The Sheikh's Rebel (gay) ☑️

By monkeybreath

70.5K 4K 388

After their first meeting, Tyler wants nothing more than to put the arrogant Jared in his place. The man seem... More

1. An unfortunate encounter.
2. Busted!
3. Stalker identified.
4. An unwanted offer.
5. Who's the Boss?
6. Eric.
7. "Ah, shit. Buttons!"
8. Michelangelo's David.
9. Payback is a Bitch!
10. Meagre victory, Massive defeat.
11. Smile, your a big hit on YouTube.
12. Paris
13. "Crap. Of course he's a Prince."
14. Vague de Chaleur
15. The medallion
16. The shocking truth.
17. (Un)Pleasant memories.
18. A new path
19. Christmas = Drama.
20. Who am I?
21. Bluff is paid dearly.
22. High point, Low point.
23. Bolivia.
24. Surrender.
25. "Fleur called. You're an asshole!"
26. Sheikh Jabaar.
27. TKO.
28. Pushed out of the closet.
29. This is where I belong.
30. The walk of shame.
31. Family pride and bubbles.
32. Marwon Al-Din
33. Featherweight.
34. Fleur.
35. The odd one out.
36. A painful search.
37. Promises you have to keep.
38. Tyler stands his ground.
39. Amir vs A Cheeky Monkey.
40. This changes everything!
41. Where do I belong?
42. The answer he never wanted to hear.
43. Never leave you protégé.
44. Tarek is mine!
45. "Do you even know why you came here?"
46. The eye of Al-Din.
47. "He's not going to last 15 minutes!"
48. Even those who knew what was coming listened breathlessly.
49. "He'll hate you for this!"
50. "Do you want to see him tear me to pieces?"
51. "He's my kryptonite."
52. "I'm just the stupid fool who fell in love with an Arabian Prince."
53. "I know why you're smiling, naughty boy."
54. A crazy fool.
55. "The protection you evoke in one, elicits the aggression in the other."
56. "Why had Fleur done this?"
57. "Soap opera."
58. Oblivion.
60. "I am Fortune's Fool."
61. The last grain of sand.
62. Betrayal.
63. "Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments."
64. "All that remains is me."
65. Kismet

59. "Simple? Apparentely we have a different concept of simple."

720 49 2
By monkeybreath

Upon waking up, Tyler found a message from Eric on his phone.
"I arrived. See you at lunch."
He was curious about Jawdat's progress.
His face fell thinking about the dance class that was scheduled today. It wasn't really unpleasant, but he didn't feel like seeing Fleur in Jared's arms.
And then the sourest activity of today; practicing the wedding ceremony.
Apart from the stupidity of practicing which foot first and more of that kind of idiocy, he was expected to watch obediently. Thank God he didn't have to do anything, but the torment hung like a millstone around his neck.
All this would take place after the dance class and before dinner.

He quickly ate his breakfast and went to his room where he brooded over the event that would take place tomorrow. A knock on the door made him look up from his reflections. When opened, Jawdat stood in front of him with a disgruntled look. "Come in."
"Tell me," he told Jawdat.
"Judge Al-Fez cannot heed to your request. He said that he had already explained why this is so and that this has not changed."
His mouth pulled together with discontent.
Jawdat picked him up. "I also stressed to you that this is not necessary. Your position is unique and there is no one who can argue about it. What you don't want doesn't happen." Jawdat shrugged. "Simple."
Tyler ran his hands through his hair. "Simple? Apparently we have a different concept of simple," he said wryly. "What about that approval?"
"He agreed to that after a lot of murmurs."
"Beautiful," he nodded. That was a big load of his mind.
"I'll get you the necessary papers tomorrow," Tyler said, and hesitated. "Is everything okay with the treaty?"
Jawdat seemed surprised at his cautious tone.
"Yes. All the signatures are already in. The deadline is just a formality."
"Ah," Tyler nodded. "Okay then."
He cleared his throat. "Thank you Jawdat."
He shook the man's hand and let him out. Now he could recharge for the next part of the day. Starting with lunch.

For the first time since they were introduced, Eric seemed to behave according to his age. At lunch he was a welcome distraction and Tyler genuinely enjoyed his company.
"I can see that our mutual friend has a good influence on you."
Eric grabbed his hand.
"I haven't felt so much in love in my life. He's just amazing!"
His face was serious. "He brings the balance in my life that I so desperately needed. We're very good together. Yin and Yang, you know."
"Is he coming?"
"No. In Paris he dares to be himself, but here it is still too risky."
He looked at Tyler. "But I don't have to explain that to you." His eyes glanced over at were Jared was seated.

