New Tales - Boku No Hero Acad...

By Yell0wCa1

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Relive the Boku No Hero Academia universe within different tales that are all about the love between two peop... More

Requests are open
Frozen to the Touch - Todoroki x Reader
Shadow Within (1) - Bakugou x Reader
What am I to you? - Tamaki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 1 | Better | Dabi x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 2 | What is love? | Todoroki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 3 | Choose me | Bakugou x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 4 | You | Shigaraki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 5 | Universe | Todoroki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 6 | Learn | Bakugou x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 7 | Life | Izuku x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 8 | Time stops | Tamaki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 9 | Kisses | Dabi x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 10 | You don't know | Shigaraki x Reader
Sleepy - Dabi x Reader
Captivated - Shigaraki x Reader
Blue - SingleDad!Bakugou x Reader

Roses and other flowers that tell you what you mean to me - Todoroki x Reader

800 24 32
By Yell0wCa1

A/N: I am so stupid. I saved the story but forgot to publish it and I didn't notice for almost a day lmao. Anyway, this is a request made by @squirreliii . This was requested to be a Todoroki x Reader with a reader who had a flower quirk and likes to give flower crowns to Todoroki until he makes one for the reader. I wanted to use the quirk I described in the story for the longest time but I feel like I went a little ahead of myself and changed some details. I am sorry, I just wrote and wrote and wrote and then I realized I was far too much in and thought that I would rather write two one shots than deleting some of this^^ So if you want me to make another one that follows your instructions a lot more, then tell me! I really like this concept, so it would be no problem at all! 

I also want to say thank you for all the comments you leave on my stories all the time. It is great to see that you enjoy what I write, so I hope you like this one as well~ 

PS: I know the title is super long. 

Summary: You loved flowers and their meaning. Todoroki didn't let anyone in. You hoped that if you were just persistent enough that your flowers would change that. That's how your mission of leaving him flowery messages begun until he finally gave one back. 

Growing up the thing you loved about your quirk has always been its beauty and how happy you were able to make people with it instead of its strength. Sure, as an aspiring hero a strong quirk was helpful and certainly most welcome but nothing would ever beat the smile of a child when you gave it one of the flowers that just bloomed on the palm of your hand.

Your quirk was called Flower-Sprout. You were able to grow all kind of flowers at will. It didn't matter if you wanted to grow them on the ground or on your own body. It was only important that the surface had enough nutrition.

People loved flowers and that's something you had found out rather quickly. Be it your mother who started to smile again when you held out a bouquet of orange roses after a long day at work or a crying child that stopped the moment it saw the bright color of the chamomile that you were holding out while giving it one of your own bright smiles.

Or when you were able to get the smallest smile out of the stoic boy who somehow was able to catch your heart.

Shouto Todoroki.

When you had started U.A. he immediately caught your attention. To be honest, you had had no clue who this boy was or to be more precisely, who his dad had been.

He had just stuck out the way he carried himself so coolly. Still, something about him seemed off and back then you couldn't really say what it was exactly but you felt the need to make him smile just like the other people.

It had taken exactly one rejected and three appreciated flowery presents for you to give away your first red rose and for him to reciprocate the gesture.

1. A single flower

You were paired up with Todoroki for the villains vs. heroes training. The two of you were the heroes and your goal was to reach the fake bomb that was placed somewhere within the building. The "villains" were supposed to stop you from doing just that.

You looked up as you stood before the gigantic building. Todoroki was beside you, being as expressionless as ever. You waited for the training to start but you couldn't help but feel a little nervous since this is the first time you would use your quirk in such a situation.

"Let's give our best" you figured that Todoroki might be nervous as well, so you tried to offer him some kind of comfort. A bright smile accompanied your words but instead of showing any kind of emotions the boy only looked at you for a split of a second before he turned away again.

"Just don't get in my way" he didn't sound annoyed or anything but it still took you by surprise. You gulped as your smile dropped.

"Well, I better don't since we are supposed to be a team, right?" You jokingly answered, hoping for a reaction but you were presented with nothing yet again.

"You better stay out of the building, if you don't want to be frozen" you furrowed your eyebrows at his words but before you could say anything you heard the signal.

With no plan at all you walked up to the entrance of the building, you being a few steps behind the male. You wanted to say something again, maybe ask for a strategy but he acted on his own.

Seemingly coming from his feet, ice started to spread and within a blink of an eye the entire building was frozen. You gaped, not believing that this was what he meant when he told you to not get frozen.

You took a step back since you weren't exactly good with the cold since your flowers had trouble growing within an super cold environment.

He didn't even tell you to wait or something before he entered the building.

"H-hey! What am I supposed to do?" You questioned, your eyes fell to the frozen floor which would probably be hard to walk on. He stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around.

