3. Stalker identified.

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With his hands on his hips, Tyler looked contentedly at the result of a week's hard work. The three adjoining gardens looked spectacular. Their garden consisted mainly of grass and a spacious terrace. The Evans' had beautifully landscaped flower borders and a spacious swimming pool and the Walkers had a beautiful dream garden with lots of fragrant plants and intimate seating areas. The combination worked wonderfully since there was something for every guest. Tyler's friends, who showed up every year in large numbers to celebrate his birthday, were particularly found in and around the pool.

Every year this neighborhood party was held as the beginning of the summer holidays. The set-up existed before the Evans family moved in three years ago. The family, made up of Jake, his wife Miranda and their son Jared, had been more than willing to continue the tradition. Tyler had never met Jared. The adult son, ten years older than Tyler, was busy with his career as a veterinarian and had left for Bolivia for six months to be with his girlfriend, Fleur.

His mother was idolater of Jared. She had seen Jared many times before because he was home during the summer holidays. Because Tyler was at summer camp in those same periods, he was the only one who hadn't met him. That was supposed to change tonight.

The kitchen smelled lovely and the outdoor spaces looked great. All the ladies who had worked hard sat together around the kitchen table. "Good night, ladies," Tyler said politely. A flirtatious wink from the attractive teenager elicited excited giggles from the forty-something group. It brought a smile to his lips that stayed there until Lindsey arrived.

She looked great in her short summer dress. Chestnut brown hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders. Her welcome kiss changed the tension in his body. He enthusiastically answered her greeting. Lindsey walked admiringly through the communal gardens. "That lighting is really beautiful and the torches will finish it all off tonight."

A few hours later, the party was in full swing. The snacks and drinks were eagerly consumed. The music was lively, as were Tyler's friends who had already settled around the pool. Tyler enjoyed himself and was regularly congratulated by newly arrived guests. The table set up to receive his presents was already starting to fill up.

"Ah, Tyler," Mr. Browning shouted with a serious face. "Firstly, congratulations on your birthday. Secondly." His tone softened. "I hope that the situation from the other day was handled properly? I have seen the gentleman in question walk around and I would hate to think it was to have a confrontation here." The man was shocked by Tyler's expression. A strange mixture between anger and despair. A desolate face.

"Thank you, Mr. Browning. You can leave this to me." He quickly handed over his task to someone who happened to be closest and took off his apron. Feverishly, he scanned the crowds. With his height and appearance, the man would certainly stand out. No result.

"Oh, Tyler?" he heard his mother shouting from the kitchen. "I hear Jared just arrived. Miranda asks if you want to get him. Do you also want to bring the two bowls that are in the kitchen?"

"Sure," he said with a taped smile. A little too rough, he made his way through the people, obstacles, past the pool, to the side entrance of the Evans house, meanwhile searching for the man. "People!" he shouted into the kitchen.

From his corner of the eye, he saw the dreaded figure. He was standing in the corner of the patio where he just poured a drink. Stealthily Tyler looked around. The place was just remote enough to confront him without too much public fuss. Tyler grabbed him rough by the arm and pulled him further out of sight. "What are you doing here?", he asked in a hoarse voice. "Isn't lewdly groping underage boys in the toilet enough? Do you have to stalk them now?"

The smile on the man's face did not reach his intenseblack eyes. They glistened dangerously. "Be careful with your words, boy. Or I'll make sure you regret it."

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