Lies and Deception (LloydxRea...

By KtStoryTeller

73.8K 1.6K 564

*COMPLETED* *NEEDS EDITING* ______ (Y/n) is one of the most wanted criminals where she lives. She steals in o... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
About Book 2

Chapter Six

3K 63 11
By KtStoryTeller

"Might I warn you, our guest are fond of whispering, and I don't think it's about your food. I've heard word they have allied themselves. The ninja have told them about our secret ceremony." Clouse says to Chen.

The combatants that have made it into the tournament so far, are sitting at a long, decorative table that is covered with food.

Chen is sitting in his throne-like chair with Clouse at his side. All of Chen's kabuki surrounds them, waiting for Chen to tell them what to do.

"It has come to my attention that there are rumors floating about that I am stealing everyone's power. I am." Chen declares and everyone gasps.

"But it's all for this staff." Chen claps his hand for his kabuki to reveal his staff.

After a couple of minutes, Chen is handed his staff of elements, and he presents it to everyone.

"For the last standing in my tournament will win this prize and be the greatest fighter ever in the history of Ninjago." Chen exclaims.

"You lie. What about the spell for turning your people into Anacondrai?" Lloyd confronts Chen.

"Spell? What spell?" Clouse asks playing dumb.

"Don't believe him, it's just another trick." Lloyd says to the fighters.

"How do we know you're not trying to get the staff for yourself?" The master of speed asks. All the fighters start whispering to each other and questioning who they should believe.

"So much for the alliance."Garmadon says.


"Enough talk about me and Kai. What about you and Lloyd?" Skyler asks (Y/n) and raises a brow.

(Y/n) finishes chewing some of her food and looks at Skyler confused. "What about me and Lloyd?" (Y/n) asks oblivious.

"Seriously? He totally likes you." Skyler says elbowing (Y/n).

(Y/n) looks away sadly, not sure what to say. "Uh, I don't know..."

"Do you know how many times I've seen him look over at you?"

(Y/n) looks over at Lloyd. He turns his head, feeling like he's being watched, and Lloyd and (Y/n) make eye contact for a couple seconds before they both quickly look away.

Skyler gives (Y/n) this look like "See?". (Y/n) exhales and pushes her hands against the table to scoot out of her chair. She slowly gets up and pushes her chair back in.

"Where are you going?" Skyler asks. Her hands on her lap and her body facing forward, but her head is turned to look at (Y/n).

"Ya know what? I'm going to get some fresh air." (Y/n) says and walks outside. Lloyd sees (Y/n) walk out and decides to follow her.

The sun shines bright and birds fly around looking for food. Lloyd walks on the little yellow path and looks around to see where (Y/n) is.

Lloyd doesn't even know why he followed her. But he knows he needs to talk to her.

He spots (Y/n) sitting down by a tree in the shade with her knees up to her chest with her arms wrapped around her legs, and her head resting on her knees. She seems to be in deep thought.

"Hey." Lloyd greets (Y/n) as he walks over and sits crisscross next to her.

"Hey..." (Y/n) sighs.

"Is everything okay?" Lloyd asks with concern.

(Y/n) looks up at Lloyd and they make eye contact but (Y/n) looks away feeling awkward. "I guess...I'm just not used to having friends...Back at home, I didn't have anyone. It was just me...I didn't have to worry about anyone other than myself." (Y/n) explains.

"Come here. I want to show you something." Lloyd says as he stands up and holds out his hand for (Y/n) to take.

(Y/n) hesitantly takes Lloyd's hand, and he pulls her up. He leads her up to the roof of the place they have been staying and having their battles.

"Why did you bring me up here?" (Y/n) asks thinking that this was all just a waste of time.

"Look." Lloyd says as he points to what he's looking at.

(Y/n) turns around to see the ocean the island is surrounded by. The sun shines on the water making it shimmer. The beautiful blue sky, white clouds, and birds flying around makes the view even more wonderful. (Y/n) slowly sits down next to Lloyd without looking away, the view mesmerizing her.

Lloyd starts to stare at (Y/n), seeing her eyes sparkle and light up as she watches the water.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Lloyd asks and looks back at the view.

(Y/n) looks at Lloyd and stares for a moment before answering. "It is beautiful, and it's the perfect picture." (Y/n) says as she smiles happily.

Both not knowing how close they are, their hands end up touching. Lloyd and (Y/n) pull away quickly and look at the other.

"Sorry." They say in unison.

"Uh...that was weird." (Y/n) says awkwardly.

Lloyd laughs nervously. "Yeah..s-sorry."

There was a moment of silence before the two start leaning closer to each other.

There lips almost touching, (Y/n) starts panicking and backs up. "W-we should probably go back inside. I don't want to worry Skyler." She says and stands up.

"Yeah.." Lloyd says looking a bit disappointed. He slowly gets up, and they head back inside.

"Oh, there you are Lloyd." Cole says as he walks up to Lloyd and (Y/n). "Nya found us, and she's working undercover to help. We told her about Chen's plan, and she's going to steal Clouse's spell book soon. We also have reason to believe that one of the elemental masters is a spy working for Chen." Cole explains.

"Then let's find out who this spy is. Tell everyone to meet up in Kai's room." Lloyd orders, and Cole nods and leaves.


All of the remaining elemental masters are gathered around in Kai's room, wondering why they have been called here.

"Like I said, I ain't joining your little alliance. I'm gunning for that staff." Shade says as he's sitting on the edge of Kai's bed next to Neuro.

