Midoriya Izuku Boyfriend Scen...

By MegaBlazethecat

894K 25.6K 31.4K

(Important: DO NOT REPOST, STEAL OR COPY my work, please!) Status update: DISCONTINUED since 2021 [Requests a... More

When You First Meet Him
When You Think About Him
When You Blush
When He Blushes
When You and Him Confess and First Kiss
When You and Him Go On A Date
When You and Him Text
When He Gives You A Nickname
When He Kisses Your Cheek
When You Kiss His Cheek
When He's Jealous
When You and Him Cuddle
When He Tickles You
When You Tickle Him
When He Steals A Kiss
When You and Him Makeout (15K Followers Special)
When You and Him Go To A Haunted House (Halloween Special 2019)
When He Wants Your Attention
When He Had A Nightmare
When You Had A Nightmare
When He's Being Cute
When You're Being Cute
When He Wakes You Up
When He Tries To Flirt With You
When You and Him Spend Time in Christmas (Christmas Special 2019)
When You and Him Spend Time in New Years (New Year Special 2020)
When You See Him Shirtless (100K Reads Special)
When He's Clingy (16K Followers Special)
When He's Sick
When You and Him Celebrate Valentines Day (Valentines Day 2020 Special)
When You're On Your Period
When You and Him Play The Pocky Game
When You and Him Celebrate White Day (White Day 2020 Special)
When He Does The Kabedon
When You Play With His Hair
When He's Jealous of The Little Things
When He Turns Into A Half-Inu / Dog (18K Followers Special)
When He Had A Nosebleed
When You Celebrate Your Birthday
When He's Accidentally Drunk (19K Followers Special)
When You and Him Celebrate His Birthday
When You and Him Play A Horror Game
When You and Him Draw (20K Followers Special)
When You and Him Had A Fight
When You and Him Make Up
When You and Him Boop Each Other's Noses (22K+ Followers Special)
When You and Him Watch A Horror Movie (Halloween Special 2020)

When He Turns Into A Child (17K Followers Special)

15.1K 454 785
By MegaBlazethecat

(A/N: Requested by HannahStanley9. Phew, finally! An update for our green and determined cinnamon roll is here just for you guys! Sorry for the late notice since I was having a bit of hard time deciding what to write next. Normally, before when I started my Todoroki boyfriend scenarios, I always follow the scenario sequence of my Levi Boyfriend Scenario but then I ended up not following it and made a different sequence, haha. That aside, I'm glad I made up my mind on writing this for the next scenario and also this is to commemorate my milestone for achieving 17k followers!! *brings out the confetti popper and unleashes it* Thank you guys so much for following me and also for the kind messages you've sent me! I'm happy to have friendly, nice and beautiful readers so bless you guys!  So as always, I hope you all enjoy and happy reading! :D)

NOTE: This scenario is very long and to be honest, I never thought I would write this long but my apologies for that! HAHA. I guess this is for making up for not updating since March 14 '^^

Photo : from Boku No Hero Academia Anime (Season 1)


??? POV

'E-EH?! W-Why I do feel shorter?'

The little boy started to get from the ground since he was left unconscious for five minutes and he tried to recall what just happen, but not a single thing came to him - like he was knocked out or bumped into a wall.

He scratched his head and the moment he saw his own hands, it became smaller.

'E-Even my hands?', he thought to himself, 'W-Wait a minute. That student from the park earlier...'.

He looked down on his body and his feet which are now small as well before his eyes began to widen with surprise.

'O-Oh no...', he thought and tried to calm himself down by having deep breaths, 'Then again, this is a bad timing too. Break time is on-going and my angel is waiting for me at Lunch-Rush. G-Gosh, what do I do? What do I do? Think, Izuku-'

His thoughts stopped when the door of the boy's restroom so he quickly ran back inside the cubicle.

'I need to contact her quick'

Your POV

I patiently waited for my freckled boyfriend to arrive here but for some reason, 10 minutes had passed and he still hasn't come back.

I fiddled my thumbs and tried not to worry since this is Midoriya we're talking about.

Something like this happen before so I'm sure he'll come back.

Then again, I can't help but worry.

'Maybe I should message him just in case-'

The moment that thought crossed my mind, my phone rang and I immediately checked who's calling by reading the Caller ID.

"I-Izuku...", I said and my heart raised before I completely answered it, "Hello?".

