Winglet: Secrets and Lies Par...

By IzzytheDragonQueen

3.1K 37 23

Secretkeeper certainly has lived up to her name. She knows Morrowseer isn't to be trusted but she couldn't he... More

Family Issues
A "Break" Up
Sneeking Out
Dating Problems
A Dangerous Date
The Library
Farsight's Date
The Rebellion
A New Soulmate
Farsight's Dragonet
Secrets and Lies

Playing with Death

115 1 0
By IzzytheDragonQueen

Secretkeeper could feel herself slipping away, slowly. She could feel the pain but it didn't bother her. The assassin had been counting down but Secretkeeper couldn't process what the assassin was saying. It was all a blur.

The sky looked brighter and Secretkeeper thought she saw NightWings. She wasn't sure. The black dots danced around her eyes, slowly taking over her vision.

She could hear yelling and shouting but she still wasn't sure what had been going on. Slowly, the black dots retreated. Everything was still blurry when she passed out.

She laid in her room, which was odd. When had she gotten here?

The sun hurt her eyes and she wondered how long she was out.

Her head pounded and Secretkeeper tried to get up and stumbled to the floor. She looked up and everything was slowly getting less blurry.

Her father saw her and ran in to help her back onto her bed, saying something Secretkeeper didn't quite get.

Morrowseer was by her father too and Secretkeeper panicked.

Her father left and Morrowseer beckoned Farsight, Mastermind, Fearkeeper. and Dreamcatcher in.

"How are you feeling?" Farsight asked.

"Are you okay?" Dreamcatcher added, sounding slightly more worried.

Secretkeeper just looked between them and asked, "Where's Wishful?"

Farsight began crying and Mastermind hugged her. Dreamcatcher looked away from Secretkeeper. Fearkeeper looked at everyone with a surprised look.

"She... died. We found her dead," Morrowseer confirmed.

Apparently, Fearkeeper had no idea. He tried to hold back his tears but they came out of him as fast a river. He wiped them away but more tears took their place.

Secretkeeper let a tear fall for her friend. She couldn't do much more because Secretkeeper trained herself to burry her emotions so it was unusual for her to even let a tear fall.

She tried to stuff the sadness into the deepest parts of her mind.

"How's everyone else?" Secretkeeper asked, voice shaking.

"We're all fine, except for that little runt, Quickstrike. Father beat her up pretty well and Morrowseer fought her too and shouted enough curse words," Fearkeeper sniffled. 

Morrowseer growled.

"Do we know who sent the assassin?" Secretkeeper asked, sitting up on her bed.

Dreamcatcher looked away and Morrowseer shook his head. Farsight and Morrowseer hugged each other even tighter. Fearkeeper stared at his bed, trying to not look like he was crying.

Morrowseer gave his head a slight jerk toward Dreamcatcher. 

He was right. Was he? Dreamcatcher sent the assassin after Wishful.

It was possible. 

Farsight hugged Secretkeeper good-bye and she left with Mastermind. Fearkeeper jumped out the window to clear his head, or so he said.

Her boyfriend and girlfriend were left. Secretkeeper knew one of them sent the assassin. She asked Morrowseer to find Wishful so it was possible Quickstrike misintepreted her mission. Or Dreamcatcher had Quickstrike for some reasons Secretkeeper may not know.

Either way, one of them was about to lose her trust.

Several days later and Secretkeeper still hadn't managed to figure out who it was. She spent little time with her boyfriend and girlfriend, trying to solve the problem at hand.

She was with Dreamcatcher at the moment. Dreamcatcher had clearly been shaken, she was pacing, holding tears back.

"Can I ask you something?" Secretkeeper asked, stopping Dreamcatcher.

Dreamcatcher tried to break free of Secretkeeper's grip but Secretkeeper held her there. Dreamcatcher had water by her eyes and Secretkeeper let her go to wipe them away.

Secretkeeper pulled Dreamcatcher into a hug. "Shh, it's alright. It's going to be alright," Secretkeeper told her.

Dreamcatcher sniffled and leaned into Secrekeeper's hug. They sat like that for quite sometime.

"You have to leave me behind, find a man," Dreamcatcher cried.

"What on the great moons would make you say that?" Secretkeeper nervously laughed.

Dreamcatcher said, "I can't... can't say."

"Did Wishful threaten you?" Secretkeeper asked.

Dreamcatcher pulled away from the hug and stared at Secretkeeper in shock. "No... she's been helping me deal with the threat. Which put her life at risk. She disappeared for a while, which worried me. She was running from an assassin, Secret. An assassin, because of me. Now she's dead and it's my fault."

"So who's really been threating you?" Secretkeeper asked.

"A male NightWing. Not sure who but he was but he was about as big a Morrowseer, maybe a little smaller. He comes at nighttime. I have never seen him. When Wishful came by one day, on the way to your house, she saw me shaking. Once I told her, then she disappeared. It's all my fault."

Secretkeeper bit her lower lip and hugged Dreamcatcher again. She gently rubbed her back as she sobbed.

About as big as Morrowseer. So it could be five dragonets and they would have to know about her relationship. So that ruled out the two in Morrowseer's class that he hates. Then there was Morrowseer himself, Mastermind, and the other dragonet. The other one Morrowseer was okay with but never really talked to.

So it must have been Morrowseer or Mastermind.

Dreamcatcher slowly stopped sobbing and took nice, even breathes. Secretkeeper continued to rub her back and Dreamcatcher sighed.

"Are you going to be okay?" Secretkeeper asked.

"Yeah... yes. You can go home, your dad is probably waiting for you," Dreamcatcher claimed, pulling away. 

They smiled at one another. Her precious deep purple eyes were filled with sadness. 

Secretkeeper hated seeing her like this but she had to return home before dusk before her father goes looking for her again.

"Love you," Secretkeeper claimed, nuzzling Dreamcatcher's cheek.

"Love you too," she answered.

They touched foreheads and closed their eyes before Secretkeeper took off, out of the window.

When Secretkeeper began walking away, the bushes rustled. She thought it was just the wind.

Until Dreamcatcher began screaming.

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