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By Calla_Lily_8970

40.1K 753 129

Evil is not born...it's created. ******* Once upon a time there was this girl. Pure. Innocent. Naive. S... More

Chapter 1- Remembrance
Chapter 2- The New Settlers
Chapter 3-Verbana Bonariensis
Chapter 4 -Pagan
Chapter 5 - Gods
Chapter 6 - Family
Chapter 7 - Threatened
Chapter 8 - Fate
Chapter 9 - Defiance
Chapter 10 - Loss
Chapter 12 - Predators
Chapter 13 - Sun and Moon
Chapter 14 - Monster
Chapter 15 - Betrayal
Chapter 16 - Traitor
Sequel time

Chapter 11 - Wicked Witch

1.6K 35 4
By Calla_Lily_8970

Song: 'Running up that Hill' by Placebo

'The gods will always smile on the brave women'

|Third Person Point of View|

Esther glares into the burning torch that lights the room around her and let's her see. The passed few days lay awake in the back of her mind to haunt her, reminding her that peace, what kept them docile, is broken with the loss of her son.

Henrik was so young and did nothing to deserve this. He was a boy whose curiosity got the best of him and ended his short life.

Esther feels the tears she's tried to force away come back and burn her eyes. The loss of another child has hit her harder than the last. Leaving a gaping wound that has no intention of healing anytime soon. Esther has the need to cry every moment from sunrise to sunset or until the tears run out but she can't. She has to care for the remaining five children who are alive and as well as they can be after losing a brother.

Life has to move on, Esther knows this. But it's so hard with the village of wolves surrounding her kids, her home, her haven. How will she know her children will be safe? They couldn't possibly defend themselves against the wolves, it's not fair how weak they are compared to the wolves.

Being one of the only human family in a wolf village makes Esther's goal to protect her children not only hard but impossible.

She needs help.

Suddenly a hand touches Esther's shoulder which gives her a jolt in surprise. She forgot momentarily of the two other people in the room with her. Forgot the meaning of why she was here.

Esther somehow knows what the end result will be already by just the look on her friend's face when they explained what they wanted. Not that she can blame her, what they're asking for is beyond imaginable and defies the laws of nature.

This is for my kids, Esther thinks, So they can protect themselves and never have to fear anything again.

"Please, Ayana! I implore you!" Mikael's booming voice snaps Esther out of her thoughts "You must call upon the spirits before the next full moon"

Mikael, like Esther, believes this will work. It has too. If not... what else are they to do?

The witch, Ayana, looks horrified that they would ask her over to tell her such a demise. A curse they would spread too easily that would affect many, not just their children.

"I will not! It is a crime against nature" Ayana responds harshly.

Esther finds her voice to engage in the discussion "Ayana, we have already lost too much. We can not lose anymore... The spirits can help us find a way to protect our children"

"Everything could be heightened. Our family could live forever" Mikael adds as if to strengthen their point but to Ayana, it does the exact opposite. It gives her more reason not to do the spell.

"At what cost?" Ayana asks in return "This magic you speak of breeds consequences. This is the makings of a plague, Esther. The spirits will turn on you"

Esther was passed this. She is going to do whatever it takes to protect them. "Please, Ayana" she tries one last time.

Ayana knows better than to dig into dark magic unlike her friend "I will have no part in it" with her decision made, Ayana walks toward the door, knowing she is no longer welcome.

Mikael then turns to his wife after a glare in Ayana's direction "If she will not help us protect our family... then it is in your hands alone, my love"

Esther hoped that Ayana would accept and do this for her. So Esther didn't have to dig into dark magic herself, just letting someone else do it for her. Esther didn't want to become like her sister who celebrated her powers for the darkness. But as far as Esther knew, Dahlia was no longer her sister.

Esther is a powerful witch as well. One who doesn't openly express herself in the village because of people like Felina Ames who shows distaste for the species. Her reaction to Ayana was enough for Esther, to know she is not to be trusted.

In the time of knowing her, Esther realizes that Felina portrays the meaning of her Latin name. Felina is graceful with eyes like a cat. Short tempered. Sly and not to be crossed. Traits her eldest daughter seems to show signs of possessing.

