Ray of Sunshine: Yang x Male...

נכתב על ידי Struggling2Write

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A new student at Beacon catches the attention of the blonde haired brawler. This story will be the journey of... עוד

Opportuinty for you Guys!
A New Story
More New Content?
Chapter One: The Arrival
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: The Emerald Forest
Chapter 4: JNPR and Cardin
Chapter 5: One Hell of a Date
Chapter 6: Training and Dock Fight
Chapter 7: Back To School
Chapter 8: A Personal Favor
Chapter 10: Mountain Glenn Part 1
Chapter 11: Mountain Glenn Part 2
Chapter 12: Beach Day
Chapter 13: Big News
Chapter 14: Round One
Chapter 15: A Watchful Eye
A/N: Thank you
Chapter 16: Round Two
Chapter 17: The Collapse
Chapter 18: Broken into Pieces
Chapter 19: Journey's Beginning
Chapter 20: The Long Road
Chapter 21: The Kid
Another READ ME!
Chapter 22: Reunited
Chapter 23: Recovery
Chapter 24: Stress (contains Lemon)
(A/N): Thank You...Again
Chapter 25: The Calm Before the Storm
A slight delay
Quick Question
Chapter 26: Memories
Chapter 27: The Battle of Haven
Quick update
Chapter 28: The Battle of Haven Part 2
Chapter 29: Off the Rails
Chapter 30: Arrival in Argus
Chapter 31: Together Again
Chapter 32: Preparation
Shameless Self Promotion Time
Chapter 33: The Plan
Chapter 34: Into Action
Chapter 35: Showdown
Chapter 36: The Return
Chapter 37: Support
Chapter 38: Reignite
Chapter 39: Official
Chapter 40: First Day
Chapter 41: Free Time
Chapter 42: Ambush
Chapter 43: An Icy Party
Chapter 44: Defense
Chapter 45: Change of Plans
Chapter 46: Deception
Chapter 47: Taken
Chapter 48: Frozen

Chapter 9: The Dance

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נכתב על ידי Struggling2Write

You wake up and breath heavily, clawing at the dark around you trying to find you pack. You eventually find it and start to rifle through it, searching for your scroll.

"Oh my god, it is Sunday morning. I need to get out of here." You switch it to the night vision mode and put the scroll back on. You push up, but feel a pain in your ankle.

"Shit." You mumble as you sit back down. You dig through your bag and grab the hammock supports. A few minutes later, you stand up and test the makeshift splint that you fashioned. You slowly walk to the wall below the hole in the ceiling where you start to make your way up.

"Any major movement could cause another cave in...son of a bitch." You mumble once you reach the top. You think for a few minutes before an idea pops into your head. The water. You hop back down and make your way over to the running water.

"It has got to lead to some place...I hope." You start to wade in the water and start to slowly make your way to an exit. The cave starts to close in and you have to eventually get on your hands and knees and crawl, resting in the areas that are shallower than the rest. You crawl for what seems like hours until you hear more water rushing. You crawl forward some more until you come to a grate. You blast through using your ax and then hop down ten or so feet.

"I crawled all the way back to the city and to the sewers?" You take of the scroll and read the time. "Oh my god, almost two hours till the dance." You start to move as quickly as your ankle will let you, making your way forward.. Light starts to slowly creep in as you see an exit grate into the harbor up ahead. You pick up speed and lower a shoulder, charge through the metal grate and into the water. After dragging yourself up onto the docks and after receiving a few odd looks from bystanders, you phone Ozpin.

"I am at the docks. I need to be picked up."

"The docks? How on earth?"

"I will explain later. Just hurry." You wait until Opzin arrives with a crew to pick you up.

"You must take a shower before the dance." He says with a fowl look on his face.

"I know, I know. Now, about the mission." You start to quickly shell out the details as the ship makes it way back to Beacon.

"And then I had to run through the sewers to the docks where you got me." You say to him as the two of you walk down the empty dorm halls.

"I will send a ship to the coordinates to check out the damage, but from the sounds of what you did the nest was likely destroyed." He says glancing around as you reach your door. "Looks like everyone is at the dance or on their way there." You open and see the promised suit and flowers sitting there for you.

