Remnant's Maiden Of Dawn

By CameronKiller535

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RWBY Harem x Female Village Survivor Rights to Rooster Teeth More

Volume 1 Profile (Redux)
Chapter 1: Second Chance
Chapter 2: The Academy
Chapter 3: Familiar Faces
Chapter 5: First Day
Chapter 6: Instinct
Chapter 7: Chains Broken
Chapter 8: Unclear Bond
Chapter 9: The Return
Volume 2 Bio
Chapter 10: New Changes
Chapter 11: Master Vs Weapon
Chapter 12: Favor
Chapter 13: The Dance
Chapter 14: Mission Start Part 1
Chapter 15: Mission Start Part 2
Chapter 16: Confessions
Chapter 17: Need for Change
Chapter 18: Apologies
Chapter 19: Old Wounds Fade
Chapter 20: Wild Night
Chapter 21: Sweet Rose
Chapter 22: Sick Wolf Family
Volume 3 Bio
Rival Bio
Chapter 23: Amity
Chapter 24: More Challengers
Chapter 25: Wise Words
Chapter 26: Emotions vs Desires
Chapter 27: Undeserving
Chapter 28: Descent
Chapter 29: Fatal Omen
Chapter 30: Strength Past Loss
Chapter 31: Downfall
Chapter 32: Broken By Revenge
Chapter 33: Left Isolated
Chapter 34: Mask Of Guilt
Volume 4 Bio
Chapter 35: Next Step Forward
Chapter 36: Lasting Sorrow
Chapter 37: Persistent Pain
Chapter 38: Fears
Chapter 39: Incoming Threats
Chapter 40: Luck Worsens
Chapter 41: Answers Of Poison
Chapter 42: Painful Steps Forward
Chapter 43: Fate Of Kuroyuri
Chapter 44: Determined Paths
Chapter 45: Familiar Sky
Volume 5 Bio
Chapter 46: Haven Reached
Chapter 47: Troubles Arising
Chapter 48: Planning Ahead
Chapter 49: Improving
Chapter 50: Past Life
Chapter 51: Fear and Answers
Chapter 52: Old and New Times
Chapter 53: Fear Of Loneliness
Chapter 54: Power Of Forgiveness
Chapter 55: Battle Of Haven PT.1
Chapter 56: Battle Of Haven Pt.2
Chapter 57: Reunited
Volume 6 Bio
Chapter 58: Path to Argus
Chapter 59: Question
Chapter 60: Past Lives Revealed
Chapter 61: Weakened Wills
Chapter 62: Melancholy
Chapter 63: Revertion
Chapter 64: Seperated
Chapter 65: Pushing Forward
Chapter 66: Lost Memories
Chapter 67: Clashing Ideals
Chapter 68: Together
Chapter 69: Resolving Hate
Chapter 70: Completion
Accidental Publish
Chapter 71: Destination Reached
Chapter 72: Atlas Academy
Volume 7 Bio/New Title
Chapter 73: Advancing
Chapter 74: Dream Realized

Chapter 4: The Trial

4.6K 86 25
By CameronKiller535


After heading out of the locker room we all get into position at the cliffside as Ozpin and Goodwitch have tablets ready to give us our objectives.

Ozpin: For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest.

Glynda: Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of "teams." Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today.

Ruby: What? Ohhh...

Ozpin: These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well.

Ozpin: That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years.

I could almost hear Ruby's world shattering.

Ruby: Whaaaat?!

Ozpin: After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest.

Ozpin: You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die.

Ozpin: You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics.

Ozpin: Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?

Jaune: (raising his hand) Yeah, um, sir?

Ozpin: Good! Now, take your positions.

Everyone except Jaune does as I unholster my Pistols.

Jaune: Uh, sir? I've got, um... a question.

A tile then springs up launching Weiss.

Jaune: So, this landing... strategy thing... Uh, wha-what is it? You're, like, dropping us off or something?

Ozpin: No. You will be falling.

More students get launched as I see that I'm about to launch after Yang.

Jaune: Oh, uh, I see... So, like, did you hand out parachutes for us?