"Don't worry, I've got this. Just wait here until we win" maybe it was because of the cold air but the tone of his voice also sounded frozen.

"You mean when you win" you thought but you didn't want to fight your own teammate, even though you felt a little offended by him pretty much deciding everything for himself.

"Okay, good luck" you said instead. He gave a small nod and disappeared into the building.


It didn't take long until your team had officially won and shortly after the ice melted away which probably was also Todoroki's doing. You couldn't tell since you were still standing outside like an idiot.

"It's fine, maybe he is just not used to working as a team. Just be nice and make him your friend" you muttered to yourself, waiting for your classmates to come out.

Just as your voice quieted down, you heard footsteps. No sooner the three came out. While the previous villain team acknowledged you immediately and gave you a smile your own teammate was already on his way back to where the class was waiting for you.

You gave the two of them a smile and thanked them before you rushed after the boy. Your mind was already thinking about the perfect flower that would fit the situation.

"Todoroki!" You called his name which made him slow down his steps. Slightly panting, you caught up with him in no time.

"This was really great! Your quirk is pretty amazing. I really hope we can become good friends!" You offered him a single yellow rose which symbolized friendship.

He looked down at your hand that held the beautiful flower. He narrowed his eyes slightly as if he didn't understand.

"Oh, not everyone knows the flower language. Yellow roses are a sign of friendship which is why I want to give one to you! I really like expressing things with flowers" you explained yourself, a sparkle of glee could be found in your eyes as you talked about the rose in your hand.

"Not interested but thank you" he shifted his eyes back forward and his steps began to fasten. He was clearly showing you that he wanted you to leave him alone. A little sad you stopped entirely. Your hand with the rose fell back to your side as you dejectedly stared after Todoroki.

He was the first to reject your flowers.

2. Two flowers

You were running as fast as your legs could carry you. You heartbeat was as fast as the wings of a hummingbird. Your breath came out in small puffs and your eyes were filled with utter fear.

Not a really heroic picture, you had to admit but what were you supposed to do? Only minutes ago you were standing at the entrance of the USJ and without warning some villain teleported you somewhere within the huge training area that was filled with villains which were out for your blood.

You couldn't tell if you were unlucky since you couldn't know the situation your classmates were facing right now but when this black fog spit you out again you found yourself surrounded by villains. An aspiring hero like you might be able to handle one or two but there were ten as far as you could tell and you sure as hell didn't stay to count.

You immediately ran away, hoping to shake them off. The worst part was that you were all alone and had no orientation of the area. You could be pretty much running into another circle of villains for all you knew.

You were shocked when there was suddenly a strong wind that came from your side and threw you off your feet. You stumbled, somehow reaching a clearing before you collapsed. You turned around, crawling backwards as you saw the villains immerge the way you came from. Most of them had a smirk planted on their face that made you sick to the stomach.

"No more running, little one. Let's get this over with" One of them stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. You knew there was no way to escape anymore, so you only had one choice and that was to fight and hope for the best.

At least that's what your mind came up with before suddenly all of them jumped at you at once. You were so shocked that the only thing that you could think of was growing walls of thick thorn bushes around you that would keep the villains away until you had another plan.

You heard painful cries, some were complaining, others were shouting angrily. You heard them claw at the brushwood.

You planted your hands on the ground, making sure to replace every branch the villains were able to slay off.

"If you don't want to come out then fucking die in there!" You were confused at the villain's words until your nose picked up on a new smell.


Panic took over your body as you realized that one of the villains must have had a fire quirk and was now ready to burn you alive with it.

The bush around you caught on fire extremely fast and smoke was beginning to fill your little hideout. Your eyes started to fill with tears due to the influence of it and soon you were coughing.

You didn't know what to do. You might be able to tear off what surrounded you but that would mean that the villains would get you. Besides, you have already breathed in the smoke which weakened you a little. The other choice was to die in here.

You couldn't decide.

"Are you really pathetic enough to need an army to fight one student?" A new but also familiar voice broke through the laughter and joyful noises the villains made as they watched you burn.

You couldn't concentrate enough to put a face to the voice, though. You felt so weak.

You still were able to sense when the unbearable heat was replaced with a biting coldness and only a little later the coldness seemed to disappear too but suddenly you were drenched in water.

You heard a voice, no two voices calling out for you but you just sat there, slightly coughing and trying to understand what was even going on.

The now black branches and thorns that surrounded you were ripped away and two arms reached through the hole in order to pull you out of your prison. Still feeling weak you let yourself fall forward, not caring if you were to hit the ground or not.

The person didn't let you fall though. For a moment you leaned against a chest, hearing the heart within beat at a slightly faster tune. You tried to grip on something as if that would pull you out of this foggy state of yourself.

