55. "The protection you evoke in one, elicits the aggression in the other."

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Tyler had carefully dressed and put on some of Eric's creation. Surely that would please him. BJ knocked on the door at 5:50. Tyler saw that his face was disgruntled.
On the way down, he asked: "Tell me what weighing on your mind, BJ."
The large muscle held still and put a hand on Tyler's shoulder.
"You have a well-developed intuition, but you also have a recklessness that worries me. You're taking unnecessary risks. And where you claim to have nothing left to lose, I tell you, that's not true. Someone who feels as intense as you still has everything to lose even now."
Stunned Tyler looked at him and he let his heart speak. "Hey, BJ? Would you like to stay with me after the wedding?"
"I thought you wanted to find a lonely place to die?" said BJ, laughing at the memory.
Tyler shrugged. "Yes, something like that," he admitted.
Together they descended the stairs.
When he arrived and before he opened the door to the lobby, BJ said: "I'll be there for you as long as you need me."
Tyler didn't say anything, and he didn't have to. The gratitude was visible in his eyes. He inhaled deeply before he stepped through the open door into the lobby.

His company was already seated and had been introduced. Bahir looked dangerously attractive with his shaved head and stubble. His black eyes glistened under the adored looks Eric threw at him. Tyler had gambled well.
BJ and Nathan were strategically in a different place, but Tyler insisted they ate. To his surprise, his company, with the exception of Fleur, stood up when he arrived at the table. A light blush adorned his cheeks.
"Good evening, everybody."
A waiter pulled his chair and the men sat down again. Tyler sat at a round table with Bahir, Eric, Fleur on the left and right next to him, Jared.
Jared was right about playing in a soap opera. However, he was wrong to suggest that Tyler was in charge. He, too, was just a player. It was time to perform his role.

His mother would have been proud of his table manners, his conversation and his attentive attitude towards his guests. The spark that had clearly passed between Bahir and Eric was kindly regarded by the other three table guests.
"I expressed my wish go clubbing this afternoon. I hope you want to come with me," Tyler said to Bahir and Eric, who were pleasantly surprised and nodded enthusiastically. Then his gaze slipped asking towards Fleur.
"To a gay bar?" she asked, laughing. "Definitely! I don't think it's a punishment to watch beautiful men work up a sweat." Grinning, she leaned back.
"What do you think?" she asked Jared with one hand on his arm.
"As long as I don't have to play for babysitter," he said, tauntingly, to Tyler.
He shook his head untroubled. "That's what I got BJ for."
He beckoned BJ and followed by Nathan they came to the table. "I just told Jared you're taking on the role of my babysitter tonight. Is that okay with you?"
"Sure. After all, you're still a teenager," BJ said, humming.
"Yeah, yeah," Tyler said.

"How about 'Vague the Chaleur'?" asked Fleur.
"No!" it sounded simultaneously from three throats.
She looked surprised at Jared, Tyler and Eric.
"Bad reviews," Eric waved disapprovingly. "I never go there anymore."
"Oh?" was her confused reaction.
"I've heard good things about 'Le regard passionne' or 'La lumiere vivifiante'."
"You're well informed," Bahir said flatteringly.
"I do my best," Eric said, trying to be modest. "So," he looked around the table with anticipation. "Are we going to dance or to drink?"
"Both!" was the shared wish.

"Then I think it would be better to take a different course and just go for the hottest club at the moment." Le peche celeste'. Awesome DJ, spacious dance floor and a huge bar." He turned to BJ and Nathan. "The dance floor is lowered so you have a good overview from the sides. There are clear indicated escape routes and searches are carried out at the door for drugs and weapons."
Tyler picked him up blinking. "You summed that up quite nicely."
The Frenchman grinned broadly. "How did you think I used to get permission to take Jared anywhere?"
Despite himself, Tyler grinned back.

"Does this agree with everyone?" asked Eric.
All the heads nodded.
"Then I'll make a phone call to the owner and we can leave."
Out of nowhere, Jared asked Eric something in lightning speed French.
"Hey," Tyler immediately protested. "No fair."
"I remembered Eric talking about a new project last year. That was this club, wasn't it? You designed the lighting."
Eric gloats under admiration. "I am very satisfied with the result. I hope you are too." With the phone to his ear, he walked away.
Tyler bowed to Bahir. "Everything to your liking?" he asked, smiling.
"What a fascinating man," Bahir said admiringly.
"And fickle, irresponsible, rash," Tyler added.
"Indeed," Bahir responded earnestly. "Like I said, fascinating."

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