Journal | Cameron Boyce

Galing kay Hobibbymama218

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เผ„cameron boyce love storyเผ„ HEAVILY UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! Higit pa

author's note


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Galing kay Hobibbymama218

| | journal one, pg.3 | |

September 30, 2013

Madaya walks to the front of the school with the group once school ends. Her and Jeneva already had changed into their workout clothes and were waiting around for volleyball practice to start.

"You know, I can't stand these kids." Jeneva huffs as Madaya and her walk up to the boys, tossing her hair in a ponytail when Madaya handed her a scrunchie.

"What did they do now?" Tyree asks in amusement at the girl's annoyed face.

"Did you not see her bump into me without apologizing?"

Jeneva says, Tyree looks behind her to see the back of the girl who she pointed at. "I bet you did it out of spite since she has a crush on your ass." She accusingly points a finger at the light skinned boy.

Tyree laughs. "Why you making it seem like I told her to do it?"

"I'm not. But control your fishes- I meant fans." Jeneva sarcastically smiles then drops it as she tightens her ponytail.

Madaya shakes her head while Damien laughs at her comment.

"I can't control them, Jeneva. They're just upset that you're the only girl I pay attention to," Tyree flirts, Jeneva rolls her eyes and shoves his arm off her shoulders.

"Couldn't last the last two hours, huh?" Madaya asks the boy as Jeneva moves to her side to get away from him.

"Not until she gives me a chance." Tyree gives a bright smile, showing his pearly whites and dimples.

Jeneva narrows her eyes at him before looking him up and down. "I'll pass."

"Here we go..." Madaya mumbles to Damien as Tyree and Jeneva starts their usual argument about dating for the billionth time.

"Neva, when are you gonna give me a chance, baby." Tyree says, Jeneva scrunches her face from the pet name.

"How about never?"

Madaya mouths the familiar words to Damien who snickers as they stand behind the arguing pair who were now face to face.

"I don't understand why you won't give into the idea of dating me." Madaya holds her laugh at Damien exaggerating the words with more actions.

"You're not me type. Makari is."

Tyree kisses his teeth. "And Makari doesn't want you."

"Oh, like how I don't want you?" Jeneva doesn't miss a beat.

Madaya and Damien lean their shoulders together and suck in a breath behind their fist. "Damn."

"You want me you just can't admit it." Tyree crosses his arms with a smirk.

Jeneva copies his actions as she tilts her head up at him. "Nope. I see you as my brother."

Tyree scoffs at the bullshit lie. "You see Damien as your brother not me." Him and Jeneva turns to look at said boy and Madaya. "What are y'all doing?"

The two pause when they realize they caught them.

Madaya slowly unfolds her arms while Damien scratches the back of his neck with a sheepish smile.

"Nothin. Come on, y'all have the same argument almost everyday." Damien starts, Madaya nods in agreement.

"Put us out of our misery and date already, Neva." Madaya finishes and said girl kiss her teeth.

"When pigs fucking fly." Jeneva bluntly states.

"Ya know you gonna give in one day." Damien tells her with humor in his voice.

"Yet, here we are, six years later," Jeneva purses her lips with a tight lipped smile, Tyree opens his mouth to say something but Madaya cuts him off.

"Okay, okay. Lemme interrupt before another argument happens." Madaya says, turning to the boys. "Are y'all coming to watch out practice?"

"Nah, I have football today." Damien answers, slinging his bag over his shoulder after checking his phone for the time. "Which I should probably go change before I be late. Bye y'all."

He gives them a hug and Tyree their handshake before walking back inside the building.

Jeneva turns to Tyree, "What 'bout you?"

Tyree sucks in a breath, "I'm still in trouble from skipping last week. They wanted me back home as soon as school ends if I don't got practice." He sheepishly smiles, the two girls roll their eyes.

"We've been standing here for ten minutes, Ty." Madaya says.

"And now the school traffic is lighting up. It's a win win." Tyree shrugs his shoulders, Madaya shakes her head.

"This is why yo ass stay on lock down." She tells him.

"Eh, they should know me as their bad kid by now. But on a good note, I only got four more days." He replies.

"Yo, do y'all think I can just pick y'all up when y'all finish practice? Cause ma boys and I wanna go drop off Lia and Moni then head to McDonald's." Makari jogs up to them and asks.

"Wassup, Mil?" Tyree speaks, the older boy acknowledges his presence and the two clap each other up.

"Sup, Ty. You driving now?" Makari raises a brow when he sees car keys in the boy's hand.

Tyree nods with a slight smirk, "Yeah, finally." Makari laughs.

"You wanna take them home then?" Makari asks causing the two girls to mean mug him.

"Kari." Madaya glares at her brother.

Tyree laughs, "I would man, but I gotta get home. I'm still in trouble with my momma. Bye y'all." He daps Makari and gives Madaya and Jeneva a hug before leaving.

Makari snaps his fingers with a fake slumped expression. "Damn." He chuckles at the two girls faces, "I'm kidding, bruh. But it's fine if I leave for a little, right?"

"Can we get McDonald's after practice?" Madaya raises a brow.