Tyler thought back to his comment at the club. "How come you know?" he asked. Eric laughed. "Mon ami, I already knew something was brewing between you when we first met. Jared was so jealous. I'd never seen him like that before. That's why I had to flirt with you just to see his reaction." He laughed softly. "And his reaction was explosive, necetpas?"
Tyler blushed and Eric chuckled at him.
"I would have liked to be a fly on the wall when he stormed after you."
His eyes slid to the main table. "Even now, he follows every move you make." Tyler bowed his head. "It doesn't matter, Eric. I will not warm his bed after his marriage."
"And tonight?" he asked deviously.
"If he wants me, I won't refuse him," Tyler confessed with a red head.
Eric moaned softly. "I'd give something to see you together."
Tyler looked at him indignantly.
"Kissing, I mean," Eric raised his hands in innocence.
Lunch ended and Tyler saw the dance instructors' car driving up outside. A deep unfortunate sigh escaped him.
"I promised your aunt I'd go to dance class with her."
"Do you want me to come? To offer you some distraction," Eric suggested.

With a discontented face, Eric sat on a bench next to Nathan, looking at the fumbling people in front of them.
"Not a shred of rhythmic feeling," he said sighing.
He was looked at Nathan. "I'm here for moral support and you?"
"Nothing better to do," he said shrugging.
Eric's intelligent eyes followed his gaze and landed on Tarek. "Your boyfriend is very handsome."
Nathan froze. "I know you're a friend of Tyler's, but there are boundaries you don't cross, okay?" he said menacingly.
Eric sighed. "Relax. I keep more secrets. It's one of the few things I excel at."
Nathan stared at him. "Thank you," he said sullenly.
"Your welcome."

Ten minutes later, they were giggling like two old gossips up to no good.
"You're so different," Nathan said, surprised.
"I think it's Bahir's good influence," Eric said honestly. "I love it when he behaves like a ruler."
Nathan sighed. "Believe me. I know exactly what you mean."
Eric looked at Tyler struggling through Derek's instructions.
"What about them?"
Nathan sadly shook his head. "I've seen them together. They're a really great couple."
Eric looked at him with big eyes. "You've seen them kiss?" he asked enviously. Nathan sucked air through his teeth. "Man o man, what fireworks!" he said grinning.
Eric blew out heavily.
"I think I'm just going to relieve our young friend."

Tyler could kiss Eric when he was relieved, and he did. A full smooch on his mouth. Blowing out, he plopped down next to Nathan.
"He's really changed to his advantage," Nathan said.
Tyler smiled. "Yes. I'm so happy for those two."
"What are you doing tonight?" asked Nathan.
"I don't know. Why?"
"A bachelor party was organised for Jared, but that sounded kind of boring."
Nathan looked at Eric obliquely. Tyler caught on immediately.
"Nathan," he said, warningly. "What did the two of you conjured up?" he demanded.
"Well," Nathan muttered. "We're not flying him to Las Vegas or anything." He raised his hands. "Just a nice party with music and booze and strippers," he ended weakly.
Tyler squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fists. His whole being cheered at this unexpected opportunity to spend time with Jared. His last night of freedom. Every second was a jewel. How could he refuse? A minute nod was his answer.
He leaned back and followed the smooth gait of Jared and Fleur. The hope of a stolen moment gave him new courage and increased his tolerance for the torment that followed.

Both Eric and Nathan had a firm hold on him as he walked into the church.
The imposing exterior was overshadowed by the magnificence inside. The church was already decorated and smelled of flowers. The whole was beautiful and impressive.
Tyler felt puny in this overwhelming environment. Without Eric and Nathan still holding him tight, he would have left immediately. Under the eye of the many attendees this was not an option.
They placed him next to Princess Jasmine knowing that he would behave. He threw them both a dirty look.

After a brief moment and a deep sigh, he addressed her. "Good afternoon, Princess Jasmine."
"Good afternoon, Tyler," she laughed kindly at him. "I haven't seen much of you since you arrived."
"I understand what you mean," he nodded. "I've barely seen my mother and sister and we share a suite."
He looked around the church. "There are many family and friends."
"Our family is bigger and stronger than ever. And that's thanks to you." She took his hand. "You have fulfilled the wish of an old woman. I wish I could do the same for you."
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You gave me more than I ever dreamed."

