Robocop: Apocalypse.

By epitomepublishing

1K 42 11

Robocop Fan Fiction: In the desolated wasteland of the American expanse. law and order are all but a memory... More

Chapter One: Data log
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
To My Readers ❤❤❤❤
Bonus: Robocop Apacolypse The Videogame

Chapter Twelve

29 1 0
By epitomepublishing

The building Collapses and everything goes dark. The chaos of battle rages into night as the rehabs fight against the ghouls and goblins of what is left of a city suburb brought to it's frame by the jackacles of a devil who long saw the nukes coming.
RoboCop does his best to hold up the houses as they fall apart and land on his shoulders, but badly damaged he is he is he can barely hold the pile of wood and rubble that seeks to bury both him and his his new friend, who waches him as he pushes through the damage to save her life one again.)
"Move" RoboCop says as he holds up the house, squeezing his words through gritted teeth.

She does moves, grabbing the bag that RoboCop seem so adamant on taking with him, knowing it must be important if he has fought through all of this to hold onto it. As soon as she is out of the way, RoboCop lunges forward letting go of the debris on top of him, and stepping into the dark hole in front of the both of them.
The dust fills the air causing RoboCop's partner, to cough and weeze as she tries to get a fresh breath of air.
RoboCop tries to turn on his night vision, but his optics have been damaged, however, as this is a situation that he has dealt with before, RoboCop opens up his leg holster and pulls out a flashlight.
The flashlight has magnetic panels on the side, so he is able to stick it to one of his shoulders to give him a constant view of what it is that him and his companion have gotten themselves into.

The dark hall is covered in nuke cult Grafitti, the light up in neon glow when introduced to a slight amount of light. RoboCop knows this bad, but given the fact that currently the mutants must be fighting against the rehabs, they might have an upporrunity to make it back to RoboCop's car while avoiding any major conflicts or confrontations.

"We need to move." RoboCop says, as he looks around.

"Okay." Says his partner, as she looks around at all the art work, knowing that is they don't make it out of this place before the sun comes up, the might both be torn to shreads.

RoboCop takes one step, and leg begins to malfunction, seizing up. It a major problem considering they don't have the tools or equipment to make repairs.

"What's wrong?" She's says, as RoboCop struggles to move his legs.

"It nothing, I'm fine." RoboCop says as he does some system re routing in his head. Pushing powers past other servos, in order to get to hi actuaters and powering them to function. RoboCop was skilled diligent enough to install a number of back up systems within himself in case others failed h at a critical time. But these systems could only run for a limited time before they burned out and left him completely imobalized. So if him and his new friend hoped to make it out alive, they would have to hurry.

"We should move." RoboCop says as he pushes forward walking farther down the dark tunnel, his new companion following close behind.

The walk in silence for a ways as the only sound to accompany them is the slow dripping of water, and the sound of scurrying rats.  The old sewers are absent of any threats, haven't being used in years they have little to no filth other than what the nuke mutants have created for themselves.

RoboCop's companion watches him move about in the dark, taking his steps carefully as he tries to navigate without the help of hi augmented sight. She has more than a few questions to ask him, but for now the moment is tense with the condemnation of intrigue through the vast uncertainty of who or what they might run into. However one question slips past her soft lips as she tries to make certain that RoboCop isn't running them around in circles.

"Do you know where we are going?" She asks, a bit vexed by RoboCop's a seemingly natural sense of direction.

"I do." RoboCop says as the come into a fork in the road."


"I downloaded the city schematics years ago, back when the rebels fought against OCP. I figured it would be usefull information to keep."

"Oh." She says in response.

"There is another opening to the surface  in one point three miles. We will get back to the surface there."

"You, know, I heard allot of stories about you as a kid. How you fought OCP and freed Detroit. It's just seems so strange now that I get to meet you."

"Why strange?" RoboCop says being a bit indulgent.

"My family used to work for OCP. In my household it was always stories about how you where the badguy. Tearing down our stocks, ruining the company. They based their lives on hoping that one day OCP would put an end to how defunct Detroit was, but you never let that happen. Why?"

"They, built me to uphold the law, not look the other way when people's lives and homes where being destroyed. OCP was responsible for funding the gangs, the psychos, the drugs. I was just a cop doing his job."

"You job? What about what detroit could have became? Don't you ever wonder if OCP might have been able to make a better future for all of us? I mean, they made you."

"I guess that's one way to look at it." RoboCop says as he comes across a problem.

"One way?"

