Winglet: Tragedy

By IzzytheDragonQueen

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Kestrel's life has always been miserable, especially with Queen Scarlet around. She was allowed no happiness... More

The Queen
A New Enemy
Beginnings and Endings
Perhaps Happiness
Soulmate Problems
The Lost Dragonet
A Background-Check
The Talons of Peace
The Guardians
Morrowseer and the Plan

The Dragonets of Destiny

129 3 2
By IzzytheDragonQueen

Kestrel and Dune were assigned to train the dragonets. Hvitur and Asha would be the dragonets parents, basically. Then Webs would teach them history and whatever else they needed to know.

Kestrel had to remember not to be a mother like Webs may have had but instead like Crimson or the one Hvitur may have had. She couldn't get close to them.

Maybe I was destined to never have a family...

Kestrel shook off these thoughts and turned her attention to the rainy sky. She was waiting for the ignorant Morrowseer with the NightWing egg.

Hvitur had taken off a day ago, saying he was going to wait for the right moment to steal the SkyWing egg. Kestrel had no idea how Webs, Dune, or Asha's missions were going and it slightly bothered her.


Kestrel saw the enormous NightWing come down from the clouds with a black egg in his talons. He landed outside the cave and Kestrel went to meet him.

"You keep it safe, you hear me? If it dies, you die," Morrowseer growled.

Kestrel took the black egg and nodded. Morrowseer took off again with great speed. He must have somewhere important to be.

She remembered how her egg felt in her talons when she flew out of the Sky Kingdom. The NightWing egg gave a a short flashback of the memory.

Good thing Hvitur was getting the SkyWing egg, Kestrel wasn't so sure she could've handled it now.

Kestrel took off into the stormy night with the NightWing egg clutched firmly in her grasp. She vowed to never let go of it, even if it starts hatching. That was how she lost her dragonets and she wouldn't disappoint the mother of this young one or disappoint the Talons. Well, really Dune, Hvitur, and Asha. The rest of them Kestrel didn't care about.

Half way through the perilous flight, Kestrel checked the egg. The egg had began to turn silver, which terrified Kestrel. What had she done to it?

Maybe it was normal?

Kestrel picked up her speed, hoping one of the others might have an answer. Even if Webs had an answer right now, she would take it.

The rain was hard enough to fly through but the wind had picked up quite a bit since Kestrel had left. Her talons were becoming slippery but Kestrel repositioned her self so she was cradling the egg at an angle while still using her body to protect it from the elements. It kept turning sliver and Kestrel wished she knew what was going on.

Kestrel saw the mountains ahead but she couldn't see the cave. Perhaps Dune and Webs really did a good job preparing the hideout.

Dune and Webs were supposed to be there with the eggs they were supposed to bring a few days early to prepare the cave for five dragonets. Kestrel wanted to help but she was instructed by Nautilus to stay and wait for the NightWing egg. Because apparently the NightWings were the most important.

Kestrel knew Asha had contributed a few things but she wanted to spend her last days in the Mud Kingdom being productive and Hvitur was free to do as he pleased so Kestrel knew he had helped slightly.

The brightest night was in two nights so Kestrel had figured she would contribute her part those two days since she would have nothing to do.

Kestrel was sort of excited for the SkyWing that she would mentor. Kestrel hoped it would be a girl and Kestrel could teach her every fighting skill and this SkyWing could be like the dragonet she never had.

Asha said she would raise the MudWing, Dune would raise the SandWing, Webs said he'd care for the SeaWing, and poor Hvitur had the NightWing. Hvitur didn't seem to mind, however. He said he wanted to mend the bridge between IceWings and NightWings anyway. Stupid dragon for having such a great ambition.

Anyway, Kestrel was happy to have a SkyWing dragonet in the cave with her. That meant Kestrel's only responsibility was the SkyWing dragonet, not anyone or anything else.

The only thing that had bothered Kestrel about the mission was the fact they were in Scarlet's territory but Kestrel hoped Scarlet would never find them and ruin Kestrel's second chance at life.

Most dragons went lucky to have a second chance and have a second chance with others who were having theirs as well.

Dune, Kestrel, Asha, and Hvitur all had a chance to change things and make things right for themselves with one another.

And then there was Webs who had no reason to look for a second chance at life.

Stupid Webs.

Kestrel landed in the valleys by the mountain with the NightWing egg. A boulder rolled out of the way and Kestrel saw Webs and Dune. She walked in the cave and Dune lead her to the nest for the eggs. Kestrel put the NightWing egg with the SeaWing and SandWing egg.

Kestrel walked outside and down the valley to find a good spot to wait for Hvitur.

It had been hours of Kestrel sitting in the pouring rain, waiting for Hvitur. He should have been here by now, there was no excuse.

Kestrel worried her description of the palace wasn't enough. She wanted to see her friend carrying the dragonet she'd have to raise. It meant a lot to Kestrel that Hvitur got back with the egg safely and that Asha lived.

If Hvitur died and Asha died, Kestrel would be stuck with Dune and Webs. She wasn't sure she'd be able to do seven years of that. Hvitur and Asha always lightened the mood. Dune and Kestrel were the warriors and Webs was the teacher. Sure, they'd be fine without Hvitur and Asha but Kestrel wanted them there. They put her in a better mood.

Kestrel's sharp eye caught an orangish egg falling from the sky and Kestrel lunged out to catch the egg.

She was so close...

But egg shattered

and Kestrel's claws were inches away from it.

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