The Longer I Live

By GerardVillegas

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A Sterek fanfic. In an alternative universe, closeted, sixteen year old Stiles Argent feels like the outsider... More

Chapter 1: Want to Try It Again?
Chapter 2: Some of Us Are Human
Chapter 3: Not That I Know Of!
Chapter 4: I'm a Nerd by Association!
Chapter 5: Don't Be Such a Sour Wolf
Chapter 6: Yeah, Worming is One of My Skills
Chapter 7: Yeah, Your Urge to Kill
Chapter 8: No Heh. Not the Boring Ones
Chapter 9: Okay, Uh, That's Disconcerting
Chapter 10: Because You Trust Everyone!
Chapter 11: Man, Nothing Gets By Those Keen Wolf Senses
Chapter 12: No, No. We Don't Need Any More Good Players
Chapter 13: Yeah, I Think It's Called Lycanthropy
Chapter 14: Well, It Just Feels so Anti-Climatic!
Chapter 15: Your Little Code of Ethics is Barbaric. Just FYI
Chapter 16: I Don't Think Alpha Omega Beta is Resonating with Him!
Chapter 17: Beautiful People Herd Together
Chapter 18: I've Been Scarlet Nerd-ed by You
Chapter 19: I Know You're a Werewolf! Rwwr!
Chapter 20: I Had a Boa Once. I Can Do It.
Chapter 21: For Once, Let's Do Easy
Chapter 22: Just Remember, Remember I Love You
Chapter 23: That's the Best Part. They Only Found Half.
Chapter 24: Yeah, Your Urge to Kill
Chapter 26: Only When We Left Him Off His Leash
Chapter 27: Epilogue

Chapter 25: It's Always Better When They Know

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By GerardVillegas

The Sutcliffe Gold Mine had been abandoned for over a century ever since the forefathers of Beacon Hills mined all the gold during the Gold rush of the 1850's. Now a boarded up and considered a historical landmark, many tourists have visited site but never knew the true history that a Native American massacre took place nearly a century ago.

Under the light of the blood moon, Stiles Argent drove his father's Lexus near the entrance within twenty minutes of Peter Hale's request as the teenager got out of the car and got a flashlight from the vehicle's trunk. Noticing the opening no longer boarded up, he shined the flashlight through the darkened cavern and entered.

Through pitch blackness, he descended the cave past bats and other rodents until he saw a light glowing from around the corner of the cavern. Following it, he crept near the corner and peeked in.

From his vantage point, he recognized the primitive cave drawings from his dreams then turned to the roaring fire centered inside the chamber. Shooting his hazel eyes to the right of the cavern, he saw his family and Danny chained up against the stone wall unharmed, before concentrating his focus on the tall, male figure at the head of the chamber.

Both hands of the gentleman had been bloodily impaled with silver daggers to a wooden crucifix fixated on the rocky foundation as dark hair drooped forward unconscious. Slowly he lifted his face, allowing the Stiles to identify the green eyes and handsome brooding features.

Stiles gasped as soon as he recognized him.

"Derek..." he whispered. The piercing migraine hit again his forehead signaling that danger was near. As the pain subsided, the teen tried not to turn around.

"Welcome to my home, Stiles Argent."

A voice behind him signaled that he was in trouble. Twirling around, he saw Peter Hale standing in front of him with his clawed hands folded together.

"I love what you done with the place." Stiles rolled his eyes.

Pushing him forward, the teen followed. Allison spun her head to see her little brother and called out.


"Stiles! You shouldn't have come!" His mother cried. Small tears wet her eyes realizing how helpless they were at that moment.

"What is it you want? Money?" Sheriff Argent asked struggling with his manacles. "I'm sure we can work out a deal. No one has to get hurt."

The skin-walker cackled. "You humans are so predictable! Everything has to involve monetary value!"

"WHAT IS THAT YOU WANT?" Allison shouted. "LET US GO!"