"Hey, this isn't about an alliance. This is about finding out who is the spy. No one leaves this room until we find out who is passing information to Chen." Lloyd says as Garmadon guards the door and everyone glances around the room, thinking about who could possibly be the spy.

"Why are you looking at me, Greenie? I'm not your spy." Shade confronts Lloyd, catching his glare.

"Perhaps I can help." Neuro says and then uses his powers to look inside everyone's head.

"I don't know who, but someone here isn't who they say they are." Neuro explains.

"How do we know we can trust you? Maybe I should use your power and see inside your head." Skyler says provoking Neuro.

"I'd like to see you try, power hoarder." Neuro shoots back making Skyler growl and make a fist.

Kai cuts between them to break up the fight. "This is what Chen wants, for us to fight. But we don't have to. There has to be a more civilized way around this." Kai says a bit annoyed.

"There is. Everyone who's ever worked for Chen has the Anacondrai tattoo on their back. Find the tattoo, find the spy." Garmadon suggests.

"Anyone objects?" Lloyd asks, and no one answers so Neuro walks up to Lloyd to show him his back.

"Can I go now?" Neuro asks annoyed as he heads for the door.

"Not until we check everyone. Who's next?" Lloyd says stopping Neuro.

"Let's get it on." Says the Master of speed as he shows Lloyd his back and everyone else lines up behind him.


"You're garaging my vibe. It better be important." Chen says sitting in his throne-like chair as Clouse walks up to him. All of Chen's Kabuki are dancing around the room to entertain Chen.

"It's very important, Master. Someone has stollen my book of spells, including the spell we need." Clouse explains.

"Do you need the page to do the spell?" Chen asks angrily.

"Of course not. But if it gets in the hands of the ninja, the fighters will know we've lied. Then they'll rise up against us."

"Then we must find that page! Argh! Kabuki paint, uh, it gets everywhere." Chen says finding Kabuki paint all over his sleeves.

"Hmm." The Kabuki paint made Clouse think about this white substance he had found on the platform where the book used to be.

Nya, who had been trying to listen to Chen and Clouse's conversation, gets spotted by a Kabuki and gets pulled to join the others.

"Master, I have a feeling a spy may well be in our mist."

"A kabuki servant? Well, well." Chen says surprised.

"The spy could still have it on them. Guards! Search every servant in this room."

Nya backs away as the guards start to search them all. Nya had found a marked page in the spell book earlier and assumed it was the spell Chen needed. She ripped the page out and left the spell book somewhere else.

The guards started to search Nya but was interrupted by loud music playing from afar.

"What is that racket?" Chen yelled.

"It's coming from the island." Clouse figures.

"It's coming from the spy. Find the signal, find the spy." Chen declares.

"You heard him. Search the island." Clouse says to the guards, and they leave to find the source of the sound. Nya tried to escape without them noticing but Clouse catches her.

"As for you, stay put." Nya gulps, afraid they might find out she's the spy.

"Darreth, what have you done now?" Nya whispers into her communicator on her wrist when Clouse isn't looking. Clouse hears whispering and turns around. Nya quickly starts dancing with the other Kabuki servants without being caught.


"Only three left." Lloyd says. Skyler is the next in line with (Y/n) behind her and Shade being the last.

"Uh. I hate to do this, but it's your turn. Can I see your back please?" Kai says as Skyler puts her hands on her hips.

"How could you not trust me? I thought we were friends." Skyler protests.

"I'm sorry, but we all have to know." Kai says.

"I'm pretty sure we all know the spy is Shade, so why are we doing this?" (Y/n) asks with her arms crossed.

"How do we know it isn't you whose the spy? We haven't even seen you use your elemental powers." Neuro says.

"Wait. Where'd shadow go?" Lloyd asks realizing Shade is missing.

They all look around for Shade but don't find him anywhere.

"He just couldn't help himself, could he?" Cole says with his hands on his hips.

"There he is! Get him!" Griffin says as he points to where Shade is.

He had used his elemental powers of shadow to make himself disappear. "I ain't your spy, and I ain't your friend either. That staff will be mine." Shade says, and Lloyd uses his powers to make a energy ball and throws it at him, but he disappears before it hits him.

Instead, the energy ball knocks down the painting of Kai, and Cole jumps out of the way before the painting can touch him.

"That was too close for comfort." Cole says nervously.

Shade appears in front of Garmadon, and Garmadon moves away from the door to try and stop him from escaping, but Shade disappears again.

He reappears in front of the unguarded door, and Garmadon catches him before he can go out.

"You cast a long shadow, old man." Shade says before he uses his powers and escapes from Garmadon's grasp.

Garmadon shakes his head, disappointed at himself for letting Shade escape.

"It was Shadow. He must be the spy." Neuro assumes.

"Skyler, look, I'm sorry." Kai apologizes, catching Skyler before she leaves.

"Don't. And if you still think I'm the spy, watch me walk out that door." Skyler says angrily as she walks over to the door and reveals her back.

Kai sighs in disappointment when he doesn't see the Anacondrai tattoo.

"Let me see your back." Lloyd says to (Y/n).

"What? You don't trust me either?" (Y/n) asks angrily.

"I do trust you, but the others? Not so much."

"Fine." (Y/n) says in frustration and shows him her back which didn't have the Anacondrai tattoo.

"I'm not your spy." (Y/n) says and walks out.

"There goes the alliance." Cole says.

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