RoboCop turns around to face her. "OCP may have built me, but they also tried to destroy me. They always Mae things they create out to be perfect, then blame the product when it doesn't meet their expectations. They wanted to build a utopia of stock holders and trusts, but what they neglect like they always do is the probability of uncertainty. As perfect as they want to make something, they never figure that maybe they are the ones who are not perfect to begin with."

"Not perfect. People would have been safe."

"The corporation would have been safe. People would have been prisoners, to crime Lord's worse than the street gangs and the cults. Psychos who would have rather made machines out of everyone than let people speak of injustice. That is future I stopped."

She looks away, knowing that RoboCop did in fact stop her sexual assault. It's true that if RoboCop didn't show up when he did, she would have been raped, her assaulters would have been allowed to walk free, and she would be shamed into silence if not killed for her lack of complacency. Corporate policy not equalling a right to choose, only a demand to obey.

"They would have never let you live that down. Madmen only want control because they don't want to remember who is and inst human."

"Thank you, again." She says looking into RoboCop's eyes.

"I don't need your thanks. Knowing you are okay is fine enough."

"You never even asked me my name? Don't you even want to know who it was you saved?"

"Well, I'm sure and introduction is order. But right now we need to be moving." RoboCop says as he points out a problem. "This passage is blocked, we need to find a way around it."

"I thought you said you had the maps?"

"I do. But the Nukes have changed things." Recalculating, RoboCop begins to walk in another direction.
"This way."

They continue walking down the hallways. The sewage system expanding into a vast network of underground rooms, and aquaducts.

"It's Josephine, my name is, Josephine Colleck."

"Joe. That's a nice name. It suites you."

"That's it, that's all you have to say?"

"Was made to be a cop, not a politician. If you want a speech made then I suggest you find a writer."

"Was it important they they kept your sense of humor?"

"Probably not. But I count myself lucky that they did."

"Did they give you the ability to laugh,  too or that all you can manage."

"I laugh on the inside. That's where it counts the most."

"Then causing all of this must have been really funny right? You must have known OCP would do something  drastic just to insure their own survival."

"No, I didn't this funny at all."

"Really, and all the stories about you being just a heartless killing machine. Just boggy man stories they tell at OCP I guess."

"They are good liers?"

"Do you ever lie?"

"Good cops don't lie."

"Then tell me, where you the one who killed Lois, your partner?"

RoboCop stops and turns around. "That isnt a subject that is up for discussion."

"I thought you hated dirty cops."

"Louis was a good cop. She just..." RoboCop is silent for a moment. Things back in those days where deep shades of grey. Cops being under orders to evict people from their homes while the rebels fought curruption in the name of justice. RoboCop was bound by protocols to uphold the law, and that meant that they both ended up on the wrong side of it.

It was a tracking device in RoboCop's armor that lead the rehabs to thier location, and lead up to the events of Louise's death. RoboCop should have knowns, or he did but wasn't able or allowed to break protocols.

Was Louis Death really his fault? Was he more of an OCP puppet than he realized, maskerading as a hero when really he was the one who caused all this ruin like what OCP wanted. To start a war so they would have an excuse to pour a heavy bleach on the whole canvas of people's freedoms.

"You need to understand." RoboCop says as he looks Joe in the eyes. "OCP will lie about anything they can to get what they want. If you trust them with your life, then you end up as guinipig for whatever sick plans they have that week, and then your useless when they no longer need you. Maybe Louis Death was my fault. Maybe it was theirs. But a company that is willing to kill millions to save themselves because of one mistake has no one to blame but themselves.
You think one cop did all this? No, it was human rights that did all this. And that's what OCP declared war against, thinking they where bigger than the world was." RoboCop turns around to start walking. "I don't fight because that I how I was programed. I fight because it is the right thing to do, and I'm not the only cop who knows that. If you fight for what is right, then no corporation can claim you no matter how hard they try. The van bend you, break you, rebuild you or sell you off as scrap, but in the end only one thing still remains and that is something stock and bonds can't replace."

Joe thinks about what RoboCop says. Rethinking what it is that she has been told so long by a media controlled by OCP. It's true that when the bombs fell, most of the world suffered, but only because it wasn't just RoboCop fighting back. He was a dominoe in a lineup of problems people had against the Global Corporation, and when the world decided they no longer needed OCP and it screw ups, OCP decided it didn't need them either, and everyone was put on the chopping block.

But one other mystery remained. In how RoboCop survived one of the world's most drastic assassination attempts.

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