Wish We Could Start All Over...

By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

2.5K 71 35

Jack is a nerd Alex is popular Alex, to keep up his social status, hates Jack. Jack however, couldn't care le... More

Nothing Personal
A Tuesday Afternoon
Why Can't Thursday Last Forever?
I Can Be Your Lost Boy
Let's Get Away
They're Coming To Get Me
I'm a Walking Travesty
My Lungs Gave Out
Long Live The Reckless And The Brave
Do It For The Memories
Do It For Me
Time Bomb
I Will Shamefully Lust
Say Goodbye To The Halls And The Classes
Lazy Lover

Do It For Baltimore

192 3 0
By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

Jack's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Alex!" I exclaimed and picked him up. He made a weird noise as i tossed him over my shoulder.

"Jaaaaaack." He mumbled.

"Alex, I want cuddles." I told him.

"Well, that's kinda hard when all I'm seeing is your ass..." he said. I laughed and sat him down.

"Cuddles now?" I asked.

"Actually, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to town for a while before we go back to Baltimore." He said.

"Alright. I'll ask if we can go." I smiled. When we got the okay, we got dressed and headed to my car. On our way to town, my phone rang. "Answer that for me." He nodded and put it on speaker, saying it's Rian calling.

"Hey." Alex answered.

"Alex!  I tried to call.your phone first, but you didn't answer." He said.

"I forgot it at the cabin." He laughed. "Jack's driving. That's why I'm talking."

"Okay. Hey, you're not gonna believe this." He said.

"What aren't we going to believe?" I asked.

"Remember when Cass, Tay, and Taylor cane to our band practice a few weeks ago?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Alex and I replied.

"Cass was filming us play a few songs and put it on YouTube. Hopeless Records saw it and wants to meet with us." He said. I slammed on the breaks, causing Alex and I to jolt forward.

"Oh my god!" I yelled. Alex looked at me shocked.

"Are you trying to kill us?!" He slapped my arm.

"Sorry! I panicked!" I shouted back.

"Calm down!" Rian yelled into the phone. I took a deep breath and began driving again.

"When does he want to meet us?" Alex asked.

"I don't know. Zack is on the phone now with the dude." Rian said. He said something for a second to Zack before Rian spoke again. "I'm gonna hang up, but he's gonna call a huge group call to all of us."

"Alright." Alex said and hung up. A few moments later, the phone rang and Alex answered instantly.

"Hey there, Boys." A man's voice said.

"Hey." Alex said calmly. I couldn't speak.

"So, I saw the videos of you guys playing." He started. "I think you did great... How old steps you boys?"

"I'm almost seventeen." Alex told him.

"Seventeen." Zack said.

"Eighteen." Rian said. I still couldn't speak.

"Jack is eighteen, too." Alex said and tapped my arm. I pulled over and parked on the side of the road. Alex gave me a concerned look and I just shook my head. "Jack, are you okay?"

"I think I'm dying." I mumbled.

"Dude, breath." Zack said.

"I'm trying." I choked.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked.

"I think both getting the call and slamming on the breaks just killed me." I said.

"Why are you on the phone and driving?" The record dude said.

"Alex has the phone speaker and I'm driving." I told him.

"Ahh. You gonna be okay, kid?" He asked.

"Maybe..." I shrugged. Alex chuckled at me and leaned on me. I felt calm instantly. I smiled at him.

"Alright. So... You're all young and sound Really good." The producer said. "I'd really like to meet you guys. The thing is, the way we do things here is you'd have to bring me a demo."

"Um... I could probably get the stuff to record a demo." Zack said.

"That's another thing. If we end up signing you, it'd be a waste of money on equipment. So, because I think you guys will do some good here, I think if you guys come in and play a few songs, we'll call it a demo and that'll be that." He offered. "Obviously, I'm sure you'd all need permission from parents, and I'd have to ask for one of your parents to come just to be safe."

"We can ask my mom when we get back to the cabin." Alex offered.

