In Their Shadow

By Blue-Kitten245

121K 3.5K 1.9K

Stuck behind the shadows of Naruko and Sasuke how will Yuma Ito deal with being in a team with his talented t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Fragmented Memory 1
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Fragmented Memory 2
Chapter 28: Chunin Exams Start!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Fragmented Memory 3
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: A Boy Capable Of Great Things
Chapter 42: A Festive Time For Regrets
Chapter 43: Happy Birthday
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Fragmented Memory 4
Chapter 51

Chapter 44

1.4K 59 17
By Blue-Kitten245

"Why are you back, Jiraiya?"

Jiraiya continued to stare into Minato's eyes. His students' eyes. Pride, regret, longing, self disgust and respect. Those feelings bubbled up in Jiraiya's chest. A complex bouquet of feelings filled his heart with a stiff pain. And that was because...

Minato was right.

Jiraiya had abandoned them. He left the leaf for a life long crush that was unrequited. He left the leaf for a friend that could no longer be brought back to the light. He left the leaf for a chance to right past wrongs, and carve a better path for his and those he held dear, his precious people's futures.

And he failed.

He failed the one thing he had abandoned all he knew to accomplish.

And that alone was his fault, his burden to bear.


And no one else's.

And that was why...

"Because the Leaf is in danger."

That was why he had to do everything he could...

To not fail again.

"Explain." Minato demanded, his attention now caught.

Jiraiya sighed, and looked to the ceiling, thinking over the best way to explain to Minato the out right awful situation and danger the leaf was now in. He breathed, and decided to just come right out with the truth. No sugar coating it.

"Orochimaru has been here, the village is filled to the brim with Akatsuki spies, and a series of murders by an unknown assailant is rocking the village to its core. You need to cancel the exams."

Minato narrowed his eyes.

"I'm already aware of all of that. The exams will continue. We have it handled." Minato said, not looking like he was going to budge on the matter.

"Do you really though?" Jiraiya said, his gaze unflinching.

"Excuse me?" Minato asked with a glare.

"Sorry if I come off as rude, but last I heard you were letting that old mummy run the show. He has far too many control over this whole village. Someone like him shouldn't be-!?"

"Jiraiya of the Sannin, are you questioning my ability to lead and properly delegate tasks to my ninja?" Minato asked, his expression now furious.

"No. What I'm questioning is your ability to know who you should put your trust in." Jiraiya responded back bluntly.

Minato stared down at his feet beneath the his desk. Not bothering to look into Jiraiya's eyes.

Jiraiya took that as a sign he was getting through to him, and continued.

"He has committed numerous crimes and has not paid for a single one. He is responsible for the deaths of many, including one of your own pupils. He has had a hand in creating one of the villages biggest traitors of which has reportedly joined the Akatsuki. Do you really believe Danzo Shimura is someone to be trusted?"

Minato did not say a word.

"Come on Minato, please. For the villages sake, you have to shut these exams down. At least until we have the situation under control. Be reasona-!?"

Minato slammed his fists onto his table, forcing himself upright, glaring right into Jiraiya's eyes.

"Get out of my office now."

"Minato, why are you being stubborn. What is there to gain from-!?"

"I believe the Hokage told you to leave his office."

A old and raspy voice cut through the heated and emotion filled atmosphere like a well honed kunai. Jiraiya froze in his tracks, looking back with eyes full of despair.

'Ah, I get it.'

"Greetings Lord Hokage."

"Ah, hello Danzo, have you come to discuss your mission plans?" Minato asked

"Yes, I believe I know the perfect person to be added as the third squad mate to aide in the capture of the unknown assailant attacking our civilians."

"I see, yes, that does seem to take precedent over this discussion. As I said before Jiraiya, you may leave."

'He doesn't just have a hold of the villages infrastructure and dark tasks.'

"As you see Jiraiya..."

'He also has a hold...'

"I am a man who deeply cares about the safety and well-being of the village. I will do everything to ensure the prosperity of the leaf, and the exams will not be hindered by these minor issues. Understand?"

'On my beloved student.'

Jiraiya clenched his fists, quelling the anger and hurt that began to well up within himself.

'Why did you ever become friends with this man, Sarutobi-Sensei?'

