Hunting Silver

By PreyDelaCruz

712K 27.3K 2.9K

A forest is one of the places where creatures of beyond human’s knowledge, reside. Of course, you just don’t... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 34

11K 469 51
By PreyDelaCruz

[Vote and comment, please. Enjoy reading!]


The moment we stepped in, the people inside cheered, making me grin.

“SILVER!” they hollered in chorus, standing up as another way of greeting me. Some even walked until they were near me, bombarding me with questions.

I chuckled as Hunter pulled me against him possessively. I could’ve sworn that I even heard him growl. I put a hand over his, silently telling him it was fine.

“Hello, my lovelies!” A set of hi’s and how are you’s and all that jazz answered me. “Where’s our teacher?” I asked after noticing that the desk in front was empty.

A hand rose in the middle of the room, and there I spotted Mrs. Stillman, sitting nonchalantly as if she was one of the students. She's cool like that, even pulling pranks to new or transfer students when she felt like it. She was pretty young, too.

I shot her a questioning look, in which she shrugged in response and added, “They don’t want to start unless you're here.”

Hunter leaned close enough so he could whisper right by my ear, successfully gaining everybody else’s attention. They looked at us confused yet excited, making me chuckle again.

“What's with them, babe? Looking at you like that, be it male or female. I'm not liking it.”

I giggled, now my turn to lean up so I could whisper back to him. Stifled squeals where heard and I nearly winced. Oh, my poor eardrums. “No, silly, they were looking at you.”

He frowned, and then looked around with a glare, tightening his arms around me.

I smiled quite wickedly. “Gosh, my babies, stop eye-raping the new guy!” I frowned after I saw them still looking at my mate in a way that I definitely didn’t approve of.

That was when Mrs. Stillman piped up and went back to her desk, looking all teacher-like. Heh, I knew better. We handed her our schedules on her way.

She smiled. “So, new guy, according to Silver, how about you tell us a little bit about yourself?”

My boyfriend’s smirk was audible. “Hunter Knight,” he started, as simple as that. Of course, with just his voice alone, girls were already swooning all over him. The not-so-straight guys in the room, aside from me, were even eyeing him in interest.

Sensing that Hunter wouldn’t add anything than that, I decided to end his introduction for him. I smirked, backhanded his chest, and said, “My boyfriend.” I then tip-toed and pecked his lips. “That was right, bitches. This sex god here is mine! Alright?” I asked sweetly.

A series of groans, whines and words of disbelief echoed all around the room. Our teacher slapped her table twice to silence them, but they just went on.

“Damn, Silver’s got a boyfriend. Now there goes our chance,” Josh Mayers, a bisexual soccer player, mumbled. I still heard him though. And with Hunter’s growl, I take it he heard him, too.

More comments added up to the noise after that.

“They look cute together, though!” Why, thank you.

“Well, yeah! Leave it to Silver to take the best guys!” Huh. I was still here, people.

“There are three more new students this year! And they said they were hot, too!” a girl, furiously tapping in her phone, chirped, gaining the attentions of those around her. It’s not prohibited to use phones in Mrs. Stillman’s class, unless she was teaching, which now she clearly wasn’t.

Tough luck, though. Two of them were already all over each other. and Caleb just found his mate, which was my best friend, Zane. Heh, all the more reasons for them to wreak havoc. Zane was now taken, too.

“They even dyed their hairs the same way! Just with different colors!” I looked up at Hunter at that, and noticed that he was now looking very irritated by all the attention we were getting.

“Ooh! Silver, have you guys did it yet?” Gosh. Ask that. Yes.

“Who bottomed?!” Seriously? Did I look like I could top Hunter?

My boyfriend whispered again. “Why are you answering their questions inside your head? And when will their noise die down? It’s annoying.”

I chuckled, ignoring the fact that he heard my thoughts again. “Alright, guys, let’s start homeroom now, yeah?” They looked like they were about to shout protests but I gave them a flat, blank, defy-me-and-you’re-dead stare; a facial expression that I used just for certain occasions. It held its weight that way so they knew what to do. They even apologized. Weren’t they all so sweet?

Mrs. Stillman looked at me thankfully, sighing and tugging out plugs from her ears. Ehh. She wandered her gaze around the room and frowned. “Where’s Mr. Taylor? He's here earlier. I can’t be wrong.”

“We saw him before we came, Miss. Zane said he needs to go to the infirmary because he's constipated,” I lied.

The crowd laughed. Hunter chuckled, as well. People were now used to us best friends talking about each other like that; spreading things that could pretty much ruin our images. So far, we were still popular.

Mrs. Stillman nodded, smiling herself. “Hunter, would you mind requesting another desk and chair from the office? I'm afraid to say we only have one more vacant seat left.”

I giggled. “No worries, Miss.” Yep, I still preferred calling her Miss. Plus, she looked like our age anyway.

I then walked towards the seat at the back, pulling my boyfriend with me. I motioned for him to sit and when he did, I plopped myself on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me in reflex, even though he was still frowning, making himself look sexier with his brows furrowed like that.

