A Walk With You

By holycold

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Ted started to shrug coyly, "Um, maybe later someday you will go on a walk with me". He started laugh hysteri... More

"I'm A Bartender"
"Things and people, aren't so stable"
"You are not like my daughter"
"You Remembered Me, C"
"How Does A Vacation Look Like?"
"Okay... It's a Date"
"Grandma's Pie"
"Life Of A TeddyBear"
"Feelings Over Takeover?"
"Will You Marry Me!"
"Everything With The Strawberry Fillings"
"Tragic Bachelor's Party"
"On The Field"
"The Man Beside Me"
"Singles Night"
"Six Hours To The Wedding"
"One Second To The Wedding"

"Midnight In Bahamas"

65 34 1
By holycold

*Ted's Point Of View* 

So Holy ain't the one who speaks up so easily, but well not everyone is so easy going person. Or maybe she doesn't feel like it to talk to me, well fair enough, sober lady isn't the jolly good! I guess the next time I feel like talking to her, I should bring her poison as well. "Hehe naughty deal", I chuckled.

"What deal?", Holy narrow her eyes. 

Shoot, I've thought out loud. GOD!! You Holy Influencing Persona!!!

*Phone Rings*

I looked into my phone screen and its the call from Frencia's nurse. I took a pause for beat and I notice that Holy's eyes are looking straight into my phone screen.

"Is someone ill in your family",  Holy said by being curious.

By telling her give me a minute in signlanguage. I walked a little forward. 

I called back to the nurse, "Hello, Frency", and waited for the answer.

"Hi, bro-th-er! Are y-ou com-in-g aannd vis-it mme", she asked me being anxious.

"I'll, soon enough. I promise! You and I will celebrate your birthday too. Into our big magical home. Where everything will move by your finger tip. okay", I told her and started whipping the corners of my eyes.

"it's already bed time, she has to take her medicines too. Say bye to her now", the nurse requested by being polite. 

Giving her my love wrapped promises and assurities that I'm gonna visit her soon I cut the call. It's almost been a year since I've last met her. To give her all the privilege that she needs, I have to stay away from her for more now, so that she can have it all. Wish If I wasn't so careless that day, well grandma you are always right! Nothing good happens after 2am.

"Well what happened", Holy asked me, tapping gently on my shoulder. "Is it your sister? Is she okay", she said raising her brows up and keeping her palm over my shoulder.

"Well, your guess is right. Yeah my sister", I took a pause for a second to put my phone back into my pocket. "Actually her nurse always calls me at 21.30 everyday. To make sure she talks to me before goinf to bed. She's paralyzed so she can't do usual stuffs by her own. So....That's all".

Passing a gentle smile, Holy told me that everything eventually falls on line. Even though she doesn't know what happened to Frencia, nor what I did. But the way she said those words it felt,  as If she knows it all. 

"You know she lives in Ohio, and I live in the moments, C", poutting my mouth sadly I told Holy this.

"oh....", she nods her head for a second and then, "wait what", she narrows her eyes and finds the mischief full words of mine. 

"hahaha very funny".

She looks adorable when she finds out the lowkey jokes. Well I know you can be more cute, try hard enough Holy! 

"What are you looking at Ted! huh", she questions me because my eyes have stared her for a while now. To break the awkwardness from her side, she started texting someone!

To break the awkwardness completely I said, "phew, you look so hungry, C", archery in dark. God, please hit the bulls eye! 

End Of Ted's Point Of View

*Holy's Point Of View* 

Agh this Ted! Been starring at me for like, ages. Has He even heard what I said. Gosh, Sammy where are you? I started texting her, well she even Sent a picture of our resort. She says its beside the road as well as the beach. Great, this suits herself.

Is my stomach making squeaking noise?

"phew, you look so hungry, C", Ted said looking at his watch.

Gosh, definitely my stomach is rumbling terribly high. "nope, why", holy god why am I lying. "Are you hungry". Shit MAN!

"Well im more of, in a mood, to drink now! But first get ourselves to the resort and change fast. And how can we forget, gotta stick around with SAMURAI too", Ted said making sure If I'm in or calling it a night.

"yeah me too", so I can go and stuff some emergency food. "called uber yet? or I give it a call", I hurried and brought out my phone because of the text vibration. 

"oh, Sammy says--" before I finish Ted cuts me off and began,

"Well we're goin to Brunos Borjo Diner! Sammy have been waiting for us there".

