Rogue Revolution

Від Stella_Gordon

175K 6.3K 698

Tessa Quinn had everything figured out, and as the daughter of Alphas Fletcher and Ryder Quinn she's always g... Більше

Rogue Revolution
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Rogue Queen

Chapter 19

3.9K 162 23
Від Stella_Gordon

"It's safer if they don't know." I argue with Oliver as we sit in Quentin and I's office waiting until the whole pack has gathered for the pack meeting I scheduled. It's been four days since I got back from Jasper's and we still haven't uncovered any incriminating evidence about Ivan yet other than many unexplainable rogue attacks. Oliver is still wary of the whole situation and thinks we should just forget about it as to not get into further trouble.

"Fine. I don't agree with you on this but if both you and my brother feel there is something worth looking into I'll follow you." He finally caves letting me not tell the pack about what's going on behind the scenes. It's safer for everyone especially the pack because if worse case scenario happened the council would spare them since they had no knowledge about it.

"Has Jasper shown up with anything yet?" I turn to Carl who is leaning against the wall, and he shakes his head. I know Jasper said he was going to head to Black Moon to pick up the copies of old attack reports to run over here, but it's been a few days and I'm staring to worry.

"Alright let's do this." I stand up following Carl and Oliver out of the room while wishing Quentin was walking with me as well. His condition has improved so well that his back is all healed up except for some scarring, but he has yet to wake up. Parker profusely reassured me that there is nothing else wrong with him and he just need to wake up on his own time.

I stay with him every night sleeping on the couch in his room, but during the day when I'm working I leave to go to our office. If it wasn't for the sensitivity of the issue at hand and the danger of curious ears I would work from his room too. On the bright side I was allowed to get the cast on my arm taken off this morning but the stitches have to stay in another day or two.

Walking out into the back yard unease and somber are the best emotions to describe the atmosphere of the crowd. Some hold their family close while others nervously look over their shoulders just in case. It all sends a pang of hurt to my heart to see my pack in such a state of fear and knowing deep down I can't promise them safety. We can do as much as possible as a pack, but without the council we don't have complete immunity, not that we had much before.

"I want to start by saying how sorry I am. Last week was an unforgettable tragedy that no one saw coming, and I hope we never have to see again." I swallow the bile that rises in my throat from lying to them for now. I would never lead them into a war blindly but for now we aren't even sure it will come to that so I don't want to put that extra weight of unrest. "I know you are all desperate to know how Quentin is doing, but I don't come baring good or bad news today." I have to look away for a second to compose myself. Not having him beside me everyday has been extremely difficult. Sometimes I look over to crack a joke about something only to feel my smile fall from his absence. "He suffered deep lacerations to his back, broken ribs, a broken wrist, and worst a severe concussion. Parker has explained that it's all depends on his body deciding it's healed and ready to wake up." I grip the railing of the deck feeling lightheaded. The physical toll of staying up into the late hours of the night desperately searching for evidence is starting to set in.

"We lost fourteen warriors in total, and I can promise you justice will be served to those responsible. The council was notified of our brutal attack, but instead of helping us decided to revoke our recognition based opinions other expressed towards them about Quentin. I don't want to get too deep into it because I am actively working with the council to get this resolved as soon as possible, but until then I don't want what happened to effect how you go about your day to day lives. Now's the time to work together and stand tall to show everyone that Silver Dawn can come out of this stronger." The atmosphere is still tense but I can see some are a bit more relieved being in the loop. It only solidifies my decision that from this day forward they won't be left in the dark. A pack can't run efficiently without complete transparency.

"Security has been amped up as a precaution. A new patrol schedule will never allow us to be vulnerable during shift changes, and we also have installed alarm systems just for the extra sense of security. If you have any questions or concerns don't be shy please speak up to either me, Oliver, Carl, or Julia." I point out each of them before looking over the crowd one last time.

"The second Quentin is awake you will be the first to hear, and if any other developments arise you will be notified immediately. From this point forward I promise every decision I make will be made with you, your family, and this pack in mind. Thank you all to those who have stepped up at this time, your help is incredibly appreciated." I blow out a shaky breathe stepping back as Oliver steps forward. He is going to answer any questions that anyone has while I go to get an update about Quentin.

"Jasper's at the border." Carl grabs my elbow whispering in my ear as Oliver voice filters through the air. Keeping my face nuteral I follow behind him heading into the pack house and out the front door so the pack won't see where we are going. Carl's seems a bit frantic as he rushes me to the northern sector stopping a few feet from the border.

"There was an attack!" Jasper's eyes are wide and the sight of his blood soaked chest has my knees feeling weak. Stumbling forward I look him over for injures but don't see any other than a few cuts and bruises, so that blood can't be his.

