29. This is where I belong.

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Marion dropped him off at the stadium that night. "Have fun!"

Tyler searched the place where they would sit and was delighted with the proximity to the field. He liked Henry and his friends who were already having a lot of fun. Looks like he was the youngest, but he didn't mind.
The group consisting of five men were busy practicing slogans. Tyler also saw some banners.

"Hi, Tyler," Henry greeted him. "Guys, this is Tyler," he introduced him. "In order," Henry said. "Brian, Michael, Sean and Gavin."
"Hi," Tyler said, raising his hand. "What's on the banners?" he asked.
"Brian and Michael are fans of Mauricio Blanco," Henry said with a laugh.
"And we don't hide our admiration," Michael said, blinking his eyelids.
Tyler laughed and watched the interaction between the men. "Are they together?" he suddenly asked.
Henry laughed apologetically. "Yes. Sean and Gavin are also a couple, but don't be alarmed," he quickly shouted. "We're just having a night out."

They got up when the players came on to the field.
"On top of that, I have the vague suspicion that you are a bottem just like me."
The game had already started when Tyler asked Henry: "Bottem?"
"A bottem is the partner who gets penetrated during sex."
Tyler's cheeks burned fiery and Henry laughed at him encouragingly. "You're really green."

Henry took him in from head to toe. "That man who was with you this afternoon? Do you know them?" 
"That's my boss and tormentor" Tyler said wryly.
Henry put big eyes on. "Now that's a real top," he blew out heavily. "No doubt about it. I don't know what his sexual preference is, but he's obviously the one in control." He touted his lips approvingly. "What do you do for work?"
"I'm learning for a veterinary assistant."
"So he's a vet?"
Tyler nodded.
"Lucky git. Such a man is a bonus for any work environment."

At half-time they left their place and walked to the toilet.
"How did you find out you were gay?" asked Henry.
"I had a girlfriend until I met a man last year who turned my world upside down." Tyler sighed. "He's the only man who lets these feelings loose in me, but I can't deny that I'm totally in love with him," he said shrugging.
"Are you together?" asked Henry curiously.
"No," Tyler shook wryly. "He's engaged to a woman. I'm trying to pick up the pieces of my broken heart and move on."
Henry looked at him encouragingly. "We'll take good care of you, Tyler."

Tyler came across a few acquaintances who shot strange looks to and his company, but one came to him.
"Hi, Lucas," Tyler greeted him cautiously.
The boy laughed smoothly and gave him a big hug. "I saw this coming when that group of Brazilians came along. You couldn't get away from that Thiago," he said grinning. "Does Lindsey know this?" he suddenly asked earnestly.
"Dude. She was the one who told me," Tyler laughed. He took Lucas in thoughtful. "So you're cool with this?"
"Sure. I'm all for free love. As long as you're doing it safe!" he said with a wink. After a farewell hug, he returned to his own company.
"He's a good friend," said Henry, who had followed the interaction a short distance away.
"Yes," Tyler said. "It does make me realize that not everyone will react like that."

After the game that ended disappointingly for Brian and Michael because their favourite player was injured, the group went clubben.
"Come with me!" said Henry.
Tyler looked at the men wavering. "I seem to be quite a magnet for trouble makers."
Sean laughed. "I like you, kid. We'll take care of you." He lifted Tyler up and twirled him around for a while.
Gavin hit Sean on his firm shoulders. "Let that boy go. You're going to hurt him."
"You see," Henry said with a laugh. "You're in good hands."
"Come on," Brian beckoned with his arm around Michael's waist.

Tyler looked somewhat enviously at the five men who were so comfortable in each other's company. Even before they arrived at the club, there were a lot of lusty hugs and kissing. It made him miss Jared more than ever.

The Sheikh's Rebel (gay) ☑️Where stories live. Discover now