Ozpin: No. You will be using your own "landing strategy."

Jaune: Uh-huh... Yeah.

Yang winks at me and Ruby and then put on a pair aviators before launching off.

I give Ruby a quick finger salute as I get launched into the air.

Y/N: (This feels amazing!)

I let the wind hit my face as I continue to fall until I make platforms made of water before jumping down into the forest.

Y/N: (Okay, let's get this going)

I start walking through the forest feeling no hostile presences until I smell smoke further up ahead.

I run to the source to see Beowolves running in fire.

Y/N: (Fire and Grimm)

I think back to my Village feeling my anger reach it's boiling point.

I gather Water around me as I let it out as a big wave extinguishing the flames and drowning the Beowolves.

The flames die down with the Beowolves gasping for air until I take them down with shots through their heads.

Y/N: (That's the end of that)

I continue through the forest taking down any Grimm in my way until I spot the temple down below.

Y/N: (That must be it)

I jump down to see multiple chess pieces with some missing.

Y/N: (Guess I wasn't the first one here)

I look around thinking about which piece to take.

???: (Take the middle piece)

Y/N: Huh?

I hear bell chimes as I look to see it's a white pawn piece.

Y/N: (A pawn huh?)

I grab it and put it in my coat pocket.

Yang: Y/N!

I look up to see Yang and Blake heading towards me.

Y/N: Hey!

They get down to me.

Yang: (gestures towards the chess pieces) So these are the relics?

Y/N: I guess so.

Y/N: It looked like some people already been through here.

Yang: Well, guess we should pick one.

Yang: Right, Blake?

I turn to see Blake staring at me getting pale.

Yang: Blake?

Y/N: Are you okay?

Blake: F-Fine.

Yang: You sure?

Blake: Yeah, just got a little lightheaded.

They both grab their pieces.

Yang: (To Y/N) So, have you found a partner yet?

Y/N: No, you and Blake are the only people I've seen since we started.

Our conversation gets cut short as we all hear a loud scream.

Yang: Some girl's in trouble! Blake, did you hear that?

Y/N: (Jaune)

Yang: What should we do?

Our attention gets diverted as we look up to see Ruby falling in the air.

Ruby: Heads uuuuuuuup!

She continues to fall until Jaune suddenly comes flying in knocking them both into a tree.

Blake: Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: I...

Suddenly we all hear several loud crashes with the tree's coming down as an Ursa emerges and collapses from a pink energy blast from behind.

Showing that a Ginger haired girl was actually riding it.

???: YEEEE-HAAAAW! (rolls off of the creature's back, then gets up and groans, saddened) Awwww... It's broken.

She starts observing the corpse as a guy with black hair comes out from the tree breathing heavily.

???: (panting and leaning on the monster) Nora! Please... Don't ever do that again.

Only for her to already be gone as she grabs a relic.

Nora: (singing) I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

???: Nora!

Nora: Coming, Ren! (skips off to her friend)

Blake: Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?

Yang: I...

She gets cut off again as Pyrrha comes running in with a Deathstalker on her tail.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Ruby: (standing up, looking at the monster below) Whoa! (she starts running off of the branch and landing in a roll)

Jaune: (whining) Ruby!

Yang: (as Ruby stands up, back on the ground) Ruby!

Ruby: Yang!

They both go for a hug until Nora gets between them.

Nora: Nora!

Blake: Did she just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on her tail?

Yang: (getting angrier until she growls and erupts in a small burst of fire, eyes flashing red) I can't take it anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!

Two seconds pass~

Ruby: Umm... Yang? (tugs on her sister's sleeve and points)

We all look up to see Weiss barley hanging on to the talon of a Nevermore.

Weiss: (calling down to Ruby) How could you leave me?!

Ruby: (shouting up at Weiss) I said "jump"!

Blake: She's gonna fall.

Ruby: She'll be fine.

Ren: She's falling.

Jaune then jumps and catches her.

Jaune: (smiles at Weiss) Just... dropping in?

Only for them to both start falling.

I sigh and create a bubble to catch them and bring them towards us.