"Ah, there! Thank goodness!"


That's odd, the voice doesn't sound like my freckled boyfriend but more like a cute child speaking to me instead.

How did he picked up my boyfriend's phone?

Wait, is he in the middle of fighting a villain or something and the little boy, who is talking to me right now, is the victim?

So many questions crossed my mind but I shook my head so I can continue talking to this boy.

"Umm, who's this? Do you happen to be with a cute freckled boy with you?", I asked and started to stand up from my seat.

"Huh? (Y/N)-chan, I'm the one you're describing just now. Izuku Midoriya! Your boyfriend~!"

My eyes widened and now that I'm hearing his voice quite clearly than earlier, he does sound like him when we were still kids.

But, this kid could be anyone so I really don't know if he's stating the truth so...

"Izuku? But that's impossible-"

"I-I'm serious, (Y/N)-chan! It's really me! Please, meet me outside the boy's restroom near Lunch Rush!", the boy continued and he sounded like he was on a hurry, "I don't want anyone to see me like this other than you".

With that he hanged up, leaving me confused and also shocked from what just happen.

Since I have no other choice rather than sitting her waiting for a few more minutes, I decided to head there right away.


Once I turned to the left corridor, I stopped at my tracks when I saw a little boy with a U.A. uniform covering his body since it was too big for him.

'There he is', I thought and went straight to him.

When the little boy saw my face, his face brighten and the moment I recognized the face, my eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh, it really is you-"


The little boy, who is actually Midoriya, ran towards me with his little feet while holding on to the U.A uniform that is covering him but since it was so big, he ended up tripping.

"O-Oww...", Midoriya said and held his knee.

I rushed towards him with a hint of worry and sat down on the floor.

"Are you okay?", I asked and looked at him.

When he looked at me, he nodded and just smiled brightly before he could give me a big hug.

'Oh my gosh, SO CUTE!!', I thought to myself and automatically hugged him back, 'It's like I went back in time to see Izuku when he's still little'.

"I'm okay, (Y/N)-chan! Hehe~", Midoriya said and smiled cutely, "Not a single scratch-"

He stopped talking when I started snuggling him and this made his cheeks glow red.

"So cute!! You're so cute, Izuku!!", I commented and started to squeal.

"O-O-Oh, t-thank you~! But (Y/N)-chan, we should really see, Aizawa-sensei. He's our next teacher after break time", Midoriya said and tugged the sleeve of my uniform softly, "I don't want him to think I'm slacking off or anything".

I snapped back to reality after having my moment of squealing with cuteness before I excused myself.

"You're right. Let's find him at the faculty!", I said and decided to carry him off the ground.

He hugged me close once I was able to carry him successfully and looked at me with a bright smile.

"Okay, (Y/N)-chan! Plus Ultra away!"


TIME SKIP (Brought you by Midoriya and Bakugou playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons [I don't have the game yet but hopefully I will once the virus gone, huhu T_T] - Bakugou : "Grr, have come you get the good stuff, you damn Deku?" | Midoriya : "I just happen to find some nice minerals from the rocks. You can just-" | Bakugou : "Rocks?! I did that yesterday and nothing seems to be happening!!" | Midoriya : "But Kaachan, this game is not a competitive-" | Bakugou : "Well, it is for me! Oi, readers, out of the two of us, who will you play this game with? It would be me, right? | Midoriya : "H-Huh? But this is my book! You'll choose me, right, readers? | Bakugou : "No, me, Deku!" | Midoriya : "N-No, me!! | Todoroki : *pops out of nowhere* No, me | Midoriya & Bakugou : "Where did you come from?!" | Author : *sipping tea once again while watching the boys fight over you guys again*)

Time passed ever since I brought little Midoriya to the faculty so we can tell Aizawa about what happen to him.

Aizawa was shocked when he knew about Midoriya's sudden transformation on a day like this but he completely understood the situation when Midoriya told his story.

According to him, he happen to find a student from another school pranking people in the streets by turning random people into kids.

Midoriya was able to stop him successfully but unfortunately, he was also hit by the quirk in the process without him knowing while walking to U.A.

Aizawa excused Midoriya during hero activities for the rest of the day and concluded that maybe this type of transformation quirk will last until tomorrow.

He also advised me to let him stay at my place for the time being so his mother won't be too worried.

So for now...

"So cute!!"

