The Sheikh's Rebel (gay) ☑️

By monkeybreath

70.5K 4K 388

After their first meeting, Tyler wants nothing more than to put the arrogant Jared in his place. The man seem... More

1. An unfortunate encounter.
2. Busted!
3. Stalker identified.
4. An unwanted offer.
5. Who's the Boss?
6. Eric.
7. "Ah, shit. Buttons!"
8. Michelangelo's David.
9. Payback is a Bitch!
10. Meagre victory, Massive defeat.
11. Smile, your a big hit on YouTube.
12. Paris
13. "Crap. Of course he's a Prince."
14. Vague de Chaleur
15. The medallion
16. The shocking truth.
17. (Un)Pleasant memories.
18. A new path
19. Christmas = Drama.
20. Who am I?
21. Bluff is paid dearly.
22. High point, Low point.
23. Bolivia.
24. Surrender.
25. "Fleur called. You're an asshole!"
26. Sheikh Jabaar.
27. TKO.
28. Pushed out of the closet.
29. This is where I belong.
30. The walk of shame.
31. Family pride and bubbles.
32. Marwon Al-Din
33. Featherweight.
34. Fleur.
35. The odd one out.
36. A painful search.
37. Promises you have to keep.
38. Tyler stands his ground.
39. Amir vs A Cheeky Monkey.
40. This changes everything!
41. Where do I belong?
42. The answer he never wanted to hear.
43. Never leave you protégé.
44. Tarek is mine!
45. "Do you even know why you came here?"
46. The eye of Al-Din.
47. "He's not going to last 15 minutes!"
48. Even those who knew what was coming listened breathlessly.
49. "He'll hate you for this!"
50. "Do you want to see him tear me to pieces?"
51. "He's my kryptonite."
52. "I'm just the stupid fool who fell in love with an Arabian Prince."
53. "I know why you're smiling, naughty boy."
54. A crazy fool.
55. "The protection you evoke in one, elicits the aggression in the other."
56. "Why had Fleur done this?"
58. Oblivion.
59. "Simple? Apparentely we have a different concept of simple."
60. "I am Fortune's Fool."
61. The last grain of sand.
62. Betrayal.
63. "Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments."
64. "All that remains is me."
65. Kismet

57. "Soap opera."

748 46 0
By monkeybreath

Tyler opened his eyes with difficulty. The light was sharp and felt like pinpricks.
"Did we win?" was the first thing he asked.
The four figures around him laughed with relief.
"Looks like everything's fine," the doctor said. "It won't be more than a headache and some bruises."
"Thank you doctor," Nathan said, and he paid the man cash.

"What did I hit?" Tyler tried to get up, but Jared gently pushed him back.
"Stay down for a while. You just got to," he said worriedly.
"You tripped and fell against a wall," Nathan said guilty. "I hunted you too hard."
Tyler pressed his forehead with one hand. "No. That's not how it went. I heard a sound from the right, tripped and fell." His eyes slid to Nathan. "You were on the left behind me."
BJ and Jared looked at Nathan, who nodded. "Exactly right."
"I'm sure I hit something." He grabbed Jared's sleeve. "Something that moved." "BJ and I are going to check it out, okay?" said Jared.
Ten minutes later, Tyler sat up and felt much better. BJ and Jared weren't back yet, and together with Nathan, he went out to investigate.

In the front hall a crowd had gathered watching BJ and Jared who were busy placing a splint around the hind leg of a small dog.
The manager saw them and met them.
"My deepest apologies, Monsieur Reed. My daughter's dog had escaped from his kennel and ended up in the main hall."
"Is everything okay?" asked Tyler, startled.
"The poor little critter has broken his paw. Apart from the scare, everything else seems ok."
"He's in good hands with Dr. Evans," Tyler said, patting the manager on the arm.

Tyler walked on with Nathan. Suddenly he turned to him.
"You didn't answer my question?" he said, sighing deeply immediately afterwards. "Can I at least hope for a draw?"
Nathan grinned at him. "I've seen you in action. I think it would be nice to have a duel with you."
Tyler gloated. 'For a man of Nathan's caliber, this invitation was a sign of praise. But when would this happen? Besides Jared, would he have to give up all the other contacts?'