"I'll just bring y'all some when I get there." Makari tells them and they shake their head.

"No it'll be cold by the time we finish." Jeneva says.

"And I don't like their fries when they're cold. They don't taste right." Madaya adds, Jeneva hums.

"But that's backtracking."Makari says, Madaya and Jeneva give him a pout and lace their hands together and puts them to their chest.

"Pleasssseeee. Pretty please..." Madaya begs with the most soft tone ever.

Makari blinks at them for a few seconds then lets out a groan in annoyance. "Fine. The things I do for y'all spoiled asses."

A smile falls on Madaya's face as she hugs her brother and tip toes to give him a big wet kiss on his cheek causing him to grimace and push her away before wiping his face.

"I hate when you do that shit, Daya." Makari sends her a small glare but Madaya just smiles.

"Hush you know ya love me. But, thanks. Loveee ya." She tells him, Jeneva hugs him briefly then pulls away.

"Yeah. You're the best, Kari." Jeneva adds.

Makari rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll see y'all at five thirty then. Text me if y'all get out early." He says with a wave then jogs back over to his friends.

"Is that the girl he's talking to?" Jeneva asks her best friend when Makari tosses an arm around a short, thick, light skinned girl, with messy brown curls and glasses.

Madaya squints her eyes to look across the parking lot since she doesn't have her glasses on. "Oh, yeah. I think so. Pretty sure that's Taliyah or 'Lia.'"

Jeneva nods her head but she wasn't that interest she just wanted to know. "Uhuh. She's pretty."

Madaya slowly turns to her and raises a brow as she glance back over to her brother who was now leaving then back at her best friend.

"She is."

Jeneva bends down to grab her bag from the ground. "We should head to the gym, we got five minutes before it starts."

"Shit. Coach is gonna scold us again." Madaya panics slightly as they start walking to the gym.

"Eh. When does he not?" Jeneva shrugs.

"We're the captains, though. We should be there for before the team."

Jeneva kisses her teeth, "Them girls just do that to kiss Coach's ass and make us look bad. I ain't stuntin dem."

"Huh, you two are finally on time for once." Their coach, David, jokes once they entered the gym.

Madaya sees their team sitting around or pre stretching, which was unnecessary since they're gonna start their stretch soon, then looks back at David.

"Haha, hi coach." Madaya does their handshake, something he has for all of his girls on the team. They end their handshake with a quick shoulder bump in the air before he does his with Jeneva.

"Alright, girls! Let's start with the warm-up then jump in with a practice round. We play against our rival team, Rocklin, this Thursday and I'm expecting us to get another win this year against them." Coach tells the group then turns to Jeneva. "Jeneva, start the warm-up."

Jeneva nods and calls for the team to get in a big circle in the middle of the court. Her and Madaya stand in the middle with Jeneva leading, they spent a good ten minutes with music playing lowly in the background.

Once they were fully warmed up, coach splits the twelve girls for the scrimmage game. He had JV against V since they both teams were playing on Thursday.

Madaya was right side hitter and Jeneva was their libero. She exhales and squats when Coach tosses the ball to Chelsea or Ches, one of the girls from the JV team.

She waits for the ball to go over the net and to their side. When it goes over she sets herself in a ready position, waiting for it to come her way to hit back over.

"Mine!" Jess, their outside hitter, calls for the ball when it comes her way.

"I got it! I got it!" Their setter, Myah, says and back sets it to Madaya who does a one, two step and spikes it over but it comes right back to their side when the JV bumps it.

"Chance ball!" Brieona, their opposite, speaks and bumps it.

"Again!" Myah speaks.

Madaya watches carefully for Myah's signal and sees her put up a two behind her back letting her know that she's passing it to their left hitter, Kyra or Ky.

Myah sets it up and Kyra jumps up a second after, faking a speed strike, distracting JV's side but ends up tipping it over. JV's left hitter goes to save it but it already hit the floor.

Madaya's team cheers and goes in a circle to tap each other on the butt before going back to their positions. Coach David nods his head with a neutral face as the assistant Coach, M, tallies the point.

Madaya was feeling good the first few minutes into the game. They were up by four points and won the first round but then all of a sudden their team and JV's team started slacking when it got to the second one after their ten minute break.

Balls were hitting out, easy passes weren't getting passed back, and the communication started lacking amongst them.

She breathed heavily as they rotated with her back in her original spot, in the corner of her eye she could see their coach with an upset face as he whispered to Mason while watching the girls.

"Got it!" Jeneva calls when she notices the lack of movement from Jess. She dives as the ball heads to the ground but it was no use cause the ball just bounced right on the floor and rolled out of the line.

Jeneva huffs out of annoyance and looks up at Jess who had an apologetic look on her face.

"My fault, Neva." Jess says, Jeneva rolls her eyes and pushes herself off the floor and goes back to position.

"It was your fault." Coach David finally speaks, Madaya hides her wince when she hears the upset tone in his voice. "Why are we slacking? There's no calling anymore from either team, easy passes are not being pass and y'all aren't doing our plays. What is happening?" He looks at the girls who look down at the floor or away from his intense stare.

