Banana bread

بواسطة iheartregulusab

10.9K 276 110

You and Rob have been best friends for years- until that day atleast. المزيد

Chapter 1 your pov
Chapter 2 Robin's pov
Chapter 3 your pov
Chapter 4 Robin's pov
Chapter 5 your pov
Chapter 6 Robin's pov
Chapter 7 your pov
Chapter 8 robins pov
chapter 10 Robin's pov
chapter 11 your pov
chapter 12 robin's pov
chapter 13 your pov

chapter 9 your pov

719 19 5
بواسطة iheartregulusab

a chapter inspired by the song 888? apparently so

the sun peaked through the blinds on to my face as my eyes fluttered open. I'd realised that me and Robin had fallen asleep on the couch whilst watching the movie. I pressed myself up off of him trying not to wake him but i then saw that he already had his eyes open.
"heya dude how'd you sleep?"
"really well actually thanks for asking"
i stood up, gave him a smile and flattened down my hair, making my way into the kitchen. Robin followed behind and we sat ourselves down at the counter.
I grabbed us some toast, Rob buttered his whilst i put PB and honey on mine.
"So, watcha wanna do today?" i asked
"hmm i'm not sure, we can figure it out as the day goes on"
"ok fine by me"

Once we had finished breakfast we both changed into some clothes reasonable for heading out in and decided to go and walk around town.
As we looked at the shops, hand in hand, i felt a buzz in my pocket. I lifted my phone out and saw i had a message from my friend:

friend- Yo i had a party last night and we have TONS of left over booze. idk what to do with it so please can u just like take it? thanks im putting them in ur kitchen now lol

me- I- i didnt agree to this omg why, wha do u think im gonna do with it, this is illegal bro

friend- oh well just share it with whoever idc

me- wow thanks a lot

friend- youre most welcome :))
read 16:04

i sighed and put my phone away again.
"what was that?" Robbie questioned
"oh my friend just left ALL of her left over alcohol in my house"
"oof thats a bit stupid sorry mate" robin replied, not really sure what to say
"yeah whatever, we can just drink it all when we get back" i joked
Robin laughed and shoved me lightly

We arrived back at my house after a pretty chill day out and i braced myself for the scenery i was going to walk into. I took my keys out of the door, shut it, and me and Rob put our shoes and bags by the door. We made our way into the kitchen again and i stopped dead in my tracks
"holy shiT, i know she said tons but i didnt expect it to be this much. what the heck this is totally not cool, this is gonna take me YEARS to get rid of"
Robin stood by me laughing at how much there actually was
"relax, i mean we could have some... or your neighbours? maybe they'll appreciate it?"
"no this isnt funny, my mums probably gonna get mad at me ugh. You do realise that we're underage. ok im just gonna leave this, im officially making this NOT my problem"
"hahaha alright then whatever you say dear"
i gave him a sarcastic smile

it was late in the evening now, and it was dark outside. We lay on my bedroom floor watching random videos on my laptop in the dark. I started to hum a song that had just popped into my head
"hey what are you singing?" robbie asked
"its just a song that i really like"
"whats it called though?"
"things that make it warm,here ill put it on" i smiled at him whilst he rolled his eyes

the song started playing and i got up off the floor. I held my hand out to Robin and lifted him up too. I put my arms round his shoulders and he put his on my waist. We spun around the room dancing whilst we both sang the lyrics to eachother. The song finished yet we still carried on dancing. Another song started which we both liked so we stayed.
"WAIT, i know what might set the mood a little more perhaps?" i said with a cheeky grin
"you'll see" he let his grasp go so i ran downstairs and came back up to my room with two bottles of beer
"some classy party" i joked
Robin laughed
i opened the bottle and took a big sip, Rob doing the same after me.
"oops, we just have to make sure to control ourselves and not have too much"
"well lets see what happens"

it had been an hour and we were drunk out of our minds.
"HEY, Rob i've been dancing for soooo long im BOILING"
"I have a GREAT idea!! a cold shower!"
we ran to my bathroom and turned the shower on. We climbed under it but then i grabbed the shower head. I pointed it directly at Robbie and it all went right in his face. He was soaked and angry but still laughing. He grabbed it from my clutch and doused me in water all over. We didn't pay attention to anything and carried on laughing when all of a sudden Robbie flew. He slipped on the water and wacked his head on the floor. I gasped in shock and stumbled over to help him.
"o-ohh my gosh are you ok aaa???"
"i dont knowww it really hurts woopsies"
"crap ok you sit right there on the floor and ill look for something to help ok? DONT MOVE"
"ok ok i WONT. im probably fine anyway"
"NO youre bleeding"
"oh frick man"
I searched through the cupboard in the bathroom, yet it was hard to stay focused because my vision was so woozy and i could barely use my hands.
"ok wait so if i just get this toilet paper and put some water on it?" "its all i can find and then ive got these plasters which clearly havent been used in years"
i pulled out a pack of peppa pig plasters which would have been in there for god knows how long. They were the only plasters we actually had though. I dabbed his head carefully and placed a plaster on his head. I then gave it a little kiss
"there" i smiled, proud with my work "all better now"
"thank you so much, it hurts a lot less now, PLUS i got a rad peppa on my head"
"youre very much welcome, this took all my eff- e- efforttt"
i was really out of it and before i knew it i had passed out in Robbies lap.

oof sorry bout my bad story writing skills

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