Pain flashed over his face. BJ looked up and caught his gaze. Within 30 seconds, the muscled man was next to him. Nathan took in BJ's protective stance frowning.
"Do you want to sit down?" BJ grumbled softly.
"No, thank you. That won't be necessary," he said shyly.
"What did I just miss?" asked Nathan from BJ looking at Tyler.
Tyler paused contemplating the situation. "Saying one thing is saying everything" he cryptically said to a blinking Nathan.
BJ took him in calmly.
"You're holding a lot in your hands," Nathan said hoarse.
BJ nodded.

They walked a little further to a remote corner. The moment they were out of sight, Tyler crawled into Nathan's arms and squeezed them pretty much into one being.
"What is this?" Nathan said, surprised at the sad look in Tyler's eyes.
"You and Tarek are so dear to me. I don't want to lose your friendship."
BJ shielded them with his wide back from unwanted onlookers. The man sighed.
"Is everyone you know gay?"
Involuntarily smiling, Tyler turned around. "I'd better watch out if I were you. Nathan and I used to like women." Both grinned broadly.
A deep pleasant smile sounded from a wide chest. "Thank you for the warning, but I'm not worried about that at all."

His eyes glistened and then returned to his usual expression.
"Any aftereffects?" he inquired.
Tyler shook no.
"I'm sorry my weakness is causing you so many headaches."
BJ looked at Nathan with a rapport. This one nodded.
"You call it a weakness," Nathan said. "But it's not."
"You are able to physically manifest an emotional shock, process it and continue on," BJ said. "It's a great mechanism to prevent trauma."
Nathan nodded. "And damn hard to learn."
Both men pated Tyler on his shoulders, who shyly blushing looked up at them.
"I've never looked at it like that," he said honestly.

Behind them, applause was heard when Jared handed the dog over to the manager. They exchanged a few words before Jared walked up to them.
Black eyes read the body language of the three men who were close together and had physical contact.
Tyler braved his piercing gaze and unknowingly raised his chin. The fire that ignited in Jared's eyes and the palpable shiver that this triggered in Tyler's body raised BJs' eyebrows. He looked over Tyler's head at Nathan, who shrugged his shoulders with a little smile.
"Hm," grumbled the man. "Soap opera."
"I don't want to go back yet," Tyler said responding to Jared's unspoken order.
"You need to rest or you'll get a headache," Jared said sternly.
Sulking, he leaned against Nathan, which again elicited an angry look from Jared.

"How about bowling?" said BJ, slightly uncomfortable with the hot tension that hung between the men.
Tyler looked at him happy, but didn't say anything.
"Okay," Jared said. "But you're on a short leach. Is that clear?"
He opened his arms where Tyler stepped in with joy and no hesitation.
"Yes, Jared," Tyler said obediently, raising his head to receive a feathery kiss.
BJ looked with big eyes at Nathan who mockingly laughed. "Soap opera."
"Ah, well. It's more interesting than driving around my regular customers," he said with a grin.
"Are you going to stay with him?" asked Nathan.
BJ looked at him questioning.
"He trusts you so completely. It seemed like a logical assumption."
"He did indeed asked me to stay with him even after the wedding." BJ hesitated. "He's a good kid. He's going to need a steady hand after all this."
"Sounds like he's chosen well," Nathan said approvingly.

Jared insisted on driving and Tyler was sitting next to him. Their intertwined fingers lay nonchalantly between them. Tyler enjoyed the casual fun, the tasty stories and the passion that regularly flared up in the quiet and secluded corners of the bowling center.
It seemed that now BJ knew of the situation something had changed in Jared. His iron self-control showed considerable cracks by letting himself go in close proximity to others. The desperation and desire became stronger with every touch.
Nathan and BJ pretended not to see anything, while Tyler and Jared did their best to hold back.

Time continued mercilessly.
Back to the hotel, Tyler lay in Jared's arms with the headache he had been warned about. All further preparations passed him by. He lay in his room resting while BJ regularly shook him until the time came to leave.
In the private jet, he received a pleasant surprise. His mother and Naomi met him and hugged him tight.

