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By Calla_Lily_8970

40.5K 762 129

Evil is not born...it's created. ******* Once upon a time there was this girl. Pure. Innocent. Naive. S... More

Chapter 1- Remembrance
Chapter 2- The New Settlers
Chapter 3-Verbana Bonariensis
Chapter 4 -Pagan
Chapter 5 - Gods
Chapter 6 - Family
Chapter 8 - Fate
Chapter 9 - Defiance
Chapter 10 - Loss
Chapter 11 - Wicked Witch
Chapter 12 - Predators
Chapter 13 - Sun and Moon
Chapter 14 - Monster
Chapter 15 - Betrayal
Chapter 16 - Traitor
Sequel time

Chapter 7 - Threatened

1.5K 38 7
By Calla_Lily_8970

'We do not strike unless stricken' 


Dead silence comes over my family.

Half in pure confusion but the other is icy fear that keeps us frozen in place. Not knowing what to do with ourselves at his sudden arrival.

As he came from the bushes looking colder than ever, the birds stop singing and the insects stop buzzing. It's almost like they can sense the tension he brought with him into our air. If I was them then I'd fly far away too, not wanting to face Mikael's wrath.

I had no idea he was following us. By my family's faces, they didn't know either. We we're all too engrossed with mother's story and what she was about to tell us to notice the silent steps coming our way.

So many things in this situation doesn't sit well with me. Mikael Mikaelson hates my family. Ever since coming to the new world he has avoided us like a plague and only spoke to us if necessary but even then he's hostile. If he despises us so greatly then why seek us out? Why follow us into the secluded woods and interrupting a family affair?

It's then I notice how Mikael's eyes don't drift to mother or Aiden who stands practically in front of me. His dark, hard eyes don't flicker off me for even a second. I realize too late that he doesn't want to speak with my whole family. Oh no, he wants to speak with me.

The thought barley has time to register in my head before I lean into Aiden's side for protection. To Mikael it probably looked like an act of a weak girl cowering in the presence of the boogie man. But there's not much difference. I've never seen the boogie man but the amount of fear I have toward my friend's father seems greater. Unlike the boogie man, Mikael can come out in the day and night which is worrisome.

Monsters are supposed to stay in the dark.

  "Mikael" my eyes widen and the one word strikes me in the chest and feels like I can't breath. The silence cut in half and the sudden word that hits my ears awards a flinch. The worry rises up in my throat and I can barley swallow the bile stuck in my throat.

Not only did mother break the drawn out silence but she spat the name like vile on her tongue. Her once calm posture turns rigid and her hands clench together. Mother's joyous gleaming eyes turn into a thunderstorm of hate and anger directed at the man who interrupted her on something that looked so important to her. The flawless skin on her cheeks flush red with the amount of anger rising up in her that she tries to keep at bay.

"What are you doing here?" she seethes through clenched, sharp teeth almost looking rabid. Mother showing not a speck of fear, going to stand in front of us to block us from view. My envy of her grows with such a simple gesture.

For the first time since arriving, Mikael's gaze shifts off me and onto her. A relieved breath leaving my lips when his attention is else where so he doesn't look at me like a bug that needs to be stepped on.

When he opens his mouth to speak, I instantly shrink away as if waiting for a hit. Belladonna does it too. "To speak to your harlot daughter" he spits just as viciously with a glare toward me.

I flinch and Aiden pulls me closer to his side.

"She has a name!" Mother yells, the anger building up in her finally exploding "Her name is Calla. The name me and my husband gave her when she was born. I expect her name from you and not your false and vile accusation" Mother's chest heavies up and down, looking madder than I've ever seen her.

But as she raises her voice I know Mikael will too. He doesn't seem like the type to bow down to a women. But what have I done to be branded with the name harlot? I still have my purity and is still eligable for marriage. Not to mention the only man I'm around is his son.