Speaking of the Ames girl...

"Calla. We must grant her this gift of protection as well-"

Mikael cuts her off with a scowl. Both of them not realizing Ayana has paused at the door, stricken with fear.

"Not that pagan, Esther. Why would you say such a thing?" Mikael looks livid just thinking about her. Since the first sight of them, he knew the Ames family would cause trouble.

Esther looks at her husband but thinks about the girl who days before comforted her children despite Mikael's threats and her mother dragging her away. A day after Henrik's death, Calla came over to give Esther and her family a cherry pie, risking her life with Mikael and Felina.

"She has been an exceptional friend to our children, Mikael. Faith or not she's been over at our home every day since..." Esther chokes up slightly before she can say the words. "..She deserves protection as well" she sighs before confessing "Please, Mikael. Calla is like a daughter to me and I want my kids safe"

Mikael sighs, he hates Calla but loves Esther. The choice is clear to him, no matter how much he hates it.

Ayana feels fear for the Ames girl with that sparkle of innocence in her big blue eyes. Esther should be ashamed to take such a rarity and curse it but in her eyes it's a form of protection. Ayana takes a step closer to them, letting emotion break through on her face now that they've mentioned Calla that Ayana happens to enjoy. "Esther, I beg you to reconsider. Calla doesn't deserve this. She's a sweet child, do not ruin her"

Esther stares at her for a moment, unwavering. "Calla has been a loyal friend that our children need for the future. Our son is in love with her. She is apart of this family, Ayana. I see more reasoning's than none"

Ayana was about to snap at her for being so selfish with a human life. That Calla was simply not just around for her and her family's use. But she bites her tongue for her words would not make a difference in Esther's opinion. Instead she thinks about how stepping foot in this village has damned a young girl with her whole life ahead of her.

Esther has decided.

The fate of the six lives were sealed


|Calla's Point of View|

My fist connects with the wooden door of the Mikaelson house with fast repetitive knocks. Waiting alone in the dark for someone to let me in to eat dinner Esther had invited me too.

Why she did is still confusing to me. Esther found me in the village to ask if I can come tonight and I declined. Dinner is meal time for just family members and I doubt Mikael would want me over for a meal. To be stuck with me for a couple hours. After all he confessed, in front of his family, what my family is but his family has open there arms to me neither less and accepted me into their family. His plan back fired and he lost this battle.

Saying no to dinner wasn't an answer to Esther. She was persistent and almost anxious telling me how this dinner will change everything. She didn't tell me how but my curiosity was peaked. However, my mother would want me home anyway for dinner. When I said that Esther blurted out that it was a dinner to celebrate Henrik's short life. How could I decline after she said that? My mother wouldn't even touch that one.

I mean it's reasoning enough to honor Henrik but I don't see why Esther had said it would change everything and how she didn't invite the rest of my family. Belladonna was closer to him than I was. I was just the girl who made sure to show them I was always there for them in these hard times.

I snap out of my thoughts when the door opens and reveals Esther herself who instantly smiles upon seeing me. "Calla, welcome. I am so glad you were able to make it" I sense sadness deep inside her still from her loss but she carries herself proudly. I admire how fast she rises after falling. Most mothers couldn't dream of doing what she did. Even my mother was bedridden for weeks after the loss of little Samuel.

I smile back at my second mother figure and respond "I'm honored you would invite me to a precious dinner like this, Esther"

Esther opens the door wider "Please, come in, get out of the cold. We were just waiting on you."

I do as she says quickly for it is very cold tonight. More frosty and the wind adds onto the plummeting temperature. I was the only person out at this time and this weather tonight while everyone is with their family surrounding a warm fire.

Esther closes the door behind me and helps me take off my fur cloak that kept some of the cold out. She drapes it over a chair and turns toward me, saying "It is an honor to have my other daughter here with us tonight."

