The Hellhound's Return

By Twix3780

20.1K 424 63

[BOOK ONE] Something old and powerful lives in the woods surrounding the small town of Briarwood. Something t... More

Broken Spell: Part I
Broken Spell: Part II
Code Busters
Rock Solid
Whispering Voices
Legendary Catastros
Stranger Within, Part I
Stranger Within, Part II
Petrified Xander
The Gatekeeper, Part I
The Gatekeeper, Part II
Scaredy Cat
Long Ago
Inner Strength
The Dark Wish, Part I
Dark Wish, Part II
Dark Wish, Part III
Koragg's Trial
Heir Apparent, Part I
Heir Apparent, Part II
The Light
The Hunter
Hard Heads
Snow Prince
Light Source, Part I
Light Source, Part II
Mystic Fate, Part I
Mystic Fate, Part II

The Return

456 10 1
By Twix3780

"So, you guys really are the Power Rangers?" Toby asked, looking around at his employees. They had come into the store early this morning so that they could help him wrap his head around the new secret he was being trusted to keep.

Chip grinned as Vida and Maddie nodded in confirmation.

"Okay, uh, Nick is the Red Ranger," said Toby.

"Right," Nick confirmed.

"And Xander is Green,"

Xander nodded.

"Madison - Blue."

Maddie winked.

"Chip - Yellow."

Chip grinned.

"Kali - Black."

Kali nodded.

"And, Vida - Pink."

Vida rolled her eyes, She was still disappointed in her choice of colour, it seemed.

"Okay, so, Nick is also the son of Udonna, the White Ranger," Toby continued. "And Leanbow, a powerful wizard who is also Koragg, the guy who's been trying to trash the city. But he's a good guy. It's just nobody knows what happened to him."

Maddie smirked as she nodded. "I'm impressed, Toby, that's quite -" she broke off as Toby held up his finger, silencing her.

Kali bit back a laugh.

"Now, Nick is also the light," Toby continued. "The power to stop evil from taking over. But the bad guys are looking for the light so that they can destroy him and the rest of the world."

"Exactly," Chip said.

"Silence," Toby interrupted. "Now, Kali, is also the daughter of Eithne, the former Black Ranger and Calindor, a good guy turned bad guy?"

Kali nodded.

"She's also known as the Hellhound," Toby added. "The keeper of souls and guardian of the Mystic Realm."

"Apparently," Kali muttered. The night after she had been rescued, Udonna had explained in great detail to Kali the role of being a Hellhound. She had explained that Kali hadn't just inherited her mother's abilities and control over darkness, she had been born for a specific role within the Mystic Realm. As it's guardian, she was responsible for its protection against outside forces, including the Masters.

Toby nodded and turned to LeeLee. She had been standing silently behind him, listening and waiting her turn in the story. "Now, LeeLee's mom is the Queen of the Vampires. Who did carry me off, so I guess I can stop seeking professional help now."

The team laughed.

"Sorry about that," LeeLee apologised.

"And - and - and now, the ten terrors are here," said Toby, returning to his earlier train of thought. "Trying to call forth the head honcho himself - you know, the Master of all evil. And you know what that means?"

Screams from outside drew everyone's attention to the door. Kali furrowed her brow and checked her Morpher, sharing a look with Maddie as it showed no indication of evil anywhere in the city.

"It means that you guys won't be working your regular hours for a while," said Toby. He paused and turned to LeeLee. "Looks like it might just be me and Lee-squared for a bit."

The screaming outside grew louder as the door to the store opened and Phineas walked inside. "Ahh! Ohh!" he yelled back. "You think you'd never seen a Troblin before." He slammed the door behind him.

LeeLee giggled and hurried over to Phineas.

"Hello," Phineas grinned, offering her a bouquet of turnips. "Thought I'd stop by and see you, my girl. Ooh, these are for you."

Kali laughed into her hand.

"Isn't he cute?" LeeLee asked, dragging Phineas back to the others. "He's my new boyfriend."

Toby cocked his head. "You're seeing, uh, Xander's uncle from the old country?" he asked.

"What?" LeeLee asked, her face dropping as she looked to Phineas.

Kali snorted and then looked around at the others. "I knew we were forgetting something," she said.

