some things are just meant to...

By theresahudson8

5.4K 161 215

•A little fanfic dedicated to all the Anne with an E fans out there. ( Mainly shirtbert with some other chara... More

The ball is hunting minds
The dress, the ball, the walk
A day at the beach
The start of school
Why competitions is a good thing
The aftermath of a kiss

How to court someone in secret

289 7 11
By theresahudson8

Anne agreed to be courted. The rule was that she would be the one to tell others when she felt the time was right and until then, it would all be a secret the two of them enjoyed.

Well, Gilbert didn't exactly enjoy having this secret relationship. He wanted to be able to show her off and since Anne hadn't told Ruby about them yet it would be a huge problem. Anne hadn't even told Diana, her kindred spirit! Maybe Anne, Gilbert, and Diana could be the only holders of this? But how unfair was it not to tell nobody besides Diana? Anne was never really the very secretive one. She is always opened about her feelings and troubles and keeping this secret would be difficult. Surprisingly someone else seemed to have even a bigger time keeping it a secret. She knew how happy he was she was definitely not the one to judge since she felt the same but every little small thing was changed now. Gilbert was always close in reach, she spent so much more time with him and he treated everybody else differently. If someone ever drops a comment about Anne in his surrounding they got a real scolding waiting ahead.

Much to Anne's delight as well as her disadvantage of keeping it a secret, Gilbert was nowadays so much more protective and especially when it came to both Josie and Billy.

The afternoon sky was clear and at it's brightest. Today a social gathering was to be held in the town hall and Anne found it very disappointing that the beautiful day would go to waste because they have to stay inside. But except for that Anne was euphoric about what the day had to offer. This gathering was held by the Rachel Lynde. Everybody from school would be there. Everybody from every part of town would be there. There would be food to enjoy, there would be music to dance to, and there would be games and all amusing other things you could do. Shortly summed, there was something for everybody.

Anne had not been to many gatherings before and this would be her first. This time, however, unlike when the ball was coming up she was not nervous. If she survived a ball then she could survive this too. The difference was she thought this would actually be a lot of fun. A relaxing evening you spend with people you love and respect, what would meet up to that?

Accompanied by Ruby and Diana, Anne walked through their village to get to the church where it was to be held. Actually, not in the church, but in front of it.

"Anne, what's the name of that lad on your farm?"

Ruby asked looking as if she was really curious. The question was very unexpected and Anne got really surprised herself.

"Jerry? What about him?"

Anne wondered. Why would anybody want to talk about Jerry? No one even knew him? Or at least it seemed so.

"Oh no need to read into it! I was simply curious"

Ruby said and let out a little giggle while raising her eyebrows. Even the way she walked implied happiness. Diana seemed surprised as well because she looked at Anne with a smile.

"Whatever you please"

Anne said and giggled and then changed the subject.

"I am fairly hungry!"

She uttered and Diana nodded in agreement.

"I'm sure food will be in place, we are talking about a gathering made by Rachel Lynde here!"

They all laughed and arrived to the scene. Almost everyone was here and the sun shined ever so brightly. Anne spotted Marilla standing with Matthew a few courts away and immediately rushed over to great them.

"Matthew and Marilla, dear greetings I wish you" Anne smiled so brightly.

Matthew looked confused and Marilla even more so but as always, she just nodded.

"Hello Anne"

Matthew greeted back and then turned his gaze back to where an old married couple danced. Anne too looked over and looked at the same couple. They seemed so at peace.

"They look so pleased in each others company, isn't that beautiful?" Anne said and Matthew nodded slowly without taking his eyes off them.

"Love is life's greatest gift" Matthew replied and Anne loved hat phrase.

" I love that! I think I will embroider that quote into a pillowcase!" Anne said all inspired. Ruby laughed.

"If you are going to embroider every quote you love you will have wayyy to many pillows dear Anne!" Ruby continued.

"Well maybe I should write it all down in a book then!" She countered.

"Even then you would have wayy to many books" Diana smiled in a playful way.

"Writing down my favorite quotes" Anne played with the idea in her head as she suddenly locked eyes with her Gilbert.