"Woah, Midoriya! I still can't believe you're a kid again"

"I agree with the girls, you look so cute!"

"Wow, looks like we're the same height now, Midoriya!"

"Aggh, that sounds a bit off, Mineta"

"HAHAHA, Deku is shorter than before!! HAHAHA!"


Ever since Midoriya was transformed, all of our classmates in Class-1A has been quite lively and couldn't stop adoring him because of this.

And it's true, I mean, who wouldn't adore an adorable freckled munchkin like him, right?

"Y-Yeah, haha. It's me", Midoriya said and laughed shyly, "I never thought I will end up like this to be honest".

"Me too, Midoriya-kun. Good thing you can still attend class looking like that", Iida said and fixed the bridge of his glasses, "Then again, you can't participate in our hero-related activities".

The freckled boy sighed just hearing it but smiled at the blue haired boy.

"Don't worry, Iida-kun. I'll just catch up, plus ultra style!", Midoriya said in his cute child voice and punched the air. 

Iida smiled and ended up carrying Midoriya up with two arms.

"That's right!", Iida said and laughed enthusiastically, "Plus ultra!".

Midoriya laughed and this made the others "aww"-ing at his response.

"Well, I really need to go. I want to spend time with (Y/N)-chan~!", Midoriya said and pointed at me with his tiny finger.

I stopped arranging my things and turned to him with a smile.

"Eh, would it be weird for a little boy such as yourself, Deku?", Bakugou commented and huffed, "Going on a date on that body with her? Tch, I think it would be better if I-"


Bakugou was cut off and it made surprised but also a bit annoyed.

"I-I may be in this state but that d-doesn't stop me from spending time with her!", Midoriya said and frowned at the angry blond boy, "Besides, we won't make it look like we are because I'm like this....you can put me down, Iida-kun".

The megane boy nodded and put him down so he can run towards me.

Meanwhile, Bakugou clicked his tongue and gave one last look at smol Midoriya and me before grabbing his bag and calling Kirishima and Kaminari so they can leave the classroom for their group study thing.

Midoriya took my hand like a son wanting to hold his mother and gave him a sweet smile.

"Let's go~!", Midoriya said and tugged my hand.

"Okay, okay, haha", I said and grabbed my bag and his bag, "We'll get going guys. See you next week!".


"Here we are, Izuku!"


We finally made it to the ice cream parlor that we both planned along the way and good thing there's not much people in this hour.

I even bought some clothes that will fit him for the time being before coming here and he said he's willing to keep it once he's back to normal.

I wanted to suggest on selling it and give it a relative or something but he told me he's willing to keep it for future purposes.

I don't know what he meant about future purposes so I decided to ask him some other time.

I looked over at Midoriya and his face was so bright just like a cute sunflower and I can't even stop squealing deep inside on how cute he is right now.

"Let's go in, Izu-kun! I just hope there is a good seat!", I said and pointed at the shop.

"I hope so too, (Y/N)-chan!!", Midoriya said and decided to take me there instead of me just like how we usually do in our dates.

I opened the door for him so he can get inside first and we are now standing in front of the counter.

"Good afternoon~! You look so pretty, miss!", the male employee greeted and complimented me.

"Oh, thank you, haha", I said and laughed.

Midoriya, on the other hand, felt iffy when he noticed how the male employee is looking at me but he decided to shrug the feeling off.

"What would like to order, beautiful? I highly recommend this sundae special for you and your cute little brother", the male employee said and giggled.

Midoriya raised his eyebrows when he called him as "my brother" and he even called me "beautiful" as well which made him pout slightly.

"Umm, he's not my brother, haha", I said and laughed awkwardly, "But yeah, I guess we'll take two orders of that please".

"Wonderful, that will be 60 yen all-in-all. Great price, am I right?", the male employee said and winked at me.

'Dammit, he's flirting with me. Really? In a time like this? I should've picked a better place'

I shrug the feeling and paid the amount in exact before waiting for our order.

I looked over Midoriya and he seems to be looking at me the whole time with a mixed expression written on his face.

I don't know why but I can sense something off about him like he feels uncomfortable.

"Here you go!", the male employee said and smiled, "Two sundae specials for the cutie and his cute brother, haha. Oh and if you don't mind me asking, do you have a boyfriend?".

Both Midoriya and I were shocked to hear that question so before I would even answer -

"S-She's taken!"

