𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 || The Heir

By michelle_cheekz

323 29 2

Staying with her grandmother for ten years Elizabeth is now back with her brother and sister by the will of t... More

character aesthetic
01. Stranger
02. Guest
03. Roommate
04. Prince
05. History
06. Secret
07. Crush
08. Argument
09. Memory
10. Challenge
11. Kiss
12. Trust
13. Mask
14. Promise
15. Tennis
16. Halloween
17. Hufflepuff
18. Dentention
19. Jealous
20. Curious
21. Thanksgiving
22. Necklace
23. Heartache
24. 3 am
25. Snowfall
27. Tragedy
28. Friends
Book II - The Knight

26. Secrets

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By michelle_cheekz

(A/n: Just like chapter 21 this will also be a long or perhaps longer switching from different point of views. If it gets confusing feel free to ask me. With that said we're approaching the ending of book one)


"No absolutely not," I said watching my mother smile turn upside down. She casually pulled her appearance up and smiled back though in between her expression she was still reviving from the shock. "Jon, but this is a good idea."

"For you maybe but..." I avoided her gaze, "Not for me."

She was quiet, her fingers tapping on her cheek as she intently stared at me. I hated when she does that. "It there something wrong Jonathan? Since you got home you've been –"

"How about you stop pestering me mother and let me live, for god sakes. I don't want it, not the Haystack Estate, not the Industry and certainty don't want to marry someone I don't know for the sake of family ties."

With that said I got up and walked away from her, we were in the study room at that time and when I was just about to open the door father opened up and spotted us conversing. It's to say I felt sick seeing him after I made the announcement to my mom.

"If I don't know correct son I'll say you're cutting ties with your family name."

I didn't say a wrong, I felt it hard to swallow seeing him standing there made me afraid and I knew he had the control over us, he just allowed us to think he didn't. "Father..."

"You love her?"

My eyes widened when he said this. Her? Jessica? He knows but when I remained quiet I saw a tiny smile lingering on his lips, same time mother stood up, "Love who?"

"You do and I would advice for you to end it, for the sake of this family. The girl's father is –"

"Telling me to do something isn't going to make me do it," I replied.

That seemed to shock him but only for a second until he laughed it off, clapping his hand on my shoulder tightly. That in return shocked me, I pulled my lips tightly inward as he rest his hands on both my cheeks and allowed me to look back at him. We didn't look alike, I was more of my mother than him. Maybe I had her personality too as I grew up more with her. I never understood how she got brave enough to file a divorce.

Yet here she is drinking in her ex-husband's manor like she's still belongs there.

"Your mother raise you well, Jon," he said to me, tapping my cheek. I squirmed, side-glancing my mom who looked grim. "I allowed you and the girls to have your fun. Elizabeth with Timothy, Alex with Luke, you and this girl I can't allow, she's... well a liability."

That made my whole inside turn twisted. For these pass few months Jessica has been my little escape from all of this. My sisters didn't understand the pressure I dealt with, in school and at home, Elizabeth might but she will object to my feelings because she wants it even if she wouldn't admit it, she wants to be heir. She wants have the power.

I let a teardrop fall down and my father frowned, "Don't let love cloud your judgement Jon. If you knew her well she will hurt you. Now be a good son and tell the girls to join the room I want to tell them something."

He let go of me and I nodded, wiping my tears away from him and grabbing the door handle fast before I get angry.

It was when I was in the halls I let my frustration out, I didn't scream I just punched the concrete walls a few times till my fist started to ache. I looked like a brat sobbing over it all, like I didn't get my way.

Apart of me agreed but another part said no this is different. Father was not a good person and we can all agree on that.

I went to place ice on my bruises, same time I spotted Elizabeth coming into the kitchen, her eyes spotted me and I hit my hands but she saw it. "What happened?" she asked stepping closer, her bronze eyes calculating every possible reason for my outburst. She stared at me, her eyes mimic pity or sorrow or perhaps worry. I cried, falling into her embrace clutching onto her and she hugged me tightly.

It was like the first time we hugged after so long of not seeing each other and now this was us after months of deciding whether we wanted to stay with father or not.

"I – I hate him," I sobbed.

She was silent, nodding with me but at the same time pulling herself away, I thought I would lose her. I thought my sister would side with him and when she smiled at me, tapping my shoulder I couldn't believe her words. "We all hate him Jon, is how we deal with that hate. I for one will ruin him but that will in return ruin us too so instead I cowered away."

