By chubbyeol_jones

82.2K 5.6K 1.8K

LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING. Is he a nerd? Yes. Is he tatooed? Yes. Is he short tempered? Yes. Is he good looking... More

0. Is it real?
1. Is he real?
2. Do wishes come true?
3. Can it get any worse?
4. Can he like me back?
5. Will he ever give me attention?
6. Can it get any better?
7. Can it get any harder?
9. Will he like it?
10. Who are you?
11. Will I survive?
12. Is he serious?
13. Will he agree?
14 Will he like it?
15. Will he f**k me?
16. Where is he?
17. Am I and idiot?
18. Are you ... together?
19. Did I hurt you?
20. Where were you?
21. Does he want a woman?

8. Will you help me or not?

3.9K 279 122
By chubbyeol_jones

"Let the records show that I was the first to say this plan is not going to work" Kyungsoo said as we relaxed in the room a little while later.

"Don't be such a pessimist. I think Baek has a pretty good chance of somehow... Getting Yeols attention" Luhan said.

"What makes him any other different from and guy or girl who has tried in the past. You know that we are childhood friends but even I haven't figured him out. One minute his cold the next he is... Colder and no one really knows what goes on in that head. If we weren't friends I would stay the hell away from him because he gives out those serial killer vibes if you ask me" Sehun said.

"I think that's what makes him more desirable" I said as if in dream land. He does give off these dangerous vibes when he switches his personality. Like the time he got Kris to back off. I wonder what he said to him that got him scared.

"Back snap out of it. Don't get sucked into the Yeol cycle" Kai said concerned.

"Yeol cycle?"

"It happens with everyone who likes him. First you crush on him and soon it will turn into a full on obsession. But he will just play around with your feelings and never actually give back any affection. Don't fall like the others. I usually enjoy watching but you're one of us now and so I wouldn't want you to go through that. He might be a great friend but other than that he sucks. It's just looks plasted on a bad attitude" Kai explained

"That's his charm" I persisted.

"It's too late he has already been sucked into the cycle. Kai is right about Yeol though. I thought that maybe since you're now our friend Yeol might tone down the attitude towards your pursuit. I know I said pursue before but maybe it isn't a good idea" Luhan said having second thoughts.

"I'm so used to being pesued because of my beauty, popularity and money. For the first time I have had to pursue someone and it's... It's kind of fun. I think I now understand what is meant by enjoying the hunt. You should all know I'm not giving up so it's either you guys help me or not because I am not giving up on that irresistible complicated man" I said with determination.

"Damn you got it bad" Sehun said, "I like you Baek and I hope Yeol appreciates your efforts"

"Fine. It's not like we have anything to lose" kyungsoo said.

"Yesssss..." Baek screamed before grabbing a notebook and pen, "this is what I have determined so far. Yeol is
1. Antisocial
2. Intelligent..."

"He is a freaking genius but in a mad scientist kind of way" Sehun said causing everyone to laugh, "he used to like creating chemical bombs in the science lab to prank people. Nothing to dangerous but a lot of people ended up stinking or had weird hair or skin color for days. When the principle tried to punish him he said they had no right if they had no evidence it was him. Then principle then put. A surveillance cameras around the school but everytime something happened the cameras would have somehow been off at the time. Basically they knew it was him but never caught him. He would call out all state laws like a frwkaing lawyer"

"Damn. Where was he when I got caught in the janitors office and got suspended for a week" I said.

"Caught having sex?" Luhan asked with a mischevious smile.

"Gosh no. I was playing video games. I was about to become an online world champion and couldn't afford to miss the final and so I was hiding in there all week. I was just about to beat some player called @Loey when I finally got caught"

"And what was your username?" Sehun asked looking a bit shocked.


"I need to go" Sehun getting up and grabbing his keys.

"Where are you going?" Luhan said with a pout.

"I... Forgot I needed to do something. Catch you later" he kissed Luhan on the lips before rushing out.

I found that very strange. Anyway.

"Where were we. Oh yes...
2. Genius
3. Loves pizza..."
So far so good. I still have so much more to learn.


Thank you for reading. Remember to vote and comment.

Why do you think Sehun left in a rush?


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