Waiting Until Dawn {Mike Monr...

By FandomQuack

29.7K 716 81

"Back to this hellhole, huh?" "I wouldn't call it a hellhole" He mutters. "Oh, but I would." I snap harshly... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 (Alternate)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12


1.4K 34 8
By FandomQuack

2 years later....

If you're Alive:

If both Chris and Mike are alive:

It's been two years. We were all meeting at a restaurant to meet up. After all, we survived hell together. Mike and I had moved in with each other a few months ago. We also have a white husky named Wolfie in Wolfie's honor. "Mike are you ready?" I come out to our apartments living room to find him petting Wolfie. His jaw drops when he looks at me. "What?"

"Nothing. You are just so damn gorgeous." I blush. "You don't look so bad yourself." I reply. "Come on, we've got a dinner to get to."

"Right. Bye buddy." We leave and go to the Italian restaurant. Once there, were are lead to the table where Chris and Ashley are already seated. "Hey guys!" I greet. Chris stands to hug me. "Remember that you can come to me if Mike turns out to be a douche." He says quietly in a whisper meant to heard. "Hey!" Mike protests. "I would never hurt her, I swear! I love her!" Mike defends. I kiss his cheek. "I love you too, Mike." Soon the others arrive. Emily and I had gotten closer after the experience, and we even hug when she gets here. I guess trauma makes the heart grow fonder.

Soon we are all talking and laughing and having a good time like normal. Jess, having gotten the worse wounds, still has a few scars around her face, but she still glows. Chris and Ash has also been dating happily. Emily has grown, and has been really trying to be nicer. Her and Matt have had a better relationship as well. I've gotten over my fire thing. And Mike had been an amazing, sweet, perfect gentlemen of a boyfriend. For awhile, he felt really guilty about Josh, but he let me help him through it. By the time the meal was coming to the close, we were all smiling messes. "Okay, okay, I have one last thing to do before this night ends." Mike says. I tilt my head. "What?" He turns his chair to face me. "(Y/n), you are the most amazing, incredible, beautiful woman I've ever met. We've been through literal hell together, and have had each other's backs though all this." He gets down on his knee. I start tearing up. He pulls a box from his pocket. "I love you, and want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?" I nod. "Oh, yes, yes, yes!" I cry, jumping into his arms. The others clap and cheer. A perfect night with a perfect future ahead. I'm happy to even have a future really. "My offer still stands!" Chris buts in.

If Chris is dead, but Mike is alive:

I sit in the bedroom Mike and I shared. Our dog, Wolfie, laying next to me. Mike was out with our friends for dinner. I had seen them all in small groups, but I can't do the whole group. It's too strange without Chris. Mike had been helping, but everything still feels wrong. I just can't do it. I hear the door open. "Babe?" Mike calls. "In the bedroom!" He comes in looking happy. He presses a brief kiss to my lips. "They missed you tonight."

"I know. I just..." He holds my hands in his. "I know. But I think it would be good." I sigh. "I know. How about next time?" I smile. He breaks into a grin. "That's my strong girl!" I'm scared, but I know I should listen to him. We cuddle together, falling asleep comfortably.

If Mike is dead, but Chris is alive:

I had been going to therapy, but I wasn't coping real well. Chris had been trying really hard to keep me together, and that helps, but I'm still not.... there. I'm trying really hard. I had gotten my own place a bit ago. Chris and Ashley had moved in and gotten engaged. I'm supposed to be the maid of honor, so I have to get better. For Ashley, for Chris, for my friends, for Mike, and most importantly, myself. I was kind of dreading the wedding. I haven't seen Sam since the incident. I haven't forgiven her. I can be civil at the wedding, but still, it's hard. My phone rings. It's Ashley. "Hey Ash." I say, trying to be enthusiastic. "Actually..."

"Sam." My voice hardens. "Please don't hang up." "What do you want?"

"I want to make things right. I've missed you, and I'm sorry."

"You can't, Sam. I'm sorry, but you can't."

"(Y/n), please. I just want to talk."

"Then talk."

"I wish I could take back what I did. The pain I caused you, I wish I could take it back. I'm sorry. Please let me try and make it up to you." I sigh. "Sam, I don't think I'll ever fully forgive you... But I'm willing to try." I hear her breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank you." I smile slightly. "Yeah.... I guess somethings need to be let go. And this is one of them. Goodbye Sam." I hang up. Maybe this is what I need. I don't know if Sam and I can fix things, but if nothing else, it will help clear my mind. I'm really trying Mike. I hope you know that.

If both Chris and Mike are dead:

Warning: This is a bit dark and implies suicide

Third person P.O.V.

The dark gray skies reflected Sam mood. Recently, another tragedy had wrecked itself on the little group of friends. They had already lost so much. Sam stopped in front of a fresh grave, placing a bundle of flowers in it. "Hey (Y/n)...um... I know you don't want to see me. I know you hated me. I just..." Sam started to cry. "I'm so sorry." She sobbed, sinking to her knees. "I'm sorry I took him from you. That I caused you more pain then you already faced. I'm so so so sorry. And I hope... your happy with them. Hannah and Beth. Mike and Chris. I hope that even though I caused this... you can forgive me. Because I am so sorry." Her tears littered across the grass. Im so so so sorry.

If you're Dead:

If both Chris and Mike are alive:

It was the two year anniversary of the mountain trip. The two year anniversary of (Y/n)'s death. Mike and Chris got along better after the incident, due to the shared loss. It wasn't that Chris forgot about her, but he had a much healthier way of dealing with his grief. Focusing on the good he had, which meant focusing on Ashley. He took her to dinner, despite her protests of him taking a mental break day, and proposed. She of course said yes. Mike however stayed home with the dog she told him to get, only leaving to walk the dog. He was comforted by the memory of (Y/n) and the wolf. Still, nothing would truly fix the whole in his heart that she left behind.

If Mike is alive, but Chris is dead:

Mike always stayed shut away with a drink, and didn't talk to anyone about it. Except the dog he got. He told her he should get a dog. Despite it being a joke, it made him think of her. The others came by sometimes, trying to get him some help, but he turned them away. He didn't want to forget about her. He felt so stupid. The one time he found himself truly loving and being together with a girl, he couldn't save and protect her. She was like a cloud following him, always in the back of his mind. Sometimes he thought about joining her, but backed out because that's not what she would have wanted. So he found himself stuck, unhappy, and alone.

If Mike is dead, but Chris is alive:

Chris spent this day with Ashley. She tried really hard to be strong for him. She missed (Y/n) too, but it wasn't the same. (Y/n) wasn't her sister. Ashley made sure Chris went to his therapy sessions, made sure he slept and ate, and made sure to make him smile. And she did so successfully. It would never stop hurting Chris, but Ashley helped him heal. And he could smile. Smile because he had Ashley, and his friends, and good life. Smile because he knew that wherever she was, she was happy, with Mike.

If both Chris and Mike are dead:

Every year, Sam brought flowers to each of her friends respective graves. And (Y/n)'s was always the last one because, despite not getting a response, she felt (Y/n) resented her for the way she died. Sam found comfort on this day at the thought of the three of them all together. How happy (Y/n) would be with her two favorite people. Sam stopped at her final grave. "Hey (Y/n). I'm back again with the flowers. You know...I'm still so sorry. I still care so much about you." Tears slipped down her face silently. "I hope you've forgiven me. I hope you're happy wherever you are. I hope you're beating Chris at some game, or doing something romantic with Mike. I hope you're okay now." She set the flowers down, and left.

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