"Why aren't you heir instead?"

She smiled, "I don't know Jon. If marrying means a lot to father I would for it but I think it's more to it than just that." She shrugged, "Maybe because I'm a girl."

I scoffed at that and she laughed, bringing me in a next hug before whispering. "I overheard that there's going to be a ball, maybe if you invited her..."

"That's not possible."

"Maybe, whatever you think is possible is up to you. Whatever you think can help you cope with whatever your feeling do it."



I went through the morning mail when the maid handed it to me, taking a pull of my cigarette when I came across the name 'Haystack' or more specifically Victor Haystack.

I pulled a kitchen chair sitting down to comfortably open on of his letters. Luke came inside, putting on his t-shirt when he spotted me. He nodded at me as he went into the fridge. "What's that?"

Ignoring him I opened the content and read it to myself, laughing as I came to the ending. "That family is just insane," I noted. That sparked interest in Luke, he came and grabbed it from my hand, expecting a letter but only to receive an invitation. He read the contents. "They want to invite us?" His expression turned grim. I knew he was hoping to not see the Haystacks till the Winter Break is over but here was evidence to show the Haystacks never abandon anyone from a piece of their drama. "What's the purpose of this?" Luke asked, tossing the paper onto the table. "Victor despises us, why...?"

"Alexandria just texted me," Lisa said rushing into the kitchen. Luke met her eyes and she pulled a braces. She wasn't expecting to see him and I raised my eyebrow at her when she came to my side showing me her phone. "Alex said her father is planning on inviting us to their Christmas Eve Ball."

"Did she say anything about accepting?" I asked, I took her phone reading it through and I frowned.

"Well did she?" Luke asked.

I looked back at him, "No, she said it was up to us."

Luke was silent, nodding at both of us before leaving with a slam of the door. Lisa frowned. "It's bad that he's still likes her," Lisa noted.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I'm best friends with her," she replied with a shrugged, "I think of the worse part of it is dealing with the both of them trying to get over each other."

I nodded at that, placing my almost burnt out cigarette back in my mouth as Lisa grabbed it from me and dumbed it in the sink. "You know fully well Mum does not approve of you smoking."

"She's not even here."

"She will be as well as grandfather, now behave... for all of our sakes."

I frowned at her, "You should be telling Luke that since he's the one going rouge."

Lisa said nothing, pursing her lips she stared blankly at the door before glancing back at her phone, she stroked her short hair behind her ear before looking back at me, "It's too late for Luke, he's already gone rouge."



When guess began pouring in I felt whenever unsure this was a good idea. I stood there over the balcony, the cold Scottish air making my skin paler than it seemed. I wasn't use to it being so cold. In fact it was my first time experiencing so much snow when back in America Aunt Claire would have already be backpacking to California or Florida, somewhere far from the weather.

The music played, the Christmas season setting in and yet as the night grew I felt like this Christmas was just a dream, like I was having an out of body experience and I couldn't pinpoint if something bad was going to happen or I was just being delusional.

I saw the Andersons climbed out of the limousine, they were with their mother and I was surprise to see her come. Luke would always mention that she would've liked me but now I can't look forward to that because I wasn't with Luke anymore.

I clenched my teeth feeling a little an ach in me. I don't want to see him not after I had been ignoring him for the last couple of weeks in school.

I hadn't realize I was staring at him until he looked up, his eyes met mines and it felt like the world collapsing, I pulled my lips in walking away from the view. I didn't want to think I missed him, even though sometimes I do but I can't give him hope. I wanted it to end after all, I can't go against my word and wish to be with him again.

"Alexandria Haystack?"

I turned seeing Ancel Bernard standing there, I frowned at him turning completely with a glare in my eyes. "How the hell did you find me?"

He chuckled, walking closer with his hands in his pockets. "Simple, I just look for the prettiest girl in the room." He leaned in closer, "And she so happens to be standing on the balcony like a princess." My frowned deepen more. "Get away from me Ancel. I'm not interested." I turned away from him.

"No? I thought when you broke up with Luke there was hope you might reciprocate some feelings towards me."

"You made fun of me the first time we met? I didn't forget, and when now I prove to you I'm not a stupid rich girl you now have feelings for me? No, no I don't like you, I barely know you, your infatuation is just to get on Luke's nerves and I don't want to be anyone's toy."

