Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfe...

By vegito1308

97.5K 1.7K 683

Two monsters who were scarred by the world and left to suffer in isolation, but what happens when you put one... More

Dead Inside
Finding a Key
The Queen
Social Struggle
The Silence
Land Ho
Settling for Something
Lead that leads
The suburban fight
More Problems
Super Soldiers
Sight Seeing
Relieving and Relishing
Notice of Contingency
The New Leaf
Battle of Limbs: Lucy
War of the past: Alex
Power Contrast
Tag Cross Blast
Not alone, ever again
Nyu is cute
I Remember
Fighting Blackwatch Hordes
End of Mission
Dana Mercer
Missing him
The Unforseeable future
Alex awakens! Our Sweet Home
The End is Just the Beginning

Duo Finisher

697 18 6
By vegito1308

Craven roared as Viktoria's mech roared, the virulent monster making his body spasm like a disgusting jelly shaken under a bass stereo and the mech suit adding an eery sound to the charging of these two.

Viktoria fired a beam aimed at Lucy, a quick fire shot that suddenly was blocked by Alex's shield who got in front.

Lucy got behind him, getting up his back and using her vectors to act with him for now.

"They don't leave us much choice, both are charging so let's try pitting their attacks together then attack them if it does work!" Alex suggested as Craven tackled his shield, expecting to be pushed he braced for impact but was surprise he held steady.

Wait. His ankles were torn from trying to stop that force. Yeah his foot was over there bleeding while flipped like it was a sandal... 'This isn't my doing' Alex thought as he wondered what was keeping him so sturdy here.

In truth it was Lucy's vectors, four strong pillar like supports held back the fleshy monster as the other six struck the mecha suit woman.

Having the stumps of his feet he pushed back, his ankles bleeding at the exerted force and barely holding as he changed the shield to be the blade and slashed Craven over the head.

The slice was good as Lucy, still holding on to his back fired her vectors and slammed Craven to aim at Viktoria's direction to flatten her. The two monsters were knocked away for the time being as Alex healed his wounds, walking on his stumps to turn over his torn feet like flip flops to put them on again as they healed and reset back again like bloody bubble gum.

"Lucy... Woah... You have MASSIVE STRENGTH-! Okay okay... We can do this-!" Alex motioned before he heard Lucy's raspy breathing.

She coughed a bit "Yeah... I believe so too..." saying that made Alex doubt

"What can she do to hurt you this bad?" Alex guessed correctly "If you are this strong then there is no reason you couldn't have beaten her in the meantime we have been fighting." He asked, making Lucy get off his back and look at her. She was bleeding from her ears

"Lucy-! Oh shit!" He said, panicking a bit "Why is she so formidable against you!?" He asked again before turning around to see Victoria's suit pop off a pole like thing that extended to a satellite like radio transmitter fan formation.

He looked back and forth to see the answer clear as day. He growled before grabbing a piece of broken concrete and hurling it to Viktoria who panicked at the incoming fast object that was suddenly dispatched by a fleshy tentacle.

Alex used this time to turn back to Lucy and clap his hands together, bleeding all of the sudden to become a fleshy goo and caused the fingers interconnect and formed a flesh growth of bone and black armored viral tendons that extended over the ear cap formations. He put that new invention over her ears and she cowered cutely against them as she heard a sucking sound upon placing the device on her, the gore like earmuffs enclosing her ears from sounds as the muscle strains that strapped to her glowed a bright neon yellow.

She opened her eyes in comfort as Alex stared at her and wondered how damn smart was he to learn about all the mind control and reading projects of Blackwatch that he came up with that bio-instrument that could help Lucy? Goddamn he was godly-!

"Sense this project Athena-!" Viktoria roared as she send her EMP wave across this new battle area.

Lucy winced and waited for the pain that jumbles her mind but she was surprised and relieved it never came.

"Hey-! Lucy did it work-!?" Alex yelled, sounding mumbled over the fleshy headset.

Lucy did not see it but the moment that device on her detected an electric discharge headed for her brain, it glowed and send out a counter in the form of a viral spore splash that covered her head for a moment, making Lucy's head glow with a outer neon yellow bubble. It lasted just enough to protect her from the shockwave

"Alex... How did you-!?" Lucy smiled at him, focusing at the job at hand "Let's kill this nasty bunch-!"