"Sounds good." I nodded.

"Alright. Just give me a call sometime and we'll set up an appointment." The man said. "Ask for John when you call."

"Thank you so much." Alex said. We all added our thank you's before hanging up. I began driving again before Zack called again. Alex answered.

"Dude, that just happened." Zack said.

"I know." Alex replied.

"Holy shit." I added.

"So, now what?" Zack asked.

"Um... we'll be in Baltimore in a two days I think. We'll all get the okay and call him back, then go when he says to." Alex shrugged. I nodded.

"Sounds good." I agreed.

"Alright. Well, you two go enjoy your day. We'll be here just doing what we Do. Maybe Rian and I will try to write a song." Zack laughed.

"Alright. Later."  Alex said and hung up. We continued to town and I found a parking spot before we began walking around.

"We should get stuff for everyone back home." I said. He smiled.

"I'll pay for half you pay for the other half." He said. I nodded and we started buying stuff. We got everyone something before I walked over and found something extra and bout it without Alex seeing. When everything was paid for, we walked out. I saw a coffee shop and grabbed Alex's hand.

"Get coffee with me!" I shouted and pulled him with me. He laughed and followed. When we got inside, we found a seat and sat down.

"Do you have a coffee obsession?" He joked.

"Of course I do." I smiled. We ordered our coffee soon, and sat drinking it and talking about what would happen if we actually got signed to the record lable.

"Well, obviously we'd have to finish school..." I shrugged.

"Yeah. Then we could record music and stuff and- oh my god, Jack we could get famous!" He said a bit loud. I laugh smiled shushed him. There were a few people across the room staring at us. One had on a Blink-182 shirt on.

"You're so loud." I chuckled at him.

"Just imagine it, Jacky. Us, standing on a huge stage with thousands of people watching us, cheering our names..." he mused and leaned back. "We need a band name."

"We can talk about one when we get back to Baltimore." I smiled. He nodded and smiled.

"Alright." He sipped his coffee. A couple seconds later, he started humming.

"What are you thinking about, genius?" I asked. He jumped up.

"I'll be right back." He said and walked out the door. He came back a few minutes later with a notebook and a pen. "I'll couldn't find a pen.'

"What cooking in your mad little brain?" I asked. He flipped open the notebook and began writing.

"I was just thinking and one thought went to another and I thought about Zack's ex girlfriend and how she's a bitch and then boom! Lyrics." He said and began writing in the notebook quickly.  I watched him writing and he stopped a few lines and let me read.

"I've been played a fool for too many times. And when did lust for you become an organized crime." I stopped reading instantly.

" I feel like it's missing something." I said.

"Me too, I just don't know what." He shrugged.

"We could do word play." I took the pen and began writing and scribbling a few lines.

"I've been played a fool four, three, two many times. And when did lust for you become an organized crime? I tried t keep you honest babe, but I was just a pawn. You played the part so well. It hurts to know you're gone." I read. He smiled.

"Okay, so help me with a chorus." He said. He pulled out another piece of paper and wrote a few random lines. "I don't know what lines to go with them or what order to put them in." I read them and thought for a moment before grabbing the pen.

"Did you mean it? Could you feel it when you broke into my head? Did you fake it just to break another stranger in your bed?  Was it worth it? Was it perfect when you up and left me cynical? Like you planned it, you're a bandit. Just a no good, two-bit, filthy, rotten criminal." he read out loud.

"I like it." I said.

"Me too. We'll finish it later though. I wanna head back and take a nap." He chuckled. I smiled and we left.

-2 Days Later-

"Alex! Jack!" Rian hugged us both tightly. "One week without you two is torture!"

"Oh that sarcasm." I joked.

"Yeah. But we did miss you." He smiled.

"We missed you too." Alex said.

"Wait... who's sexy red car is that?"he glanced over our shoulders.

"Jack's." Alex nudged me.