Ancel frowned, "Tu penses comme ça?"

I walked back up to him, happy I understood what he said, "Oui."

He was about to say something in return but a voice spoke up, silencing him and everyone in the room. "Ladies and Gentleman welcome." I looked downstairs to see my mother holding on to the mic, she looked happy and drunk which didn't seem like a good sign.

It was only nine, what the hell was she thinking drink so hard into the night.

"I know – hic – that my ex-husband has many things to say to you all but I wanted to address you myself."

"Oh no," I muttered, Ancel searched my expression worriedly but I ignored him.

"Now that you all are here, I'm please to say I'm – hic – happy that I have back my family, as messed up at it is Elizabeth..." The attention seemed to land on the eldest child of the family, Elizabeth was frowning she was alone in the corner with a champagne glass in her hands. "... I will still be a mother to you even if you might not think I'm not."

I scowled at this. What the hell is she saying?!

I climbed down the stairs, determine to get my hands on her to drag her away from the mic and away from the attention the crowd was giving her. I pushed my way trying to make my way towards her, "Mom..."

"That's enough Jane," Victor said grabbing the mic away from her and grabbing her hands, he signaled the band to keep on playing walking through the crowd who were whispering at my mother's drunkard state. "Let go of my Victor."

I stopped my tracks staring as my father stopped right in front of me. I pulled my lips tightly feeling worried that this evening has just gotten worse. "Take care of your mother Alexandria," he muttered, giving her to me. I held her in my arms smelling the reeking scent of alcohol. I nodded at him pulling my mom along to the other part of the Manor where the guests weren't allowed. She was crying as I held her wrist pulling her to upstairs. "Alex..." she sobbed.

"Mom, shhh it's okay..."

"No," she replied, shaking her head. She fell onto the floor and clutched onto herself, crying ugly tears, her mascara making it black. "I'm a terrible mother, all because of that man I married. I – I gave up on you dear, I only protected Jon, I'm – I'm sorry."

She hugged me and I clenched my teeth trying not to cry with her, because even though I knew she was at her vulnerable state I couldn't tell her she hurt me by giving me up, that would have just made it worse. So I nodded at her, calming her down. "It's okay mom, I – I forgave you." The worse felt wrong in my mouth but I ignored it.

I didn't know how long she was holding onto me but I saw the white blonde follow me to the halls, he stomped down meeting my eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded, looking at my mom who passed out in my arms. "Help me take her upstairs, will you?"

Ancel nodded, taking her arm and throwing it over his shoulder, I followed along and we both carried my mother to bed.



"What the hell was that?"

My father looked up at me anger in his eyes at how I approached him. I followed him to the study room where I saw him staring at the fire lit there, it seemed to be the only source of light in the dark room. "Elizabeth go back to the party," he replied, his tone full of authority.

"No," I said, walking towards him, "Father why did Mum said those things?"

He sighed meeting my eyes, "She was drunk. She thinks you don't love her."

I stepped back at little, his words seeming to making me confuse. "I do, I care for her like any daughter would for her mother."

My father stepped closer to me, placing his hand on my cheek. I frowned when he replied the words I tried to ignore in my head. "No you don't Elizabeth."

I blinked back my tears, pulling away. "Can you blame me though when the only parent I seem to relate to is you," I spat.

He turned back to the fire, folding his arms as he spoke, "Maybe but even then you hate me because of your love for your grandmother."

"This has nothing to do with Nana," I replied. "Father you... you're a criminal. You build our family's name up by destroying everyone else's name. You control everyone, including mother even after the divorce. Alex doesn't know you as well as Jon and I do and we both hate you."

The words didn't seem to affect him as much, he just looks at me with a façade face and then turned back to the flames, his voice not even breaking. "Tell me Elizabeth, are you do you really want to know the whole truth."

I swallowed, my heart raced with the fright of it all. "Y-yes," I replied, "Why did you bring us back home dad, why?"

He met my eyes and smiled, placing a hand on my cheek I felt the hot tears running down my features. "I'm sick, Elizabeth."



"Elizabeth," I called out when I saw her walking down the halls of the Haystack Manor, she looked dazed and confused, and when she met my eyes she frowned. "Luke, what – what are you doing here?"

"I was hoping –"

"– That you will see Alexandria? I don't know where she is, probably with mother."

