn with a determined face. 

"Ye-Yeah, Glenn. Go ahead."

Glenn hesitates for a moment, clenching his both fists as Isabella, Herman, and the other peasants look at him with curiosity. Short seconds later, he stares back at Harvey again with determination.

"Sir Harvey. C-Can I join your forces?" Glenn asked, nervously shaking his legs in tension. The peasants gasp about his requests and questions began to pop up to him and at each other.

"A-Are you serious, Glenn?" an old female peasant asked him.

"Besides, we have no magic!" another peasant added. Noticing his determination despite being nervous, Isabella and Herman nod at each other and ask Harvey for approval as well to join their forces.

"Sir Harvey! I also want to join as well!" Isabella said also in determination.

"Me too! I want to repay your kindness to us!" Herman butted in, smiling with confidence. Glenn looks at the two with confusion for a moment, then smiles as he realizes that he's not alone. The peasants look at each other as if they're thinking about something, while Harvey is still thinking about it. When they also stand up firmly together with the three.

 "Sir Harvey! Is there something we can help you with?" 

"We are old and can't do combat and stuff. We also don't have magic attributes. Still, we can't sit here and do nothing." an old man said as he struggles a little while standing. 

"Yo-you guys..." Harvey said to all of them with gratitude. He then smiles as he orders the four Able Units outside to come inside the living room. 

"Thank you, guys. Alright. After all of you recover from your injuries and wounds, the elders will help the Able Units like these four people, to maintain and clean this Cathedral. To those who can still farm or raise some animal herds, feel free. Just let the Able Units also know and they will help you out. Understood?" 

"Yes, Sir Harvey!" the old peasants replied with gratitude as well. Harvey then looks at the trio with a smile. At the same time, Fruchiel comes to the doorway yawning as she gets up from her sleep.

"*yawns* Good morni-" she stopped as she looks inside the living room with shock. But it isn't the crowd that made her surprised. But as Harvey went to allow the trio to join his forces, instead of just normal and dirty peasants, she instead sees them in different appearances, hinting at their probable future ahead of them.

"You three, alright. I will allow you guys to join my forces - " Harvey stopped.

" - Isabella, - "

" - Glenn, - "

" - and Herman. "

..as Harvey continued. The three are now under his command. Fruchiel brushes off her eyes and the three change back into normal peasants. She wondered it about for a second, then brushes it off as she greets the people inside the living room cheerfully.





Soul Energy :

[ Level 1 ]

Soul Count :

[ 13 ]

Spawn Count:

[ 110 ]

= 80 Infantry Units (+40)

= 30 Special Forces (+20)



Chapter 08 – Thick but Narrow, Thin but Wide

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