Sidemen And Pack Oneshots

By user189289

76.9K 2K 891


Welcome! (Again again)
The Sidemen- Protect
Crazza- What Happened In Paris
Minizerk- Little
Minizerk- Little Part 2
Tobi x Harry x Vikk- Romantic
Merome- Disaster Part 2
Veston- Silencieux Part 2
The Pack OT6- Back Together
The Sidemen OT7- Clothing
Phan- Something New
Wroetostar- Asthma
Merome- Stutter
Vobi- Hangover
Wooflan- Frozen
Vikklan- It's Just A Headache
Chanzator (Mitch x Jake)- Together Again
Wroetozerk- Date
Mitchlan- I'm Glad You Came
Minizerk- Homely
Minizerk and Wroetostar- The Best Gift (Christmas Oneshot- 14/12)
Minilan- Last Christmas (Christmas Oneshot- 15/12)
Vobi- Winter Blues (Christmas Oneshot- 16/12)
Wooflan- Ice Skates (Christmas Oneshot- 17/12)
Poofless- Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe (Christmas Oneshot- 18/12)
Merome and Leston- This Christmas I Hope... (Christmas Oneshot- 19/12)
Veston- A Day For Celebration (Christmas Oneshot- 20/12)
Vikklan- Where Christmas Is Warm (Christmas Oneshot- 21/12)
WoofASF, Pitch and Vikklan- Holiday Traditions (Christmas Oneshot- 22/12)
Click- So What Everyone's Drunk? (Christmas Oneshot- 23/12)
The Sidemen- Home Is Where The Food Is (Christmas Oneshot- 24/12)
The Pack- This Is The Best Part (Christmas Oneshot- 25/12)
Pooflan- New Year's Day (01/01/2020)
Lachlan + The Sidemen- Paralyzed
Lachlan + The Sidemen- Paralyzed Part 2
MiniWroetoStar- Stuck
Wooflan- Lonely
Minilan/Vikklan- Gone
Minizerk- Easter
Vobi- And The Universe Said I Love You
Mitchlan- Otto
Mitch x Jake (Chanzes x Brawlator)- It's Not A Competition!
Not Your Fault- The Sidemen OT7
Sign- Minilan
Easter- Minizerk Part 2
Leston- Fae and Faeries
Woofless/The Pack- Little One
Mitchlan- On Stream
Veston- Give Yourself A Break
Leston- Fae and Faeries Part 2
Zerkstar- Pain
Minishaw- Be Proud
Poofless- You Can't See Me
Vikklan- They
KStar- Turbulence
Wroetozerk- The Calm Before The Storm
Minilan- Ready
ZerkCanadian- Butterflies
Vikklan- Sleep, Just Sleep
Mitchlan- Big Brother, Little Brother
Vobi + Harry (Wroetojzlstar?)- Not Yourself
Leston- First Words
Vikklan- Isolation
Merome- You Were There
Sidemen OT7- Relapse
Vobi- Drive
Vikklan/Minilan- Hidden
Poofless- Wander
Behzjzl- Too Far
KStar- Show Me
Sidemen OT7- Bring Us Together
BehzStar- Break The Rules
Vikklan- Weary
The Sidemen OT7- Let's Go Home
Wooflan- This Is Home
Vikklan- Narcolepsy
The Sidemen OT7- We Missed You
Minilan- Not Normal
Poofless- Effeminate
The Sidemen OT7- Falling In Love
Vikklan- Owe You
Merome- Consequences
Vikklan- Beauty Of The Moon
Vikklan- Beauty Of The Moon Part 2
KSimon- Masculine
ASFrags- Bad Day
Vikklan- Tic
Sidemen OT7- Getting Better
Wroetozerk- Close One
Wroetofreezy- Adorable
Minishaw- Snap
The Pack OT6- Missing Part 2.5
The Sidemen OT7- To Be Free
Vikklan- Daughter
Minizerk- Train Tracks
Wooflan- Quad
Minilan- Cracked
Vobi- Squishy
Hello- Vikklan
Minilan (The Sidemen and The Pack)- New Life
Minilan (The Sidemen & Pack)- New Life Part 2
Vobi- Put Down The Drink

MeromeStar- Home Comforts

440 15 14
By user189289

Vikk's P.O.V.

There was slow breathing in front of me, a warm body shifting with their arms secured tightly around my waist. It was the same behind me, another body and another pair of arms and I couldn't help but smile as I opened my eyes to the peaceful sleeping face of Mitch, buried tightly under the blankets curled up in a little ball. Behind me Jerome's grip tightened, chin resting on my head.

"Mornin' Vikk." He whispered hoarsely. "You sleep alright?"

I nodded, shifting back further into his grasp. "Still tired though."