"Thank you professor Opzin." He smiles and puts his hand up.

"I cannot technically pay my students for doing tasks for me, so I figured that this was the best option. Now go shower and have some fun." He turns down the hall as you go inside and start to get ready.

At the dance

You make your way to the entrance of the dance and stop before heading in, taking a deep breath.

"You look great." You hear from behind you, causing you to spin around.

"Pyrrah! How are you doing? You look stunning!" She shrugs and looks to the side.

"Not the best, but I am going to try to have some fun." You walk up to her and give her a hug.

"Hey now, who knows, maybe he will show up in a dress." She lets out a giggle at you comment and steps back before adjusting your suit.

"Someone cleans up nicely. She is going to love it. I am going to go in now, come in a few minutes later. I will make sure she is at the front."

"Thank you Pyrrah." You sit around and wait a few minutes before heading inside.

"Hi! Welcome to the daaaaaa (Y/N)!" Yang yells as she realizes who she is greeting. She runs forward and wraps you in a tight embrace. "I was so worried! I mean...we were all worried. Where were you?"

"I will tell you about it later. But for now" You step back and present her the flowers. "I am hoping you have not been asked to the dance yet." She blushes and happily accepts them.

"I was actually waiting for someone to ask me, looks like they finally came through." She takes you hand and leads you to where the rest of RWBY, JNPR, and Sun and Neptune are gathered. Everyone greets you happily and pours questions onto you.

"I will tell you all later, let's just enjoy the night okay?" Everyone groans and continues to talk, until you see Jaune gaze around.

"Hey, has anyone seen Pyrrah?" You turn and see her walking up a set of stairs towards a balcony.

"Go on buddy." You say nudging him in the back towards her. Jaune stumbles forward, fixes his suit, and quickly starts to follow her as the rest of the group lets out a chuckle. The group all stands around and talks and laughs until a slow songs starts to play and you feel a hand reach down and wrap around yours.

"Care to dance?" Yang says to you with a smile.

"Lead the way." The two of you make your way to the dance floor as a slow song starts to play.

"Sorry if I am bad at this...can dance around a battlefield but not actually on a dance floor. Plus I may have busted my ankle a bit out there." She lets out a giggle as you jokingly stumble to the right.

"It is not too hard, just follow my lead." She guides your left hand to her back and holds out your right with hers. The two of you start to move together and you look and see Nora bouncing up and down with a excited look on her face, with Ren standing next to her with a smile. You continue to dance until you feel a bump into you back, causing you to push up close to Yang. Yang smiles up at you before resting her head on your chest.

"Yang! Yang!" Weiss is shouting and clawing through the crowd. "Yang! Good, I need your help. There is a complaint about..."

"But Weiss, I..." Yang stammers.

"It is fine, go take care of the issue. I will let you two get to it. I'll see you later Yang." You turn and head off to the side as Weiss drags Yang off to deal with an issue.

"No worries, you will see her again." You feel Ren pat you on the back. You sigh and scan the dance floor, eventually looking at and heading up the stairs that Pyrrah did. You find an empty balcony and step out and look at the night sky.

"What are you doing?" You turn and see Ruby standing in the doorway.

"Just...getting some fresh air, what does it look like?"

"Why aren't you with Yang? Where is she?"

"Weiss had said that there was a complaint that had to be dealt with so I have no idea."

"Ooooh okay okay okay." Ruby says while skipping off. You turn back to the night sky, staring out over the view and zoning out for a bit. After a few minutes of silence, a voice comes from behind you.

"Care if I join you?" You turn and see Yang standing in the doorway. You gesture for her to come out as a smile comes onto your face. As she is walking over, you see Ruby peak her head out and give you a thumbs up.

"Sorry about earlier. Weiss had some dumb thing she couldn't handle."

"It is no big deal, don't worry about it." She turns and looks up at you.

"Care to pick up where we left off?" You smile as she pulls out her scroll and starts to play a slow song. You place your hand on her upper back and one out to the side, causing her to shake her head with a giggle.