I frowned as she walked passed me. I grabbed onto her wrist, she turned her eyes shot daggers at me as she pulled away. "What the hell?"

"What's gotten into you?" I asked, stepping closer. She furrowed her eyebrows at me. Her eyes glaring at me, I could tell she was hiding something. "What's gotten into you Luke? I want to be left alone, can't you see that?"

I swallowed, shaking my head at her. "No, you're lying. What's wrong Lizzy?"

Her eyes widen at the nickname, scowl on her features. "Don't call me that Luke. Stop caring about me."

"I don't..." I stopped myself as I saw her walk away. I tried to catch up to her, calling out her name. I heard sobs as she ran down the halls, I ran after her. "Elizabeth!" I stopped her turning her around, tears running down her face. My features soften as I see her. She was sad and the concern friend I was I pleaded, "Talk to me."

She wiped away her tears and swallowed, her jaw clenching looking back up at me. "I still don't believe him Luke. Even after he openly told me why he bought us here, I still feel like he's keeping something."

I stepped back, my hands dropping from her shoulders back to my side. She was talking about her father. So she knows some of the truth. Elizabeth stepped closer, I avoided her gaze. "Luke, do you think father is hiding something from me?"

I locked eyes with her, trying to decide what to actually say, the words stumbling out as I thought hard about it, "No..."

Her eyes lowered, she seemed disappointed, "I'm going to see your grandfather tonight Luke and you can't stop me."

In the moment of shock I really couldn't have stop her, I couldn't call out to her because in my head I felt like I was part to be blame for all of this.



"Oh Lisa," said a familiar voice. It made me turn around seeing Jonathan Haystack standing there. I felt uneasy, usually when Jon's around one of my brothers are or even Alex, I was never alone with him. Not that I was afraid or anything, from silently observing he was a nice guy.

I smiled, "Hey." I clutched my fur coat closer to me as we were both now outside at the backyard admiring the hilly landscape of Scotland and the beauty of the winter covering it. He joined my side and from behind him he pulled out a bottle of whiskey. "I thought I might drink my sorrows away," he said sheepishly. I read the label and gestured for him to go ahead, "I'm not much of a drinker."

He chuckled, "You're brothers, too strict."

I scoffed, "Yes but that wouldn't stop me if I wanted to."

He raised an eyebrow. "So why then?"

I glanced at the ground thinking hard about a reply and of course there was one simple answer but I never find myself using it until now, "My Mum drinks."

"Just like mines."

I shook my head, "No, you don't understand. Your mother does it because she was stressed but my mother... she did anything and everything to ease her worries."

Jon frowned, then pointed back at the Manor, "You're talking about the same woman who seems so kind and happy."

I nodded, biting my lower lip. "After dad died she turned into something of a junky, this one time she – she um..." I stopped myself and Jon placed a hand on my shoulder as I blinked back the tears.

"Hey it's okay."

I looked up at him, nodding. "Sorry it's not a good story for Christmas Eve, the only person who knows is my family, not even Christopher."

Jon nodded, "I see..."


"Then don't tell me," he replied, then shot me a small smile, "I mean this is the first time we're speaking one on one, it'll be weird you suddenly open up to me and you and him have been dating for a few months."

I nodded, smiling back, "True..."

He still opened up the bottle in the end, drinking it over head before cringing hard at how strong it was. "Can I tell you something Lisa."

I stared blankly at him. Turning completely to face him, it seemed like the best to gave him the attention he wanted because it looked like he needed it. I've never really know Jon personally but he was always quiet, making talks when he's around Lionel and Alex but he's a level headed guy in school.

Right now he wasn't and that was worrying. "Sure Jonathan," I said.

He chuckled. "You make me sound like a different person saying my name like that."

I smiled back, "What do you want to tell me... Jon?"

He shook his head, staring the ground. "How do you do it?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "What do you mean?"

"The fact that your grandfather is a terrible man, your mother – forgave me – was at one point unreliable. How do you do it? There's Lionel and his medications, Luke and his ambition and there's you –"

I smiled, "Believe it but out of all three of us, Luke is far more the stable one."

"Really? That doesn't make sense."

I nodded, "It does if you knew the full story. But to answer your question I do art. Painting has always helped me cope."

"I don't believe Luke is the most stable one out of you three."