Jaune and Weiss: My hero.

Only for me to let the bubble pop in response.

Pyrrha lands on her side near us.

Yang: Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!

Ruby: Not if I can help it! (sounds a battle cry and rushes towards the Deathstalker)

Yang: Ruby, wait!

She charges at the Deathstalker but gets knocked away by its swipe.

Ruby: (getting up slowly) D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!

She turns back and shoots at it's skull to no effect as she runs with the Deathstalker giving chase.

Yang: (running forward) Ruby!

Ruby continues to run to us until the Nevermore fires its feathers at her catching her by her cape.

Yang: Ruby, get out of there!

Ruby: (struggling with the cloak) I'm trying!

???: (Are you gonna let it happen again?)

Y/N: No...

I start running towards her as the Deathstalker raises its stinger ready to strike.

I keep running until I see Weiss running with me.

I gather Water and trap part of the Deathstalker as Weiss freezes it.

Weiss: (To Ruby) You are so childish!

Ruby: Weiss...?

Weiss: And dim-witted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style.

Weiss: And I suppose I can be a bit... difficult... but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together.

Weiss: So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be... nicer.

Ruby: I'm not trying to show off. I want you to know I can do this.

Weiss: You're fine. (walks away)

I help Ruby up.

Y/N: You okay?

Ruby: Fine.

We head back to the group.

Yang then runs up and hugs Ruby.

Yang: So happy you're okay!

The moment gets ruined as the Nevermore roars again.

Jaune: Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?

Weiss: Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us.

Ruby: She's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs. (nods to Weiss) There's no point in fighting these things.

Jaune: Run and live - that's an idea I can get behind!

Ruby and Jaune then grab their relics as the Deathstalker starts breaking free from the ice.

Ren: Time we left!

Ruby: Right. (waves to the others) Let's go!

We all start running to more ruins with the Nevermore flying overhead before perching itself on a big column.

We all find cover.

Yang: (annoyed) Well, that's great!

I look back to see the Deathstalker emerging from the Forest.

Jaune: Ah, man, run!

We all leave our hiding spots with the Nevermore rising in the air.

Ren: Nora, distract it!

She obliges and runs out dodging the Nevermore feathers before firing multiple heart shaped grenades hitting it directly making it retreat.

We continue running through the bridge but the Nevermore comes in and splits the bridge, leaving me, Ruby, Yang, Jaune, Nora, and Weiss against the Nevermore while Ren, Blake, and Pyrrha have to handle the Deathstalker.

Third Person POV:

Y/N, Ruby, Yang, and Weiss keep the Nevermore at bay with multiple ranged attacks.

Jaune: (coming to the edge of the break in the bridge) Man, we gotta get over there! They need help!

Nora: (running up beside him) Let's do this!

Jaune: (looks down at the misty abyss) Yeah, but, uh... I can't make that jump.

Nora then manical smiles as she knocks him back with her Weapon changing to a full-length Hammer and then jumps to the edge of the bridge.

She then slams her hammer launching Jaune to the other side as he screams, she then places one foot on her hammer and fires it off the collapsing section of bridge, launching her to slam its face right in the center of the Death Stalker's skull.

She fires at it just as its stinger comes down to get her, and blasts back again to avoid its reach, accidentally knocking into Blake and making her fall from the edge.

Blake continues to fall until Y/N makes a rope out of water launching her on top of the Nevermore as Blake then continuously slashes on the Nevermore before jumping off and landing on the ruined platform at the top of the columns next to Ruby, then going over to Yang and Weiss.

Blake: It's tougher than it looks!

Yang: (readying her Ember Celica) Then let's hit it with everything we got!

The five girls ready their weapons firing a barrage of blasts but the Nevermore either dodges or takes no damage from it at all.

Weiss: None of this is working!

Y/N: It's skin is way too tough.

Ruby: I have a plan! Cover me!

Both Y/N and Weiss then re-enter the fray.

Back with the Deathstalker Jaune, Ren, Pyrrha, and Nora continue to struggle against it.