"Y'all were doing so well in the first round. What? Are y'all tired today? We're not trying fully today? What is it? Cause we can't have that on Thursday against Rocklin." David tells them.

"Why y'all messing around?" David raises a brow from no response, "No answer." He nods his head and hands the clipboard to Mason. "Alright. Suicides."

Madaya tosses her head back out of annoyance, holding in a groan not wanting more punishment from the man.

"I want y'all too sprint. Not walk, nor run. Sprint. From starter line to the middle fifteen times in twenty seconds. Since y'all seem to lack stamina today. If all of ya don't finish in those twenty seconds, we're gonna do it again and again." The girls hold in their complaints but you can see it on their faces how much they dreaded it as they walk to the starter line.

"After that, for the remaining of practice I want y'all to bump and call for the ball another thing y'all are lacking." David finishes as the JV team took a step back, since Varsity was going first.

Madaya sucks in a quick breath before taking off when David blows the whistle. She was actually okay with suicides, her and Jeneva did it almost the entire summer for their travel volleyball team.

But doing it back to back would always wore her out and from the looks of her teammates and how they're slowing down, they might have to do it again which was pissing her off.

Oh, how she couldn't wait for practice to end.


"Ugh, my thighs hurt!" Madaya complains as they walk to the front of the school where Makari was.

Jeneva huffs in agreement, rubbing her aching calves. "I don't know why they started lacking, knowin' how Coach D was gonna be this week. Jess was pissing me off not getting her balls, bruh."

"And Myah started setting low to the net. Like, damn girl. How do you expect me to spike or tip if it's touching the net." Madaya adds, out of annoyance.

They reach the car and roughly open the door before plopping in and accidently slamming it.

"Yo, don't slam ma damn doors, bruh." Makari sends them a glare but laughs when he sees their exhausted faces. "Damn, y'all look rough."

Jeneva shoots daggers his way and shifts her body so she's laid out completely in the backseat while Madaya pulls the latch so her seat is leaned back and stretches her aching limbs out.

"Just drive to McDonald's." Jeneva grumbles out, Makari pinches his brows together.

"Is that the way you ask when I'm paying for y'all?"

"Kari, please? We're not in the mood, right now." Madaya mumbles, closing her eyes, loving the ac that was blasting her face.

Makari kisses his teeth and pulls out of the school. "What happened in practice that got y'all so bitchy?"

"Those girls kept fucking up our plays so Coach made us do suicides for the rest of practice." Jeneva tiredly explains, resting her forearm over her eyes to shield the street lights.

"Damn." Makari says, Madaya hums and leans her head to the side of the seat. "Don't y'all play against Rocklin this Thursday?"

"Yeah. Which is why Coach D was on our ass today." Madaya groans, "Then Jess, and the others wanted to start slacking in the second round so he yelled at us and made us do suicides."

"Well, aren't y'all the captains. Why didn't y'all say anything?" Makari asks, glancing at his sister for a second then turns back to the road.

"Yelling won't do shit to them. We learned that last time." Jeneva states. "They can't comprehend the shit we say as captains cause they think that we get special treatment."

Makari sighs as he pulls into the McDonald's drive thru. "Well, hopefully they get it right, tomorrow. I think y'all coach got through them today with them suicides."

Madaya frowns with her eyes closed knowing that it probably didn't and they'll do suicides again. "Yeah..."

"Same order, right?" Makari asks, the two mumble a yes in response.

Madaya kind of tunes him out, feeling the drowsiness kick in from all of the running they did in practice. Listening to Makari talk to the worker and pulling up to the window was the last thing she heard before she knocked out in the passenger's seat.


"Owww, Kari..." Madaya drowsily whines, when the boy smacks her hard on her forehead to wake her up.

Makari laughs as Jeneva tiredly reaches up to smack him back once he woke her up too.

"Get up we're here." He tells them, Madaya slowly opens her eyes and sees that they're back home.

She groans being careful with getting out once she notices her and Jeneva's food were on her lap.

"Ion know why y'all made me get the food if y'all were just gonna fall asleep. The food got cold either way." Makari says, getting out the car.

Madaya sleepily hands Jeneva her food bag once she got out the car. Jeneva takes it and mumbles a thanks and sighs.

"Imma see y'all tomorrow. Thanks for the food."

She spares Makari a glance then walks down the sidewalk to go to her house which was three houses across from Madaya's.

The two siblings make their way inside after Jeneva is fully in her own home.

Immediately Madaya was hit with loud noise from her siblings in the living room.

"Aren't y'all supposed to be sleep?" Makari speaks Madaya's thoughts, the twins stopped hitting each other and turn to their big brother.

"Mom let us have another hour since we finished our homework." Jahia tells him with a shrug.

Madaya didn't care for the conversation so she headed upstairs with her bag of food.

Tiredly she sits on her bed and turns on the tv, needing something to watch before she eats. The girl switches on Disney channel and watches the reruns of Life on Deck.

After a few minutes Madaya, finishes her food and tosses it in her bedroom's trash then goes to take a quick shower and goes to bed early, too tired to do anything else for the night.


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