"Where?" He couldn't have been anywhere other than his pack, Black Moon, or Dark Mountains. Please Goddess no it can't be happening again.

"Black Moon." He admits still out of breath and I have a feeling he ran the entire way here. This can't be happening. There's no way this is a coincidence someone is behind this and seems to be one step ahead of us.

"Is everyone okay?!" My hands are shaking and my heart is racing. They have to be okay because I don't know what I would do if I lost any of them.

"There were a few casualties but your family is okay. Well Troy got really hurt but he'll live." From the look in his eyes I can tell there is something he isn't telling me, but the sheer relief of knowing they are okay is enough for me right now. "I helped, but I've never had to hurt anyone like that before. It was so bad Tessa." He drops his gaze to the ground and I can see the tear fall from his eye, stepping forward I pull him into a hug rubbing his back.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I swollow the lump in my throat as his body shakes with sobs. It reminds me of when I was in his shoes not that long ago, and it tears me apart knowing he had to go through the same thing especially at his age.

"Do you know who was responsible?" There is no doubt the council with step in regardless only this time they can't pull out a half assed excuse to try and fuck them over since they've been an established pack for so long. Plus many other packs look up to Black Moon for their efficiency so it would be stupid to piss of so many people by ignoring what has happened.

"Rogues." He pulls away wiping the remaining tears from his eyes. His cheeks are blotchy and I can see the exhaustion in his eyes. We may be dealing with something bigger than we originally thought because during our attack we disposed of a lot more rogues than warriors we lost, and if they were able to attack Black Moon, who has a much larger population than us, that means this army is a lot bigger.

"Go wash off in the creek and then switch clothes with Carl. You need to rest before heading home." It's risky letting him stay with us for the night, but worse case senecio if someone sees him I'll tell them he's a rogue looking for a home. "Can you shift after and do a few laps so his scent disperses?" I turn to Carl who nods with an understanding smile. This is his first time meeting Jasper, and I can tell he sees why I'm not letting him get too close to our operation.

"It's fine I can head home." Jasper protests but I shake my head with a frown.

"No, it's a long way home and you shouldn't be alone right now." He needs a minute to process what he experienced today, and incase he needs to talk to someone I want him to be able to get it off his chest. "I'll let you go home in the morning." He nods turning back heading for the creek that is behind some of the bushes. Carl follows behind him but comes out a minute later in his wolf form.

"Thank you." Jasper whispers to me before sending a nod to Carl silently thanking him. I usher Jasper to our house since no one should be out and about for a little bit longer.

"I need to call Della but make yourself at home." I motion to the living room before heading down the hallway to our office. The council can't stop me from calling my aunt and uncle after their pack was attacked, and if they need help I'm going to give it to them no matter what.

"Hello?" She picks up the phone sounding winded. The attack had to of happened only a few hours ago based on the time Jasper showed up, and there is no doubt the council is on their way there if they aren't already.

"Are you all okay? Do you need help?" I sit down in the chair glancing at the clock to make sure the pack meeting is still running. I don't want them to panic about Black Moon getting attacked, but keeping them in the dark isn't fair. They need to hear it from me sooner rather than later.

"We're okay. Troy's in the hospital but he's going to be okay. Little shit was supposed to stay hidden." Her voice breaks and my heart breaks for her. I don't know exactly what condition Troy is in or was but that couldn't have been easy to see him like that. "It was rogues, but they were so organized and strategic like I've never seen. I was a rogue for eight years and I've never come into contact with any rogue groups with a size that huge." She solidifies my worst fear, we've only seen the tip of this iceberg.

"I'm scared." I whisper afraid that if I say it too loud some how the enemy will hear. Whoever the true enemy is.

"Me too." Her voice is fearful for the first time in my life. She's been the strong one in the family whom has seen the worst in this world, and gone through hell and back just to have a moderately normal life. So the fact she sounds scared sends a chill down my spine.

"What do we do?" Is secretly investigating Ivan the best option right now with an army of rogues going from pack to pack attacking innocent people? I don't know who the bigger threat is at this point, and I honestly don't feel qualified enough to make the decision.

"We see how the council reacts and then we make our move. I talked to Jasper briefly before he left so he can update you on some information we dug up, but as for your dads they have nothing. All Dark Mountains records were burned in the fire all those years ago so they only have paperwork from after they took over." I eye the door itching to find out what Della told Jasper. "Listen sweetheart I need to go your dads are going to be here soon along with the council, but tell Jasper thank you for me again. I don't even want to know what would have happened he he wouldn't have reached Troy and Victoria when he did." I'm proud of Jasper and very thankful that he stepped up when he didn't have to.

"Okay I'll let you go. I love you guys, and stay safe."