At Tyler's request, BJ introduced himself. The big man was shy under the interest of the two ladies. Naomi in particular seemed very enamoured of him and chatted the ears off his head. She made up a story for each of the visible tattoos on BJ's arms.

This gave Marion the opportunity to talk to her son.
"Are you holding on a bit?" she asked, stroking his cheek.
Despairingly he shook his head. "I don't know how to get through the next two days," he said honestly.
"And after that?" she asked, estimating.
"I'm not sure yet," he said timidly.
It was true that he didn't have a set plan as such, but still it felt like lying.
Marion put a hand on his cheek and looked him deep into his eyes.
"When you're ready to tell me what you've decided, I'm here for you, Tyler," she said knowingly.
Gratefully, he nodded to her. She looked over her shoulder. "That BJ? Is he coming with you?"
"Good," she said contentedly. "That seems like a man with a balanced head on his shoulders."

Tyler stayed with his own company as much as possible. When provided with the oppertunity, they slept during the night flight. He didn't catch more than a few glimpse of Jared during the lengthy hours, and considering the circumstances maybe that was the most merciful.
They landed in Rio de Janeiro in the middle of the night where cars stood ready to take them to the hotel.
"Look, Mom, what a beautiful church," Naomi said with her nose pressed against the window.
"Princess Jasmine and Miranda were married there too," Marion said with admiration.

Tyler turned his head to the beautiful cathedral that was showing off in tasteful lighting. He sighed defeated. Not for the first time, he felt inferior to everything Jared and his family had to offer. The so-called power that was given to him did not weigh in. He felt like an empty shell that was only complete when Jared filled it. The breaking point that loomed in the distance would overshadow everything else.
He was glad that his mother and the rest of them wouldn't witness this. BJ who had already caught a glimpse of the coming darkness inside him would take care of him.

When arriving in their suite, Tyler sequestered himself and his mother didn't argue with his decision. It wasn't until just before lunch that he showed himself again. Marion was startled by his eyes from which the light seemed to have disappeared. "I know it's hard, Tyler, but you need to keep yourself together for a while. Focus on your task."
Her words slowly dawned on his grieving brain. "I have a task to fulfil," he said as if he had forgotten.
'And after he had fulfilled it, he had nothing left to give and he could go," Tyler thought wryly.

Pumping himself up, he was getting ready for lunch. The only positive thing about all the festivities was that he had enough distraction around him. As soon as he left his room, he was greeted by the first family members.
Downstairs, to his pleasant surprise, he saw Princess Jasmine, Marwon and Tarek. The old guard were seated and he greeted them first. Then he walked on to Tarek, whom he greeted with a hug and two kisses.
"You look terrible," said Tarek, who didn't sugarcoat his opinion.
"I look better than I feel," Tyler said with a taped on smile. "But we're not talking about that. When did you arrive?"
"Two days ago." Tarek looked around the room. "Despite the new relationships, grandfather insisted on a sharp security policy."

Marion beckoned him. "I'll talk to you later," Tyler said.
Along the way, he was greeted by many. Politely, he raised his hand or greeted them by name, but he didn't have a chat anywhere. His mother followed his course to their table. He saw that they've taken something from the buffet for him, too.
"Here you go," she said, placing the plate in front of him.
"Thank you, Mom," he said, and mainly to do her a favor, he emptied his plate.

"The organization of this wedding is excellent," Marion said.
She took an envelope from her bag. "There's a variety of activities Naomi and I can sign up for."
"That's beautiful, Mom," Tyler said with great rejoicing.
'Then he didn't have to listen to her well-intentioned pep talks all day. Maybe he could spar with BJ this afternoon? It would help him get rid of some of his pent-up tensions.'
"Tonight, Miranda and Jake arrive," she said nonchalantly.
"Oh yeah?" said Tyler ignoring the sting in his heart.
Again, he was confronted with how much he lost by distancing himself from Jared, how much his family and life had intertwined with his.
"To where are they going to move?"
Marion shook her head. "I heard this morning that the move is not going ahead. Fleur's father is building a house for them. And there are also plans to reopen the veterinary clinic."
Tyler's head was in turmoil. 'Fleur had already suggested that.'
"I thought there was nothing left to save?"
"That's right. They are now in the process of demolition and cleaning up and hope to start the new build in the spring."
Tyler raised his head and looked at the table where Murad Al-Din, with his wife, daughter and future son-in-law- were sitting.
"Sounds good," he said hoarse.
Murad looked up and caught his gaze. He beckoned him over. Tyler knocked his gaze down and hesitated. His mother nudged him.
"Come on, Tyler. You can do this," Marion said encouragingly.
"Thank you, Mom," he said, and stood up.