Jiraiya swore he would do whatever it took to protect the village from this diabolical Boogey man of the Shinobi world.

And thus...

The Hermit Sage Of Mount Myoboku and the Yami no Shinobi were now bitter enemies.


Neji awoke from his forced sleep, sweating head to toe. A rush of images and memories were being processed as his recollection of the events proceeding his slumber caught up with him. He looked around, trying to gain a handle on his surroundings.

A white room and the sight of a sleeping Tenten sitting in a chair beside his bed was what he saw.

"...I lost."

The realization finally hit him. And, like a kunai stabbing into the heart of the matter, he realized what that meant.

He was wrong.

Or rather, he was proven wrong.

Fate wasn't fixed.

The weak can prevail against the strong.

His way of life.

His entire philosophy that he thought was truth itself had been flipped on its head.

By one boy.

By Yuma Ito.

He had shown Neji that the weak can struggle, writhe, and make that suffering hold meaning.


Tenten began to stir, blearily opening her eyes.

The room filled with light, the sun shining brightly as the curtains flew open, Lee jumping through the window with reckless abandon.

"Yosh, how is my eternal rival do-!?"

Tenten, looked at Neji, shocked, as did Lee.

"Neji...Are you okay?" Tenten asked.

And for the first time in a while...

With tears streaking down his pale face.

He smiled.

"Yes, I'm fine. In fact..."

"I'm the happiest I've ever been."

Yuma Ito had freed Neji Hyuga from his bird cage.


"You're gonna be resting here for awhile. A Medical specialist will be here shortly to heal you of any major injuries then you'll be on your way. Any questions?"

With bored eyes, Yuma answered.

"Not really."

The nurse smiled, bowed, and then left him alone in his room.

Yuma, now alone, thought over his experiences.

"I did it." He said to himself.

"I made it to the finals."

He took a deep breath, and pulled back his covers, revealing his three pronged shadow feet that resembled a lizards foot.

"And all it took was losing my feet." He said with a frown.

He winced, the memory of his feet being cut off by that girl from Iwa resurfacing in his memory.

The blood.

The pain.

The head in his lap after he had escaped his bondage.

The people he murdered without a care in the world.

"Am I...A monster?" He thought aloud, going over his feelings on the matter.

"I felt nothing. They were gonna kill us. It was either us or them. But still...I felt nothing. Their deaths did not bother me in any way at all. The only thing that had hurt me, was the dark truth that it hadn't bothered me at all to take their lives. And that thought..."

'Scares me.'

He breathed awkwardly, trying to suppress his feelings on it. Deciding it best to try and forget.

'I'll ask Mister Danzo about this when I can. He should be able to help me sort out my thoughts.'

And so, Yuma decided it best to handle that matter later.

The door suddenly opened, startling Yuma by the abrupt nature of the action.

Standing in the door way, was none other than Kabuto.

"Well, it seems we meet again Yuma. In a medical wing no less." Kabuto joked, walking into the room with a smile.

"I know, just like how we first met in the wave. This is kinda embarrassing." Yuma joked back, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"No need to be ashamed, its quite normal for a ninja to end up in the medical wing." Kabuto responded, his hands lighting up in a blue hue as he walked to Yuma's side, beginning to heal him.

"Yeah, but not for Naruko and Sasuke." Yuma said with an annoyed tone of voice.

Kabuto laughed, his hands hovering over Yuma.

"Well those two are practically super human, so that's a different case entirely."

Yuma went quiet.

Kabuto smirked.

"If only I could have half of the power they do...Really, they are so blessed..." Kabuto said, trying to gauge Yuma's reaction as he sowed seeds of jealousy.

"Yeah...They are...But more than that..."

Yuma looked up to Kabuto with a smile.

"They're my idiot team mates. They're not perfect, not by a mile. I have no intention on staying in their shadow forever." Yuma declared with confident eyes.

Kabuto looked surprised, shocked by the response he was given. He closed his eyes with a smile, finishing up his healing process.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Hope you have the skill and fortitude to match that confidence of yours. Catching up to the likes of them is no small feat." Kabuto said.

"I know. That's why I can't give up."

And with that, Kabuto finished what he came here for, the blue hue leaving his hands.