I smiled innocently as I looked back to our teacher, tilting my head to the side. Girls aww’d, boys blushed, the rest smirked and rolled their eyes. “Do you mind, Miss?” I asked.

She studied us for a while and then shrugged, smiling. She picked her record book and started checking attendance. That was when I started zoning out. I leant back to Hunter’s chest and sighed, pretty much curling against him as I rested my head on his shoulder.

I felt weird though. It was like I was craving something I couldn’t fathom.

*Hunter’s POV*

I only knew one thing about these humans.

They were annoying.

I mean, I knew myself how loveable my Silver was. But, did they really have to act like that? To the point that they were now taking pictures of him as he cuddled with me? Not only that, they were even spreading it around through their phones.

The teacher, whose name I learnt was Mrs. Stillman, continued her roll-call. I glanced down at Silver and noticed that his eyes were closed. I nudged him but he was as still as a rock, actually fisting my shirt.

Our teacher called my mate’s name and I shook him, about to say something but then EVERYONE ELSE shushed me. The nerve of these people.

“Don’t wake him up!” a human girl in front of us whisper-yelled, almost glaring at me. I can smell that some people here were actually werewolves from Skylar’s pack, the ones that were avoiding eye contact with me.

I cocked an eyebrow. I looked around, my gaze landing on the teacher in front as I shot her a questioning look.

She smiled. “Let Silver sleep. This is just homeroom anyways and besides, today’s only the first day. He always does that anyway, so it’s not much of a shocker. We all know he gets tired easily, and I'm not saying this just because he's adorable. It’s really fine.”

Wow. My boyfriend was amazing. It was like he could get away with anything.

I looked down at Silver again and noticed his soft snores. Was he that tired? I really felt guilty of what happened earlier, but I just couldn’t help myself, and thankful that he forgave me and let me touch him again. I now noticed that there were dark shades under his eyes, even if he tried covering it with eyeliner. I tightened my arms around him, keeping him warm.

I kissed the top of his head, and then frowned when I heard another set of click. Seriously? Must they capture our every moment? Now I understood why Silver didn’t want people to recognize him before. He's too popular even for my liking.

Suddenly, the door swung open. Zane staggered in – cue squeals there – panting and sweating. He looked like he just ran away from a killer. I chuckled at the thought of Caleb carrying any weapon.

“Mr. Taylor, you’re back,” said Mrs. Stillman. “Are you feeling well now? Silver said you have constipation.”

He subconsciously nodded, and then frowned when he realized what the teacher said. “I'm not constipated.”

Our classmates laughed, even our teacher, which just made him frown more. He looked around until he found where Silver was, and then raised his brows when he saw his best friend in my arms.

“Tell me he's not asleep,” he said. I just rolled my eyes.

Just as when he was about to step towards the other vacant seat, which I take the bag in it was his, the door was slammed open again. This time, it was Caleb, looking annoyed.

Cue more squeals there.

Once they spotted each other, Zane tried to make another run but he was half a second too late. My Beta grabbed him by the waist and carried the panicking boy under his arm.

“W-What are you doing to Mr. Taylor? Please put him down. And who are you?” Mrs. Stillman asked the moment she found her voice again. Our classmates were too shocked to speak.

I chuckled, breaking the silence. Caleb easily found where I was sitting and waved, grinning widely. “Sup, Hunter?” He then noticed my boyfriend sleeping on my lap and chuckled. “Tell Silver I came by and said hi when he wakes up. Bye!” He didn’t wait for my response and simply dashed away outside. Zane, finally realizing he had no escape, went limp and didn’t fight him anymore. Poor kid. He's not that bad though.

Our teacher looked perplexed and was about to go after Caleb so I stated, “Don’t worry about Zane, Miss. The guy who took him is our friend so he's safe. Besides, Skylar knows what's going on.” With the mention of her Alpha, she let the issue go. I told you, some of them here were from Blue Crescents. And Skylar would know what was happening around here whether he liked it or not, because his element won't leave for a second even if he willed it.

The class went on after that. I was lost by staring at my mate’s sleeping face. He was slightly frowning, but I knew that it was just because he was hungry. His stomach kept grumbling softly that only I was able to hear it. He was even murmuring about food and… me. Did he skip breakfast?

When the bell rang, I didn’t do anything to wake him up yet. We still had ten minutes before the next class started. People hurried out of the room, saying their goodbyes to Silver even if he couldn’t hear them, until it was just him and I, and a group of four chatting in the doorway. They were talking in whispers as they exited the room but with my heightened senses, I still heard them.

“Totally. I mean, Silver could definitely do better than Hunter.”

“Hunter is hot, but Silver is Westmount’s number one. He should be single forever if you ask me.”

“Yeah, I wonder how his pursuers would react to this.”

“They were cute together, but Silver’s getting too attached to that Hunter guy. I don’t want him to feel bad when they broke up.”

With the now silent, almost empty classroom, my growl echoed. My chest rumbled too much that it caused Silver to stir. I could imagine myself flushed in anger, ready to slit throats.

Those humans… disrespectful, disgusting, annoying, greedy, opinionated humans! Filthy, untruthful, ugly, despicable—

“Fucking humans…” Silver whispered angrily, cutting my list of what I hated about the said creatures.

