Winglet: Secrets and Lies Par...

By IzzytheDragonQueen

3.1K 37 23

Secretkeeper certainly has lived up to her name. She knows Morrowseer isn't to be trusted but she couldn't he... More

Family Issues
A "Break" Up
Sneeking Out
Dating Problems
A Dangerous Date
The Library
Playing with Death
The Rebellion
A New Soulmate
Farsight's Dragonet
Secrets and Lies

Farsight's Date

139 1 1
By IzzytheDragonQueen

"Do I look okay? Oh my moons! Finally! Am I fabulous?" Farsight exploded with happiness. She was smiling so much Secretkeeper wasn't sure she could handle it.

"Yes, you look fine," Secretkeeper sighed with a grin. She gave Farsight and eye roll.

Farsight was a little too excited, if you ask Secretkeeper. She had never seen a NightWing smile so much and so often.

Farsight grew up fairly well. Her mother smiled fairly often too, saying one day, we will be off the island and in the rainforest. Her mother was optimistic. Farsight was an only child, like most NightWing families, but her father had died a long time ago. She just lived with her mother.

She was Secretkeeper's age but Secretkeeper was a few months older than her. Farsight was definitely less mature than Secretkeeper, or so Secretkeeper thought.

"Do you think he even likes me?" Farsight asked with a worried tone. She rubbed some more water on snout.

"Probably," Secretkeeper claimed, not really paying attention to Farsight.

Farsight questioned, "Yeah but he went for you first. His next option is probably Princess Battlewinner or something. It probably is, I mean, she is a princess."

"FARSIGHT! One step at a time. Go on a date, then take it from there," Secrekeeper growled, starting to get annoyed with Farsight's pathetic worries.

Secretkeeper wished Wishful was here. Wishful dealt with the girly things much better and not to mention Wishful and Farsight were much closer as friends.

Wishful and Farsight had been friends since dragonets and Secretkeeper didn't become their friend until two years ago. Wishful and Farsight had four years to hang out together before Secretkeeper had come along. They also hung out much more with each other than with Secretkeeper. It hurt a little bit, especially since her crush had joined them once.

She shook it off and buried her moment of sadness, where no one could find it. 

"It's about time," Secretkeeper snorted as Farsight walked away from the small mirror.

Farsight rolled her eyes and they flew to the ocean side to meet Mastermind. Hopefully, Mastermind was excited to see that Secretkeeper hooked him up with Farsight.

Secretkeeper didn't want to introduce them but Farsight insisted so Secrekeeper was going to. She had better things to do, like talk to Morrowseer and see if he found anything on Wishful. But Secretkeeper would give Farsight any amount of time because she wanted to stay friends with her and keep Farsight from losing her mind.

She was trying to be a good friend since at this point she only had one.

Which was fine because Secretkeeper got along with Farsight better anyway. She was more herself around Farsight.

Except for the fact that Farsight had no idea Secretkeeper was dating a girl.

Secretkeeper spotted the NightWing on the rocks and landed next to Mastermind. He looked at her in surprise and Secretkeeper stiffened.

"Mastermind, you know this gal already," Secretkeeper stated. But clearly, you never picked up on any of her hints that she liked you and my hints saying I don't like you. You're so stupid for being so smart.

Farsight landed next to Secretkeeper. Mastermind stared in shock and Farsight tried to keep her smile down to a small smile. 

"Farsight," Mastermind said, clearly still shocked.

"Mastermind," Farsight claimed with a sigh.

"I'll leave you two to it," Secretkeeper claimed before flying off.

Secretkeeper flew away. When they had their backs turned and facing the ocean, Secretkeeper flew down into a crevasse. She stood up tall so she could hear what they were saying. She wanted to be near Farsight in case it didn't work because it would have been Secretkeeper's fault. Therefore, Secretkeeper should comfort her

She caught phrases of what they were saying to one another. She stood on her tiptalons.

The sound of a falling pebble caught Secretkeeper's ears. She got off her tiptalons and protected her stomach with her wings. She kept her head low and growled.

The only way out was to climb out and risk getting attacked from the back so Secretkeeper stayed right where she was, silent.

Maybe it was nothing, she told herself.

It had to have been nothing. She didn't hear any other noises.

Secretkeeper let her wings relax and press against her back. She raised her head and turned around only to be slammed to the ground.

Her attacker was on her stomach and Secretkeeper inhaled a fiery breath.

"Run, now! Take Dreamcatcher, GO!" the NightWing whispered in a panic.

Secretkeeper closed her mouth and took a closer look at the panicking NightWing. She had lighter black  scales with tints of blue in them. Her eyes were a dark blue.

"Wishful! What is going on?" Secretkeeper whispered in return.

Wishful stared behind her, wide-eyed. She whipped her head back around at Secretkeeper and stared her down.

She said one thing, "Run," before she took off down the narrow valley.

Secretkeeper rolled herself up the right way and climbed out of the crevasse as fast as she could. She turned around to look down the valley and saw a NightWing running, probably chasing Wishful.

The NightWing looked at her and crawled out of the crevasse. She had dark brown eyes like Secretkeeper's father. However, she was slightly smaller Secretkeeper's size.

She leaped onto Secretkeeper and Secretkeeper rolled out of the way. She inhaled but the NightWing knocked her to the ground and pinned Secretkeeper's neck.

"Silly dragon, you cannot escape me. I am an assassin," she laughed.

This NightWing was clearly an assassin. She wore a satchel that made the noises of metal clanging against one another. The NightWing also had Secretkeeper in a grip Secretkeeper had never felt before. It was more powerful, more likely to kill.

"I WILL KILL HER!" the assassin yelled.

With that, the grip around Secretkeeper's throat tightened.

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