"Well, you're all patched up now. You're in tip top shape. I hope you give me a good show in the final exams Yuma." Kanuto said, waving to him as he left the room.

As soon as he left the room, a dark look took over his features as he frowned.

'Lord Orochimaru...Seems we need to try harder to break this boy.'

He walked down the stairs, passing by Naruko and Sasuke without a word as they made their way to Yuma's room.

"Jeesh Naruko, slow down. He's not going anywhere." Sasuke said, hands in his pocket as he lazily kept up pace with Naruko.

"We're his teammates. And as his teammates we have to make sure he's alright." Naruko said.

"He's not a baby you know. Besides, he was pretty beaten up. I doubt he's healed yet." Sasuke tried to reason.

"Then we'll wait outside his room til he's done being treated." She said right back.

"Ugh. You're impossible."

And with that, their exchange finished as they arrived at Yuma's room.

"Hey you two, You can't enter yet. Your teammate hasn't be treated yet." An old man with a doctors uniform said, walking in front of the door with a smile.

"Fine, we'll wait out here then." Naruko declared, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Alright then." The doctor relented, opening the door.

Only to find his patient doing push-ups on the floor, without a single visible injury.

"H-How is this possible. You've already been treated?" The doctor asked in shock.

"Huh? Why wouldn't I be?" Yuma asked in confusion, sitting upright and getting onto his three pronged feet.

"Yo, How you doing Yuma?" Naruko chirped, walking past the shocked doctor with a grin.

"Better than earlier, thanks for asking Naruko." Yuma said with a smile.

"Nice to see you aren't getting lazy." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Well, chances are I'll have to fight one of you two. So I need to spend every moment I can improving my chances." Yuma said back with a grin.

Sasuke whistled, impressed gung-ho attitude.

"Well, I'll be sure to win if we fight. Need to pay you back for my nose." Sasuke joked.

"Speaking of, sorry about that. I was trying to get you two out of the running."

"Jeesh, we finally get a break from the exams and all you two can talk about is fighting?" Naruko complained.

"Like your one to talk Naruko. You're just as eager to see how Yuma has improved right?"

Naruko smiled, punching her right fist into her left palm.

"Damn right I am!" She declared with a toothy grin.

"Young man, how are you already healed?" The doctor asked, cutting through the teams chatter.

"Huh? Kabuto already came in." Yuma said.

"Kabuto?" The doctor asked, readjusting his glasses.

"Yeah, he is a medical ninja. I thought he was my healer?" Yuma said.

The doctor smiled awkwardly, adjusting to the news.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"I see. This man must've been sent here. Clearly a mistake on the appointing desks' part. I'll check on that later. But as of now, I'll have to check you and make sure you're all healed up as you say you are. That means these two will have to leave, understood?" The elderly doctor said.

"Yeah yeah, I'll see you guys later. When we meet up tomorrow afternoon to see the match ups alright?" Yuma said to Naruko and Sasuke with a small smile.

"Yeah, we'll see ya later! Lets go Sasuke!" Naruko said, giving Yuma a thumbs up and a grin as they left.

Sasuke and Naruko left the room, walking down the long way that lead to the stairs. Naruko looked over at Sasuke, noticing how quiet he had became. She raised a brow, and punched him in the shower.

"What's wrong duckbutt? Did seeing Yuma's confidence scare ya?" Naruko joked, trying to get him to talk.

"No...Its just..." Sauske trailed off, bringing a hand to his chin as he processed his thoughts.

"Huh?" Naruko tilted her head, wondering what it was Sasuke was thinking.

"Why would Kabuto be here working at the hospital, if just a few hours ago he was with us in the tests?"

The question hung in the air as Naruko's eyes widened. She quickly got over her momentary shock however laughing it off.

"Quite your worrying. He probably just quit the exams and came to volunteer here or something." Naruko said, trying to wave off Sasuke's worry.

"I don't know...Maybe, but still..."

"I can't understand why, but something inside me is screaming at me to not trust him."

And with that, with the sun setting in the window beside them, the day came to an end.


The sun waned in the sky, as the next days afternoon had finally came. Yuma jogged down the medical wings' hallway, in a happy mood after having the jacket he had lost in the Forest of Death returned to him as well his red arm wraps that covered up his shadow arms and hands.