"I like your sister, Stiles," smirked the evil shaman. "She has spunk. Maybe I can convince the Ravenmocker to make her my mate since my last one was killed."

"Okay you have me," Stiles reasoned with him. "Now let my family and Danny go!"

"Oh yes, Danny," the skin-walker taunted. He walked over to the boyfriend and lifted Danny's face with his claw. "The rival. Did you enjoy the nice photos I sent your family of you and Derek? It's amazing what a wide-angle lens can do nowadays."

"That was you?" Anger displayed on the teen's face.

Wicked laughter released from the skin-walker's lips. "For a tribe who is against technology, Derek should get with the times. Modern gadgets are so useful when they can be weaponized. Tell me, Stiles Argent, I wonder who should win in this love triangle? Team Danny or Team Derek?"

The brown-eyed teen shrugged his shoulders. "I wouldn't exactly call it a love triangle. I mean it possibly could be since I got a werewolf on one side and if Danny suddenly started glittering in sunlight, then it would be considered a Stephanie Meyers cliché. However, that would mean that love would be involved..."


Stiles gulped. "I'll stay quiet now."

"Here's what is going to happen, the ritual of the blood moon will take place in five minutes." Peter instructed. "To free Kalona, it must be done at midnight. But first I need some blood to start the ritual. One of a Spirit Wolf and one of a perfect human."

Let's begin with the aningan!"

Unable to stop the shaman, Stiles watched sadly as Peter went over to an unconscious Derek and woke him by stabbing him in the chest with his sharp talons.

Allison screamed as his mother averted her eyes away from the gory sight. The Spirit Wolf yelled in pain as he woke up with his eyes glowing golden as he shifted into his second phase and began to sprout canine fangs.

Fear sprouted on his family's face upon seeing Derek's transformation, his father especially. Stiles stood helpless as streaks of blood poured of his lover's chest.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?" Sheriff Argent shouted.

"I'm sorry, Dad," the young man apologized. "There's things I wish I told you..."

Peter smiled wickedly as he collected the blood samples of Derek in a goblet who growled in frustration.

Turning toward the Argent family, he lifted the cup toward them. "I'm surprised Stiles that you kept the secret of our existence a secret from your love ones. You really are such an ungrateful child!" His eyes glowed red as he extended his own set of fangs and put them on display for the Argents.

"You''re not human!" Victoria commented. "What are you?"

"He's a werewolf," cried Allison. "Just like Scott and even Derek. Stiles saved me after I got bitten."

"Werewolf?" Peter laughed. "Foolish girl! We're more than that!" Shifting his attention to Stiles, he grabbed his arm and raked a claw drawing a line of blood.

The teen cringed as small droplets filled the goblet.

"Thank you for your generous donation. Now to commence with the first part of the ritual!"

Tossing the goblet into the roaring fire, the flames rose higher than before as the cup melted. The shaman raised his arms chanting some ancient incantation as shadows began to flicker around him. A strange, icy breeze filled the cavern as the blaze extinguished before bizarrely reigniting the chamber.

"What is happening?" Danny asked. Panic could be heard in his voice.

"It's bad!" Stiles shouted. "Very, very bad!"



Echoes of a sinister voice filled the chamber. Shadows drifted from every corner of the cavern as a black mist floated from the darkness entwining around Peter Hale in tendrils. Surrounding him in a pool of miasma, the skin-walker became a cocoon of the Ravenmocker's evil before breaking itself away out of its shell to reveal and an even more hideous form.

Once again, a piercing migraine throbbed in Stiles's head before it went away quickly. Instantly, he knew that the outcome was not going to be good.

Blackened fur mixed with feathers displayed the enormous mass nearly taking up almost the entire space of the room. Long, sharp talons extended from its hands as thin, scaly feet exhibited claws at the bottom. Behind the creature, a long hairy, feathered plum represented its tail as red reptilian eyes peered from atop its face. However, the most grotesque feature of the animal had been the long snout, shaped into a hooked beak as a row of jagged teeth appeared in its mouth.