You tucked on a sleeve almost desperately. The person who still held you in their arms slowly let you down on the ground, laying you on your back. The difference in temperature of the hand that supported your back while letting you down to the ground and the other which had a soft grip on your wrist to stop you from holding on to whatever was in reach, confused you even more.

With deep breaths your tried to calm down and free your lungs from this sticky feeling and it worked for a moment until the warmth and cold of the person's hand disappeared and suddenly the fear of being left behind gripped on your heart.

You couldn't even think straight for a second. You let out a groan.

"Y/N!" A girly voice called out.

"Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me?" A much lower voice, but seemingly just as concerned, questioned.

You slowly opened your eyes. You had no focus at all but you guessed that the gray color you were able to make out was the ceiling of the USJ. With a still blurry vision and a more than confused mind you grew irritated when the shallow grey was now also accompanied by a mix of red and white.

What was going on?

Without thinking much about it you reached out and you fingertips soon were met with the feeling of soft hair.

"What are you doing?" The second voice asked again and slowly but surely the fog started to disappear. Your eyesight adjusted a little and the mix of lineless colors finally could be recognized as what they actually were. You blinked as you were met with an irritated look of mismatched eyes and your fingers still buried in the bangs of the person.

"Todoroki?" You asked, you voice was a little roughed up from the smoke. "Oh, I-I am sorry! I didn't know it was you! Everything was blurry and I was so confused..." you trailed off while pulling your hand away from his face.

Red color tinted your cheeks as you realized that you messed up his hair.

"It's okay. I don't care" he dismissed your strange actions as his face became emotionless again.

"Y/N! I am so happy you are okay! When we saw smoke rising up not too far from us we came here as soon as possible. Who would have thought that those villains were willing to burn you alive!?" You jumped at the sudden voice and only now you saw the gloved hands that rested on an invisible lap.

"Don't worry, Toru! I am fine. You guys showed up just in time. I should have been more careful though and consider that one of the villains might have a quirk that would give me trouble when I put myself in such a situation" you ensured the invisible girl while sitting up.

You couldn't help but cough a little but other than that you felt better which was probably a good sign.

"I know you are probably still weak but I think we should move and search for the others. After all, we cant know how many villains are still after us" Todoroki piped in. Your eyes shifted over to the male again who was already standing up and looking around.

You nodded silently, knowing he was right, so you were about to stand up when you noticed the hand that was offered to you.

You eyes grew wide, looking up at the heterochromatic boy. Without hesitation you put your hand in his, letting him pull you up.

You stumbled a little, your legs still weak but Todoroki was fast to catch you by your arm with his free hand.

"Careful" he mumbled but due to the lack of emotions, you weren't sure if he actually meant it. You only could guess that he was nicer than he let on since he didn't walk away yet.

You recognized the difference in temperature of his hands which let you know without a doubt that it was him who pulled you out and held you for a moment, not Hagakure.

"Yeah, sorry! I didn't mean to trouble you" red dust tinted your cheeks again and you adverted your eyes shyly.

"It's fine" he stated, making sure you were steady before he slowly let go off you.

"Don't worry! Todoroki and I will protect you from now on" the invisible girl's words were comforting and you couldn't help but let a small smile blossom on your face.

"Thank you"


After another big fight everyone could be saved from the villains in the USJ. There were some with smaller injuries and some with a lot worse ones but at least everyone would be fine at the end.

After everything was over you only realized that you never really thanked Todoroki for what he did back there. You were also thankful for Hagakure but you already expressed that but when you left the USJ, you didn't get a chance to talk to the male with the mismatched eyes and it made you felt bad because you really would have died without him.

Unconsciously, small flowers started to sprout on your arm. Bellflowers mixed with yellow roses. Gratitude and Friendship.

Last time he rejected your flower, so you decided to be a bit more sneaky about it this time in hopes that he was just too shy to take it from you.

Your plan was simple. When your class was finally dismissed after you had a long talk about what happened, you stayed back. It took you seconds to grow an example of each flower as well as a steam that would be used as a way to bond the flowers together.

You put them on top of his desk, hoping he would find them tomorrow and understand what you were trying to say.

That day you went home with a small smile on your face.


Unbeknownst to you, it didn't take that long for Todoroki to find your little present. He forgot something, so he came back to school shortly after you already left.

His eyes grew wide in surprise when he found the flowers on top of his desk. He carefully picked them up, an aromatic smell hit his nose.

He knew these were from you. Who else would try to give him a message by using flowers as a way of communication?

He remembered that you said something about yellow roses meaning friendship but he didn't recognize the other flower or what they could mean. He frowned slightly.