"As if I would listen to a devil worshiper" Mikael snarls and I feel the fight in mother deflate from the spot behind her. I can feel the shock radiating off her as she suddenly goes silent. I can practically imagine the look on her face and by the smirk growing on Mikael's face I know how she must look.

Belladonna sucks in a gasp and I can hear Aiden's uneven breaths. I'm too frozen to move or react to his words. My mind too fogged to process that one of our enemies knows something that could destroy us.

"I-I do not know-"

"Quiet women" Mikael snaps at her and for the first time in my life I have seen mother utterly speechless "I over heard you and your children at the ritual, speaking of your faith in the shadows where you people belong. Do not play Felina"

The way mother winces at his tone rattles me. Mother is a strong women, not letting anyone-not even an arrogant man-stand against her. Unlike most women who are submissive to the other gender, my mother has not took anything from anyone. She is way too prideful and independent for her own good. Seeing her look so... weak, is mortifying. My poor mother can't utter out a word toward him and my fear toward Mikael is weighed against sympathy and anger.

After everything mother has done for us since father's death, she doesn't deserve this. Through her mourning she protected her kids, feed us and loved us. It should be our turn to protect her when she can't. It may get me killed but I love my mother and if it means standing up and probably getting back handed to this intimidating man then fine.

This is for mother.

Finding my inner courage and letting my anger and protective instinct over ride my fear, I push pass Aiden's protective arm and step up next to mother.

"Calla" I hear my brother his lowly in warning but I ignore him as Mikael shifts his gaze to me.

His brown eyes boring a hole in me and I square my shoulders hoping that I keep the fear out of my expression. "W-we are pagan. We do not deny it nor are we ashamed" my voice small at first but grows with confidence and pride.

It may not be something we practice, however, it is apart of our lives and I won't let him scold us for it. I am not ashamed for it.

Both Mikael and mother look taken aback by the sudden statement of the quiet girl who was seconds ago cowering. I'm sure Aiden and Belladonna are just as stunned. I hardly ever talk back to adults but this seemed like a right time to do so. I mean if my mother isn't afraid to stand up to someone stronger than her then I shouldn't be either. Neither should Belladonna and Aiden.

From the corner of my eye I see mother smiling at me proudly looking like a mother whose daughter just learned how to walk for the first time. She links her arm with mine and pulls me close and a quiet chuckle comes from her.

"Again, what do you want? As you can see you are not welcome" Mother gains back her confidence "I know it's not just to accuse us"

Mikael looks between us "I do not want demons near my family. I do not want your daughter near my son. No wonder what the temptress has done to entice him"

Mother chuckles again "Oh please. Your son can not keep his eyes away from Calla, what makes you think he will want to stay away? Even you have seen the way he looks at her"

Mikael's hands clench and I hold my breath at the amount of anger coming off him now. His eyes flash at her challenging him. The cold look shifts into a hard and intense one that causes my gaze to flicker away from him. Not being able to deal with the intensity.

"He will when he learns the truth about your family. What you practice" he spits out, venom dripping from his voice. "None of my kids will want to be around yours"

Kol wouldn't do that. He doesn't seem the type to judge some one else. Besides he promised he would be there for me as I would him. The others I'm not so sure about.

"If you know what's good for you, you will leave my family be, demons" with that threat hanging in the air he turns his back to us and leaves me and my family slightly rattled.

The Mikaelson's would never betray us like that. They would not care of our faith. Although thats what we thought about the witches back home. How they befriended us only to betray us later.

Let's pray that history is not repeating.

"Mother?" I whimper at the thought. A shooting pain going across my chest thinking we could lose everything because of this.

Mother strokes my hair with her long fingers "Do not fret, Calla Lily. You tell them before Mikael can. Kol would understand" she smiles sweetly and I nod in agreement.

Moments go by without speaking until her long fingers start to twirl a blonde strand around her finger. "Beautiful job at standing up to him. You remind me of myself at your age. I too had the Ames fire" Mother beams and I give her weak smile.

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