First quote to write down in her book: "Im so inlove with everything about you"

He had a way of making the world disappear. Or maybe not entirely disappear but takes away all cares and concerns this world consist off. Nothing seems more important than him.

Gilbert Blythe was a few meters away from Anne and suddenly another boy from school interrupted their intense eye contact by asking Gilbert a question.

Anne returned to realities cares and concerns. She liked it even though she would never admit it.

"...have she turned deaf?" Little Ruby mumbled and that caught Anne's hearing again.

"What?" She turned to Ruby who looked at Diana and Marilla with a weird expression.

"Marilla asked you a question and you stood there unaffected" Diana explained and Anne could immediately feel her cheeks warm up.

"Daydreaming, sorry what was your question?" Anne shrugged it off and quickly glanced over at Gilbert. He was looking at her again.

"Matthew and I have been invited over for dinner at Rachel Lynde's after the gathering. We will probably stay for a while so are you okay being alone for some time or should I ask if someone can accompany you at home?" Marilla asked.

Anne's eyes lit up.

"No no no, don't worry about it. I'll be perfectly fine by myself" Anne smiled and got all giggly.

Maybe not all alone....

"Enjoy dinner" Anne smiled.

"Will do, don't do anything I wouldn't do" Marilla warned and then the girls walked away to a group of their classmates.

Ruby dragged Diana's and Anne's arm.

"Wow! Look at Freddie! He is really handsome in that coat don't you think!" Ruby had her heart eyes on.

"I thought you had your eyes up for Jerry" Diana questioned and laughed at Ruby's fascination of the other gender.

"I'm not looked to anyone as long as im not married! And a girl can dream without being unwholesome!" Ruby smiled and Anne and Diana laughed.

Anne noticed that Gilbert joined the group too, he was slowly making his way towards them but was constantly stopped by people wanting his attention and wanting to talk to him. After a lot of effort to get to Anne and her friends Gilbert finally made his way.

"Ruby" He greeted first with a polite smile.

Smart Anne thought. Give Ruby some attention so it isn't that obvious that he is with her. Smart Gilbert.

"Diana" He said next and smiled again. His eyes still hadn't met Anne's and she somehow craved that confirmation.

"Anne" She breathed out as if she was holding her breath.

"Are you girls having fun?" He asked and Ruby shrugged her shoulders looking around in the crowd.

"Not really to be honest. We just got here and I thought there would be more dancing" Ruby sounded a little bit disappointment.

"I see" He looked like he was thinking.

"I was actually thinking of arriving a little gathering at my own house. Just for us in school" He said and smiled.

"Oh that sounds lovely but don't you think our parents would like for us to be here?" Diana questioned.

"Yeah Fred said that too, but we were thinking of sneaking away, just for a while" Gilberts smiled now  turned mischievously.

"Gilbert Blythe! Since when did you start to disobey?" Anne accused but tried to sound light on the tone.

Gilbert simply laughed as a response.

"You are all welcome if you want to come over for a while" Then he turned away and walked back to the group.

The second he was gone Ruby gathered the girls in a group.

"What should we do?!!" Suddently she was all excited.

"I don't know.." Diana was unsure. Anne could see she doubted. It was well known that Diana was raised by rules and order. But at the same time Anne could see that wish for freedom inside of her beautiful captivating eyes.

"I think we should go" Anne said still looking at Dianas troubled and twisted face.

"There is way to many people here for our parents to notice that we are gone for a while. Besides, we can stay shortly if that is preferable" Anne argued and Diana was still unsure.

"You have a point Anne" She seemed to turn around.

"Yes! It will be fun!" Ruby clapped her hands together happily and dragged the girls over to the bigger group of students that was slowly starting to disconnect themselves from the adults.

Anne figured that talking casually with Gilbert somehow would be harder now after they were unofficially courting. But it seemed almost easier.

And now she was going to Gilberts house to hang out with everybody from School and Gilbert and she wasn't even nervous.



Hello again guys! I know this was a short chapter but bare with me! Im back!
Soooo sorry for the long break but thank you so much for all the support.

Love you all and thank you so much for your nice comments. They mean so much to me


Word count: 1636

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