"My mom got it for me the day we left. We've had a lot of bonding time." I joked.

"Damn, if I didn't know better, I'm being replaced by a car." Alex gave me a fake sad look.

"No." I smiled and hugged him, gently kissing his neck quickly.

"So, now what do we do?" Rian asked.

"Sleep." Alex and I both said.

"Assholes." Rian laughed. "Call me when you wake up."

"Alright." Alex said. We walked inside and walked to my room, falling asleep instantly. When we were both awake, we walked downstairs and sat on the couch.

"Hey, mom..." Alex said when his mom walked in.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"So... we forgot to tell you... the other day, Rian and Zack called us, and someone saw our band on YouTube and a record company wants to meet us." He told her calmly. Her jaw dropped, and my mom ran in.

"What?" My mom asked.

"They want to meet us, and have us play some songs for them, and possibly sign us."I told her. "But the thing is, Zack and Alex are both under eighteen and we need at least one parent to come with us probably."

"If you need a parent, I'm sure I can go. I'd have to call of work, but..." Alex's mom shrugged.

"I can't call off work or I'll get fired." My mom sighed.

"We have to call the dude back. We can ask if we actually need a parent or just permission." Alex said.

"Well, call the others and tell them to come over sometime and call the man back, and find out."Mom said.

"I'll call them now."  Alex said and pulled his phone out. Zack and Rian showed up quickly, and we called the place. Rian asked for the guy, and a few seconds later, he answered.

"Hey, called so soon." He chuckled.

"Well, we're all here and can talk, so it seemed alright." I said.

"Alright, well let's get down to buisness." He said. "First things first, when do you guys all want to come here to mee?"

"We're free on weekends." Zack said.

"Good. So am I. Um... how does the weekend after this one?" He asked.

"How about the weekend before or after that? That's the weekend we made plans for my birthday." Alex said.

"This weekend works." He agreed.

"Woo." I cheered.

"Okay, and with the whole parent thing..." he started.

"My mom and Jack's mom are right here." Alex said. "We actually have a question about that. So, do we have to have a parent with us, or just permission?"

"Just permission works." He said.

"Alex can do." His mom said.

"So can Jack." My mom added.

"Alright. So, its... Rian and Zack now. You don't have to call and say you have permission. I'll take your word for it." He said.

"Sounds good." I said.

"I just text my mom. I'm able to go." Zack said.

"My mom doesn't care what i do as long as I tell her, so i should be good." Rian said. "she'd probably let me commit a crime as long as I told her first."

"As soon as you turned eighteen you were probably allowed to rob a bank." Zack laughed.

"Oops." Rian laughed.

"Alright. So, I'll see you all this Saturday at noon?" He asked.

"Sounds good." I said.

"Alright. See you all then." He said. We hung up.

"Well... dudes, I think we have another road trip now." Rian said.

-Saturday Morning-

"Take an extra pair of clothes in case something happens and you need to stay the night." Mom told me.

"Mom-" i tried to stop her.

"And do something with your hair. You have major bed head and you look like you haven't even brushed it." She added.

"Mom-" i tied again.

"Put on a different shirt, too. It's basically an interview. You don't wanna look like an grungey, band obsessed dork." She added more.

"Mom!" I shouted. "Mom, I've got this." I told her. She sighed.

"I know." She said. I smiled.

"So, calm down. I'll go fix my hair and shit, but I have to go soon. The guys will be here soon and we have got to go. It's a seven hour drive." I told her. She nodded and I walked up the steps. I looked in the mirror and sighed before my bedroom door opened. Alex stood there in grey skinny jeans and a button up shirt with dress shoes.

"Your mom making you dress up, too?" I asked.

"oh, yeah..." he sighed. "I brought extra clothes. I'll grab you a shirt and stuff while you're finishing." I nodded.

"I don't fucking know what to do with my hair." I said. He looked in my dresser and grabbed a few shirts out and set then on the bed. I put on the dress shirt my mon wanted me to wear and made a weird noise. "Ew."