The team laughed.


After explaining Phineas to Toby, the team gathered the Troblin near the front counter and adjusted the new purple Rock Porium shirt to fit his abnormal frame.

"All righty," said Nick, adjusting the collar.

"My shirt," Phineas grinned, excitedly. He'd never had a proper paid job before and was eager to get started. "I'm telling you, I'll make a great employee. I have a way with people. I could see tree moss to a swamp monkey."

Kali grinned and shook her head. She was sitting on the front counter, watching the others fuss over the Troblin.

"Okay, okay, it's 10:00. Store's open," said Xander, interrupting the grooming. "Phineas, open the door and let the first customers in."

"Just remember, use your charm and your wit," Vida encouraged.

"Uh... okay," Phineas said, hesitantly. "Can I just use half my wit? Well, I don't want to use it all on day one."

Kali rolled her eyes, smiled and shook her head. "Phineas, just open the door," she said.

Phineas stumbled as the others pushed him forward. He flipped the sign from closed to open, grasped the handle and pulled. "Welcome to the Rock Porium," he greeted.

The group of girls on the other side screamed and runoff.

"So, uh..." Phineas hesitated, turning to the team. "How did I do?"

The team smiled and offered thumbs up.

Kali gasped. Her whole body tensing as her gaze focused on the tiled floor. "Something's coming," she murmured, her voice low.

The others shared looks. They had got used to Kali's foreboding messages, by now, but it was still nerve-wracking to see. Her attention would drift, her eyes focusing on something close up or in the distance, and her whole body would tighten like a coil waiting to spring.

Outside, the sky darkened and thunder rumbled, causing the lights throughout the store to flicker and dim.

"Evil calls," said Nick. "Let's go."


"My name is Matoombo. I am gathering all of your electricity, When I have it all, I will return it with a vengeance. My justice will be swift."

A large, electrical ball surrounded the city and then disappeared.

"Not swift enough, cotton ball," Nick called.

"Who dares?" Matoombo asked, turning to face the two titan Megazords and Solar Streak.

"I'm pretty sure we do," said Kali.

"There is nothing you can do," Matoombo said. "It will soon be over."

The skies brightened again.

"Not while we're here!" said Nick.

"Let's stop him!" said Xander.


Using their magic to summon their titan sabres, the three Megazord's prepared for battle.


"Not so fast!" Matoombo boomed, holding up his hand. A forcefield appeared between him and the three Megazords, knocking them back. He tightened his grip on his double-sided sword and slashed it through the three Megazords, ejecting each of their occupants.

Kali groaned as she landed beside the others.

"How can he be so strong?" Daggeron asked.

Matoombo looked down at them. "Stay out of my way," he warned. "And I will not hurt anyone. You have my word."

"That's strange," said Vida, furrowing her brow. "He said he won't hurt anyone."

"If we stay out of his way," said Kali. "If we do that then he has total control, V. He can't destroy the city without hurting anyone."

"She's right," said Xander.

"We'd better split up and find him," said Daggeron. "There's not much time before that energy ball comes back."

The others nodded and took off. Some splitting into pairs while others went off alone.


"You alright back there?" Nick asked. He was racing through the streets of downtown Briarwood on his Mystic Speeder, while Kali sat behind him. She had been silent for most of the journey, choosing to keep her thoughts to herself than voice them, and simply search the empty streets for a Terror that was too large to hide in a vacant back alley.

Kali didn't respond right away, but Nick felt her take a deep breath and pull herself closer to him. "I'm just thinking," she said.


Kali shrugged. "I don't know," she answered.

"You're thinking about something you don't know?" Nick asked.

Kali squeezed him as he chuckled. "I'm still trying to make sense of what Udonna told me about the Hellhound," she answered. "About it being the guardian of the Mystic Realm. That's a huge responsibility, and I'm not sure if I'm the right person for it."

"She didn't say you had to do it alone," said Nick. "We're all guardians of the Mystic Realm and it's occupants."

Kali hesitated. "I didn't tell you everything," she said. "I'm not just the keeper of souls and a guardian of the Mystic Realm. I'm wanted by the Master because of these abilities. He doesn't just want to destroy you, Nick, he wants me, too. You can snuff out the darkness, but I can trap the Master and prevent him from escaping."

