Mummy's bad girl *waterloo ro...

By Carolineeexx

3.6K 84 30

Lexie Boston is the youngest daughter of Nikki Boston. She is a wild child and is always getting into trouble... More



276 5 1
By Carolineeexx

Lexie walked into the house. It was 4am. She had been off with Barry and Dynasty at the Barry house party. Lexie heard throwing up coming from the downstairs bathroom. She walked to the doorway and saw Esmè hunched over the toilet. Lexie frowned. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"No. I feel dreadful. I hate this."

Lexie smiled. Despite Esmè being three years older than her, the two of them were close. Esmè was in her final year at Waterloo Road. "Do you think you're pregnant?" She asked.

Esmè shook her head. "I don't think so. The last time I had sex was a few weeks ago. But I don't remember if we had protection."

"You're pregnant. We can go into town before school and get a test? I'll go with you."

"Lex. You're in enough trouble at school as it is. You can't bunk off with me," Esmè said as she pulled herself up. She smiled. "Please don't tell mum. Not yet."

"I won't. But I'll come with you to get the test. I have a free period anyway," Lexie lied. She knew she didn't have the free period but she didn't want Esmè to be alone.


The two Boston sisters arrived at school. Lexie groaned as she saw Simon walking towards them. Lexie smiled. "Mr Lowsley. To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked.

"Where have you two been? You're both an hour late."

Esmè smiled. "I had a doctor appointment. Lexie came with me cause I didn't want to be alone. It's my fault she's late."

Simon rolled his eyes. He walked inside causing Lexie to smirk. "He's a jerk. He won't be able to resist me for much longer," she mumbled.

"If mum asks, it's my fault you're late. You can't keep arguing with her babes. If she annoys you just walk away," Esmè said.


Lexie was beginning to feel sleepy. Especially as she hadn't slept at all. Simon was in the middle of explaining their work when Nikki walked in. "Excuse me Mr Lowsley. Can I have Lexie please?"

"Of course."

Lexie followed Nikki outside. She could tell that there was about to be an argument. "Save the lecture. Yes I stayed out till 4am. Yes I was late today. But Esmè needed me."

"What did she need?"

Lexie scoffed. "It's none of your business. If Es wants to tell you then she can. But it's not my place."

Nikki was fuming. She glared. "You're grounded. I want your phone and your on strict lockdown. End of discussion."

Lexie walked off. She knew Simon had to have told Nikki that she was late. She was going to make him pay.


Lexie saw Esmè sitting in the bathrooms. She had the test next to her. "I got your message. Did you take it?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's positive. I'm pregnant Lex. I'm in my final year at school. And I'm knocked up."

Lexie pulled her older sister into a hug. She held her close. "It'll be okay. I promise Es."

But while Lexie comforted her sister, in her head she was planning ways to make Simon Lowsley pay.

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