Maybe he should just throw them away? But what if you found them in the trash the next day? He shouldn't care about your feelings but due to your quirk you probably had a special bond to flowers, so seeing gifted ones end up in the trash might really hurt you. Why was he even thinking about it?

He sighed annoyedly. Now he was almost glaring at the flowers as if they were to blame for his dilemma.

At the end he took them with him. These were just flowers. He would let them stay in his room for a bit until they would die and that's it.

When he came home that day, he ran into his older sister who seemingly just came home as well. Fuyumi smiled at her little brother and was about to greet him when her eyes fell on the delicate flowers that he had with him.

"Oh" her smile lighted up even more. "You must have made a nice friend if he or she gave you these" she pointed out, actually feeling happy about the thought that her little brother might have made a friend at school for once.

"These are just from a girl in my class. I helped her out today and I guess she wants to be my friend" he looked away, almost seeming shy, even though having someone who wanted to be friends with him shouldn't be embarrassing at all.

"I can tell. The yellow rose obviously stands for friendship and the Bellflower means gratitude. She must be a sweet girl, if she expresses her feelings due to flowers" The older sibling explained. Todoroki looked down at the flowers, feeling a little more satisfied now that he knew what the second one meant.

"You know flower language?" The mismatched eyed boy wondered, a little surprised.

"Sure, I think it is cute what you can do with flowers. The flower language is pretty interesting since you can express all kinds of emotions just by giving flowers to another person" she gave him another bright smile.

"She likes this stuff, too" he mumbled, remembering the first time you talked and how you explained what the yellow rose meant and that you liked to give flowers to other people.

"You should introduce me to her someday. If she knows more about the flower language, she might be able to teach me" Fuyumi laughed, finally putting away her jacket and shoes.

"It's not like that. We aren't close. She has a flower quirk which is probably why she is into them. That's all I know" he turned her down without hesitation before he entered the hallway to retreat to his room.

"Hmm" his sister hummed, looking at Todoroki with a small smile.

Maybe you weren't close but you were still the first classmate he actually talked about.

3. A bouquet

Most of the sport festival was already over. Actually, only the final fight was left which meant that Bakugou and Todoroki would face each other. To be honest, you were a little worried about Todoroki. His fight with Midoriya was strange and you might have had overheard them talk before the fight. You really hadn't meant to eardrop.

You had been minding your own business, wanting to get some fresh air by going outside but before you could enter the hallway someone pulled you back while also putting their hand over your mouth to silent you. After some struggling you found out it was just Bakugou who glared at you like he was ready to murder you, if you dared to make any noise.

Since you weren't scared of him, you were left being confused what he was doing until you heard Todoroki's and Midoriya's voices from the hallway you were just about to enter.

You were forced to listen to their conversation and all about Todoroki's family and especially his father.

Even though you also were physically restricted from speaking, you now felt speechless entirely. So many thoughts were running through your mind that you couldn't keep up.

How could his father do that?

This had been the most prominent thought.

You didn't get caught but the deed was done and you knew all about Todoroki's history without him knowing.

You obviously kept it to yourself but somehow you felt like you were able to understand him a little more now. He wasn't a bad person. He just never learned how to befriend others and had a rough childhood.

That knowledge wouldn't change anything though. You were going to treat him the same which translated in - you would continue your mission to befriend him.

The fight of him and Bakugou was still on and honestly, both were amazing. You couldn't make up your mind who might end up winning, even though your heart was rooting for Todoroki.

When it was over, you were a little disappointed to see Bakugou being the winner and it annoyed you even more that said male seemed to be pissed at Todoroki for something and didn't let it be.

You couldn't help but conclude that it had to do with the things the two of you had learned earlier that day. When both Todoroki and Bakugou left the battlefield, you rushed off, too. Your friends were confused, calling out to you but you were already making your way to Recovery Girl where you surely would be finding Todoroki.

You reached the room you knew he was in but you waited outside, not wanting to interrupt his healing. You decided to wait for him to come out. That also gave you a little time to prepare your present which was a bouquet of several flowers.

You were a little startled when the door opened and Todoroki stepped out. His eyes found yours immediately.

Now being gazed upon by him, you couldn't help but feel slightly nervous.

"Do you want something?" He broke the silence first which you were thankful for.

"No, I mean, yes! Kind of?" Internally you were scolding yourself for you vague answer. He raised an eyebrow, obviously not understanding what you were trying to say.

"I know you didn't win but I think you were great out there, so please take these!" Your voice was a little higher than usually which made you sound awkward. He was shocked as he gazed at all the different kind of flowers that were so vibrant in their color that it made him think of this as art.

He spotted the yellow roses yet again as well as a bunch of flowers he couldn't place a name on. Slowly his eyes shifted to you who looked away slightly, a small blush on your face.