Jaune: We gotta move! (they all rush towards it)

The Death Stalker aims a claw at Pyrrha, but she deflects it with her Akoúo shield and slashes it with her blade. The scorpion recoils and swipes at her with its other claw, but Jaune is there to deflect it with his shield.

Knocking it back so Pyrrha can leap over and attack its face. Ren runs up firing and gets on the stinger when it tries to hit him, shooting at the base between it and the tail while Nora fires more grenades at the attacking claws.

Pyrrha hurls her javelin straight into one of the Deathstalker's ten eyes, making it throw Ren to the side.

Nora: Ren!

He hits a stone wall unable to stand back up as Jaune looks to see the Deathstalker tail hanging loosely.

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: Done!

She throws her shield cutting the stinger causing it to fall and Pierce the Deathstalker's head.

Jaune: Nora, nail it!

Nora: Heads up!

Pyrrha then gives her a boost up with her shield as Nora shoots downward to get higher before twirling down until her hammer slams its head into the stinger, driving the point through the Death Stalker's head and crushing the bridge beneath it.

The group then all jump behind the Grimm landing on the ground with Ren walking over to them until he passes out.

Back with the Nevermore Y/N, Yang, Blake and Weiss continue blasting the Nevermore.

Yang then fires a blast at its face  causing it to head right towards her, but she leaps for its open maw and forces the beak wide as she attacks.

Yang: (Blasting its mouth with each word) I! Hope! You're! Hung-! ...-gry!

She looks behind her and jumps off its mouth causing it to crash into the cliffs.

The Nevermore recovers quickly as Y/N continues to distract it until Weiss freezes its tail in place.

Blake fires the pistol portion of Gambol Shroud over to Yang, and the two tighten it between the columns so Ruby can jump on the center with Crescent Rose and bend it back into Weiss' black sigil.

Weiss: Of course you would come up with this idea.

Ruby: Think you can make the shot?

Weiss: (confident) Hmm! Can I!

Ruby: Can't?

Weiss: Of course I can!

Ruby looks forward and pumps Crescent Rose as Weiss turns the circle from black to red and releases her at such a speed that the ground behind her launch cracks, rose petals flying from her ascent.

She fires more shots to get closer and closer to the trapped Nevermore until her scythe catches the Nevermore's neck in its blade and causes them both to fall to the cliff wall. Weiss raises her sword and creates a series of white circles up the wall, which Ruby dashes through by firing the entire way up.

She then yells out a battle cry as she decapitates the Nevermore with its head and body falling lifelessly into the ground below as Ruby looks down at her peers.

Y/N: (It's finally over)

Y/N let's out a sigh of relief until she notices a large figure approaching Ruby.

Y/N: Ruby!

Y/N then uses her water to rush to her as fast as she can before pushing Ruby outta the way as the large creature swallows Y/N whole.

Ruby: Y/N!

The Konodusk lets out a roar before a white blade erupts from its skin before exploding from multiple slashes.

In the center Y/N is seen standing there sword in hand loosely wrapped in bandages.

Y/N: I'm definitely gonna need multiple showers when we get back.

As all her peers sigh in relief.

Unbeknownst to the rest of them Blake stares in shock.

Blake: (It really is her)

Timeskip Y/N POV~

After getting myself cleaned up Ozpin was calling in the teams.

Y/N: (I don't understand why they're keeping me here)

I continue to stand in confusion on why since I don't have a partner.

Ozpin: Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark.

Ozpin: The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!

The audience claps as they head off stage.

Ozpin: Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR.

Ozpin: Led by... Jaune Arc!

Jaune: Huh? L-Led by...?

Ozpin: Congratulations, young man.

Pyrrha gives him a light shoulder bump that causes him to fall over as the audience starts laughing.

Ozpin: And finally: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long.

I start to walk away.

Ozpin: As well as Y/N L/N.

I turn back surprised as we all head on the stage.

Ozpin: The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!

Ozpin: As for you Ms.L/N for your exceptional skill and retrieval of the White Pawn Piece I have placed you onto Team RWBY.

Y/N: R-Really?

Ozpin: Congratulations.

Chapter End

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