"Got it-! Blade!" Alex charged as Craven had recovered and swung it's fleshy arms to him. Lucy ran too and headed for that ugly monster as Viktoria was behind it.

Lucy was astounded as Alex had come up with something so great to get this fight done.

She would finish this and pierce her head just as bad she did to her with that device

"Vectors!" She called to the strength deep within and dashed over to Viktoria who had no idea how Alex had nullified her main weapon

"IMPOSSIBLE-!" She screamed as Craven tried to move over to stop Lucy but Alex cut off his right leg and the giant fell over before Alex changed over to the whipfist and pulled him away. Alex pulled on his own arm as he launched his blade through the monster's back and pierced all the way to curve and latch on to Craven's jaw.

The two went off-screen as Alex twirled him into the darkness.

A vector came to grab the mechanic left arm of Viktoria before another pierced and twisted the machinery inside to make it worthless. Lucy pulled those two and the arm came off as another six began to pelt the mecha suit with various punches.

Lucy was floating in the air as she focused her attacks, not moving away but also determined to not let her move.

The antenna disc device came up again but now it was truly worthless as it fired a three volley signal but it was in vain before one vector grabbed it, squashed the device to nothing, then tore it to throw the thing to her defensive front that cracked.

"Oh no! How can this be!?!? You do not have the physical ability to break my reinforced glass and even less hinder this mecha's limbs!!!" Viktoria cursed as sparks began to happen inside the suit. She panicked as Lucy stopped however when she tried to pull or move herself away the suit would not respond.

"Don't I-?... I think you didn't do your research well... Cause I feel like I can lift an entire world... To smash you into little bitty pieces..." Lucy's voice became menacingly creepy as now Viktoria realized her screen read through all the crack ridden glass that it read high level alert danger. All her remaining limbs were restrained. The number of vectors was unimaginable. It was easily 4 dozens of arms that she was able to see.

Suddenly a ghastly presence made itself known as Viktoria saw Lucy's head bleeding and soon those little cat like ears became elongated, making the bone protrusions look like menacing horns.

Her hair flared wildly in the air as she was floating majestically with the now seeable transparent limbs behind her acting like supports to the ground or waved erratically to look like wings.

Lucy had reached her maximum potential.

"Now die... Lesser than Human scum"


Viktoria slammed her fist to the right compartment of her suit, seeable even from that angle. That a button emerged and she activated it that sounded an alarm.

Lucy did not panic as her eyes had become shallow and non-human, a faint shade of color from her normally colorful eyes. Her vectors that number out way past her limit but did not extend farther than a meter began to vibrate at high speeds. The vectors looked liked they were rotating and shifting in place as they moved into the mecha-suit without breaking it.

Viktoria yelled at that ability as the vectors found themselves inside, actually going through the metal and even the pilot herself without even damaging it.

Lucy soon found what she needed. Hee vectors converged on the core and began a sequential uprooting of the connections inside the suit. Little by little every light inside was going off and eventually the mech fell on its back lifeless all for in exemption to the struggling pilot inside.

"WARNING: ALL SYSTEMS MALFUNCTION. DANGER. POWER CORE DISCONNEC-" The suit went silent as now the only sounds were that of the chaos of Alex and Craven fighting over to the side away from them and the light chuckles of Lucy who looked down at her soon to be prey.


Viktoria tried to shake the moving the limbs with the maneuvering controls inside the socket arms or push even a leg up of this shut off mech suit but was found at a complete loss. Looking up at the devoid of emotion face the Diclonius had, she slammed her head back to the mecha as she smiled in a unsure and scared expression

"Do you believe in god-?... Viktoria-san?" Lucy asked, her voice intermingled with that of a monster

"..." A silence caught her as Viktoria did not want to speak her final words. Thus, she retained a bit of bravery an answered to this inhuman creature.

"I don't know... If god would accept a creation of man..." Viktoria answered as she cried tears seeing her end would not be a kind one.

