Humans and Bots

By transformersprimegal

34.1K 926 390

The bots bring home a Relic they got from the Cons, But when Miko touches it, well things get....a bit comple... More

Humans and Bots pt 1 A strange Relic
Humans and Bots part 2 A strange relic pt 2
Humans and Bots Part 3 A Strange new point of veiw
a strange new point of veiw Part 3
A strange new point of veiw Part 6
Humans and Bots Part 7 -Dude...-
Humans are weird....
Humans and Bots: School?!
Who's your daddy?
School always starts off well enough....
Teenage Drea- Nightmares
The Things We Did Last Night
The Principal Of It All!
Missing Home.
Unexpected Return.
Papa-mus Prime
Eyeliner And My Chemical Romance.
Sometimes Silence Is Golden

A strange new point of view part 2

2.6K 71 28
By transformersprimegal

 desepticons,Your rightful lord and master has returned!       (If you get that quote YOU ROCK!)  LOL About that evil stuff JK JK it's just me....TransformersPrimeGal.....YAY! i'm Back Baby!  anyways ummm ya more Humans and Bots this story is gonna get real weird and real ....Weird....real fast with fluff and romance (sorta not really) but oh well and another twist! anyways speech rule okay i know you know but..........ummm it' the fear of sounding like Shockwave Logical (X3)

Mr big and bold text here means Author or extreme Emphasis's     "Talking aloud is this uh format? ya format"      'Thoughts would be dis style'    /Bumblebee's cute beeps/    ummmmmm                                    {i keep forgetting Comm. link is this}  OK on with the show!

/Wait OK you need to stop saying stuff in unison it's creepy/ Bumblebee beeped a bit creeped out 

"Ya it is" Arcee said in sync with Raf, the two looked at each other then shrugged and turned back to Bumblebee who was looking even more freaked out

"Anyways" Miko said "you guy's wanna do...Band practice!" she shouted with enthusiasm

"uh OK...." Raf said not energetically at all "But we don't even play instruments" he added

"OK ummm Raf....Sounds and samples!, Me, Guitar, Jack.....percussion? Arcee-" Miko was cut off by the sound of a big rig engine pulling in to base followed by the sounds of a SUV and an ambulance parking.

"Has anything happened while we were out  on patrol?" Optimus asked as he transformed and walked over to the group

"nope it was quiet" Arcee shrugged

" I sincerely hope none of you touched the relic, i still haven't found out what it dose" Ratchet said as he walked to the med-bay to examine the relic again

/Don't worry Ratchet we didin't touch it like you...wanted/ Bumblebee told the medic who had his optic ridge raised skeptically /What?/Bumblebee beeped turning around and then back again

"Soooooo found out what this doohickey is yet?" Miko asked playing with the edges of the relic

"Miko! don't touch that!" Ratchet yelled, his pitch rising a bit the only indication of worry in his voice

"OK,OK calm down don't blow a casket!" She said calmly stepping back from the relic

"Good! Now don't you kids need to go home or....Something!" Ratchet asked sharply obviously annoyed with the humans

"Nope we are sleeping over remember?" Miko said adding emphasis on the word remember

"Oh Right how truly and utterly wonderfull" Ratchet said with sarcasam

"Yep!" Miko yelled happily jumping up a bit

~That evenning~

"I'm ti-erd!" Bulkhead said gingerly " i am going to go recharge, see you guy's tommorow" Bulkhead said as he went off down the hall

"Night Bulkhead!" Arcee called after him "Night Cee!" He called back

"I am also going to go regharge, i shall see you in the morning" Optimus stated as he walked down the same hall way Bulkhead used 

/Night, Optimus!/ Bumblebee waved to Optimus's retreating figure down the hall

"Good-Night, Bumblebee" Optimus called back before turning a corner to go down another dark hall

"OK now that the good-nights are all done what do you guys wanna do" Raf asked looking at the kids and bots

"Watch a movie?" Jack suggested " i brought popcorn and unhealthy junk food" he persuaded  

"i'm in" Raf agreed joyfully

"ya we can watch a movie, after we have some fun!" Miko said jumping up and fist pupmping

"and with those words spoken i'm off to recharge" Ratchet said strolling away down the hall the others had gone down

"Night Ratchet!" Raf yelled at him down the hall

"Good-night Rafael" Ratchet called back

"OK before we start is anyone else tiered?"Jack asked "Miko? Raf?" he added Miko and Raf both shook there heads "Nope" Miko confirmed "not me either" Raf said stepping forward 

"Arcee? Bee?" Jack continued 

" ya we should go get recharge" Arcee said pulling Bumblebee with her who just rolled his optics