Without much hesitation he took the flowers from you. Your (e/c) orbs darted over to him and a small smile started to make its way on your face. He at least didn't reject you.

It was truly beautiful and if he didn't know any better, he would think he felt a warm feeling spreading where his heart was. Now he only had to convince himself that he meant the flowers and not you whom were shining just a vibrant at that exact moment.

"That's all" you decided to return to your seat now that he received the flowers. When you turned around to run off, you noticed that someone was standing not too far off from where the two of you were.

It was Endeavor and he was glaring at you for some unknown reason. Feeling a chill run down your spine, you only handled a quick bow before you hurried off, trying to get away as fast as possible from the intimidating man.

"Wasn't she the girl who lost in one of the first rounds? She is a weakling" the man voiced out when you were gone, now directing his glare at his son.

Other than you, Todoroki didn't feel intimidated in the slightest as he glared right back.

"Leave her alone. She has nothing do with you" the younger hissed and he, too, didn't want to spend more time than necessary with his father.

"She is going to get in your way" the other retorted, his eyes now fixed on your little present that was carefully held by the icy hot male.

"That's none of your business" these were Todoroki's final words before he took his leave as well.


Later at home Todoroki forced himself to ask Fuyumi about the meaning of the flowers again. It turned out that you meant to tell him your friendship, admiration and wished him good luck.

He blushed a little but went back to his room before his sister was able to catch on. There he made sure to put the flowers in a vase, representing the only color in his room.

He had to admit that you were an odd one. Giving him, the second place, flowers instead of the one who actually won the festival and on top of that trying to gain his friendship even though he stated that he wasn't looking for any kind of friendliness. Not to forget that you expressed your admiration for him and all that with the help of flowers.

You were an odd one but maybe he liked that about you.

4. Bracelet

You were on your way to the hospital the moment the news reached you that Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida were there after being involved with Stain, the hero killer.

By now, you were friends with all three boys but especially you and Todoroki became closer after the Sports Festival. Since you all were doing your internship at the moment, you didn't have too much time to spend with each other but you texted quiet a bit which was enough for you to allow yourself to visit him at the hospital.

You arrived at the hospital and soon you were on your way to the room where he was supposed to stay. You knocked on the door and when a voice allowed you to come in, you opened the door and entered the room.

Your eyes searched for Todoroki. They found him sitting on his bed, rather relaxed. He was already looking at you as you bolted over to him. You placed your hands on his shoulders and your eyes roomed his body for any injuries.

"Are you okay? Do you have a wound that still hurts? How are you ment-"

"Y/N!" He interrupted you by calling your name softly. "I am fine. I told you, you didn't have to come. I will be out of the hospital in no time" he ensured you. You felt yourself calming down a little bit but your eyes still showed worry.

He sighed at the thought of you worrying ever since he texted you earlier this day. Maybe he should have kept quiet and wait until he was out of the hospital.

"We are fine, too, by the way" Midoriya almost shily piped in as he and Iida were silently observing the two of you.

"It is quite impolite to only show worry for one person when all three of us were involved" Iida scolded you when he finally had your attention. You sweatdropped as you only now realized that you pretty much ignored the others in favor of Todoroki.

"I am sorry. I hope the two of you are fine, too! Todo texted me and said what was going on, so that is why I went for him first" you tried to save yourself by explaining this matter and it sure worked on Midoriya but Iida somehow gave you a look that told you that he thought there was more to it.

"Let her be. She came all the way here for us, so stop complaining" The half-half boy defended you.

"I believe she came for you but you are right. She is probably emotionally exhausted, so I will refrain from pressuring her anymore" Iida nodded agreeingly which made you relax slightly.

You still thought he could have kept the snarky remark about you being here for Todoroki only to himself.

"I wanted to get some fresh air. Do you want to come, too?" Todoroki looked at you. You gave him a small smile before you nodded. You said goodbye to Iida and Midoriya and minutes later you sat on a bench on the roof of the hospital. Utter calmness surrounded you and for the first time today you truly were able to relax.

"I didn't mean to worry you" Todoroki voiced out due to feeling guilty. His eyes were fixed on the sun that began to set, creating a beautiful view for the two of you.

"It's no big deal. That's what friends are for" you waved it off. He hummed, thinking about what to say next.

"Am I a special friend? Iida wasn't wrong when he said that you came straight up to me while ignoring the others, even though you are friends, too" you swore his voice held a teasing tone but you couldn't dwell on it since you were busy trying not to blush at his words.

"W-well" you started "I didn't expect them to be in the same room with you. That's all" you lied, hoping you would be off the hook but somehow you doubted he would swallow such a weak lie.