"Here. I'll help you with your hair." He smiled. I sat on the bed and he started messing with my hair. He smiled and walked out of the room. He came back with a bunch of stuff and started messing with my hair more. When he finished, He smiled. I looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Thank." I said. I gave him a quick kiss and he smiled before he started doing his own hair. I laughed at him and put on the ugly dress pants my mom had set out for me. I grabbed a pair of black jeans from my closet, and a Greenday shirt. I tossed them on the bed and grabbed a different pair of shoes before putting them in a bag. Alex smiled at me and we walked down the steps.

"Awe, you two look so cute."  My mom smiled at us. She hugged me. "Now go or you'll be late. I put fifty dollars in your wallet, so dont forget it. Thats gas money and food. Make sure you all act responsible and be nice."

"Okay, mom. Don't worry. We've got this under control." I told her and grabbed my wallet. Alex and I walked outside as Roan pulled into the driveway with Zack. They got out also wearing dress clothes and looking annoyed.

"We can change in the car." Alex told them.

"I'll change when we get there." I said. We all got into my car and began driving. They all began changing instantly. Rian put on blue skinny jeans and a plane black shirt putting the dress pants and wite button up in the bag, and put on a pair of DC's. Zack put on black jeans and a Fall Out Boy shirt with converse. Alex, however, only had to change his shirt. He was hesitant, though, about taking off the long sleeved flannel. I gave him an assuring smile.

"You know, Lex... I think you could pull off the flannel unbuttoned with a regular shirt under it." I said. Rian looked up.

"Definitely would." He said. Alex smiled at me before unbuttoning the shirt. He took it off before grabbing his bag and pulling out a Blink-182 shirt. He put the shirt on with the flannel and chuckled.

"See? You look great." I told him. He smiled back before putting on a pair of converse. We continued driving until we near the town we were heading.

"I'm fucking hungry." Zack complained in the back.

"Let's go to McDonald's." Alex said. I nodded and went through the drive through. We all ordered and began eating. When we finished, I looked at the clock.

"Shit. We have five minutes to get there." I said and looked at my clothes. I grabbed my bag from the back and began to change.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Alex said.

"Changing." I said.

" You can't drive and change, dumbass." Rian said.

"Alex, grab the wheel." I said and let go. He gasped and grabbed the wheel as i changed my shirt.

"Jack!" Zack yelled. I got my shirt on and grabbed the wheel. "Don't do that again! Alex sucks at driving." I laughed and pulled out my jeans. We stopped at a red light and I quickly pulled off the dress pants and pulled on my jeans. I finished as the light turned green and began driving. I saw the building and smiled before trying to change my shoes. We pulled into the parking lot at the last moment, and ran inside. We got to the desk and the woman behind the desk looked at us in shock. We stopped running and tried to catch our breath.

"We have a meeting at noon with..." I forgot the name and sighed.

"John." Rian finished.

"Yeah." I said. She clicked on the computer.

"He has for noon an appointment under 'those YouTube boys.'" She said.

"That's us." Alex told her. She nodded and grabbed the phone.

"John, the boys from YouTube are here." She said. "Okay I'll send them up." She hung up. "Fifth floor, third room on the left. The elivator is right there."

"Thank you." I said and we walked to the elivator.  Once in, Rian mumbled something.

"What?" Zack asked.

"We never got a band name..." he said.

"Shit." Alex said.

"... All Time Low." I stated. They all turned to me.

"I love it." Zack said. Rian and Alex nodded.

"There we go." Alex smiled as the elivator door opened.  We walked down the hall and stopped outside the open door. We stood awkwardly before Zack leaned over to Alex.

"Knock." He whispered.

"You knock." Alex whispered back.

"Rian, knock." Zack said.

"No, you knock." Rian replied. They all three started bickering back and forth, getting louder and louder until they all turned to me.

"Jack, knock!" They yelled. I rolled my eyes and turned to knock before seeing the man standing there looking amused.

