Can't Sleep

By SafeSpaceHere

86K 2.6K 3.2K

Kaminari has never been able to sleep well due to his electric quirk. One night he walks around to help him s... More

You've Got To Be Joking
I Need Your Help
Rain Storms
Not An Update
Party Time
Party games
Testing Time
Stay Calm
Doge Streak
Staying Over
Training Part 1
Training Part 2
Bust Some Moves
4061 Words
Performance Part 2
They Know
Teasing People
2K Special!! Duets
Final Chapter

Performing, Part 1

2K 70 24
By SafeSpaceHere

Just a random cute photo

Denki's POV

My god, so many faces. All of them facing me and Hitoshi. It's ok Denki, calm down. Just focus on the music. Be yourself. You got this, just like he said. "Hello everyone, how are you all doing?" Nakamura's voice snapped me out of my panicked state. She seemed so calm. A stream of responses came and she just smiled. "Well, I know that all of you have missed our Monday and Friday shows, so we got a new pair to fill the void. They might even be better than the girls were," People laughed a little at the joke. "So please welcome to the stage Shinsou and Kaminari!"

Everyone started applauding and she walked off stage I walked up to the mic and could feel my self trembling just repeating over and over in my head, You can do this. "Hey everyone, I'm the singer, Kaminari. And that is my boyfriend Shinsou," I pointed to Shinsou who was standing only a few feet away from the crowd, and he held up a peace sign.

People clapped and cheered. "Alright, then I guess it's time to start the show," I gave a thumbs up and the tune to our first song played.

Way up, way up, way up to the sky

When everybody here is sneaking in and getting high

Way up, way up, way up to the moon

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

Hitoshi walked around lazily while doing hand motions to match the moves. It was similar to what he had been doing last night but he moved around more.

Enough enough 

There's no celebrities here

So why's the bouncer taking everything so seriously?

It's you, and I

It's cool you feel the same

Like why's the DJ here, if he's just pressing play

Kickin' in the basement

Kickin' in the basement

Hatin' all the same things to

If I need a pick me up, would you come and pick me up?

I could really use a bud like you

To pick me

He had climbed on to the stage and walked to the edge, then did a front flip off. Everyone was cheering and I kept singing. My nerves slowly faded witch took the edge off my voice making it much smoother.

Way up, way up, way up to the sky

When everybody here is sneaking in and getting high

Way up, way up, way up to the moon

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

I continued my repetitive lines and he continued his dance to match the words to a T.

Way up, way up, way up to the sky

When everybody here is sneaking in and getting high

Way up, way up, way up to the moon

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

Enough enough

He walked on the stage and put his elbow on my shoulder to make it look like we were having a conversation. And motioned around the room with my words.

There's no one here that we know

I think I knew a girl  who knew the host

But she's headin' home

We're standin', laughin' at the disco ball

Like who'd invest in that

 When no one's looking at it

He spun off my shoulder and headed down the opposite steps he came up.

Kickin' in the basement

Kickin' in the basement

Hatin' all the same things to

If I need a pick me up, would you come and pick me up?

I could really use a bud like you

To pick me

Way up, way up, way up to the sky

When everybody here is sneaking in and getting high

Way up, way up, way up to the moon

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

Way up, way up, way up to the sky

When everybody here is sneaking in and getting high

Way up, way up, way up to the moon

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

It felt so normal. Like we had done this already, with this crowd.

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

Everything felt like it was out of a movie. 

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

I felt like nothing mattered. Like there was no such thing as messing up. It was amazing. I knew people were watching me but I knew they were smiling, enjoying what we were doing.

To pick me

Way up, way up, way up to the sky 

When everybody here is sneaking in and getting high

Way up, way up, way up to the moon

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you 

Way up, way up, way up to the sky

When everybody here is sneaking in and getting high

Way up, way up, way up to the moon

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you 

Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you


Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you


Boy it's good to know I got a bud like you

The song ended and for a second nothing happened. People just stared at us dazed. Then applause erupted from the crowd. Whistles, shots, encouraging words. It felt liberating.

Shinsou's POV

The people loved it. I loved doing it. It was one of the best moments of my life, not the best but one of them. I went on to the stage and the cheering started to die down. I grabbed the mic from its stand witch surprised Denki a little. "Alright, we'll be back in just a moment, in the meantime, grab a burger," I shrugged my shoulders and put the mic back.

People began to talk like normal and some ordered food. We sat on the stage with our legs dangling off. "Wow Toshi, confident much?" He bumped my shoulder with his and laughed.

"That's one word for it I suppose," I nudge him back and we both let out a small laugh.

"I got to admit, I was terrified. But once I got more comfortable, and saw how comfortable you were, I really calmed down," He smiled gratefully at me. What a cute face.

"I just imagined no one was there, like I was just having fun rather than performing. Also sorry for the improve, it just seemed like it would be more enjoyable," He nodded along as I spoke.

"That's a good idea actually, and I didn't mind it was really cool," He gave me another blinding smile. "Well, I think we can do the next song now, how about you?" I nodded and hopped on to the floor while Denki climbed back up on stage.