"Don't worry about that... If you believe... I bet he will love you... Even in pieces... Viktoria-san" Lucy smiled at the end, the ends of the unsettling smirk tweaking her cheeks to an unholy degree that made her look like the devil.

The vectors lined behind her and Lucy backed away as the arms would act her will. To tear the one who would dare hurt the queen.



Craven and Alex were at a stand still clashing blades and claws before a sudden explosion rocked this base.

The explosion was gigantic. The two of them being blown away before seeing everything else was disentigrating and blown away just like them

"VIIIIKKKKTOOOORRRIIIAAAAA!!!" Craven yelled over the deafening sound and burning sensation that crumbled away skin

"OOOOOH SHIT-!! GHAAAAAA!!!" Alex created his shield but he was blown away as even his defensive power amounted to nothing to this power Lucy must have unleashed. The shield broke midway as he was flung like a piece of garbage through walls and then upwards to the sky.

He lost sight of Craven as he was now preoccupied where he would stop. He tried to glide down but the explosion's force yielded so much he could not stop. His arm broke around all the joints and he soon realized he could barely see through his burned eyes. His armor had changed to a chard color and broke off at places leaving little to no defense as his face was shown.

The prototype then realized he was full with biomass from eveything he had torn from Craven's body and perform a devastator aiming at the ground

"DEVASTATOR-!!!" He sounded off as his arms aimed down unleashed a fury of flesh ridden tentacles that shot down and anchored to the ground. The earth had been shaking with a very powerful earthquake but Alex made sure to have a great leverage, making sure his tendrils went down a mile at least into the ground and pulled himself downwards despite the fallout.

Alex soon realized the second burning effect would come as his eyes had fixed themselves and his armored helmet reformed for him to see from a sky view the destructive sphere of pure fire and ashes heading his way.

He build two shields this time, pushing his limit to make great fleshy defenses for each arm that held to both of his sides and would hopefully protect him from Lucy's attack. A goddamn nuclear explosion attack

Sound left the entirety of the city as it was decimated by the attack. Anything in it was transformed into nothing more than cinders. Those from afar, mainly blackwatch, saw that they survived from being erased out of extinction without any civilian casualties.

Alex had crashed into the ground and made a sizeable crater. He made a low enough hole to hide himself but the heat made sure to cook him, the blood boiling in his own skin as the land all around him sizzled in the hot air.

Soon after the ashes were blown away and the final strike only left a mushroom cloud, did Alex tear open his shields that had fused together like if they were welded together with the burnt skin. The shields cracked like an egg and he jumped out to see the desolate area.

"How... Can she do that-?" Alex said, amazed at her capabilities. However immediately he worried as this must have been too much for her body "LUCY!!!" He ran into action looking all around at this barren city turned into a wasteland.

Too soon did he drop his guard as before he could accumulate speed, his right foot was pierced by a red thorn ridden tentacle and pulled him into the ground.

A collision of great physical impacts insued underground before the soil crack and caved in. From the destroyed ground came out Craven and Alex, both looking for worse to wear as the prototype did not realize he was really weakened from the blast but so was the infected military usurper.

"Your demented girl must be dead after that..." Craven cockily said as he was enraged that his beloved clone was gone. He had a device on one of his slimy fingers that confirmed with a beeping red alarm she was dead.

"Shut up-! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Alex reformed his broken armor back to full potency before slamming his hands down that became claws into the ground. Suddenly Craven lunched forward but stopped as various black giant spikes emerged. The entire vicinity soon sparked with ruckus destruction that summoned these giant spikes that aimed to higher heights. Craven was impaled and directed upwards as he struggle to break free from this devastator.

Alex roared to the ground as the spikes became stupidly large even for him, his blood inside him feeling like it was boiling

"If she died-! If she DIED-!!! I WILL KILL YOU AND EAT YOU SLOWLY-!!!" He roared again as the landscape was now a forest full of these deadly spikes.

Suddenly they all came down and the monstrous Craven did the same, splattering the ground with red blood and yellow viral pus upon crashing.

