
By theseokside

295K 11K 4.8K

"This bond is making me feel things that I've never felt before..." A soulmate is a person ideally suited to... More

I don't want a Soulmate
The Jerk
Friends, maybe?
I need you
I have a Soulmate now
Be ready by 7
You look... nice
The bond?
The two of you...
The Night Before
Friendship and Bonding
It's time
On board
Pretty Boy
To the stadium.
Cupid Inc.
A Mission (?)
Starry Night

Q & A #1

5.1K 103 110
By theseokside

So, in the last chapter, I had asked y'all if you had any questions regarding this story.

Seems like you guys actually had questions. (I thought it was gonna flop lol)

And I'll be more than happy to answer those UwU


1. What inspires you to write this story?


Where and when did you get the idea of writing this story?

- ndharmyme Who_r_yoo

A: I wasn't really into Wattpad until I discovered some really good stories here "purely by accident" and among them were two soulmate AUs (y'all probably know which ones) and all that soulmate science got me intrigued, even if it was just fictional.

Now, I have an Instagram account with the same username where I used to post BTS imagines (I'm currently on hiatus there), and I just decided to test myself and wrote this soulmate AU and post it there.

So if you find the first few chapters a bit rushed, that's because they were meant to be posted on Instagram, and if you read imagines on Instagram, then you would know that stories there go at a fast pace and each part would need to have a word limit :/

But after writing five parts, I realised that the story was going to get really long so I ended up publishing it on Wattpad instead. I was never expecting it to gain this much support but thank you anyways ♥️

This was in November last year, by the way.

And about what "insfires" me to write the story is just that I get random ideas to continue the story out of nowhere lol. And, I also wanted to portray some difficult situations K-pop idols and celebrities face in life and how they must be feeling about it, which keeps me motivated to continue.

Lmao sorry for this long answer with half of it being totally unrelated, but I just love telling stories y'know ;)


Lol it's nothing that serious. It's just that this Soulmate AU is something I've written on the basis of my own imagination and the research I did online, so the answers of the following questions will literally.just explain what I would want to happen in those situations.

So basically, they're all imaginary questions and imaginary answers hehe)

2: What happens to Jin if Y/n gets physically hurt or dies?

- ndharmyme galaxyprincess20106

A: The Soulmate bond here is more is a connection of their thoughts, feelings and emotions.
So, if one of the two gets hurt, the other one feels the pain to some extent .
And it's mental stimulus in your body that leads to the feeling of physical pain, so your soulmate feels the pain physically too.

You might or might not see examples of this further in the story

Now, if one of them dies, (I mean we love Jin so much that we can only think of us dying and not him lol), the other one will feel the pain their soulmate felt (if any) when they died.
And it will obviously leave a hole in their life too, because they've already become too used to feeling their soulmate's energy and emotions that it's gonna make them feel empty afterwards.

But when one of the two soulmates dies, it's like the string that binds them both gets snapped, and thus the other will be able to live.

3: What happens if a person bonds with their soulmate but isn't able to find them afterwards?

- ndharmyme

A: When a person bonds with their soulmate, the initial phase of the bond demands physical contact of some sort or else both of them will weaken.
Now this demand for physical contact is high in the beginning, so if you do not find the person in time, it might also lead to the death of one of them. And since the other one feels it, the pain might cause their death too (ik it's actually scary but that's how it works)

But, in that mean time when you haven't been able to find your soulmate, you might stay alive if your soulmate is somewhere near to you (now I'm not gonna explain this cuz I might end up writing a long ass paragraph again so read the first few chapters of the story and you'll know what I'm talking about)

Anyway, always of this happens ONLy when you physically bond with your soulmate. If you're wise enough to recognise your soulmate when you meet them, you might chose not to bond with them, but you'll still feel a bit of their energy and a sense of attraction towards them.

4: Is there a specific age until which you can find your soulmate?

- ndharmyme

A: Not exactly, but according to what I've assumed, it takes your mind a lot of time (years, actually) to develop and be able to think And feel about things independently.

And so, you actually must be adult enough to handle the initial chaos that soulmate bonding might bring into your life. So people would find their soulmates only if they're mature enough.
So I guess, it would happen after a person turns 18?
But after that, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll find your soulmate really soon.