It was pretty busy in the dining room and Tyler felt his course followed by many eyes. One pair in particular burned holes in his chest.
After an initial general greeting, he focused on Murad.
"I just heard of your generous wedding gift, Mr. Al-Din."
He took a glance at Fleur looking at him beaming. "Yes, it was a real surprise when Dad told me yesterday."
"Well," said Murad. "It seemed to me that young happiness needs their own place. This way your in-laws do not have to move and no friendships are uprooted."
The man exchanged a look with Tyler who gratefully nodded at him. Jared's eyes flash from Murad to Tyler.

"Have you had the chance to look at the program yet, Tyler?" Fleur asked. What are you going to do this afternoon?"
Aware of Jared's hot look, he avoided her eyes by looking down, shaking his head and saying: "I was going to visit BJ and ask him if he wants to train with me."
"You will do no such thing," Jared said in a harsh tone. "You made a big tumble yesterday and you have to take it easy."
Tyler's head shot up with a jerk. Blue eyes shot fire and fearlessly he met Jared's black gaze.
"The doctor checked me thoroughly yesterday and I rested during the flight and this morning," he countered.
"Still, it's not wise to make too much effort," Jared said sternly.
"Man, don't be such a stiff. You're a vet not a doctor", he said on the 'don't give me any crap and leave me alone' tone, which seemed inseparable from teenagers. Tyler ripped his gaze off Jared and looked at Murad.
"I hope you have a nice afternoon" he said kindly, and after another angry look at Jared, he left.

Tyler didn't return to his table. His mother waved for a moment in passing. His goal was to find BJ so he could get out of here. He eagerly searched through the many faces. Completely focused on his task, he reacted too late to the signals of his body. With a jerk to his arm, Jared pulled him into a small niche.
His long stature covered Tyler and rubbed his hips against him. A deep moan escaped Tyler's lips.
"That cheeky mouth of yours," Jared growled into Tyler's ear.
A deep kiss was his welcome punishment.
"Spend the afternoon with me," Jared said, gyrating his hips.
"How?" gasped Tyler.
"Don't worry about that. Just say yes," said Jared, who let his tongue slide over Tyler's auricle.
"Yes," he moaned obediently.
"BJ's coming for you."
Jared looked around for a moment, planted a hearty kiss on his lips and disappeared.

Tingling all over his body, Tyler ran up the stairwell.
He was pacing through the suite with anticipation. After an endless-looking quarter of an hour, a knock on the door made his heart jump.
"BJ," he shouted with delight and opened the door.
Instead of BJ, he found Fleur.
"I'm here to collect the rings," she said, stating her business immediately.
Tyler blinked and had to switch gears.
"Yes, of course. I'll get them for you."
He had not taken the boxes out of their gift packaging and handed over the small bag in its entirety to Fleur. Tyler saw the unspoken question on her face and ignored it because he didn't feel like answering.
BJ's timely arrival freed him from this situation.
"Are you going to train?" she asked amused.
"I don't know," Tyler said honestly.
She nodded them both kindly and left.

BJ checked her out and shook his head.
"Let me just say this, I mean you're a nice looking kid and all, but someone who chooses you over her is really gay!" he grumbled.
Tyler smiled broadly and patted BJ on his wide chest.
"It's nice to hear that I don't have to ward you from my bed during our lonely nights."
The broad chested man was grinning. "To each his own, kid."
He clenched Tyler's head under his muscular upper arm and pulled him along.

Tyler didn't know what to expect and let himself be driven.

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