"Oh", I titled my head.

"Andd to have dinner together", Ted finished and started waving his hand to get the attention of the uber driver. "And there's our ride to home. Well after we leave these there, we will head to her, cool". 

YES!! Ima find some fruits at least on the table to eat and run to the diner with a bit of energy stored. GOD let's go. 

"shall we C", Ted asked by putting my small suitcase and his side bag into the dicky. 

I nodded and we both took our back seats and left for the resort.

// At Brunos Borjo Diner //

Only If I could find a shovel to dig a deep hole and throw both of Sammy and her brain, which is apparently full of humors. I'M DYING DUE TO HUNGER, Damned resort service, no fruits on tHe table, darling? Like SERIOUSLY DUDE!! AND SHE CALLS US TO HAVE A DINNER IN A PLACE WHICH IS ALREADY CLOSED. 

I Looked at Ted with my pity face. "Now", questioning him where to Mr. Bar Tender?

"Well I texted her this and as well as called her. But--"

I know the answer too. I put Ted's phone into his jacket and started walking to our resorts direction. "Wanna drink beside the road in Bahamas, teddy boy", I shouted while doing the not so Good catwalk. Yeah with empty stomach I speak out my brains too.

Ted started following me as well. 

After walking for a while, I could feel that im losing my eyesight, slowly but surely! World seems darker now, dizziness hover on and before even I could say anything I holded Ted's arm and tried to support myself to stand still. Fuck let's not it be a sugar level drop shit, Please!!

"well, sleepy enough, C" Ted's hands find its way up to my bended head over his shoulder. 

"im Fi--", I blacked out like that.

End Of Holy's Point Of View

*Ted's Point Of View*

Poor Holy, seems like her love for food is dying with every step she's taking back towards the resort now. Sucha kid, although fair enough, she didn't even had food for so long! Well, toldya C! 

Maintaining the pace when we were walking to our resort, Holy slowdown her childish catwalk. It was soon enough when she holded my arms and stand still on the middle of the road. I could feel her head onto my shoulder. Hungry and now tired. 

"well sleepy enough, C" I asked her only to hear from her pick me up on your arms! But damn why? ermm

Her already trembled legs and now holding me as If she's holding someone so that she can save herself from drowning, this whole situation was clearly screaming 'UGH IMA DONE' but she still managed to say she's fine. But now I'm holding her so close to me so that she doesn't fall on the ground. 

"Gosh C, I told you to eat something before the fly, right! Where can I find the cranberry juice now, ha", I asked her unconscious face even though I knew she won't hear them. I somehow pull her up on my left shoulder and by groping her waist I kept the balance to walk while she's over my shoulder. Finally, within a few minutes of walking I saw a MAN coming towards us. He got a fast pace of walk. He helped me to take Holy inside his shack, near there. 

// Inside Ruben's Shack //

"Thanks MAN! I really am greatful for you, helping me tonight", I told the guy.

"well its completely fine. I have some juice for you, take it. And don't worry, my girlfriend is taking care of your girlfriend right now! she'll be fine in a bit", He said while smirking.

"great!! probably because of sugar level decreasement, this happened", I got relieved. I forward my hand to Shake and said, "by the way, I'm Ted, Ted Mosby!"

The guy started shaking my hand and said, " Well, I'm Ruben Humphry. Friends call me Rub".

"Sure, Rub", I smiled him back. 

"Oh God! C, are you okay now, you got me worried! ", I stood up immediately when I saw Holy coming downstairs. "hey, where are you going", I asked while she leaves the shack and let the door open. "I gotta go, Thanks and really awkwardly apologizing for this, Rub", I came running out of the shack. And heard Ruben saying its not you, its me. Holy has fasten her walking speed. As If, If she could run in this state, she would definitely do without a second hesitate. I heard Rub shouting sorry to Holy while standing out of his shack.

Being completely confused and a little bit of angry, I chased down her, "where do you think you're going like this ha", I grabbed her hand and forcefully pulled her to face me.

The force of pull was so that, Holy came so close to me. I could literally feel the heavy breath of her. Short but warm, as If she's tryna take less air in, by each intake. Her mascara was ruined as well as her smudged almost nude lipstick. Her under eyes had locked all the moisture of her eyes including the so called mascara.

I knew she's crying but fool of me asked her this, "are you crying". LIKE SERIOUSLY TED.

"leave my hands dummy, I wanna hug you!", she whispered into my ears with her broken voice. 