The Argent women were the first to bear witness to the demon and screamed.

"Stiles! Get away from that thing!" Sheriff Argent shouted.

The teen sprinted but found himself being snatched up by a clawed hand. Tossed into the air, Stiles landed on the ground hard.

A combination of Peter's masculine voice with that of a low guttural scream emanated from the monster. It laughed.


Stiles crawled back. "I'm not perfect! I swear! My nose is not symmetrical, and one eye is bigger than the other!"

The creature cackled.


"Stiles! Remember the fox and wolf! The sun and moon must work together! Give Derek some of your blood to heal him!"

The mysterious voice surrounded his head. The Native American deities were with him. Racing toward Derek, he pressed his wounded arm into the Spirit Wolf's mouth. The taste of the metallic liquid spilled on to his lips as the green-eyed man drank a few drops.

"STILES! WATCH OUT!" His father screamed.

A sharp claw gripped his ankle yanking him back. He hit the ground hard as his felt body dragged across the dirt. Spinning his body around with his back facing the creature, Stiles looked at his family one last time with sorrow.

"I'm sorry..." he whimpered.

Razor sharp teeth pierced his shoulder blade causing him to scream in pain. Large droplets of crimson dripped from his wound as he felt his body become woozy from the monster biting him.

The teen heard his family scream as the Ravenmocker monster released him; its mouth full of blood roared at the witnesses feeling the sense of power flow through him.


Suddenly, small pieces of feathers and black hair fell from the creature's arms. Little by little the layers of covering began to shed falling to the ground in great big patches. The monster tossed its huge head watching in horror as its flesh start to deteriorate in front of its red eyes. Small pieces of its sharp talons began to become brittle breaking to little pieces as small black liquid oozed from its eyes and mouth.

" me..."

Still in a daze, Stiles kneeled on to the floor as he noticed Derek slowly break his hands free from the silver daggers impaling him on the crucifix. Rapidly, he watched the Spirit Wolf's flesh heal.

The Ravenmocker eyed his teenage foe in fury. Stomping toward him, it raised its large claw to strike.

" system...You...are...not...a...perfect...human"

Weakened, Stiles managed to stand up. He flashed a wicked smile.

"You have to thank my brain cancer for that. Consider it my gift to you."

The beast roared as it brought down its sharp talon. Stiles flinched and shut his eyes. The sickening sound of brittle bones tearing and breaking vibrated through his eardrums as he heard a loud thud in front of him. Opening his eyes, he saw Derek's golden eyes and canine teeth grasping the Ravenmocker's back and riding him like a rodeo cowboy.

"You shall claim no victim tonight Kalona! No today! Not ever!" The aningan proclaimed.

Digging his sharp claws into the monster's melting flesh, he rotated his body to position himself against the beast's chest. Then with careful precision, the Spirit Wolf struck. Digging a talon into the Ravenmocker's breast, he ripped out its beating heart and leaped away.

Everyone in the cavern observed in horror as the huge monster screamed in agony. More feathers and hair fell away as the claws, feet, and distorted beak began to melt away leaving nothing but a rotting corpse in front of them. Shadows and black mist escaped everywhere returning to the dark corners from whence they came as the final skeletal remains of the Ravenmocker disintegrated into a pile of ash and dust.


The last remnants of the beast spilled on the ground in one dirt pile. It became evident at this point that both Peter Hale and the Ravenmocker were dead.

Still with the beating heart of Kalona in his hand, Derek squeezed the organ hard letting it crumble into the dust. Watching the dirt sift through his fingers, he slowly approached Stiles who fell to his knees.


Stiles called out. Painful migraines, much heavier and agonizing, shot through his brain. Breathing heavily, he attempted to inhale but could get any oxygen. He listened carefully to his heart beating fast as large droplets of blood fell from his nostrils. Reaching out to the Spirit Wolf, he extended his arms but felt his body falling to the ground. Derek raced to him.


It was too late. Stiles only saw darkness.

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