/Night guys/ Bumblebee said waving over his shoulder as he followed Arcee down the hall 

"Night!" all three of the kid's said at the same time

"Now for the snoring contest!" Miko exclaimed loudly

"I bet Bulk snores the loudest , then Optimus, then ratchet , then Bee, then Arcee doesn't snore!" Miko listed off

"I bet  Optimus is the loudest , then Bulkhead , then Bumblebee, then Ratchet and Arcee don't sleep" Jack bet

"I bet- wait why don't we only bet on two each, one the loudest and the second the quietest or silent?" Raf suggested

"Ya! OK ummmm i bet Bulkhead is the loudest and Arcee is the most quiet" Miko wagered

"OK i bet Optimus is the loudest and Ratchet dosen't snore" Jack bet smirking

"I think and bet that Arcee is the loudest and that............" Raf paused for a moment thinking "Bee! ya i bet Bee dose not snore!" Raf said grinning madly while Miko and jack looked at him like he was crazy

"Wait Arcee! louder than Bulkhead?!" Jack said a bit perplexed

"And Bee not snore at all?!, Dude he's a...a...well Dude! and most..Not all mind you....but lots of Dudes snore!" Miko said half mumbling half whisper shouting

"My bet is my bet" Raf said knowingly" so what we betting here?" Raf asked curiously

"If i win you two need to.......ask Arcee and Bee if they have a crush on each other!" Raf thought up fast

"Fine but if i win you two have to......switch guardians with each other for a week!" Jack made up 

"Oh man........OK but if i win you guys have to.......get Arcee and Bee to confess they have a crush!" Miko said swiftly, 'i need a better bet!' Miko thought to herself "No wait um you have to see what the relic dose!" she added

"Fine! it's settled let's go see who won!" Jack said as he started down the hall towards there rooms

~A few minutes of listening later~

As they made there way down the hall they stopped and opened bedroom doors peering in and listening

"Wow Optimus snores sorta loud but not as loud as bulkhead did!" Miko said as the walked to the next room

"the last two are Arcee and Bumblebee, but so far Bulkhead is the loudest and Ratchet is the most quiet " Jack calculated

"here we go!" Miko said as they crept into Arcee's room, as they entered they realized how loud she was.

"that was freaking loud!" Miko said as they stepped out immediately at fear of bursting there ears from the loud metallic snoring

"OK wow um next and last is Bumblebee Miko what are you and Raf's thoughts on what he may sound like after the whole Arcee being the loudest thing?" Jack questioned 

"Um second loudest!" Miko quickly said 

"Raf?" Jack inquired 

"I'll stick to my bet, that he won't snore at all" Raf said pushing his glasses up on his nose more

"OK let's go" Jack said walking down the hall until they were in front of Bumblebee's bedroom door, silently they stepped in and let the door swish closed behind them completely muffling out the others loud snores and engulfing them in pitch black darkness

"Now we must be EXTRA quiet he is a scout and trained to be alert even when he's asleep-" Jack was interrupted by Miko

"Shh, listen!" she whispered to the two who immediately stopped making noise

after a whole minute of silence Jack broke the silence "Wow it's really quiet in here, he really is the only bot here who dosen't snore on this team" he said astounded he was sure it would've been Arcee.

"But how?" Miko pondered

"Two words" Jack said as it dawned on him "No-Voice" he whispered in an  airless manor which seemed to make everyone silent

"That's......" Raf began "Sad" Miko finished in a kind, gentle way which threw the two boy's off

"No one should have to lose something like that,a vital part of ones self, all because of a war that they didin't even start " Miko said in a sad tone 

"Or a war that was started before they were born" Raf continued in a distraught manor as he stared at the darkness around him

"wait how old is Bee?" Jack asked now curious 

"in earth years he would be around Miko's age" Raf stated earning shocked looks 

"But that's only like 15!" Jack said surprised 

"Ya i know" Raf said still not removing his stare from the empty yet muggy darkness around him as it seemed to coat his peripheral and frontal vision

"I know"

HAHA you did not see that bit of a dark turn did ya!? did ya!? yes i like suprising you guys hehe! we will touch more on my version of Bumblebee's back story next chapter (don't worry my version isint that diffrent from most!) anyways this chapter was a bit longer than the norm but once i got going on the more deep dialouge and descriptions i could not stop! but ya hope you enjoyed that chapter. i'll be back! (LOL another qoute!) anyways

 Adiós mis amigos      <Bye my freinds>

thanks for putting up with me--TransformersPrimeGal!

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