I loose the grip and she falls on me! I holded her tight cause I know something is not right. "you okay C? you can tell me anything and everything you know! we're the ' non-judgemental midnight clubs golden badged memeber".

She again whispered into my ears saying, "give me the vodka you have with you in your jacket. i saw you drinking from it before leaving the aeroplane and you have been carrying it since then".

Even though I denied that I don't have any, but she pulled out the small liquor bottle and began to drink. 

"you know Mosby, Ruben should not be with that girl", she said passing me the empty bottle of liquor. 

"the girl is nice, but Ruben isn't!! He needs a pure pain in ass type of girl! definitely virgin, cause He loves the title of being a virginator", having hiccups she managed to giggle.

"don't do this, let me hold you so that you don't fall on the ground, walking", I started taking her one hand over my shoulder and putting my another hand on her waist to hold her properly.

"Thanks! Even Ruben used to do these stuff. LOL but only for being called a gentleman by others!", she laughed. "but here's no one mosby, why are you being a gentle-annoying-mad-rich-jumping froggy-andwhatever I called you inside my head ha".

"Because unlike Ruben, im actually a nice person C! Not everyone is a bass-hole or pain in the butt, you know", I told her while matching steps with her so that we both don't fall on the road. 

"no no no no. everyone is! some people shows they are and some people shows they are but to you only", she started getting more hiccups now. But she still continues, "like, fo~r example, my ~dad! He would defi~nitely leave me~ If he had a prop~er chance, after mom".

"well kid, being heavy is no use for you! cause the weight of your acknowledgement about people and world is very light, like a cotton", I exclaimed her and by now I've started taking breaths heavily.

"YES YES whatever! Wish If He just had been like this when I was with him you know! why didn't He be a complete basshole with me If He had to be like this, with someone else, Mosby", she looks at me and waits for my answer as a obedient listener.

"Maybe because, you needed someone who could be with you the way you deserve C", and I saw we're almost there, to the resort. 

"WHATEVER MOSBY", she screams and free herself from my grip of support. "im gonna take a moonlight bath under the stars by being completely naked!! uhu!", and now she starts walking towards the beach area. 

By taking her on my shoulder I took her inside the resort, "you're gonna sleep now C! and like a Good girl you will", I orderly told her in a subtle tone.

"yeah yeah, you wish".

I took her to the room in upstairs.

"and my wishes do gets granted by God! so bless you too C", I started placing her on the bed so that she call sleep comfortablely. But she pulls my hands and I fall over her, "you know, I definitely should give it a try, like, tasting the forbidden food of mine", Holy said with her almost closed eyes.

"I would love that but just as like this, I would also hate If you get up the next morning and regret all of it. So, sleep well naive", and I get myself up over Holy.

"blah blah blah, that won't happen mossbbyy! Before even you realize I'll be ghosting you, just like I did with all of my hunks! haha. Well awards for this, goes to my Dad for--".

i put my palm over Holy's mouth and she stops talking. She looked into my face for a while and then shuts her eyes off. I pullout the blanket and take off her watch and shoes.

Before leaving the bedroom, I look at her one last time, she's sleeping. And I hope peacefully. When I started coming downstairs I notice Samantha was entering. I went to her and asked what happened and everything. She told me she gave us the wrong address which she didn't know until it was already late enoughr that she decided to come back to the resort. She even told me Due to the sudden plan she did, to come here in Bahamas. Steven and she got into a huge fight And the whole time from the Flight to the Diner, she was rather fighting with steve on the phone or turning her sell phone off. I adviced her to take rest for now and reassured her that we'll sort these in the morning. Then we started walking towards our bed room, which was downstairs. I  told her about the midnight walk that Holy and I had. How Holy's sugar level dropped due to being sucha stubborn head. How we almost bumpped into Holy's one ex. And how she literally finished a halfa quarter of vodka.

"she finished what?", Samantha asked while being completely shocked after hearing the last sentence I stated.

"well yeah she drank a lot of vodka tonight, sucha big bladder"

"but she can never digest it! she kinda has allergy to vodka, like the peanut butter Kind. she gets sick"

"phew, thats not true! don't worry, she's fine. I just saw her like half an hour ago. When you saw me coming downstairs", I told her while opening the bedroom door for her. 

She dragged me to Holy's room and put my subtle neutral hands on Holy's head. "Holy God! She's already burning, Sammy".

To Be Continued.......

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