Maybe, you'll find them when you're young, or you might find them even when you turn really old.
Or might end up without a soulmate for life.

But, soulmate bonding is strongly linked with destiny. So, no matter what happens, you're bound to cross paths with your soulmate at least once in your life.

5: Will soulmates be able to live away from each other when the bond strengthens?
- ndharmyme

A: As I mentioned earlier, the initial phase of soulmate bonding demands physical contact for healing the two soulmates.

It's basically like a chemical reaction.
You bond with your soulmate, but both of you end up loosing a LOT of energy with that simple touch.

So, as you get healed and as time passes, you would be able to stay away from each other for longer periods, and the intensity with which you feel their emotions decreases with increase in distance.

But the soulmate bond is called a bond for some reason. It will always bind you together, so it doesn't mean that if one of the two gets really far way from the other, they could forget the bond and its effects.
You would want to go back to your soulmate at some point of time.

I know this sounds quite burdensome for the person, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a burden if the pair develops a sense of understanding and adjustment.

6: What happens if someone is already in a relationship and then they find their soulmate?
- ndharmyme

A: Now this is a tricky one.

Basically, this is an alternative universe, so most of the people believe they'll find their soulmates sooner or later. Such people would probably not get involved in any relationship until they find their soulmate.

But, for one thing, when I say you feel your soulmate's emotions and feelings to some extent, it doesn't necessarily have to be the feeling of love.

A soulmate bond doesn't induce love between two people.

The soulmates who fall in love are doing it out of their own sweet will.
Yes, being soulmates, you're destined to be with each other, but that doesn't always have to be in a romantic sense.
Soulmates who fall love do so because they value their connection to be more than strong friendship because your soulmate is basically the one  for you.

I mean, sure the bond leaves you having a sense of attraction towards the other, but that attraction doesn't always have to be romantic. It can even be something like the attraction you'd feel towards your best friend (I don't have one XD)

You CAN develop a romantic attraction towards someone who's not your soulmate, and you can be with them.
So being in a relationship with someone who's not your soulmate is entirely your choice.

But if you bond with your soulmate while you're in a relationship, you could leave it to just being good friends with them.
BUT, you will go through that "initial phase" I mentioned earlier, and it might be hard on your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend (they might end up getting really jealous lol)

If soulmates choose to be just friends, they might end up being really, really good friends (like VMin?) :D

7: Will the other members find their soulmates?
- ndharmyme

A: Maybe? I'd like to keep that a secret for now 😳


- dikshyak Star_Caz


So, I know a lot of you are getting confused with Jin's sudden mood swings (ikr me too XD) and you really wanna know if he's starting to like Y/n.

I was going to explain this further in the story, but since y'all are really curious, I'll give a short explanation, not actually giving anything away so I guess it won't really be a spoiler (lmao I'm not Namjoon)

So, Mr. Kim Seokjin in this story has never liked a girl before, so he might be developing feelings, but he doesn't understand what's going on with him lol.

Plus, even if he realises his feelings, you know he's this super sensible and caring person, and he really, really cares for Y/n (and y'all too hehe, just like I do).

Being an idol, he realises the pros and cons (I don't have to list them, do I?) of revealing details about his soulmate, and you getting hurt is the last thing he'd want to happen.

So he wishes to hide you from this harsh world and wants you to live your life normally (UwU he's so cute) because he understands how complicated it's gonna be for you to have someone like him as your soulmate. So yeah, he wants to hide you from the dark side of his career.

But even so, he's human. His feelings and anxiety regarding you get mixed up sometimes, causing those confusing mood swings.
Ihope you get it now hehe

And about Hana, I'm not gonna give any spoilers 😳

9: How old is the author?
- ndharmyme

A: Okay, this isn't related to the story, but I wanted to answer this.

I'm a '03 liner (I'm underage lmao)


This Q & A thing turned out to be 1600+ words. Like WOAH.

But I really wanted to explain things to you guys, so yeah.

And one thing, I'm feeling like some veteran soulmate science expert after answering all these questions XD

I hope I was able to answer your questions properly :')

And if you still couldn't understand my super long answers, you can comment here and I'll elaborate 😅

And I might hold another Q & A sometime later


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