"I love you too, and I'll call your other phone soon." We hang up and I don't waste another second racing down the hallway to find Jasper. He's sitting on the couch staring up at the ceiling while clutching one of the decorative pillows to his chest.

"Della said she told you about information she found." I sit down on the couch facing him as he turns his head to look at me. His eyes are dull and distant like he isn't here with me at the moment. I feel bad making him talk about something that probably seems so trivial in his mind compared to what he witnessed earlier.

"Ivan took over the position he has now shortly after the battle between Dark Mountains and Black Moon all those years ago." I shudder at the memory of that dark day. The terror I felt that day out on that field is something I don't think I'll never forget. "The problem with that though is his parents were never apart of the council so he had no real right to the role, and had no relationship or connection to the previous predecessor. Although the other members accepted him filling the position many Alphas were left wondering why, but after some time people forgot and moved on. Aidan's thinks the answer has to do with how Ivan got the position in the first place and may give us enough proof to move forward." I guess I was too young to remember when Ivan took over especially since I wasn't exactly fascinated with the council at age five.

"What do you think about it all?" I know we agreed Jasper was only supposed to be a messenger, but I value his opinion and the more minds that work together the better the chance we get through this all faster.

"Maybe he threatened the other council members into letting him take over the role." He shrugs playing with a stray string hanging off the pillow in his lap. I best wrap this up so we can start talking about the elephant in the room.

"Or be blackmailed them." It's very unluckily that a powerful organization such as the council would be even remotely threatened by Ivan even if he had control over a rogue army like he may have right now. The council is technically in control of all packs which they can use to their advantage any time rendering Ivan defenseless, but if Ivan had information about them that would have been devastating to their representations causing packs to turn their backs to them and they may have bent to his will.

"That's probably more likely." Jasper nods shooting me the tiniest of smiles. I go to open my mouth but the front door is thrown open smacking against the wall, jumping up I shield Jasper from whoever it could be. My face morphs into one of pure anger as Carl scurries in.

"What the hell!" I shout marching over to him meeting him half way. He looks behind me at Jasper and then looks back at me with a frieghtend expression.

"The council is here." My mind goes blank for a second, and the only other noise I can hear is the ringing in my ears. This can't be good the council was supposed to be at Black Moon not here. Whipping around I point down the hallway.

"Go into the spare bedroom and don't come out until I come and get you." Jasper stands up all the color draining from his face. This visit could be dangerous for everyone in my pack but worse for Jasper. Under no circumstances can they know about Jasper it would put him and his entire pack in danger.

"Do you know why they are here?" We take off towards where I'm assuming they are waiting. I wasn't expecting them to show up ever let alone today of all days.

"I don't know, but it's Ivan along with only three men. He refused to talk to anyone other than you." If they were going to search the place to investigate they surely would have sent more men than four. Plus the idea of Ivan stepping foot onto our territory has my skin crawling.

We stop near the western border walking the rest of the way giving me a moment to compose myself. Ivan stands just a few feet into our land smirking with a cocky look in his eyes. I already don't like the feeling of this.

"I was passing through and I decided to stop in to ask you a few more questions." I almost let out a sigh of relief knowing he isn't here because he caught wind of Jasper. A growl sounds from behind us followed by incoherent shouting. We all look to each other for an answer but by the confusion written on all of our faces none of us know what's going on.

"If there's is a problem you can ask me!" Quentin stomps out from the trees followed by a sheepish looking Oliver and a stunned Emma. My knees wobble as his eyes connect with mine, and if it wasn't for him wrapping his arm around my waist I would have fallen to the ground. Pulling me to his chest he bends down smashing his lips onto mine.

The world dissolves around me as I snake my arms around his neck pulling him impossibly closer to me. Feeling his skin on mine is a breath of fresh air, egnighting the bond between us like it was lit with gasoline. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes as he pulls back resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you." He smiles with those ever enchanting silver eyes gleaming with happiness. It takes every bit of resistance to not cling onto him and never let go, but we have a bigger situation on our hands. Although now it doesn't seem as scary as he slides his hand into mine interlacing our fingers. We can fight this problem once and for all but most importantly together.

Song: Dangerous by Royal Deluxe

I thought I would post a little earlier because there is a full moon hung high in the sky where I am and it feels fitting! I tried my best to explain the details of the past and the evidence they are gathering, but it's a bit hard for me to not give away anything early since I know the answers to all of Tessa questions and how this is all connected. I also got passed a bit of writers block and started working on another book thats completely separate to this one. My goal is to finish it completely and then post chapters once this book is done so I can write and post the chapters to the next book in this series without any distractions. I don't want to spoil too much but it's going to be a mafia romance and I'm super excited! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and if you did don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you to anyone who is working the frontlines of this pandemic your sacrifice is greatly appreciated. Stay safe, until next time.

~Stella Gordon

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