Jon's debrief made it all funny but the truth was the truth. Luke has always seemed stable, after all he was the one to call our Uncle to put Mum in rehab and we lived with our grandfather since then but that was the best decision at the time. Luke even with all of his own problems still in turn tries to help.

"Well he's a misjudged human being," I noted, then placed my hand on his chest, "Just like you are."

Jon look taken aback. "B-but..."

"You're depressed Jon," I said, "Anyone would pays attention to you will notice and I would know of course."

Jon was silent. My words seemed to shock him. Removing my hand from his chest, he caught it and I looked at his alarmed as he pulled me in for a hug. I didn't expect any of it but for the freezing winter I welcome the warmth. I hugged him back, "Thank –"


We pulled away, I awkwardly let my short blonde hair cover my face a little hiding in the darkness. "Alex," Jon replied, his voice mixed with a strange sense of emotions, awkwardness, surprise and maybe frustration, "What is it?"

I noticed Alexandria's expression, she didn't give a witty comeback or showed irritation like she usually would, instead her eyes were filled with worry. "Dad's been arrested and – and I can't find Elizabeth anywhere."



I stepped into the building, the few of the workers that came for the Christmas Day to work. The security stopping me and asking for my name while he stared at my clothing, I was still dressed in my evening gown from the Christmas Eve ball, which had probably ended by now.

I was in London.

I took my family's private jet, flew halfway across the country to talk the one person I had wanted to talk to for a long time.

"Elizabeth Haystack?" The receptionist said with a queered expression. She typed into the computer and to see if I was logged and I crossed my fingers hoping I was because I did ask Luke to set up an appointment.

"Oh there it is," she said still unsure. She read the contents, "It says here it's an open appointment." Then she looked up at me, "And you chose to visit on Christmas?"

"I rather not go into details," I said smiling, I tapped my fingers on the desk, "I just want to see Mr. Anderson, his grandson is a friend of mines."

Rising an eyebrow she asked, "Which one?"

"Luke Anderson."

She stared blankly at me, her eyes seemed to mediate on my features making me feel uncomfortable, then finally after sighing she fixed her glasses and picked up the phone, "Patrick, I have a girl here by the name of Elizabeth Haystack and says she's here for an appointment with Mr. Anderson... No not the young one, the older one of course, and yes that Haystack." She met my eyes, "Victor's daughter."

There was a pause between the conversations as she pulled out a form and pen to hand me, "Fill these out while I get you upstairs."

I did so, as quickly as possible even though my hands were trembling from the anxiousness I was feeling rushing through me. I felt like I was cold sweating, my winter coat suddenly feeling stifling.

I handed her the form and she nodded, "Yes Patrick you told him? Ahuh?" She looked back up at me again, "Okay..." She pulled the phone away from her mouth and nod at me, "You can go upstairs now sweetie it's the top floor."

I smiled, nodding at her, "Thank you."

She smiled back, "You're welcome, and you're Margret Stewart granddaughter."

I nodded, it felt strange being labeled as that but I took pride in it, "I am."

She frowned, "I guess the rumor maybe right."

I was confused, "Rumor?"

She waved me off, "Nothing, just go right up ahead. Happy Christmas."

I nodded, "Happy Christmas."

I stepped out of the elevator and into the long walk way, standing there was a tall bald man who held out his hand to me, "Ms. Haystack, I'm Mr. Anderson private secretary, you can call me."

"Patrick," I said realizing it was the person the receptionist called. He smiled, "That's right, though I don't recall ever meeting you before."

I smiled a little embarrassed, "Um the receptionist said your name."

He chuckled. "I see, oh well please follow me."

We walked down the hallway and I thought that would be the last of our conversation but Patrick went all in trying to get to know me. I didn't say much, he asked my age, my school and my studies and then after stopping at the frosted door, he smiled at me, "Mr. Anderson has been looking forward to this meeting since Luke Anderson mentioned you were his friend."

I was stunned, partly because of Richard wanting to see me and also because Luke mentioned our friendship to his grandfather.

I nodded pursing my lips at the odd feeling lingering in the pit of my stomach. I felt terrible the way I treated Luke before I left Scotland. He had no role to play in all of this, his only involvement was getting this meeting and that was it.

Nothing to be blame for.

Dad was sick, that explains why he wanted us back but even it didn't explained why would chose Jonathan to be heir over me. When in reality I had more knowledge in running the company and yes, this was the whole entire reason. Why didn't father pick me?