The monster got back up and dashed to Alex, the prototype more than ready to dash too and caught him with a haymaker to the neck. The left arm of his became a blade and pierced through to cleave a sizeable hole into Craven's throat before Alex slapped his foot upon him and stabbed through the neck, to then jump backwards in a circle and pulled the bastard to swing him off his arm.

Craven roared as he felt the blade arm of his slice all in his insides before being thrown. He slammed his arms down as he skidded in all fours before his hands and arms grew tentacles, growths, and thorn like protrusions that flooded the ground.

Alex jumped upwards and glided as soon he realized that a red mist became to envelop the area at a low distance. The ground was becoming less visible.

He decided to go fast over some of the ground to see what would happen. Dropping down and running over in a circle got him an answer

"Kuuagh-! Koogh! Coofff-! What the hell-?" Alex asked as he felt his armor burn. He realized it was sizzling like of he was sprayed with an acid that was beginning to damage his armor. Jumping upwards with a real effort, he got far enough to see this mist was up for a mile or so in a diameter. He saw that Craven had not gotten up from his skidding recovery as he used his limbs to extend and plant these mounts of acidic mist

"This is a viral strain of the Blacklight virus, mixed in with a new possible deterrent to viral mass spread and designed to wear off any blacklight creations caused by the virus itself. A virus that attacks a virus by melting it. Ingenious thinking from that stupid senile Dr. Koenig." He said, as he was somehow resistant. Alex guessed there was a countermeasure to help him now that he was neck deep into the mist.

"I guess you really don't care if you die or live... That substance will only last you so long before you're eaten too." The prototype said as he glided to a stop and landed down into the mist.

"Of course I wouldn't care... Tell me... Would you care for the world when your own is already gone-?" Craven asked sincerely as he felt the mist on him but not eating his flesh at the moment.

Alex stood in thought as he formed Hammerfists and slammed the ground to clear some of the debilitating mist that broke apart to leave huge gaps and holes of cracking earth. The cracks he made on the ground should be able to absorb some of the mist

As he did that, he had found his answer

"I guess... I would do something similar to your thing... I hope god doesn't give me the same staff it gave you to test me... I lack faith really. That's what happens when you play god. You start believing yourself better than even him" he clenched his fingers as Craven laughed at the answer

He charged with no more words to say as Alex did the same but dive down to a spin to split a small boulder from the ground and hurled it to Craven.

The monster tackled it before he felt it broke apart and Alex came in with a double fist charge. He was back peddled to the ground before Alex began to pummel the bastard, making the ground shake as he connected strikes to his chin, stomach, neck, shoulder, and finally tore open its belly to then grab him by his insides and flung him upwards.

"GRRRHAAAAAA-!!!! THE NEW WORLD I WILL CREATE DOES NOT NEED TO REMEMBER WHAT IT WAS LIKE YOU-!!! ALL IT REALLY NEEDS TO KNOW IS THE FUTURE THEY HAVE WITHOUT THE DRAGS AND LET DOWNS OF MANKIND!!!" He screeched in the air before his arms grew to the abominable gigantic tentacle arms that shot down and followed Alex as he dodged.

He avoided the tentacles as he realized that the mist was reforming back to its full strength and he could feel the burn of the mist inside his lungs. He must finish this quick. He must get back to Lucy now.

The prototype charged his full energy and charged to the tentacles. He summoned his whipfist to make easy job of them

One came, dodging his thrown whipfist at first making twists and turns before Alex coiled around it using the same angles and then recalled back his arm, hooking the blade right to the tentacle and he cut it like a spiral chain blade. The right arm of his dropped down like a giant piece of meat before shriveling to a normal size of the monster then it became worse as it spasmed and shrunk at the acid mist.

"GRRUUAAH-! NO!" Craven gasped as he began to bleed. He did not realize that his mutated body had come to a limit and the mist was no longer his weapon, now a double edged sword.

Alex felt his armor sizzle with bubbling pieces falling off but he did not quit as he realized the acidic mounts of flesh have slowed down their output. The left arm tentacle followed Alex but the prototype did a full turn to meet it greedily

"I may be weak-! But you are a full to take me on!" Craven increased the speed of the incoming tentacle as Alex changed his arms to the Hammerfists again. He was aiming to catch it but on second thought he timed it to run passed the sharp tip, curving around as the tentacle began to slap around the area wildly.

