peter parker x starks daughter

By maysbooksssss

294K 5.1K 7.5K

peter parker had a special life he was your neighborhood Spider-Man who worked with tony stark and the avenge... More

Monday at Midtown High
the new avenger
broken rules
Broken Rules #2
i don't like this
so what now
pool party
"fake dating"
How do you know when your in love?
Coffee Shop
Big announcement
Night Time
1:30 AM
The Escape
Bad Dreams
Peter, I'm scared...
Peter's great idea
The Date
New mission
Future Plans
How could you ?
Prove It
Never in a million years
Night Night Sweetie
Sunshine State
Florida Beaches
Street Race
Car Crash
The First Time
Is this what's best for her?
The party after the party
Test Time
Why is it always me
Coffee Sale
Are you trying to flirt with me kiddo?
The princess has arrived
Kitten. Chair. Now.
Kitten we need to talk
Fresh Starts
All Alone
Where is he
Peter's gone
Crazy Theory
I know where Peter is
Peter, Oh my god!
Don't be weird
Only one way to know
Drinking contest with Thor

Morning sickness

2.9K 36 112
By maysbooksssss

The Next Morning

I woke up needing to pee really bad and after a few minutes I wiggled out of Peter's arms and made it to the bathroom to empty the liquids inside me. Honestly I was hurting so bad and walking was not my favorite thing right now. As I was washing my hands I looked up into the mirror and begun fixing my hair but out of no where a wave of sickness washed over me and I puked in the toilet next to me. Peter was next to me as soon as the vomit hit the water.

"Peter go you don't need to see this." I said after catching my breathe and simply shook his head no and bent down next to me.

"I am going no where baby." He said and I gave him a weak smile before the second round hit me and I whipped my head back to the toilet releasing more. Peter was behind me rubbing my back and holding my hair up for me. After about 10 minutes if me sitting on the floor in Peter's arms someone walked into our room.

"Guys where you at?" I heard my dad yell from the door but I could tell almost everyone was with him from the sound of all the footsteps.

"Maybe they are doing it." Thor whisper yelled. Sometimes he can be so blunt and extra.

"They would and will never do anything like that guys come out now!!" My dad yelled.

"If only he knew." Peter whispered in my ear making me giggle a little.

"We are in the bathroom Mr. Stark." He yelled out and everyone huddled together in front of the door.

"Oh my lord Y/N what happened?" Nat asked concerned and she begun walking to me but I shook my head and leaned in to Peter. Basically giving them the sign not to come near cause I was sick.

"She woke up the morning throwing up, no fever but lots of vomit." Peter paused as if he just realized something but quickly regained himself and continued, "I think it might just be food poisoning." Everyone started go over what they had seen me eat but I was focusing on why Peter paused he knew something that he wasn't saying.

"Tell me what you were thinking." I whispered into his ear.

"Not right now and I am probably wrong." He said shaking his head with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Guys... guys" I said but they could barely hear me my voice wasn't really above a whisper.

"Hey Y/N is trying to talk." Peter shouted out and everyone looked to me.

"Umm thanks for being concerned but I would really like to be in a quieter place right now and relax so could you guys please leave for a little bit." I asked and everyone agreed and begin leaving but not before they came and gave me a kiss on the forehead and wishing I felt better.

"Ok everyone is gone now." I sighed out finally relaxing a little.

"Yeah lets get you back to bed. Can you walk?" Peter asked and I shook my head no.

"Maybe if you didn't do what you did last night I could but no I can't right now I am to sore." I said as he picked me up bridal style.

"That is just the starts of it baby." He said kissing my forehead and then put me on our bed. I quickly got under the warm covers and started looking for ghost adventures on the tv.

"What do you want to eat babe?" Peter called out from the kitchen.

"Oh can I have some pickles and peanut butter." I said and he poked his head out from the kitchen door.

"I am sorry did you just say pickles and peanut butter?" He asked with a judging look on his face.

"Yes I did and can I please have a cup of ice milk?" I pleaded and he nodded while mumbling something about how weird I am under his breathe. I leaned back on the headboard and watched TV while I waited for Peter to come out. He came in a few minutes handing me the items I requested and sitting down next to me with a bowl of cereal. We ate in comfortable silence as we watched TV. After the episode was over and the other one was starting I looked over at Peter.

"Tell me."
"Tell you what?" He asked me.

"I want to know what you were really thinking in the bathroom when you were explaining everything to them and why did you lie and say we thought it was food poisoning. Cause I don't think it is, I think what it really is, was the little bit of alcohol I had last night." I said laughing a little at the end, but Peter sat there with a stone face not finding my joke amusing at all.

"Ok well you know what we did last night." He begun and I nodded.

"Well I didn't pull out and um usually that leads to another thing and I just found it weird that you got sick the morning after it happened." He begun and I thought over it for a second. No way I can't be.

"Peter come on that's not possible it was just a coincidence." I said trying to convince myself more.

"Ok but babe think about it. You got cold and you never do, you vomited not even thirty minutes ago, and you are already eating weird foods I am just saying it could be possible." He said and it hit me. I might actually be pregnant.

"W-would you leave-e me if I was tho?" I asked as tears begun to form in my eyes.

"Are you crazy? I wouldn't leave you even if the baby wasn't mine!!" He stated laughing at the end.

"Oh really?" I said with a little smirk.

"Don't be getting bright ideas in that head little one. But no I would never leave you and we are probably wrong ok so don't stress it. How are you feeling now?" He asked me and it took me a second to respond.

"Actually a lot better maybe we can go join everyone now." I stated getting out of bed quickly and beginning to get dressed.

"Alright slow down babe." Peter said laughing while he cleaned up our mess. We got dressed and headed down stairs and meet everyone in the lobby.

"I'll be right back." I said to Peter giving him a kiss before walking over to Nat.

"Hey Y/N are you feeling better?" She asked me.

"Yes I am but I need to talk to you somewhere private." I whispered and she nodded and lead me over to an empty table that was a good distance from everyone.

"What's wrong hun?" She asked me and I looked around making sure no body was around and then broke down crying.

"Hey hey kiddo tell me what's wrong so I can help." She said wrapping her arms around me as I silently cried into her chest after I composed myself I took a step back and looked up at her.

"Nat I am scared big time." I stated.

"Why what are you scared of?"

"I think I am pregnant." I said and looked up at her to see her reaction.

Hey guys how are you guys doing lately? I hope everyone is staying safe out there and if you are sick I really hope you get better soon. Florida cancelled schools all the way to May and I am going crazy lol. But I hope you guys are enjoying this book I have thought of a few different ways to take it into. So I want you to comment on which of the ideas you like best below. Also if you still want to see what I look like or message me directly or even learn a little about me you can always comment, follow my insta @ 772._.gracie or add my snap @ oof_gracie. I know they are pretty cringy names but I was young when I made them lol. So please tell me your opinions on the book and what you think should happened next.

** Option 1: Peter and Y/N have a baby

** Option 2: It was a misunderstanding and there wasn't a baby

Please Please tell me what you want because I have great ideas for both storylines and I would love for your guys input to be put into the story. Thank youuuuu!!!!!!

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