"No, those go here now." She says as she slides your hands to her waist and wraps her arms around your neck and the two of you start to sway in the moonlight. She stares up at you with happiness and love in her lilac eyes as her golden hair flows in the light nighttime breeze. You smile down at her and lean in to give her a kiss on the cheek. As you pull away, her face gets red as she lets out a giggle.

"That was nice, but not good enough." She whispers as pulls your head down into a kiss, her soft lips meeting yours. You freeze for a moment, but soon your heart melts and you pull her in close as she tightens her arms around you neck. You both pull away and stare lovingly into each other's eyes, the two of you gently swaying to the music that is still playing.

"Finally." She says after breathing heavy. You brush some hair out of her face and rub the side of her cheek as you smile down at her.

"I am sorry that took so long, first time."

"Don't worry, this is all new to me too. My first kiss actually...I have been nervous to fall for somebody because of my parents. But it doesn't matter though, you...you make me feel so happy and warm inside." Her lilac eyes lighting up as she talks. "Normally guys just try to hit on me and get into my pants, but you were different. I don't know what it was, but for some reason when I saw you I knew that you would be different. Then with the more I got to know you, the more my suspicions grew true. You are so sweet to me and make me feel so special, but could I could still mess around with you and we could make fun of each other. Your thrill for adventure rivals only my own, something I never thought I would find. And you care so much for people, not only for me. You treat my little sister like she is your little sister, our friends like they are family, and you want to help the people of the kingdom no matter the cost. I am so glad that I offered to spar with you that day we met, you are an amazing person." You smile down at her.

"Don't even get me started. You are perfect, you know that right? Your golden flowing hair, adorable smile, and beautiful lilac eyes tell only half of the story of the angel that you are. You are so confident and strong and you have the ability to back it all up, you are such a badass, but you care so much about people. You cared about the new kid and showed him kindness and compassion when you didn't have to and you show that same thing to everyone else you care about. The time we spent together only brought me happiness, even if we were at the risk of dying a few times but hell that made it so much better. Everything about you and everything you do only makes me fall for you more. You are a bright ray of sunshine and you fill my life with joy and warmth and I am so glad that everything fell into place that led me to meeting you." She smiles up at you and stares into your eyes before pulling you into a deep and passionate kiss.

"Woooo! Yeah!" You both break the kiss and see the members of RWBY, JNPR, and Sun and Neptune all leaning their heads into the doorway and cheering, with Ruby at the front jumping up and down.

"How long have you guys been standing there?" Yang asks.

"Long enough to make Jaune tear up a little." Blake says as she gestures to him.

"It is just...so beautiful." He says with tears running down his face.

"Is...is he wearing a dress?" You say with a confused look.

"Yep!" Pyrrah says happily after giving you a wink.

"Well it is about time that this happened! God if I had to deal with you two flirting like kids for one more day I thought I was going to lose it." Weiss says was a smirk. The group joins in and starts to say how long this took and poke fun at you two. You turn and smile down at Yang.

I take it you are pissed at Weiss for delaying this?" She smiles and shakes her head.

"Nope, this was all a plan. Figured it would be more romantic for it to happen out here than on a dance floor. But," She turns and looks at the group. "they weren't suppose to watch!" You look at the group and let out a laugh before turning back to Yang.

"This whole thing? Planned?"

"Yep! We dance and then a couple, Blake and Sun, bump you close into me, it gets romantic, Weiss pulls me away to leave you in suspense, Ruby trails you where ever you head off to, she finds out where you are, and then she brings me to you."

"You are so over the top some times Xiao Long, you know that?" You reply. She giggles and smiles at you.

"Hey, no one is making you fall for me." You shake your head with a smile.

"Promise me that nothing in our relationship changes. We still act like idiots together, go hard at each other in sparring, mess with each other, etc." You say to her.

"Of course, what kind of boring relationship would that be if we didn't. You think I am going to go soft and mushy on you? Sometimes, but I will still try to kick your ass in training and we are still going to go on adventures together. Oh and pranking you is going to be sooooo much easier. Don't worry everyday with you is going to be a YANG!" She says before giving you a peck on the lips.

"Just had to sneak in the name pun huh?" You say as you two share a laugh. She turns to the group.

"Now let's go enjoy this kick-ass dance!" The group hoots and hollers as you all make your way to the dance floor.

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