Perseus Jackson: The Last Sta...

Autorstwa Bombardier143

35.1K 625 276

Book 3 of the Perseus Jackson series. Więcej

I Yeet Myself
Big oof
I change Fate
I visit some friends
I get kidnapped...again
The offer
The birth of a new world
Confession time
I almost die?
We go stargazing
Conqueror of Shadows

Warrior of the Abyss

2.5K 39 10
Autorstwa Bombardier143

1 month later...

After Ezousia joined the Primordial council, let's just say Chaos and his/her two sisters/brothers were having the time of their lives.

Destruction, Chaos and Ezousia went about destroying and bringing chaos upon imbalanced planets, while End cackled and joined them. I meanwhile, had to hold them back whenever they went too far, which was almost always.

Today though, was my day off. Well... not really, as it was more of a task given to me by my mother Nyx.

You see, Luke from the alternate universe hadn't taken my advice and continued to help Kronos and had now poisoned Thalia's pine tree.

I did the usual jumping off night and plunging into the Void. I then  willed myself to travel fast enough to appear in another universe.

I appeared on Olympus. Guess what? The time of events in this universe were all wrong. It was the summer solstice.

Instead of being polite in a foreign universe, I decided to barge into the throne rooms.

"Sup?" I announced myself.

The Olympians looked at me wearilly, while Ares gulped.

"Warrior of the Abyss," Artemis recalled.

"Wait what?" Poseidon nearly exploded. "The abyss? As in Tartarus?"

As he said my uncle's name, the temperature dropped like the pit for a few moments.

I smiled at the old memory and title I acquired from it.

"Can you tell us?" Athena asked like a little girl. "Please?"

Poseidon snorted, causing Athena's face to red with anger. "He's my son," he boasted.

I growled under my breath. "The word father or mother is not meant for greek and roman gods. You're never there for your kids. You blame the ancient laws, but you having kids was breaking the laws in the first place. Next, you go around cursing people into monsters and have your kids, whom you never care about, deal with your mess. And LASTLY, YOU DON'T EVEN PAY CHILD SUPPORT AND LEAVE YOUR KIDS TO GET ABUSED AND FEND FOR THEMSELVES."

Poseidon was visibly shaking by the time I was done, while the rest of the gods looked down guilty. "The story?" Athena pestered.

I smiled and nodded.


P.S this is before Percy became a primordial, during the gap between my first and second books.

I was in Tartarus searching for possible allies, but for some reason all monsters seemed to avoid me. I'm guessing it's the aura I gave off after becoming the son of Night.

"Looking for a friend?" A deep and evil voice asked from all around me.

"Yeah, you know of any?"

Uncle Tartarus materialized infront of me, scratching the back of his head.

"I believe so," he nodded. "Be warned Perseus, what I have in mind is extremely volatile and dangerous. We Primordials ourselves find them hard to control."

I nodded, determination coursing through my veins.

Tartarus smiled proudly at me, the pit's, aura increasing tremendously. "If you complete this mission, the tittle of Warrior of the Abyss will be bestowed upon you. You must venture into the deepest parts of the pit. The highest security prison in the universe. The abyss of horrors. To cross the barrier, you must bathe in the river of the Abyss, earn it's blessing and make peace with the beings which recide in the prison. Beware boy, the beings here are among the most ancient monsters in existence, from different realms and planets."

"I'll do it," I promised.

"I know you will," Tartarus said with pride and happiness shining in his eyes.

"Remember," he said, "it is the deepest part of the pit. The river of the Abyss is the combination of every river that flows through me. Imagine how you dig deep into yourself and you will know where it lies. You know it. Good luck nephew," he said, before disappearing.

I imagined digging deep into my power, but soon realized something. Tartarus stressed on 'yourself' and 'will'. I realized where my will power comes from. My heart. I had to flow like the rivers and empty into his heart.

I shadow travelled to the heart of Tartarus and looked down into the abyss and realised something that sent chills up my spine.

The body of Tartarus which consisted of monsters, zits and all of that was just the surface. A layer covering what was really inside.

"Good job boy," his voice resonated through the pit.

I took a deep breath and jumped into what Tartarus really was.

I fell for I don't know how long. I neared a pool of water and soon corrected myself. It was the river of the Abyss. It really was an abyss.

It all sloped inward exactly where his aorta would be.

{Aorta is the blood vessel which carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body.}

My brain almost exploded from what I just figured out. Tartarus breathed air from the Void and his blood was a combination of the rivers of the underworld.

I felt the power of all five rivers as I plunged into the water. I couldn't breathe, but I accepted it. It was the key to the universe. Acceptance. I felt the river of the Abyss carry me deeper and deeper.