"Why is it always you and me?" Nick asked.

"Make you a deal. If I promise to keep you safe and alive..."

"We don't need to make this a deal. I'm not losing you. Period."

Kali smiled and tightened her hold around his middle.

"Guys, we found Matoombo," Xander called over the comms. "V and I need help! We're on the edge of town."

Nick swerved and sped through the streets.


Arriving on the edge of town, Kali dismounted as the others arrived and raced over to where Xander was helping Vida up.

"What happened?" Kali asked, noticing the two fighting terrors and Necrolai. "What's going on?"

"We can't let them do this!" said Vida. She gasped as Matoombo took a direct hit from Gekko and was tossed aside.

"It's over!" said Gekko, holding up his staff. "You will be the Master's body, like it or not!" The staff glowed green as it powered up for a final attack.

"I've got to do something," said Vida, scrambling to her feet and seizing Daggeron's Morpher and card. She punched a hole through the ticket, summoning the solar streak train and seized Jenji's lamp before hauling Matoombo to his feet and into one of the carriages.

"Vida!" Daggeron yelled, but Vida paid no attention.

The doors all along the train started to slam shut, and the Rangers shared unsure glances on what to do. Did they follow Vida? Or leave her alone to see this through?

"I can't believe she did that," said Nick, as the train pulled away from its platform and disappeared through a portal at the end of the street.

Chip shrugged. "Nothing V does surprises me anymore," he said.

"I could surprise you."

The team spun around and found Itassis standing a few feet away. She pushed her glasses up her nose. "I may have all the answers that you seek."


Vida panted as she led Matoombo through the carriage and sat him down in the centre seats. "Are you all right?" she asked, kneeling in front of him.

"Yes, I'm much better now," said Matoombo.

"Good," said Vida. She gasped and looked around as the door crashed open and Gekko stepped inside.

"Matoombo, it's over!" Gekko growled, raising his staff. "You cannot escape me or your fate!"

"We'll see!" said Vida, gripping her Lion staff tightly.

"Yes, we will!" said Gekko, leaping at the pink ranger.

Vida raised her staff to block the hit and kicked Gekko in the stomach, knocking him back towards the door. Gekko caught his footing and ducked a second attack from Vida, blocking her staff and then dragging it down her armour.

"You can't defeat me!" Gekko said, locking staffs with Vida and struggling to throw her off as she tried to do the same. He eventually managed to overthrow her, and smashed his staff down onto her helmet.

Vida groaned and hit the cabin floor.

"For the last time, get out of my way!" Gekko ordered.

Vida struggled to her feet and gripped her staff tightly in both hands. "Never!" she snapped.

"Fine. Have it your -" Gekko cut off as he was propelled forward. He caught himself and whipped around, surprised to find the Black Ranger standing behind him.

"Kali!" Vida gasped.

"Code One!" Kali said, spinning the dial on her Lion Staff. She glanced behind Gekko and nodded at Vida.

Vida threw herself at Matoombo, knocking him back into the seats as Kali unleashed a burning fireball on Gekko. The flames filled the whole cabin, burning a hole in the floorboards beneath Gekko's feet.

The terror screeched as he was sucked out of the train carriage and lost somewhere in the divide between the worlds.

With Gekko gone, Vida straightened up and turned to Kali. "How did you -?"

"I'm a fast runner, remember?" Kali asked, demorphing. Vida followed suit.

"Do the others know?"

"They didn't see me get on. But they've probably figured it out by now."

"How much trouble am I in?"

Kali shrugged. "They may not understand why you've done this, trust me, I'm still trying to figure it out myself," she glanced past Vida at Matoombo, "but, I'm sure your reasonings are solid. Once you've explained it then they'll accept it. I mean, we don't do stupid shit without a good cause."

Vida smiled and turned to Matoombo. "He saved a kid from being run over," she said. "I saw it. Then he destroyed the energy ball that had collected all the electricity in the city. He's good, Kali."

"Okay," said Kali, nodding.

"That's it?" Vida asked, surprised. "You don't want him to prove it?"