"Good going Alex." Rian said. "Disrupting the man..."

"Me?! Zack started it!" He yelled. They started bickering again before turning to me.

"Jack!" They yelled again. I facepalmed and sighed before turning to John.

"Sorry about them. Teenage boys who've been up since four in the morning who don't know what going to sleep early." I shook my head like a disappointed dad. Alex slapped my arm. "ow..." John laughed at us.

"Come on in, boys. We have a lot to discuss." He said. We all walked in and he let us sit in the chairs across from his desk. The room was fancy, and he was wearing a suit.

"I think we should have stayed in the dress clothes..." Rian mused.

"I think you all look fine." John said.

"Oh, good. Our moms made us dress up. We changed in the car, and dumbass over here just about killed us." Zack gave me an angry look.

"Anyway..." John laughed again. "We need to think of band names for you."

"All Time Low." We all said. He leaned back.

"...I don't like it." he said.

"We all do... We've thought of a million names, and none of them fit us." I stated. He stared at me, and I stared back.

"Wow, that is a lot of tension." Alex leaned back.

"You're dedicated, aren't you?" John asked me.

"I've been playing guitar for years, and I've always wanted a band. I've got a band and we all have been busting our asses for months writing songs, solos, Melodies, everything. We joked around for a while, and thought it was over last May when stuff happened, and then last August, we got it together again and have nonestop worked at it. This is our band. Yes, your the record company wanting to sign us, wanting to help us with a demo and probably more, but the name is what makes the band. It's what people will hear and decided if they wanna hear the music. Thats our call. The name is our choice. Not yours" I told him. Alex, Zack, and Rian looked at me like I was crazy.

"Jack..." Rian started.

"I like you, Jack." John looked at me. I nodded. "You have a good attitude. All Time Low it is." Alex smiled and took my hand. I smiled at him. "Okay, next thing... I need to hear you play."

"We brought guitars, but we couldn't really bring a drum kit." Alex said.

"I just have drum sticks." Rian added.

"We have a drum kit in the studio." John said. "You can use your guitars or ours. It doesn't matter."

"We'll get our guitars." Zack said. He nodded and we stood up. Outside, Alex turned to me.

"I fucking love you." He said. I laughed.

"I love you too." I said.

"I thought he was gonna kick us out. I was going to punch you." Rian said.

"Well, it kinda pissed me off that he wasn't going to let us pick a name." I shrugged.

"Right..." Alex nodded. We grabbed our guitars from the trunk and walked back inside. When we got back to the office, he led us down the hall to a studio.

" Okay, so this is a special studio. It's for one of the biggest bands we have... but I think you guys have great potential and I'm gonna let you use it to record your demo." He told us and opened the door. We walked in and looked around in awe.

"Holy shit this is Avenged Sevenfold's studio." Rian stated. I looked and saw the sign.

"Oh my god." I said.

"Holy shit. We're in Avenged Sevenfold's studio." Zack stated.

"Synyster Gates played in this studio." I looked at Alex.

"Matt Shadows sang in this room." Alex looked back.

"Yes, this is the Avenged Sevenfold room." John said. "You guys can go ahead in and set up your guitars and get yourselves situated. Rian, you can use those drums."

"Oh my god I'm going to be using Avenged Sevenfold's drums." Rian walked to them, pulling out his drum sticks. He sat at the stool and touched the drums. We all chuckled and walked in, hooking up our  guitars and making sure they were tuned right. 

"What songs are we gonna play?" I asked.

"You guys can record five songs, but you can play a few more just to get the feel of not playing in your own houses." John told us.

"We can start with Actors. Just to warm up." Rian said. We nodded and stood up. Alex stood in front of the mic, shaking. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"You'll be alright, Alex." I assured and kissed him quickly. He smiled at me and nodded. I walked back over and started. When we finished the song, I looked at Alex. He was smiling. I smiled back before John started talking.