"We bless you Perseus, child of Night as champion of the Abyss," a mixture of ancient and powerful voices spoke in my head.

I was spat out of the river at the opening of a network of tunnels.

I noticed that one of them was sloping down even more than the others. I walked in.

As I went deeper into the cave, the temperature started to drop more. I spotted a drop off at the side of the cave. I looked down and immediately felt the air of Night. I continued to walk deeper into it.

Soon, the aura surrounding the cave started to increase and become more ancient. I could hear a deep rumbling, in a language that sent chills up my spine.

The tunnel suddenly widened and I stepped into a huge cavern with stalactites and stalagmites.

In the middle, five huge humanoid beings sat around a circular table conversing among themselves.

When I saw them, their conversations immediately stopped and they all looked down at me.

"Perseus Jackson," one of them said, with a hint of respect in his voice.

I dipped my head slightly, to show respect to them.

"What brings you here child of..."

He looked genuinely confused.

"You have the essance of the sea on you, the essance of Night and that of the river of the Abyss. A great feat for a humanoid immortal," another said.

"He looks a bit young," a female said, a look of surprise on her face.

"He's immortal," annother said to her.

"Ah, that makes sense," she replied blushing.

"Who are you guys?" I asked.

"The four of us are wolves of darkness," the first male said, gesturing to those who had spoken to me. "She is the dragon of desolation," he said gesturing to the last female, who hadn't spoken yet.

They all looked pretty godly to me. They didn't look like dragons or wolves.

"Our powers are limited to humanoid forms because of Tartarus," the other male wolf said.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"We don't obey the Primordials. We are free creatures and do not bow for anyone. You either submit to us die," a female wolf said to me.

"I can help you," I said to them.

"What's the catch?" The dragon of desolation asked.

"Peace," I replied. "I promise you I will ask my aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters and grandfather to let you roam freely. In turn, you must be at peace with us.

"To make a deal with us, you must fight one of us and win," a female wold snarled.

"Who's the strongest?" I questioned.

Thet looked taken aback. The first wolf stood up, cracking his knuckles.

Before he could walk towards me, there was a snarl. "Sit down Black," the dragon of desolation growled.

Black the wolf gulped and sat back down.

"You must challenge me first, so that my full power may be unlocked. I can use it only to fight. My powers get locked once one of us yields of perishes," she said.

"Good luck kid," Black said. "She's the strongest and most skilled of us."

I pulled out my Stygian iron sword and got ready.

"Name?" I asked her.

"Extinct," she replied.

"I Perseus, challenge Extinct, the dragon of desolation to a fight," I said, getting ready.

She smirked before turning into a full fledged dragon and lifting off into the air. She was navy blue in colour, with lightning flickering through her vertebral column till her tail. He eyes were orange, with fire in them. Her claws seemed to be made of polished Stygian iron. Her huge midnight black wings made an a380 look like a Cessna compared to her.

She dived towards me, but I rolled to the side and slashed at her side. The blade bounced off harmlessly against her scales. Lightning from her spine blew me backwards.

"We are the only ones who can get through her scales," Black called out.

She charged again and blasted lightning that would make Zeus jellous from her mouth. I dived between her legs and latched my sword to one of her spines and got lifted up onto her back. I pulled the darkness towards me and caused it to bind her wings, arms and legs. I then leveled my sword to her wings, which weren't protected by scales.

"I yield," she gasped. I immediately released the darkness around me.

Black and the other wolves had theis mouths hanging wide open.

Despite being half burnt and nearly dead, I was smiling widely.

Extinct herself looked shocked. "Well done. What is your proposition?" One of the female wolves who had come out of her shock asked.

"I release all five of you and you in turn maintain peace with the Primordials. I swear on the Styx I will ask them the leave you at peace."

"We accept," Black said, while the other wolves and dragon nodded.

"I'm Shade," the other male wolf said.

The first of the female wolves stepped forward. "My name is Dark," she said.

"I'm Doe," the other said.

I could already guess who was who's mate. Black and Dark, Shade and Doe.

"You're free," I said.

I lead them through the tunnel, until they were at the river.

I willed the water to become solid and lifted it up so we were lifted into the air and appeared outside Tartarus' heart.

The wolves transformed into their form, which were a pack of pitch black wolves, the size of gas stations, and bounded away into the darkness.

Extinct transformed into the dragon of demolition and flew into the sky, scarring the wings off a few of the Arai. Extinct went easy on me. They have the power to make beings fade. If a mortal simply looked at them, he or she would pass into the underworld. I sighed and shadow travelled back to my room, where I later fell asleep.

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