"That's okay." He said, nuzzling his nose into my hair. "We can sleep in for a few hours longer. We've got nothing to do today."


I was wearing Mitch's hoodie and Jerome's sweatpants, bundled up in the warmest clothing I could find and both my boyfriends seemed to find it sweet that I was wearing their stuff. To be fair Mitch was wearing Jerome's hoodie as well, swaddled in a fluffy, oversized monstrosity, but he was happy and warm and didn't mind my giggles at it.

I leaned back into Mitch's chest as his arms settled around my waist, his nose resting on the back of my head as his breathing warmed my scalp. Jerome elected to just lie in my lap, head resting just shy of Mitch's hands, blanket pulled right up to his chin as he basically turned to putty on me. He was asleep not long after, despite it only being early-evening and him having no reason to be tired. I mean, not that I minded because I got to cuddle my boyfriend and have the other smother me in kisses, while we watched some movie.

After Jerome was asleep Mitch started mumbling a little bit, hands now moving to play with my hair, curling it around my finger. At first I left it, not even sure if it was him at first, but then he kept mumbling so I turned in his lap and stared at him for a moment. He looked startled.

"You right there?" I giggled, making sure not to jolt Jerome, who was still asleep in my lap. "What's the mumbling about?" He flushed red and looked away.

"Nothin'." He dragged out, ears red now. "Just talkin' to myself."

"What are you talkin' about?" I teased, poking his chest. "You being cheesy again?"

"...maybe?" He squeaked, looking away.

"Aww." I pressed a kiss to his lips. "You're cute."

"You're cuter." He whispered back, leaning down and kissing me right back. I shook with laughter, now going red myself. Jesus, Mitch could be so cheesy, especially when Jerome wasn't awake to tease him or laugh at him about it. He tended to whisper out cute little messages when he thought no one else was listening in, but I had realised he did it often enough to pretend I was asleep to listen in to his sweet words.

I laughed again and settled back to his arms. It wasn't long before he was mumbling again, and not long after that, I was asleep.


I sighed happily as Mitch massaged my scalp, gently wiping a clump of shampoo off my forehead. Jerome sat behind Mitch, doing the same thing to him. Sure, the large spa bath might have been a tad cramped with all three of us in it but this was a routine we went through at least once a week. It was a way to wind down, relax, and spend some quality time together without anything in the way.

We stayed there, helping each other wash their hair, splashing each other, pouring handfuls of bubbles over the others heads like the adults we were, for almost an hour. We only got out when Jerome started yawning and the water was beginning to get cold.

"Do you want a hot chocolate before bed?" Mitch asked, directed at the both of us. I nodded, then Jerome nodded. "I'll go boil the jug."

He left with just a towel around his waist while Jerome and I dressed in boxers and oversized t-shirts- mine was Jerome's actually- while waiting for Mitch to get the hot chocolates. While we waited we scanned the bookshelf and playfully argued about a new one to start, having finished our last book the previous night. Another tradition of ours- reading a book together until someone fell asleep. In the end we picked Harry Potter, again, and settled onto the bed to wait.

Mitch entered the room 3 minutes later, dressed this time, carefully balancing three mugs in his arms. I could see marshmallows floating on the top and grinned, carefully taking one from him.

"Thanks!" I said happily, already sipping as he settled on Jerome's other side.

"Who's reading?" He asked, grinning at the book in my hand.

"Jerome." I said instantly. "You're in the middle." He laughed but agreed, taking the book from me and holding it open in one hand with his hot chocolate in the other, he started reading-

"Mr and Mrs Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."

His voice was quiet, hypnotizing, and very soon my eyes were slipping shut. Jerome gently pulled my mug from my hand before I could drop it all over our bedsheets and I think he must have done the same for Mitch because very soon we were all lying down and his voice was washing over me. One of his arms was around me and very soon I was drifting... off... to... sleep.


Our routine was very simple, and it involved all the home comforts we loved. It involved cuddling, kisses, and lots of hot chocolate. Sure, we had to get our recording done and eat healthy and keep fit and, you know, socialize with others like normal human beings, but sometimes the three of us liked to take a day to exist in our little bubble and recharge.

This time it was Mitch who was asleep in my lap, my hands absentmindedly playing with his slightly curly, hazel hair. I was sitting in Jerome's lap and he in turn was playing with my own hair, occasionally yawning. It was another recharge day, another day of no work and no stress, of time to just sit back and relax.

"Alright Vikky?" He asked quietly, glancing over my shoulder to check on Mitch.

"Mm." I mumbled. "Tired, but alright."

"That's good." He combed through my hair in one swift motion and I leaned back into his shoulder, my eyes flickering shut. "Love you Vikk."

"Love you too Jerome." I smiled. This was what I lived for.

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