The tentacle curved and extended further as Craven roared to find the last bits of strength to take down Alex but did not concentrate on how much damage he was causing himself.

The prototype ran around it before he final saw an opening. He struck the tentacle on a possible tear, which upon striking it the flesh rippled and teared like a bloody hospital dressing as it recoiled from the pain

"CUUURRRSSEEE YOU PROJECT ZEUS-!!!" Craven hollered, in vain trying to step back before Alex changed to the blade of his and stuck to the tentacle. He was slapped around as he tried to hold on, burying the blade deeper and deeper until he realized the monster was shrinking in size. Craven was in pain and loosing a vast amount of blood.

Alex twisted the blade inside the tentacle and did a sickening twist spin, severing the last of his offensive limbs as it too fell lifeless.

Craven stumbled back but he had fiery eyes seeking revenge. Seeking to at least be capable to kill this unworthy fool.

"I won't let you win bastard! My dream will come true! One way or another-! Another monster will seek to right this world!"

"But not today." Alex charged with a shield forming. To Craven's dismay as he reformed his arms and made twin blades for arms, the shield came in quick and too late did he realize it became spiked. He growled in pain as he was tackle into the spike defense, grunting again as Alex had slammed him down.

Craven bleed from his mouth and realized as his life ebbed from him, he had flashes of his human counterpart. The dead-looking eyes of him soften as Alex did not let up. Neither did he as his body, fueled by that poison of the Supreme Hunter, did not want to die.

Alex dodged a blade swing that he easily countered. He detransformed his weapons and went full Biomass arms as he handled the blade around to break it by the elbow then he tore it from him.

Craven staggered but he charged again to try impale Alex, only resulting in the prototype to duck and jumped awards while holding his other arm then broke it by the forearm using the same hold.

Alex changed back to claws and severed his last remaining arm as it was brushed aside. Both of the fighters were fuming in the acid now as it threatened to burn of their skin. Alex's armor was right now the only thing protecting him.

"All of this... Must have... Been for something..." Craven asked as he felt memories spill into his brain. The first time he was hugged by his mother. The first time his dad ushered him to walk. The first time he had a Christmas. The time he graduated from military school. The day he met Viktoria. The miracle that he married her. And all of that... Went down the drain the moment he met him...

"If it weren't for you... And this-this-THIS-!! -THING!!!" He spat at the ground as he now had tears streaming down his cheeks "-No one would suffer the consequences you have brought to this world..." He said, before feeling the giant blade of Alex impale him and held him high into the sky.

Alex said nothing as he scoffed and huffed at the effort he was making. The red mist around them began to clear as it was evident Craven was in his last legs.

He hanged limp on the blade as Alex's body began to detach and form tentacles that began to consume him.

The prototype looked at him and took in those words as he realized... He was a root of evil. No matter how noble or revolutionary he tried to make the strain version of Blacklight to infect someone and make them superhuman... He was part of the problem. He was patient zero since that day he unleashed the virus.

"I hope that your life... Does not change you... Like it did me..." Craven said, his blade with the hundreds of sizzling viral flesh engulfing him and absorbing every little detail of the enemy.

Without any other word, he vanished into his own insides.

He felt a sudden change that burned inside, his body feeling like it would split and he involuntarily perform the tentacle devastator with a very impressive range.

Alex floated for a second as his tentacles had extended far and wide to then slam the area in random brutal patterns, breaking and shattering the ground further.

He finally fell down to his feet as his hands trembled in fleshy growths enveloped his hands and fingers into tight bonds. It strained and changed to now having three fingers with claws and a gnarly bark like texture with entwined flesh tendons over and under his skin.

Alex looked at them and realized this must be a new power from eating all those strands and experimental bs from Craven.

He had the tendrils.

He shot off his head from diverting to something trivial as Lucy blinked into his thoughts "Ah fuck! I need to hurry-!!!" He said, flinging his new weapons and cruising over the ground in tendril strides until he flung both to a nearby rock face to then stretch like a spring and let go to launch himself to the area Lucy's nuke went off.

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