I took a deep, supposed-to-be calming breath, but it didn’t do me any good. All of a sudden, Silver jumped off my lap and walked towards the door, his footsteps rather heavy and his vibes told me how pissed of he was.

Did he hear them, too? But the humans were talking in whispers. And wasn’t he asleep?

I decided to follow him quietly, despite the fact that I wanted to hurt them myself even if two of them were female.

The four were walking slowly so we caught up with them easily. Silver put a hand over the guy’s shoulder, who was about a foot taller than him. I leant against the wall, near them, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched him deal with these foul-mouths.

The four stopped walking the moment they saw it was my mate who stopped them. They looked shocked and panicked, looking at each other not knowing what to do. Silver’s face was blank, but his eyes were hard. I was quite amazed that he could make people cower like rats with just his stare alone. Yet again, if I was at the receiving end of those eyes, I’d have my tail between my legs as well.

“You're saying something about my Hunter. Repeat it,” he spat, gripping the guy’s shoulder tighter.

The guy cringed, and the rest exchanged worried, frightened glances. And then they started stammering with their excuses.

“It’s not like that—“

“You see—“

“We don’t mean—“

“We were sorry for—“

They kept cutting each other that we weren’t able to understand the rest of their sentences.

Silver squinted his eyes, clicking his tongue disapprovingly. The four visibly gulped. I was getting this feeling that they were prepared to kneel down if Silver just said so.

“First of all, I plan on settling down with my boyfriend, Hunter, so that we could be together forever,” he started, smiling innocently but if you would strain your ears and listen carefully, you could hear the venom in his voice.

I nodded in agreement with what he said, feeling quite proud myself.

He continued. “We were not cute together. We are AMAZING together. And what are you talking about us breaking up? I’d rather kill myself than break up with this god.” He then pointed a thumb at me. The four’s heads were now hanging down in shame as they were now being reprimanded.

A girl butted in. “But, Silver, how about the others?”

“What others? Oh, you mean the people who adores me truly and doesn’t trash talk my boyfriend behind our backs?” They looked like they were about to cry. Should I stop Silver now? Hmm… nah. “They’ll live. They survived their everyday lives even with all those times I was in a relationship. Why would they want me alone forever, anyway? And lastly…” He walked towards me and tapped my crotch, making them look at us with widened eyes, dropped jaws, and reddened faces. I just smirked though, enjoying the show. “There's no way in hell I could do better. This cock is the biggest I've ever seen and had, and I doubt there's someone else who could satisfy me in bed better than Hunter Knight.”

They looked down and mumbled, “Sorry,” in unison.

Silver nodded, now smiling in a truly nice way. The four looked relieved, though wary was still evident in their eyes. He turned around and looked at me straight in the eyes, making my heartbeats racing. “I love Hunter. He's the best boyfriend I've ever had. He makes me happy.” He pecked my lips before facing back the four who now have guilty expressions. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer, and kissed the side of his head. “I want you to like him, too, mmkay?”

“Yes, Silver.”

“Promise me you'll try?”

“We promise.”

My mate beamed, but then everything fell silent when his stomach grumbled loudly that it even echoed through the hallway. He hid his face in my chest. But with how red his ears were, that, he couldn’t hide.

The four in front of us immediately perked up, their faces lighting up.

“I’ll get you food!” the guy he gripped his shoulder shouted and then ran down the hallway in a blur.

The three grunted, then soon followed him with their protests.

“Bitch, I’ll get it!”

“I said it first!”

“Stop it, you two! The first one who gets in the cafeteria wins!”

“Idiots… a vending machine is just up around a corner…”

“AHA!” three voices shouted in unison.

“Crap! I shouldn’t have said that out loud!”

The warning bell rang, drowning out their voices.

I chuckled and looked down at Silver who was now humming his own tune. “You got them all putty in your hands.”

“Hunter-babe~” he hugged me and looked up. I brushed his fringe, and now I didn’t know where to look first, his blue eye or his green eye. They were both lovely. “Can we skip class?”

“Why?” Judging by the empty hallways, we were late to our next classes. Again.

“I'm horny.”

I tucked his hair behind his ear and kissed the tip of his nose. “We can't, babe.”

He pouted. “But we don’t have the same second class! I got English with Stefan and Aiden, and you have History with Caleb. I don’t wanna be apart from you even for just a minute.”

I kissed his lips and then picked him up, carrying him piggyback ride style. “We just did it this morning. Plus, Skylar will kill me if I let you skip class just because you're horny.”

He whined, yet slumping against my back. “I feel weird, baby.”

“What kind of weird?”

“I want something I can't pinpoint. I want it so badly but I can't get it because I don’t know what it is.”

“It’s not me?” I looked at him sideways and saw his eyes closed.

He sighed. “I don't know, Hunter-babe. I feel really sleepy, too. I feel hungry but I don’t want to eat or even drink a drop. He leaned in and whispered, making sure that his lips were brushing my ear, “I want to make love with you but I feel like if I start now, I’ll never stop until I pass out.”

Oh… god… talk about torture…

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