A warm feeling floods through me and I am happy she thinks of me as such. The way I think of her is like the way she thinks of me. Esther has always been so kind and made me feel welcome when her husband didn't and to be honest I believe she likes me more than my own mother does. My mother loves all her kids but Aiden does no wrong and Belladonna is her baby girl whose not such a baby anymore. Then there's me, the middle child.

Then there's Esther and her family that made me feel like I belonged in there family, besides Mikael of course. "As I think of you like a mother, Esther" I say gently with a wide smile.

This seems to make her happier as her smile broadens and her eyes shine. She hooks her arm with mine and leads me through her home. "I can not wait until we make it official." I must have a look on my face which causes her to add "For when you marry my son, Calla."

I glance over at her with wide eyes, shocked. Marriage is not something either me or Kol had discussed or even brought up for the matter. I've barley thought about it until Esther brought it up. Or did he ask me and I didn't know? I actually ask myself such a ridiculous question. I think I would have remembered if he proposed.

"I-I... Kol never said anything about mar-"

Esther effectively cuts me off with a wave of her hand "The future, dear Calla Lily." she says casually like we're talking about the weather. "But even you can see where your relationship is going without me here to explain. You two will have forever together" her words are bold and she says it like every part of it is true while a sparkle is in her eye. As if she knows something I don't.

"Forever is a long time, Esther." I observe but I have a smile on my face when I say it. I guess I haven't looked into the future with Kol, I was trying not to die that's probably why.

Esther meets my eyes and just smiles at me without saying another word as we arrive in the dining room that looks the same as the last time I saw it. Different kinds of herbs are spread across the room and seem to have doubled. Some yellow and some reds. I even spot the vervain herb in the far corner, looking as beautiful as the ones that haven't been plucked yet.

A fire in the fire pit crackles on the far side of the room to keep the dining room lite and warm. The smokey smell of the flame rivals with the delicious smell of the food on the table which consists of meat, corn, beans and blue berries. Cups stand tall by their empty plates for each place for us. 8 even.

"Calla" gushes Rebekah as she stands from her seat by her brothers Niklaus and Finn to rush over to me and give me a big hug.

"Rebekah" I giggle at her "We just saw each other this morning. Miss me already?"

The blond pulls away to give me a teasing smile "I do not know what I would do if I didn't see your face everyday, Calla" she laughs at me.

"What our dear sister means to say is that we are honored to have you join us this evening, Lily" I look passed Rebekah's shoulder and smile at Elijah. What a moral and sweet gentleman he is.

I finally take a look around at whose in the room. Mikael is at the end of the table, not even glancing at me. Finn sits beside him and gives me a small smile. Me and Finn haven't really talked much but that has to do with our age gap I believe. For he's much older that I. An empty seat by Finn which was Rebekah's and then there's Niklaus who I also haven't talked much with but when I did he always raised his head higher and I believe he got that trait from Mikael. On the other side of the table, across from them is Kol and Elijah who have an empty seat in between them meant for me I assume. The only other seat is at the other end of the table which is meant for Esther.

"I thank you, Lijah" I smile in return. "I'm happy to be here"

A voice cuts through the lively atmosphere and turns it to unsettling within seconds. Only one man has the power to do that. "Sit down, harlot. The food is getting cold" my clenches fist at that blasted nickname he insists on calling me despite the falseness of it. To Mikael I will always be a harlot and I better just get use to him calling me that.

Mikael looks up at me finally and our eyes meet in an intense stare down. The look in his eyes has me almost cowering but then he'd win if I did so. I channel my mother and stand straighter, looking like his comment didn't effect me. The smile was wiped off everyone's faces but I regain mine back sooner in a smirk that I can tell rubs him the wrong way.

"Father-" Kol starts is a low, nearly threatening tone.

"It is alright, Kol." I cut him off before there is a big scene. "Mikael is right the food is getting cold. I'd hate to waste the food that smells absolutely divine"

Esther places her hand on my shoulder and guides me to the seat beside Elijah and Kol "There will be no fighting tonight" she starts loudly for each of us to hear "One night and it's for Henrik. I think you all can manage"

I sit in my seat and watch as Esther takes her place at the end and Rebekah goes back to her seat so we are all sitting at the table. When I make myself comfortable, I notice eyes on me. I turn my head and smile at Kol whose already looking at me.

