QberCraft Meets MLP (MLP WATT...

By StarryByNature

585 24 48

What happens when the entire QberCraft crew is somehow transported to Equestria and meets the Mane 6? They go... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10

Part 9

36 2 13
By StarryByNature

"Your coat is just divine, my dear. I must have some!"

Ashey is startled by the creepy voice. "Rarity?"

"Why, of course darling? Who else would it be?" She steps out of the darkness, levitating a knife with her magic. Ashey's eyes widen in fear and she tries to flap her wings to get away. But they're tied down somehow, so she can't.

"What- what are you going to do to me?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just take some of your amazing fur." Rarity's eyes become crazed as Ashey is lifted up by a blue aura.

The white unicorn laughs maniacally as the knife begins to dig into Ashey's side. Soon, a small slab of her skin is cut off.

"Yes! EVEN MORE FOR MY COLLECTION!" Rarity's victory is cut off as a loud explosion rocks the floors and the lights go out. When Rarity can see again, Ashey is gone.


"No! Don't leave again."

The sound of a voice echoing itself wakes up Skillets.

"Um..." He sits up, shaking his head. "Fluttershy?"

A miserable looking pegasus steps into the light, slowed by the shackles around her hooves. Parts of her skin are ripped out, her pale yellow coat is bloodstained, and her eyesockets are empty and crying blood.

"What happened to you?"

"My love... you came for me!" Her voice is echoing itself, but also sounds like it's being chased away by wind.

She keeps stepping closer, slowly, because of the chains. Eventually, she's so close that their muzzles are almost touching.

"run..." Fluttershy's regular voice whispers as the torn apart version of her screams. A noise that he can't describe fills Skillets's ears, which makes him run from the mare who wants to kill him.

He runs down halls that weren't there before, halls that twist and turn seemingly on their own. He doesn't stop running until another loud noise fills his ears and he disappears.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... It was all a ploy. I didn't mean it."

"I know, Twilight."

"But, but they're probably all dead!"

"Twilight! It wasn't your fault that Celestia put them under that spell."

"I... I know, but... your friends are probably all dead because of mine!"

"You just need to calm down. There's gotta be something we can do."

Twilight stands up, deep in thought. "Actually, there's a spell that Celestia taught me a while back... it can save them but only if we do it together." Twilight says to Qber, awkwardly.

"I'm willing." He replies.

"Okay, but I need the spell in front of me to do it. If we're fast enough we can make it to Zecora's. She has the book I need." Twilight says. Qber nods and runs into the Everfree Forest beside Twilight.


"Zecora! Are you here?"

"Yes, young Twilight. As long as the time is right." Twilight breathes a sigh of relief when she hears Zecora's classic rhymes.

"Do you still have that book I lent you a while back?"

"Oh, yes, that book. Come, take a look." Zecora walks back into her home, motioning for Twilight to follow.

"Stay here for a second. I'll be back soon." Twilight tells Qber before following the zebra.

A book lands in front of Qber, surprising him. Twilight quickly flips it to the correct page with her magic.

"Just follow my lead; repeat that phrase four times."

The spell was successful, showed by a loud explosion and a quick disappearance of light. The sun becomes visible as Qber and Twilight run back to the site where their friends disappeared.

What they arrive to is a big surprise.

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