'Glad I didn't lose this. Its a gift from mister Danzo after.'

"Forgot how much of a pain it is to be blinded by these arm wraps. How arduos."

The voice of Yumito caught Yuma by surprise as he looked down at his arms.

"Ah, sorry about that Yumito. But it helps people stare at me less, so please bear with it." Yuma requested with a guilty smile.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Yumito said back.

"Well, I finally got a bath and a good nights rest. Plus my jacket from mister Danzo was returned to me, so I'm in a pretty good today." Yuma said, walking down the staircase that led into the main hallway that ended with a double door leading into the arena.

"Ah, that explains it. Good for you I suppose. May I ask where exactly we are headed?" Yumito asked.

Yuma smirked.

"Well, that's obvious."

And with a smile, he shoved open the double doors that stood before him.

"Right through this door!" Yuma shouted, as he and Yumito arrived at the main arena.

Minato stared down at the Chunin hopefuls gathered. Naruko and Sasuke looked at Yuma, waving at him to come to their side. Lee, Kiba, Shikamaru and Temari all stood in a neatly filed row. Yuma surveyed the people there, realizing one of them was missing.

"Where's that red headed psycho Gaara?" Yuma asked, scowling up at Minato.

"My brother is preoccupied with some other business, not that its of any concern to you." Temari answered bluntly.

"Who cares about that. Who were you talking to before throwing the doors open freak?" Kiba exclaimed with a cocky grin.

"None of your business dog breath." Yuma bit back with a smirk of his own.

"Enough. Get in line with the others." Minato said from above, garnering a nasty look from Yuma as he got beside Naruko and Sasuke.

"As you all are aware, the exams have entered their final phase. An all out and one on one battle between each of you will decide if any of you are worthy of the title of Chunin. In one months time, your futures will be decided."

Everyone got quiet, as the Hokage continued his speech from above.

"This one month will give each of you ample time to practice some new techniques and refine your skills for the upcoming tournament. A tournament in which all of you will be judged for your worthiness of the title Chunin. And a tournament in which the worlds most influential people will be attending. So make sure to put on a good show." Minato said, smiling at them before continuing to speak.

"Now, if you all will turn your attention to the screen behind you."

Everyone turned to face a giant screen covering one wall of the large arena. As they marveled at it, the Hokage continued.

"In just a few moments, this machine will randomly generate all of your opponents that you'll be facing. This way, it'll ensure a fair and even playing field. Now let the match making begin!"

Everyone tensed up as the screen flashed on, showing an empty three round bracket with eight spots in total for all participants. Names randomly rotated and flashed on the screen as everyone held their breath, waiting to find out their opponents.

Finally, after a tense moment, the screen stopped.

And the matches were decided.

All was silent, no one spoke a word as they read their match-ups.

And then...


Laughter began to break out, as Kiba cackled.

"Hahahahahaha! HA! Finally! Hell yeah, I've been waiting for something like this!"

Kiba turned to Yuma with a malicious grin full of confidence and ego.


First round:

First match: Kiba vs. Yuma

Second match: Sasuke vs. Lee

Third match: Shikamaru vs. Temari

Fourth match: Naruko vs. Gaara

Second round:

Fifth match: Winner of match One vs. Winner of match Two

Sixth match: Winner of match Three vs. Winner of match Four

Final round:

Final match: Winner of match Five vs. Winner of match Six

The matches were now set.

Lee puffed his chest out with a "yosh!", flashing a thumbs up.

"I've always wanted to test out my taijutsu prowess against you, Sasuke! May our fight be honorable!" Lee declared with vigor.

"I look forward to fighting you as well Lee!" Sasuke answered back with a smirk.

"Jeez. I have to fight a girl. What a drag." Shikamaru complained.

"This girls gonna kick your ass!" Temari said in an angry tone, perceiving Shikamaru's complaint as him looking down at her for being a girl.

"Dang it, I have to fight that guy. Oh well, I'll be sure to win!" Naruko said, grinning while putting her hands behind her head.

Yuma walked up to Kiba, a fire in his eyes as he smirked.

Kiba walked up to Yuma in turn, smirking as well.

And standing a feet apart from one another, they both declared at once...


And with that, the matches were now decided, as the Chunin Exams entered their final stage!

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