sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴏɴᴇ - sʜᴏᴛs 🍔🍺...

By Lexinator04

221K 3.3K 827

ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ? ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀs. ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴀ ғᴀɴᴛɪᴄʏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴɢᴇʟs... More

|Dean X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
| Castiel X Reader |
| Dean X Reader |
|Sam X Reader|
|Dean X Reader| PART ONE
|Dean X Reader| PART TWO
Dean X Reader PART THREE
| Dean X Reader | PART FOUR :)
|Sam X Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
| Dean X Reader |
|Sam X Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
|Dean X Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
|Sam X Reader |
|Dean X Reader|★ Part One
|Dean X Reader| ★ Part Two
|Castiel X Reader|
|Dean X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
|Dean X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
| Dean X Cas |
|Dean X Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
|Dean x Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
Supernatural X Riverdale
|Dean X Reader|
| Sam X Reader |
| Castiel X Reader |
|Dean X Reader|
|Dean X Reader| PART TWO
|Sam X Reader|
| Castiel X Reader |
| Sam X Reader |
| Dean X Reader |
| Castiel X Reader |
| Dean X Reader |
| Sam X Reader |
| Dean Loves Pie |
| Dean X Cas|

| Dean X Reader | PART THREE :)

970 20 0
By Lexinator04

Thanks for the request @user28103036 (PS: thx for all the comments) 


She had to keep reminding herself that he was dead... For if she didn't well she didn't want to think about what would occur. Her dreams weren't yet plagued by unwanted nightmares but instead of thoughts about her baby... She wanted nothing more than to hold her in her arms and tell her soft soothing stories- that's right Y/N was almost for sure it was a girl. 

However now she was rethinking her actions... She didn't want to bring a baby into a world of this type of madness.  She didn't ask for all of these things were actually going quite alright and now she didn't know what to think. 

Y/N lazily got up in the middle of the night to go pee, Dean's shirt laying baggily across her body. Finally, as she went to go wash her hands she stopped and stared at her stomach for a moment. In a couple of months, she knew that's where a noticeable bump would be and that utterly terrified her. Though it also made her feel all happy and gush on the inside. 

"Are you alright?" Dean questioned sitting up in bed and staring at her shadow as she flicked off the bathroom light. 

"Yeah, I just had to pee," She laughed climbing back into bed where his open and warm arms awaited her. 

 She turned around so that her back was firmly placed in his chest as his arms when securely around her stomach. She liked the new more protective Dean and simply couldn't get enough of him. Though as her eyes still lay open that night all she could be met by was the sight of all other blood. The blood of James... The blood that had splattered all over where the opening to the bathroom is. 

Every time she walked into their room now that's all she could see. 

"I don't want to go to work," Y/N groaned placing a pillow over her head. "Three days off isn't enough," Her work had given her three days off to deal with the cops and James and what not as they never did stop questioning what happened. Though there was no trial to be held as it was deemed self-defense he was trespassing.  

Things now were alright... Until she had to go back to work and explain to all of her btichy co-workers what happened and hear them shriek and gasp. She didn't want to hear it. But alas she must. 

"Y/N I will tickle you if you don't get up!" Dean threatened as he took the pillow off of her head. "Please get up baby I have to go to work," 

"I want a day off just you and me," She pouted as he kissed her head. 

"We had that yesterday," He laughed through a sigh. "And Saturday I may or may not have gotten the day off-" 

"YEAH!" Y/N exclaimed through a wide grin jumping up into his arms. 

"I knew I could get you up with that," He laughed as she only sighed as their lips connected. 

So Y/N had to go into work nothing more than excited for what the weekend held... Whenever Dean got Saturdays off he would always make the most out of it... After all the past few weeks his job has been nothing but a pain in the ass making him work. Now she had her husband all to herself. His job could no longer be a husband stealer. 

Her job ended up being just how she thought it would be... Everyone telling her what an amazing job she did taking that horrible man out of the world but she didn't feel that way. SHe didn't like having to be the one to pull the trigger so that her husband could live freely today. Dean often called her his hero but she didn't feel that way... She didn't feel like a hero. 

Then finally once she came home she was met by her husbands awaiting eyes. Which was odd because he was usually always home after her. "Hey Y/N," He smiled kissing the trip of her head. 

"What are you doing home?" 

"Listen we gotta go," Dean murmured hurriedly grabbing a suitcase from the floor which she then noticed. 

"Where?" She asked confused with a sigh. "All I want to do is shower," 

"Look you can shower when we get there but please Y/N you have to trust me," He mumbled grabbing her hand in his. 

"I trust you, Dean," She reassured giving his hand a squeeze and that's when they showed up in a hotel parking lot.

"Why are we staying at a hotel? Listen it's not Friday Dean it's only Thursday so whatever plan you have for the week-" 

"James has a brother and they think that he might come for revenge," Dean explained cutting her off and never meeting her eyes. "The cops were going to tell you but I told them I would," 

"So what? We're not allowed to go home anymore is that it?" 


"This is such bullshit I didn't ask for this... I should feel safe in my own home," 

"I'm sorry Y/N y'know I would fix this if I could," Dean murmured stroking her shoulder soothingly. 

"It's not you're fault," She whispered through a sigh. "I'm just angry about all of this how can everything go to shit so quickly," 

"Y/N this isn't so bad listen you know that one house... The one on the lake that visited for vacation last year that you loved so much?" 

"Yeah?" Y/N questioned confused. "Dean I'm not really sure what you're-" 

"I bought it," He murmured through a grin. "I thought that we could-" 

"OH MY GOD DEAN YOU WHAT!" Y/N yelled through excitement tackling with a hug across the seats. "But what about work-" 

"I wouldn't have done this if this weren't the best option for us, they have one of your buildings there and I"m sure that I can find a job there," 

"You really did this?" 

"Yeah and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't want anyone to know in case..." Dean trailed off at the end not wanting to continue. 

"It's perfect Dean," She mumbled through a grin. "Now no one will ever bother us ever again," 

"You really think that?"

"No," She mumbled through a laugh. "But at least all of this can finally be over," 

"True..." He mumbled through a grin. "True," And that's when their lips locked again into a forceful yet gentle kiss. "Now I have you all to myself," 

"You already had me to yourself," She grinned as he only sighed. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Dean Winchester... I can't believe you did this for me," 

"Well, I mean only the best for my princess," He grinned through a smirk. "After all you deserve so much better," 

"If I'm a princess then you're my prince-" 

"Then your wish is my command princess," He grinned. 

"Shower time," Y/N exclaimed through a grin. "That's all I want is a shower," 

"Then let's go princess... Your shower awaits for you in the castle de hotel," 

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