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| | journal one, pg.2 | |

September 30, 2013

Madaya's alarm was the first thing to wake the two teens up.

Jeneva groans out of annoyance and kicks a tired Madaya and flips over to bury herself deeper into the pillow. "Turn that shit off."

Madaya glares at her through the darkness of her room but listens and rotates her body to turn the alarm off. She sits up after turning on the light causing her to squint. When her eyes adjust, she looks down at the girl who was falling quickly back to sleep.

"Neva, we gotta get up."

No response.

"Jeneva~" Madaya pokes her side causing the girl to squarm then slaps her hand away.

"You go to the bathroom first. You take longer than me." Jeneva muffles into the pillow.

Madaya kisses her teeth, yanking her side of the comforters off of her body, hissing slightly when the cold air hits her bare skin.

She drags her feet to the bathroom, slamming her hand on the lightswitch, illuminating the room. Her tired face stares right back at her when she turns to the mirror.

She can see her bonnet pushed back some, results from her wild sleeping, she's surprised that she stayed on her side of the bed last night.

A sigh escapes her mouth as she starts her morning routine. After a few minutes she finally makes it out the room to find her an outfit.

Jeneva was finally up and on her phone. She looks up to watch Madaya heading to her closet to find something.

"Almost twenty minutes. Like, I thought." Madaya flips her off without turning to look at her, Jeneva laughs and slides off the bed to the head to the bathroom.

Once Madaya found her an outfit, she grabs her cocoa butter lotion and sits on the bed to lotion up. After, she strips so she can get dressed.

"Oooo, dem pants make your ass look fat

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"Oooo, dem pants make your ass look fat." Jeneva walks over and smacks Madaya's ass when she was spraying on her perfume causing her to cough when she gets some in her mouth. "Oops, my bad."

Madaya sends a glare way as she wipes her tongue to get the nasty taste out of her mouth before spraying the last two spots so the scent could last the whole day.


Jeneva laughs as she grabs her clothes that she laid out before heading to the bathroom. "I said my bad."

"Whatever." Madaya mumbles, walking to her full sized mirror next to her closet to examine her outfit. She fixes her shirt and jewelry, ending off with the little touches to her hair.

"How we feel 'bout the fit?" Jeneva asks, standing behind the shorter girl, turning sideways to get a better view.

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