"You are red" he pointed out with a matter of fact tone that made this even more awkward.

"The sun is setting! Of course, I am red. You are, too!" Again it was just an excuse. His eyes reflected the light and small sprinkles of orange light sparkled on the skin of his face as well as his hair but he was no where near red.

"Am I?" He titled his head to the side, not sure if he should believe you or not.

"Yes, anyway.." you trailed off again, trying to find the right words. "I have something for you" you blurted out.

This caught his interest. He fixed his eyes on you yet again as he guessed this present would be flower related.

You hummed, turning to him "give me your wrist" you requested, hoping he would just comply without any questions. Trusting you enough to not question your motives, he held out his arm for you.

Carefully you wrapped your hands around his wrist. He was startled at the sudden contact but didn't pull back. He titled his head again as he watched you with curiosity shining through his mismatched orbs.

Soon he felt something soft wrap around his wrist and only a little while after you took your hands away and left was a beautiful bracelet that shone within the colors of countless flowers.

"It's beautiful" he mumbled, not being able to withdraw his gaze from it. Carefully, he let his fingertips brush over one of the petals of a pink flower. Again, he didn't know the name but without a doubt this would be as meaningful as all of your presents.

You felt giddy when you realized how his eyes softened while looking at your little creation.

"I will let you find out what they are meaning on your own but this is supposed to be a little charm" you smiled.

Todoroki nodded, already deciding that he would send a picture to Fuyumi later, so she could help him out again.

"It's getting late. Let's go back to your room and then I will be off and before you tell me to not go alone at this hour, I already asked my mom to pick me, if it was getting too late" you stood up from the bench, waiting for him to follow your action.

"Okay" with that short answer he got up, too and walked up to the door that would lead back to the staircase. Before you could reach it though he suddenly grabbed your hand.

Shocked and a little confused you turned around. Unconsciously, your eyes gazed down to your connected hands.

Todoroki himself was a little surprised by his own action but decided to just go with it.

"Thank you so much" he offered you a little smile that made your heart beat faster and soon butterflies interrupted in your stomach. This was the first time you saw him smile and thinking that it had to do with your flowers skyrocket your pulse.

"You are red again" the male pointed out.

"You are, too" you repeated what you said before and this time it was the truth. A small blush graced his cheeks.

"It's just the sunset" he mumbled, intertwining his fingers with yours.

"Sure" you squeezed his hand once.

You only let go when you reached his room.


After you left, Todoroki was fast to look for his phone and sent pictures of the bracelet to his sister. The other two where pretty dumbfounded when they saw the colorful flowers weaved around the male's wrist but it wasn't hard to think about how they got there.

"So you and Y/N?" Midoriya questioned, trying to find out if his suspicions were right.

"We are friends. Yellow roses mean friendship" Todoroki lifted his wrist, showing that one of the flowers, indeed, was a yellow rose.

The other two boys looked at each other before shrugging. If there was anything going on, they would find out soon enough.

Todoroki didn't mind that the room grew silent again. His eyes were fixed on the screen of his phone and luckily he soon enough saw that his sister was typing something.

Seconds later he got the answer he waited for.

Friendship. Adoration. Protection. Luck. Blossoming Love.

Needless to say that the last bit made his heart flutter.


5. Flower Crown

Soon things became normal again. Now you all were preparing for your super important exam at the end of the school year and while you were also trying to study for that, there was something else that occupied your mind.

You knew you were in love with Todoroki but you didn't know exactly how to tell him. Well, maybe you knew but you weren't sure if you could pull through with it.

You wanted to make him a flower crown out of yellow and red roses. The yellow ones were to show where you started and the red roses to tell him what you were feeling now but you still needed to find the courage to do just that.

Maybe you should just do it like always. Making it for him, giving it to him and then leave, so he could figure it out himself.

You usually gave him flowers whenever something good happened, so you thought about giving them to him when he finished his practical exam.

This was certainly a plan. Now only your heart had to calm down.


It was finally the day you were waiting for and while Todoroki and Yaoyuruzu were fighting against Mr. Aizawa, you found a secluded place where you could work on the flower crown. You were actually lucky that your exam was before Todoroki's, so that you were now able to completely concentrate on weaving the flowers.

You truly gave it your all to make the colors the most vibrant and the petals as big as possible. You believed that all flowers were beautiful but even you had to admit that those you just created were especially delicate.

You were a pro at weaving flowers, so you were done only after a few minutes. You actually hoped that the rest of the time could be spend to give yourself a motivational speech but it seemed like the universe had other plans. Todoroki had finished his exam which was your que.

The icy hot boy talked to Yaoyuruzu as they left the area. His eyes couldn't help but search for you when they stepped out. You promised you would meet him after his exam was done but until now he couldn't spot you.