"I heard from Nagijb Al-Fez about your renewed request to relinquish your exceptional position," she said softly.
She saw his startled expression. "That's all he talked about, young friend, rest assured."
Tyler blew out.
"I take your desire to renounce everything related to Jared seriously, Tyler, but the bond forged between you and my family cannot be severed. We belong to each other."
"Heart, body and soul," Tyler whispered staring at Jared taking his place next to Fleur.
"Oh, my boy," she said softly. "Put your arm around me so I can comfort you," she said with sharp insight. The other way around would attract too much attention.

During the walk-through that lasted a total of about 30 minutes, he held her tightly. She squeezed his hand when his embrace became painful.
Startled, he looked at her. "My sincere apologies."
"I understand and accept your apologies." She gave him a warm kiss on his cold fingers.
The walk-through ended and everyone left on their own. The only thing that stopped him from running out of the church was the frail woman on his arm.
"I'd love to see you at my table for dinner," Princess Jasmine said.
Tyler sighed unhappily. An eyebrow was raised. "Yes, ma'am," he replied obediently.

"So, Tyler," Marwon said. "Is this to be our last get together?" He took a bite off his plate and observed Tyler closely. He knew the old man was fishing and let him angle quietly.
"Yes, you are right about that. After tomorrow everyone returns to their own place."
Gaith Mahfouz and Murtada Benali laughed benignly at him.
"We may be returning to our own place, but you've changed our world, young man," Princess Jasmine said, ignoring Marwon's hint.
Three gray heads nodded beaming.
Tyler bowed his head.
"I feel encumbered," he said, expressing his feelings and fear.
It took him pains to formulate his thoughts and he looked at his company.
"I'm afraid I've put too many of my values on you. Forced by your sense of honor and respect for the mutual family ties, profound changes have been made. That's where you get all the credit."
Tyler looked at each one. "My fear lies in the continuation of the story. How does this seep into the next generation?"
Seriously, they took him.
Gaith patted his hand. "Look around, Tyler. It has been many years since the last time our family members have been so close together."
"And we're not worried about the future," Murtada said. "Our children were closely involved in the negotiations and a solid foundation has been laid that they will continue to work hard at after today."

Their plates were taken away and they were offered coffee, which Tyler refused. As Murtada spoke to Marwon and Princess Jasmine followed their conversation, Gaith leaned toward him.
"My understanding is that Bahir visited you in Paris?"
Estimating, Tyler looked at the man. "You are well informed," he answered carefully probing Bahir's grandfather.
"Oh," the man shrugged.
"What do you want to know?" he asked diplomatically.
Gaith looked at him gratefully. "Is he okay?"
"When I saw him, he was in good health."
"You talked to him?"
"Is he planning to come back?"
Tyler sighed and looked at the man with sympathy. "Sorry, Mr. Mahfouz, but we didn't talk about that."
He hesitated. "Would you be willing to hear what he has to say?"
Gaith blinked his eyes. "I don't know," he said honestly.
Tyler nodded. "If this changes, please contact Jared. He'll know where Bahir is."
Gaith looked surprised. "Why Jared? Can't I call you?"
With difficulty, Tyler produced a light-hearted smile around his mouth. "For reasons I can't go into, Jared is the one who will be in possession of this information."

Over his shoulder, Tyler looked at Jared catching his gaze instantly. Gaith followed his gaze and nodded to Jared nodding back.
"What a wonderful couple," Gaith said. "It's a shame Jabaar can't be there."
Suddenly uncomfortable, he scraped his throat. He looked around the table. All nodded at him.
Tyler looked surprised and turned to Gaith.
"We have found the origin of the attacks." Embarrassed, he left his head hanging. "It came from my ranks and the culprit was severely punished."
After the first shock, Tyler frowned. He straightened his back and looked at Gaith sternly. "What do you mean by being severely punished?"

All the table mates looked at him appreciatively.
"Forceful and caring. Respectful and demanding," Princess Jasmine said. "What a rare combination in someone so young."
"Thank you for singing my praises," Tyler answered in a flat tone without taking his eyes off Gaith.
"I told you I will not tolerate violence. I would be very hurt if you acted against my wishes."
"In accordance to your wishes, we have solved this without violence. The perpetrators have been handed over to the police."
Tyler's shoulders lost their stiffness in the undertone of pain and guilt in Gaith's voice.
He patted the man on the hand. "Thank you," he said softly.
"You're an amazing young man," Murtada said.
"You have an amazing family," he reflected. "I'm just responding to what already is. Action reaction." He closed his eyes for a second to dampen the heat in his body. "All you praise is the result of my contact with your family. Since my meeting with Jared and then Princess Jasmine, I've changed."
He humbly bowed his head. "For that I owe you my eternal gratitude."
He got up. "If you would like to excuse me?"

"Have fun tonight, Tyler," they wished him.

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