Kol leans down "You look beautiful tonight, love" he whispers so the rest of his family doesn't hear and I blush at the new nickname he seems to settle with. Each name he finds for me always gets me to blush and I know that's his soul purpose by why he smirks.

I smile and clear my throat before I mutter a "thank you" under my breath. Under the table, Kol hand grabs mine that rests on my lap and I grip it tightly, wanting to touch him some how. It seems to our thing that we always have to touch each other, someway and somehow. Whether it be our shoulders touching or simply holding hands.

No one really pays attention to our exchange until Niklaus opens his mouth "Let the girl be tonight, Kol." since he's across the table, everyone hears him and looks in our direction.

It's not like we've done anything wrong, Niklaus just wanted to call us out on it. Does he believe it's disrespecting Henrik? It can't be. Not by the annoying gleam in his eyes.

Kol looks at him, somewhat annoyed but it's Elijah who cuts in "Leave them be brother. They are happy" he returns my grateful smile. Where ever Elijah is you can count on loyalty.

The rest of the meal is filled with small talk about subtle things like the weather and gossip from the village people. Mostly it's Rebekah and I who speak and the men at the table add their input in. All of us too engrossed in our conversation to notice how quiet Mikael and Esther are.

Throughout the dinner Kol's hand grips mine and his thumb strokes the back of my hand. The times I glance over at him I see more times than not that he's already looking at me. It makes my heart race and blood sizzling for now I think about our future and what will come of it. I do not see another so perfect and I would not want anyone else.

I am in love with him.

Mikael suddenly stands, his chair scraping the ground. The cup filled with wine halfway empty in his hand prepared to make a toast. Our conversation is cut off as we all look over at him. Each of us grabbing our own cups of wine to hold in the air. Mine nearly full since I had one sip and declared it strange with the tint of something bitter.

"Let us all honor Henrik" as he says the words he holds up his cup. "He did not deserve what had happened but his legacy will live on."

"Cheers" we all say at once and raised the cup of wine to our lips. The bitter liquid travels down my throat and I have to stop myself from cringing. The wine is different and I don't like it much but it's disrespectful to say so.

I set the cup back down by my half eaten plate and notice Rebekah scrunches up her nose slightly. She obviously doesn't like the wine either. I even hear Niklaus clear his throat and narrows his eyes at the cup. Glad I'm not the only one.

Mikael suddenly mutters something about "all his kids being legacies" and it happens so fast that it's a blur to the human eye.

A pain filled gasp echoes through the room and everyone turns in my direction. Jumping to their feet with shock filling their eyes. I meet Rebekah's eyes that stream with tears and her hand covers her mouth in pure shock. Niklaus and Finn stare at the shimmering iron sticking out of my chest with fear. I can't even look toward Kol or Elijah.

My light blue eyes are wide with shock myself and it takes a moment for the pain to register. Slowly, afraid of what I'll see, I look down and my mouth drops when my eyes connect with the sword cutting through the back of my chair and sliding through the soft tissue of the skin to my back. Tearing through my nerves and creating mass destruction to my body. Mikael's hand on the end of the sword as he pushes the blade through bone with almost inhuman strength.

"CALLA!" I hear many yell but their voices merge together and I can't make out who's who.

Magnified pain explodes through me but when I open my mouth to scream blood comes rushing up my windpipe and splatters on my plate. My head spinning and pulse pounding.

Fear coursing through me at the thought of dying. I know Mikael hated me but this much? To the point of killing me?

My family! What about my family?! They will be devastated when they hear. They lost so much already and coming here was to give us another chance but it didn't happen.

Everything will change, Esther's voice rings through my head.

Blood stains my dress crimson and black spots cover my vision. Death slowly embracing me until everything goes black but I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. Thinking about my family and my friends who are in shock, too frozen too move and help me. But I am passed helping.

It's all black. And I feel my heart beat slower and slower until it stops beating all together .

This is the turning point.

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