Slight disappointment settled in as he concluded that you might have forgotten about that promise. He still didn't let it show.

"Oh, isn't that Y/N?" The black haired girl saw you coming their way. The mismatched eyes of the heterochromatic male followed hers and soon he, indeed, saw you walking up to them.

"I will be on my way. I will see you later" The tall girl decided to take her leave. Todoroki nodded, saying his own goodbye.

You saw the other girl walking off before you even reached them, so you went with waving goodbye to her with a small smile on your lips. She returned your gesture with a smile of her own.

"Hey, congratulations! I knew you would nail it!" You cheered, keeping your hands behind your back to hide the flower crown.

"I wouldn't say we nailed it but we somehow made it. Anyway, what are you hiding?" His curiosity sparked when he saw how suspiciously you kept your hands hidden.

"Well, It seems like it became a tradition that I give you a present from time to time and today you really did well. Actually, this present is more special than the rest I've given you" you blushed at your own words but there was no turning back now.

"Is that so?" It seemed like that lightened up his mood a bit since a smile tucked at the corner of his lips.

"Yes and the rules are the same as always. You will have to find out yourself what the flowers mean"

"Even though it shouldn't be hard this time" you thought, becoming slightly flustered.

"Since when there are rules?" He teased, knowing what you meant but couldn't help to ask you about those unsaid rules.

"Well, if you don't want to I could just leave and you will never find out what great of a present awaited you today" you chirped, hoping that you sounded normally but if you were able to pick up the slightly higher tone of your voice, Todoroki would, too.

He frowned at the possibility of you actually letting him hanging like that.

"Fine" he agreed, eyeing where your hands disappeared behind your back again. You nodded, preparing yourself mentally. You would give that to him and then disappear, giving him time to process this and saving yourself from absolute humiliation, if he happened to not like you back.

"Here it comes" you smiled shily, finally pulling the flower crown from behind your back.

Todoroki gazed at it in amazement.

The yellow rose and the red rose.

Friendship and Love.

You got on your tiptoes, carefully putting the self-made crown on his head. You took a step back, admiring how great those flowers looked on him.

Without even realizing it your (e/c) filled with affection as you continued to gaze at the still frozen male.

"You look just as great as I imagined" you laughed, trying to hide your nerves and your admittedly fast beating heart.

"Red roses" Todoroki spoke up "Don't they mean lo-"

"I will see you around!" And with that you were gone, leaving a confused Todoroki. His eyes followed you leaving the area until he couldn't see you anymore. He reached out to touch the flowers of the crown that still sat on his head as a smile returned to his face.

You might have ran away but this time your message was loud and clear even without the aid of his sister.

And he would make sure to show you his feelings.

6. A Present of his own

It was the day after your indirect confession and one of your last school days before the summer vacations would begin.

You didn't have a chance to talk to Todoroki yet but now it was lunchbreak and you decided to seek the male out to talk to him. After all, it wouldn't do any good to avoid the unavoidable.

To your surprise, the half half boy was gone as soon as the teacher dismissed you and it took you some asking around to finally find out the male's location.

Even more surprisingly, you ended up finding him sitting in the backyard of the U.A on the gras and near a small bed of flowers. Judging from what you saw, he was trying to make a flower crown that reminded you of yesterday. Feeling flustered yet again, you tried to not let it show too much.

You took a deep breath and approached the male.

"Todo?" You called out to him when you weren't too far off anymore. He looked up at the call of his name and when your eyes met, both of you blushed a little. You tried to brush it off, though. Maybe starting the conversation first, might help ease the tension that surrounded you.

"What are you doing?" You added, sitting down next to him.

"I am trying to make a flower crown" he admitted. He looked down at the messily weaved flowers and the frown deepened on his face, showing his frustration.

He was an aspiring hero but failed at weaving some flowers into a circle.

He felt utterly stupid.

"Let me help you" you giggled a little as you gazed at him. The expression he wore made him look like a confused puppy. You couldn't help but wanting to help.

"It isn't that hard. Just.." you started your little lesson at flower crown making. Guiding him through the process carefully. He did most of the work since you only instructed him how to do it.

He wouldn't let you do all the work, anyway, even if you tried. This flower crown had a special purpose, so it had to be made by him.

"Sorry, I've never learned how to do this when I was a kid" he explained when you were done, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.

Your eyes grew automatically softer at his words. You knew how his childhood went, so it shouldn't surprise you but it still saddened you from time to time.

"Don't think about it too much" Todoroki tried to change the topic when he saw the look in your eyes. He knew that you knew about him and since you grew closer you learned some more things that no one else knew but he still didn't want you to feel sad right now or ever, really.