He tapped the mic witch caused some feed-back but not too loud, just loud enough to get everyone's attention. Everyone looked at us with excitement written all over their faces. "Alright everyone we ready for the next song?!" He sounded more confident than before. Everyone cheered and said yes. "Alright, HIT IT!"

Debbie just hit the wall

Never had it all

One Prozac a day

Husband's a CPA

Her dreams went out the door

When she turned 24

Only been with one man

What happened to her plan?

I gestured to the air like I was asking everyone in the room if they knew.

She was gonna be an actress

She was gonna be a star

She was gonna shake her ass

On the hood of White Snake's car

Her yellow SUV, is now the enemy

Looks at her average life

And nothing, has been, alright since

Bruce Springsteen, Madonna

Way before Nirvana

I got on the stage.

There was U2 and Blondie

When it said 'Blondie' I lifted up a chunk of Denki's hair.

And music still on MTV

Her two kids high school

I  jumped off the stage into a split and stood up right after

They tell her that she's uncool

'Cause she's still preoccupied

With 19, 19, 1985



She's seen all the classics

She knows every line

"Breakfast Club", "Pretty in Pink" even "St. Elmo's Fire"

She rocked out to Wham!

Not a big Limp Biskit fan

Thought she'd get a hand

On a member of Duran Duran

Where's the mini skirt, made of snakeskin?

And who's the other guy that's singing in Van Halen?

When did reality, become T.V.

Whatever happened to sitcoms, game shows,

(On the radio was)

Springsteen, Madonna

Way before Nirvana

There was U2 and Blondie

This time I just pointed to Denki rather than grabbing his hair.

And music still on MTV

Her two kids high school

They tell her that she's uncool

'Cause she's still preoccupied

With 19, 19, 1985



She hates time, make it stop

When did Motley Crue become classic rock?

And when did Ozzy become an actor?

I acted confused and looked to the crowd for an answer.

Please make this

Stop, stop, STOP!

I held out my hands like I was trying to stop something in motion.

And bring back

I dropped my arms and resumed my dance.

Springsteen, Madonna

Way before Nirvana

There was U2 and Blondie

And music still on MTV

Her two kids high school

They tell her that she's uncool

'Cause she's still preoccupied

With 1985

Bruce Springsteen, Madonna

Way before Nirvana

There was U2 and Blondie

And music still on MTV

Her two kids high school

They tell her that she's uncool

'Cause she's still preoccupied

With 19, 19, 1985

Imdietly cheers erupted from the crowd people were loving it more than I ever thought they would. "Alright everyone," Denki's voice rang loud quieting down everyone in an instant, "Now, do we want to wait a minute before the next song or just get straight to it?"

Everyone shouted things like 'Do it now!' or 'Don't make us wait!' and even 'Next song! Next song!' "I think they wanna hear it now. What do you think Shinsou?"

I used the ledge to pull my self on to the stage. I rested my elbow on Denki's shoulder and said, "I think they wanna hear what we've got coming, so let's play that music!" I jumped off the stage and the next song started up.

Denki's POV

Right on with it then alright let's do this.

I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind

I left my body laying somewhere in the sands of time

I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon

I feel there is nothing I can do



I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon

After all I knew it had to be something to do with you

Hitoshi pointed at the audience.

I really don't mind what happens now and then

As long as you'll be my friend at the end

If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?

He held up his arms and flexed, sadly I couldn't see it through the jacket. Then he quickly ran on stage.

If I'm alive and well will you be there, holding my hand?

He offered out his hand to me and I took it without missing a beat.

I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might,


He dropped his hand and backflipped off stage landing it perfectly.

You call me strong, you call me weak

But still your secrets I will keep

You took for granted all the times I never let you down

You stumbled in and bumped your head

If not for me then you would be dead

He slid his finger across his neck, not in a threating way, more of a statement way.

I picked you up and put you back on solid ground

If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?

If I'm alive and well will you be there, holding my hand?

I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might,


He repeated the same moves from earlier as he did with all the choruses.




If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?

If I'm alive and well will you be there, holding my hand?

I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might,



If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?

If I'm alive and well will you be there, holding my hand?

I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might,


The song played on for about another 30 seconds but there were no words to sing just the music. The crowd loved it, they all seemed so happy to hear me sing, watch Hitoshi dance. We made a good pair and they could all see that.

"Alright, we're gonna take about a five-minute break and then we'll do the next song," I heard some disappointed murmurs come from the crowd, then Hitoshi got on stage.

"Hey guys, it's only a few minutes and it'll be worth the wait. So get your self a drink, and we'll be right back," People groaned, but went back to talking and ordering stuff.

We stood off to the side so the mic wouldn't catch our conversation. "They really like the show huh?" He chuckled at me and nodded.

"We do make a pretty dynamic duo. But I can tell that some of the girls in the crowd are waiting for us to do more than just hold hands," He gestured to the crowd, and when I looked several girls and some guys were keeping an eye on us.

"Well, should we give them what they're looking for?" His face becomes very pink very fast. "Relax dude, we don't have to if you're not comfortable with it," He had turned his face away at this point and covered it with his hand.

He uncovered his face and turned back around. "No, it's fine."

Alright, that's the end of this chapter

The other 3 songs will be in the next chapter

Hope you enjoyed!!

Have a great day/night

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