Kali shrugged. "I trust you enough to trust him," she said.

Vida sighed and turned to Matoombo. "This is my friend Kali, she's the Black Ranger," she said.

"Hellhound," Matoombo said, staring at Kali. "I've heard stories about you. You can seal away great evil."

Kali pursed her lips and nodded. "Yeah, so I've been told," she said. "Still trying to wrap my head around it all, though."

"The Master wants you dead."

Vida laughed nervously.

"Tell me something I don't know, big guy," Kali said.

"In addition to having the power to lock away the Master," Matoombo added. "You also have the potential to surpass him. To be better."

"I had to ask," said Kali, exhaling heavily.

"Wait, you're saying that Kali could rule the Underworld?" Vida asked, looking from her friend to Matoombo.

Matoombo nodded, his gaze transfixed on Kali.

Kali stared at Matoombo whilst Vida stared at her.


Solar Streak soon reached its destination.

"I read about this place," said Kali. "The sleeping Lake is known throughout many dimensions. If you drink its waters then you could sleep for eternity."

Matoombo nodded.

"That's what you want to do, isn't it?" Kali asked. "To sleep. So the Master can't use you as his vessel?"

Again, Matoombo nodded.

Kali took a deep breath and looked around. The area was silent, serene and peaceful. It reminded her of the Tribunal of Magic's dimension. Untouched by darkness.

"What are you thinking?" Vida asked.

Kali looked back at her friend. "I'm thinking that we need to get there as soon as possible," she said. "Gekko wasn't destroyed. If he makes it back to the Underworld, and they find out where we are, they're going to come here in force. We don't stand a chance with just the two of us."

Vida nodded and looked to Matoombo. "Do you know the way to the Sleeping Lake?" she asked.

"Yes," Matoombo said.

"Good. Let's go," said Kali.

The trio walked in silence for the most part, but Kali kept a watchful eye on her surroundings. There was once a time where she would've welcomed the silence, but now it made her uneasy. It set her teeth on edge and it sent her senses into overdrive - both her human ones and her mystical ones.

"It's so beautiful here," said Vida, breaking the silence.

"Yes, it sets the mind at ease," Matoombo said.

Kali stopped walking. Her head cocked to the side and her eyes closed. "Wait, I hear something," she said. "Someone's coming... someone fast."

"What do you - whoa!" Vida yelped as Kali whipped around, caught hold of Xander's arm and flipped him over her shoulder.

Xander groaned and panted with exertion as he stared up at Kali. "Nice to see you, too," he teased.

"That's what you get for sneaking up on people," said Kali, straightening up and pulling Xander to his feet. "What are you doing here? How did you get here? Are the others with you?"

"No. Itassis sent me, and I'm here to help you," Xander answered.

"Itassis?" Kali and Vida asked.

Kali shared a look with Vida. "Two terrors turning against the Master?" she questioned.

"I don't know," said Xander, shaking his head. "But, she sent me here as a gesture of goodwill, whatever that means. She said she would send the others after they've answered her questions."

Kali quirked an eyebrow and then shook her head. "It doesn't matter," she said. "We need to get Matoombo to the sleeping lake before the other Terrors realise where we are. Come on, we're losing time."

The ground beneath Matoombo's feet exploded and he rolled down a hill.

"Matoombo!" Vida yelled, running after him.

Kali and Xander looked around and found Gekko land nearby.

"There's nowhere to run, traitor!" Gekko said as Vida and Matoombo returned. "Surrender to the Master or be destroyed." He fired several white arrows at them.

Kali stepped forward and took out her Morpher. "I got this!" she said, snapping it open and punching in the familiar morphin' digits. "Legend Warriors! Mystic Lion Staff, Code Six!" She spun the dial on her staff, absorbed the blasts, and unleashed them back on Gekko.

"Go, get Matoombo out of here!" Xander said to Vida. He snapped open his Morpher and rushed to cover Kali.

Vida turned to her new friend and tried to usher him away. But Matoombo pulled free of her clutches and dashed forward, taking an attack that was intended for Xander. The tall terror breathed heavily as he fell to his knees, whilst the black ranger rushed to cover him.

"You took the hit that was meant for me. Why?" Xander asked.