"I love it." He told us.

"Thanks. we wrote that as a group. First one we ever wrote As a group." Alex told him.

"Nice. Pick one you wrote by to yourself next. Just so i kinda get to know you're lyrics and you." He said. Alex nodded and thought for a moment.

"Uh.... How about... No... I don't know. All my songs are really personal or unfinished. I can't write songs by myself and them not be way too personal." Alex said. "I have a lot if songs with Jack though."

"Alright. Play one of those then." He said.

"How about Coffee Shop Soundtrack?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. We started instantly.

We finished the song and looked up, seeing  five faces standing with John. My jaw dropped, and I was thankful for the guitar strap keeping my guitar with me or it'd be on the ground.

"Alex..." I tried to speak.

"Yeah, Jack?" He was watching, too.

"Hey, Rian? Can you punch me and make sure I'm not in shock?" I asked. He mumbled something incoherent.

"Jack..." Zack squeaked out.

"Jack..." Alex said, too.

"Holy Jesus nuts." I sat down.

"Jesus nuts?" Matt Shadows asked. I squeaked.

"Holy shit." Rian dropped his drum sticks.

"You guys are good." Synyster Gates told us.

"Thank you." Zack squeaked out.

"Come on out here, boys." John said. We walked out with jaws dropped. "Go on, introduce yourselves."

"I'm Alex."

"I'm Jack."



"Hey, we have the same name." Zacky told him.

"Uh huu..." Zack replied. We all still stood there.

"Are they okay?" Jimmy asked John.

"...Maybe." John shrugged.

"Can I see that guitar?" Synyster asked me. I nodded and handed him the guitar. He looked at it closely and smiled. "Nice. I had one of these once. Great guitars."

"My mom got it for me for Christmas about two years ago." I told him.

"Nice." He handed the guitar back. "Yours is pretty fucking sweet, too." He told Alex. Alex smiled.

"Jack got it for me for an early birthday present." He said and looked at me. I blushed and looked down.

"I still wanna you to play a song with your lyrics." John told Alex.

"I have one song that I have written by myself that is not too personal, but we've never played it, and they haven't even seen it." Alex said.

"We can improvise... we've done it before." Rian shrugged.

"Alright." Alex grabbed his lyric book from his guitar case and flipped to the page. We walked into the room and sat at stools and started to finish the song. When it was finished, we stood up. "Alright. You wanted a song that I wrote all the lyrics to... so... I wrote this in early May for Jack and finished it in August. It's kinda how I learned to not be a dick to people. He kinda opened my eyes about life and taught me to not hide my feeling and things like that. So, this is for you Jack. I love you." He turned to me at the end and my face turned bright red. We started the song then.

" Shooting for the stars. Desperately reaching for something in the dark. Pictures of memories buried in my heart. Lie awake and dream of the endless possibilities. Catch my breath and go for it. Take apart everything that's holding me down. Make a point to pick a new direction, to make a new connection.

Is this what it feels like? Finding out that I've got the guts to say anything. Feels like breaking out when I can give up my reputation. Finally, I can see, honestly, I've got the guts to say anything.

Bold enough to fall flat on my face, but I walk as they crawl. Slowing down. It's such a waste of Time to let go. Tapping my fingers to the rhythm of a metronome. Counting opportunities. Take apart the gravity that's holding me down. Make a point to find a resolution to be my own solution.

Is this what it feels like? Finding out that I've got the guts to say anything. Feels like breaking out when I can give up my reputation. Finally,I can see, honestly, I've got the guts to say anything.

Go down. Let me go. Let me go down alone. Let me go down. Just let me go down. If I'm gonna go down then just let me go. Let me go down. Let me go down. Just let me go.
Let me go!

(Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go...)

It feels like finding out that I've got the guts to say anything. Feels like breaking out when I can give up my reputation. Finally, I can see, honestly, I've got the guts to say anything

Finally, I can see, honestly, I've got the guts to say anything." We finished and I turned to Alex, hugging him tightly. He laughed and hugged me back. 