You nodded, banning the negative emotions from your mind for a moment. You put on a smile instead.

"How comes that you wanted to make a flower crown? I've never seen you much around flowers" you wondered, titling your head to the side. You were still oblivious to his actual motives.

Without any hesitation the male took the flower crown off his lap and placed it on your head. You blinked at his actions, staring at him.

He returned your gaze, smiling slightly.

"Beautiful" the heterochromatic male mumbled, his eyes fixed on you and only you. Your soft hair moved slightly in the wind while some stray strands framed your face perfectly. Your eyes reflected the sun light, making them even brighter than they already were and the flower crown on top of your head accentuated your cuteness in a way that made Todoroki's heart flutter.

He was utterly in love and if he hadn't thought so before, he certainly would have thought so now.

"This is for me?" You bit your bottom lip, trying to keep the big smile at bay that threatened to break out.

"Yes, this is my answer. You always expressed your emotions with flowers. It only feels right to do the same, when I am trying to tell you how I feel about you. I don't know much about the flower language. I couldn't find red roses in this garden and I admittedly have no clue what those flowers on your head mean but I know that I fell in love with you" he confessed the words he wanted to tell you since yesterday and by the radiant smile that blossomed on your face, he deducted that he didn't do a bad job.

"I love you, too" you said it out loud for the first time before launching yourself at the boy. He let out a small huff when he caught you, falling on his back with you on top of him. The flower crown slipped a little out of place but still remained on your head.

His arms wrapped around you a little awkwardly, trying to reciprocate the gesture, even though he had no clue what he was doing. Your own arms were loosely holding onto his shoulders while you hid your face in the fabric of his blazer, suddenly being aware that you practically jumped the boy. The slight up and down of his chest as the male breathed happened to calm you down, helping to push away the awkwardness and replace it with pure giddiness. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" The question slipped out before he could stop himself. You felt him tense slightly, tightening the grip around you. He really tried to get this relationship thing done correctly. He just had to figure out how.

You placed your chin on his chest, now being able to look at him directly. 

"I would love to" you agreed within an instand. Todoroki as your boyfriend. Back when you had first met, you would have never thought that you and the boy would reach that stage. You couldn't be any happier.

You were about to say something else when you were suddenly flipped over. This time you were the one who let out a huff when your back hit the gras with Todoroki straddling your waist. He pinned your arms down right beside your head while his heterochromatic eyes gazed right into yours, brimming with affection and love that he only held for you.

"So I am allowed to do this?"

"What do you-"

Your lips were sealed with his soft ones before you could get out another word and you didn't mind. If this was his way to shut you up, he could do it as often as he wanted. His kiss was curious, almost experimental but still full of clumsy tenderness and love that the two of you couldn't get enough of.

You parted slowly, Todoroki gave you another small peck before he withdrew completely. For a moment it felt like time stopped and it was only the two of you. You felt your lover's breath against your neck as you both didn't make any move to get away from each other.

"I love you" Todoroki said those meaningful three little words yet again.

"I love you, too" to say those words felt so naturally when directed to the male above you.

"Wait" you started, feeling like you forgot something important. "We are at school!" You blurted out, realizing that you kissed right in the open and with Todoroki on top of you. You didn't even want to imagine what your teachers would say, if they found you like this.

"Oh" Todoroki scrambled off you the second he processed those words. He couldn't help but look around afterwards, suddenly feeling embarrassed about the possibility that the two might have been spotted.

"Not a lot of students come here, so we should be fine but let's try to be more carefully from now on" you awkwardly suggested when you sat up. "Not that I didn't like it but I guess we went a little overboard" you chuckled dryly.

"You're right. The other's wouldn't let us live that down" his eyebrows narrowed at the thought of the endless teasing that would await them, if anyone had seen this.

"The break is almost over. Want to go back to the classroom together?" The question was probably unnecessary but your brain was still busy to grasp what happened within the last few minutes which was why no one could have expected you to say something smart right now.

"Of course" Todoroki stood up first and just like the time at the USJ he held out a hand to help you get up. You put your right hand in this but different from the time you he helped you up at the USJ, you didn't  let go of his hand when you were on your feet.

Actually, he intertwined your fingers and tightened the grip on them.

"Are you going to keep the flower crown on?" He asked, gazing at it once more.

"Yes! Due to my quirk I have flowers in my hair all the time, so no one will question it anyway and these flowers are the most special to me because I've got them from you" he chuckled at your flustered state after you told him those words.

It made him happy and you more adorable.

"Good, now let's go" he led you back to the school by the hand.

"Do you think it is okay to hold hands in school?"

"They won't mind"

"Weren't you worried about the teasing?"

"Yeah but I also want everyone to know that you're my girlfriend now, so I will have to deal with it" 

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