The male employee gasped at Midoriya's response with his cute voice.

"Her b-boyfriend is a kind and caring person! His dream is to become a hero too so he can do whatever he takes to protect everyone especially his one and only!", Midoriya said and curled his hands together, "So please, don't flirt with her, m-mister!".

I covered my mouth with surprise from Midoriya's sudden but also adorable outburst.

I knew something was up when he was wearing that expression earlier.

Even in child form, Midoriya is really adorable when he's jealous too.

"S-Seriously? Bummer", the male employee said and laughed nervously, "I guess I have no chance then. Oh well, enjoy your meal!".

I bowed and decided to find a seat where we can't see the male employee's face so Midoriya won't be that jealous anymore.

Once we found it, I set the small tray that contained our order and the moment I'm going to sit down-


I saw Midoriya standing beside me while looking at me with his cute green eyes.

"Oh, Izuku. Aren't you going to take your seat?", I asked and smiled at him.

He twiddled his thumbs and blushed before pointing his cheeks.

"U-Umm, I haven't received a kiss from you today so...can you k-kiss my cheeks?", Midoriya asked and smiled.

I blushed at his overflowing cuteness and since he's aura is so strong, I decided to accept his request.

I giggled and got closer to him so I can kiss both of his cheeks lovingly.

"You're so adorable, Izuku. Hehe", I said and gave him a free kiss on the top of his nose.

He blushed at the unexpected kiss but he became extremely happy and jump from where he was standing. Cute!

"I love you, (Y/N)-chan!", Midoriya said and hugged my legs.

"I love you too, Izu. Come on, let's eat!", I said and kissed the top of his head before grabbing my spoon, "We don't want this to be melted, right?".

He nodded adorably and got to his seat before he would grab his spoon too.

"I wish I can turn back to normal already", Midoriya commented, "I don't want guys to flirt with you right in front of me".

He sighed as he ate his sundae special but smiled after when he saw me eating with a smile too.

"I know how you feel, Izu-kun. But don't worry, it will be over by tomorrow", I said and gave him an "okay" sign, "And perfect timing too because tomorrow is Sunday. If you want, we can go on a proper date this time".

Midoriya's expression brighten upon hearing this and started jumping from his seat.

"Yes! Let's do it after we work out at the beach tomorrow!", Midoriya said and giggled, "I can't wait~!".

He clapped his hands with excitement so while he was doing that, I was able to snapshot a photo of him in child form clapping happily with the sundae right in front of him.

NEXT DAY (Sunday - 8:00AM)

Morning came once again and man, a lot of crazy stuff happened yesterday.

Midoriya found himself transformed into a child, Class-1A adoring him and Bakugou as usual, mocking him and stuff, we went on our small "date" and he was also mistaken as my brother by some flirty employee, and we even had a sleepover at my place so his mom won't be too worried.

Good thing his mom agreed on him having a sleepover at my place yesterday since she trusts me and he even texted her that he'll borrow some of my clothes so she won't be able to see him in his child form.

Anyways, the sleepover yesterday was really wholesome and quite different from our previous sleepovers from before but still, both of us had fun.

Of course, since I don't want Midoriya to sleep on the floor with my well-prepared futon, I suggested him to sleep with me at my bed - which he was thinking the same thing too.


"Aggh, I forgot to disable my Sunday alarm..."

I lazily reach for the off button of my alarm but I couldn't.

"C-Come onnnn...", I said in a tired tone, "I need peace..."


My eyebrows raised when another hand turned off the alarm for me and my heart beat started booming.

'What the. Who's hand is that-'

"Good morning, (Y/N)-chan"

I can feel the arms that's wrapped around my body the whole time tightening and when I turned around, I can see Midoriya but he's back tothe way he was and he's wearing the extra white shirt and sweatpants that I prepared for him.

"I-Izuku! You're back!", I said and smiled widely, "I guess I'm going to miss your child form, hehe. You were so adorable!".

He blushed and laughed at my response before replying, "But aren't I adorable already when I'm at this age too? Haha".

I giggled and replied, "Of course, you are! You'll always be my adorable but determined boyfriend, Izuku".

He caressed my face before leaning to kiss my lips affectionately.

"Thank you, (Y/N)-chan~", Midoriya said and hugged me, "Let's stay like this for five more minutes before we go to the beach park. I love being this close to you...it makes my heart warm".

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