Vida rushed to Matoombo's side, wrapped her arm around his middle and supported him against her as he stood back up.

"Fools!" Gekko sneered. He powered up his staff and thrust it towards the Rangers.

Kali raised her staff and the energy beam bounced harmlessly off her shield. Behind her, Xander held his lion staff over the ground, causing puffs of dust to rise from the leaves.

When it cleared, Gekko noticed that the Rangers and Matoombo were gone. He growled and stormed off in search of them.


Kali looked up at Matoombo as they walked in silence. They were less than two kilcks from the edge of the sleeping lake, and they hadn't run into any trouble since leaving Vida and Xander. The plan had been simple - use an illusion charm on Vida, causing her to look like Matoombo to lead Gekko in the opposite direction. It had worked.

"Thank you for helping me, Black Ranger," Matoombo said as they reached the last stretch.

"You can call me Kali."

Matoombo nodded.

"I just wish there was another way we could help you," Kali said with a sigh. "It doesn't seem fair that you have to sleep for an eternity just to get out from underneath someone's control. You should be able to choose your destiny, your path in life. You shouldn't have to follow the Master if you don't want too."

Matoombo listened in silence. "That is what we Terrors were created for," he admitted. "We only had one purpose and that was to serve the ultimate power."

Kali shook her head.

They broke the last lot of trees and Kali spotted a glittering lake in the middle of a small clearing. It was surrounded by a grove of trees, and the water shimmered in the afternoon light from the sun. It looked beautiful, and she could see why it was called the sleeping lake. It looked calm and inviting, a perfect place to just lay down and sleep.

The pair stopped and turned to face one another.

"Our journey ends here," said Matoombo.

Kali forced a smile. In the beginning, she had been wary of Matoombo and with good reason. He had been a Terror, and every other Terror they had faced had wanted to destroy their world, their home, and their friends. But Matoombo har proved her judgement wrong. He had proved, without a doubt, that he was nothing more than a soft cotton ball, and she was going to miss him.

"I hate saying goodbye," said Kali, shaking her head. "Maybe... maybe once we've destroyed the other Terrors and the Master, we can find a way to wake you up? I know Vida would like that, and I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't like to see you again."

"That sounds... good," said Matoombo.

Kali nodded. "So, instead of goodbye, we'll say see you soon," she said.

Matoombo nodded and walked away. Kali leaned against the trunk of a tree and watched as he approached the lake's shore. She tensed as the hair on the back of her neck prickled, and her senses picked up the crunch of dry and dead leaves. She caught sight of movement near the edge of the tree grove, and her eyes widened as she spotted Sculpin lurking unseen.

"No, wait!" Kali yelled, pushing off of the tree and running towards the lake. Once she was close enough, she leapt into the air, caught hold of a low-hanging tree branch and swung herself over Matoombo's head. She landed between him and Sculpin. "Legend War -" she cut off with a scream as Sculpin hit her in the side with his trident, knocking into the shallows.

Matoombo gasped and looked around at Sculpin.

Sculpin didn't wait or hesitate, he raised his staff a second time and brought it down, hard, onto Matoombo, striking him from head to toe. Red energy rippled straight through him and he exploded as he hit the ground.

"NO!" Kali yelled, forcing herself to her feet.

"Yes," Sculpin laughed. He lowered his staff and turned to face Kali. "Well done, Black Ranger, in hopes of saving Matoombo, you brought him directly to me. The Master thanks you for your help."

Kali's grip tightened on her Morpher and she shook visibly as her eyes narrowed. "This isn't over," she swore.

Matoombo's body started to glow and his eyes opened to reveal the red glow of the masters.

Kali felt a shiver run down her spine and she swallowed hard. She watched as Matoombo stood, and then grew taller than she'd ever thought a monster to grow. He towered well over the grove, and she was sure her friends could see him from wherever they were. There was no way someone could miss him at this height.

Matoombo's body started to bulge and then several tentacles burst out until his body quickly dissolved away, leaving behind a hideous looking creature. His booming laughed echoed far and wide, and Kali felt her breath leave her body as she stared, wide-eyed up at the entity that wanted her and everything she stood for, dead.

"I'm here," said the Master.

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