The frosted door was open and I stepped into the office, I found myself not realizing that I never saw Richard Anderson really, so all my thoughts of him was an very old man but there when he stood his back facing my direction while he stared through the glass walls, he looked not old but sturdy. He seemed he could be any age he chose to be. Turning to face me I was hit hard with the ocean blue eyes, it seemed to run in the family, his however was not warm and welcoming but cold and like the chilling ocean on a stormy night.

"Elizabeth Emilia Haystack."

I gulped at my full name being used. It didn't seem right coming from his mouth, it was almost like he was threatening my identity. "Mr. Anderson."

"Please," he said gesturing the chair, "Have a seat." He pulled his chair and sat down and I did too. When he smiled I grimaced because I remembered my grandmother instantly, she could also be that threatening with a smile.

"So what's the pleasure of having this visit, on a Christmas too I should add. Shouldn't you be with your family especially in a time like now."

"Christmas can wait," I replied.

He raised an eyebrow, "Is that so?"

"Yes," I said, then as I looked at my hands staring at them I decided it was time to get down to business fast so we didn't wasted any time, "Tell me Richard why do you despise my family so much."

He chuckled, "I don't despise anyone."

"You threaten to destroy my father, in a way that's destroying my family, he's one of the reasons –"

"Let me just stop you right there Ms. Haystack," he said, then from his desk he opened his draw and pulled out a set of files. "I was just doing business."

"You were bribing the board of directors in my father's company. You threaten to expose his secrets, whatever they are. His affair, his sickness –"

"Is that all?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, frustrated I asked, "What is?"

"Is that all his secrets?" he asked, his blue eyes twinkled with mischief. Gosh if Luke go down the same path he might as well turn out to be just like this man.

"Tell me Elizabeth, have you ever wondered why your grandmother hate your father, and that's her son."

"I..." I fumbled on my words, "I did wonder but that's not–"

"That is very necessary," Richard cut in, then with a chuckle he add, "Come on Elizabeth, you and I both know he's hiding something. Something you want to know."

I stayed silent, watching as the older man leaned back into his chair, his blue eyes seeming to observe me. "You're a smart girl Elizabeth."

"Yes I am, you're using Luke," I said, clenching my jaw, "You wanted him to get close to me to manipulate me."

"No that was never my intention –"

"You killed his father."

"I did."

Those words threw me off guard, I didn't think he would confess to it but he did and that made me unsure of where to go from there. "Luke doesn't know."

"I believe he does," he replied.

I smirked, "No you don't, you're convincing yourself that he knows and when he finds out the truth you'll lose him."

Richard was silent, staring intently at the files he sighed before locking eyes with me, "You want my grandson to hate me, just like you hate your father."

"I don't hate my father."

"Then why are you here Elizabeth."

I folded my arms, "For the truth."

"The truth? Whose truth? Mines? His? Yours?"

I couldn't answer.

Richard didn't look at him, instead he stared at the files, sighing as he shook his head, "Go home Elizabeth, for your own sakes."

The words shocked me, I didn't think Richard would've said that after I came all this way to see him. But he did and I frowned, standing up with my hands clenched. "What is it with adults and denying me the truth, you and everyone around me is hiding something."

Richard smiled, his mouth empathizing on the words, "Go... Home."

I looked at him, then at the files on the desk. It's been bugging me since he took them out, "What's that?"

His hands hover over it, "I thought you were ready but –"

I grabbed the files anyway, flipping through it quickly before he could stop me and when he did my eyes only did get to read a single paper heading.

Richard opened the drawer and placed them inside. "You're just like Luke," he said shaking his head, "Or even worse." I stared at him, the words still painted in my mind, I swallowed hard trying to find the words but I couldn't.

"Elizabeth..." he looked at me intently.

I stepped away looking at the table where the files were hidden, again I didn't know what to say. He stood up, "Did you caught a glimpse of anything."

I shook my head, "No – no I..."

My phone rang and too quickly went into my coat pocket to answer it, "Jon, what's wrong?"

"Elizabeth, where the hell are you?"

"I..." I bit my lower lip, "I'm in London."

"What the bloody hell are you doing there Elizabeth. Did you know this was going to happen?"

I frowned, confused as to why my brother was behaving this way. "What are you even talking about? What happen Jon?"

He was silent for a moment, then I heard his tone changed with a heavy sigh, "Dad's been arrested Elizabeth."


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