"Are you two together?" Matt asked us.

"Yeah. They've been together for almost ten months." Rian said.

"They've been through hell and back already, too." Zack added.

"You're teenagers. How can you have been through hell and back?" John asked. Alex shook his had.

"Um... The end of the school year last year, stuff happened and we... we almost didn't both me it out alive." He covered slightly.

"School is a bitch. We all make it through though." Zacky said.

"Yeah. We have half a year left and then we're done for good." I smiled.

"You know, it can be hard to date within a band. If stuff happens, people pick sides, or people want to leave the band..." Synyster said.

"Honestly, I think if Jack and Alex break up, it'd take a little while but they'd be great friends still." Rian said. I looked at him and smiled.

"Good, then." John said. "Don't need any trouble."

"Nah. Jack's my little sweetheart." Alex joked. I laughed at him and wrapped my arm around him.

"I just have one complaint..." John said. "Alex, when you're playing, your sleeves keep catching the strings and I can see that they're getting in your way. I think when we start recording, you soils either take off the long sleeved shirt, or roll the sleeves up."

"I cant." he said instantly.

"Why, not? It's a shirt." He said.

"He really cant." I told the man.

"Its just a shirt." John replied

"I can't take the fucking shirt off!" Alex snapped loudly making everyone flinch. He went to walk out and I grabbed his hand.

"Lex." I gripped his shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Calm down, Alex. Don't storm out of here. It's not gonna help you at all. Take deep breaths and calm down."

"Jack, I can't... I can't take the shirt off. They're gonna think I'm crazy." He shook, a few tears spilling over. I wiped his cheeks with my thumbs.

"They wont think you're crazy, Alex. If they aren't assholes, they'll understand. and if they have a problem, we'll walk out right now and drive home." I assured. He glanced at Rian and Zack who nodded in agreement. The six people in the other part of the room looked confused.

"Okay..."Alex took a deep breath.

"You gonna take the shirt off?" I asked. He nodded slowly. I smiled and kissed him.  He pulled the shirt off and I took it, tossing it in my guitar case. I smiled more. "Did I ever tell you that you have sexy arms?" He chuckled at me. I held his hands for a moment before we walked back to where we were supposed to be standing.

"Its good to see you out of long sleeves again, Lex." Rian said.

"Is that what you meant earlier by you almost didn't make it out alive?" Matt asked him. Alex nodded.

"Someone in my school said some things to me last May, about a week before school let out, and... I ran home and tried to kill myself." his voice cracked. "I was in a coma for three and a half months. I didn't have a summer vacation, and I missed Jack's eighteenth birthday. I'm too embarrassed by myself that I don't wear anything except long sleeved shirts... even in my own house."

"Well, you don't have to be embarrassed here." John said. Alex smiled. "Actually, I think... if you four want, we could skip a demo, and record a five song EP, and you guys can have your first professionally produced EP with your very first record lable." My jaw dropped and i dropped my guitar, which this time wasn't attached.

"Jack!" Alex, Zack, and Rian all looked at me. I grabbed the guitar and widened my eyes.

"Sorry." I said.

"What do you boys say? Do we have a deal?" John asked. We all gave each other looks.

"Fuck yes."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This took way too long to write fml. I'll update again today to make up for it ♡


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Alex is a fifteen year old boy who had the worst luck in life. He'd witnessed his parents deaths, he was bounced from foster home to foster home, but...
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Alex Gaskarth, beloved lead singer of All Time Low, the American Pop Punk band from Baltimore. Jack Barakat, guitarist of the same band, Alex's best...
7K 218 41
Jack and Alex love each other. They don't know that though.jack does something bad and Alex gets sad and there's drama...
219K 11.3K 33
On the first day of 8th grade Jack Barakat notices the new kid, soon to be known as no other than Alex Gaskarth. By just one glance at him from the c...