Erkenci Kus Episode Recaps 1...

By ChayaLevy

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The series has ended. Every week we would come together chat watching the episodes, theorize, and obsess over... More

My Journey to rewatch Erkenci Kus
*what the heck am I talking about? - a glossary if you will
Erekenci Kus episode 1 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 2 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 3 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 4 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 5 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 6 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 7 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 8 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 9 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 10 recap
Erkenci kus episode 11 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 12 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 13 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 14 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 15 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 16 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 17 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 18 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 19 recap
The legend of the Amber stone
Erkenci Kus episode 20 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 21 recap
Erkenci Kus Episode 22 recap
Episode 23 recap Sunday :) here are some vids to get you in the mood
Erkenci Kus episode 23 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 24 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 25 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 26 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 28 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 29 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 30 recap
Erkenci Kus epsiode 31 recap
Erkenci kus ep 32 recap on july 26th :D
Erkenci Kus episode 32 recap
Ek recaps why I stopped and why I am starting again
Erkenci Kus Epsiode 33 recap has been hacked please read if a member
Erkenci Kus episode 34 recap
Ek recap ep 35 will be posted on May 31st :)
Erkenci Kus Episode 35 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 36 recap
Erkenci Kus ep 37 recap

Erkenci Kus episode 27 recap

4.1K 21 173
By ChayaLevy

Disclaimer : wattpad is not really structuring my numbering properly so i had to make bullet points instead ....I kinda miss the numbers and letters of it all but that is just me ;) hope you enjoy and it is easy to read

Ok I am not really ready to watch this episode but I will suck it up and dive in....luckily we dont have to wait over a month for this episode to happen like when it aired..that was a rough time ;) and i am only being slightly dramatic...having no new ek episodes for about 6 weeks was like a real detox from addicts....but I had a blast interacting and theorizing and even meeting in person some amazing Ablas

We start the episode with the Mamma Divit bomb...she finally has arrived....the cat bowl kicking, kid leaving, snob of a Momma Divit

Can seeing his mom and saying what are you doing here was so heartbreaking ....even when she comes to hug him he can barely look at her and moves away...he is really this hurt little boy in this scene...

Mamma Divit shoving her coat at Sanem infront of Can's face blech i hate her...But i love Can saying Sanem is not my employee she is my girlfriend

Can can only look at her when he says sharply: You are here to see Emre i am assuming

Mamma Divit aka Huma: NO i was worried about you

Can: you shouldn't be worried about anything that has to do with me just like until now....poor little kid Can...that abandonment is so felt in this scene

Can and Sanem leave

Emre greets his momma like a real momma's boy no issues with her just daddy issues for this one

Ceycey is scared of Huma lol he does have awesome instincts

Emre introduces Leyla to his mom and she is a snob and treats Leyla like nothing once she is told Leyla is Emre's assistant...she also barely shakes her hand and smiles condescendly at her title

Canem driving in the car

Can is so lost in thought and Sanem is worried about everything that just happened...not the perfume ...just the mamma divit part...fml

Sanem sees if Can is ok and he says he's getting what world would anyone believe that Can?

Can says he wants to go to the mountain hut as he doesn't want to be around people now...ughhh it hurts to see him pretend his mom means nothing to him as we see just her presence utterly destroys him

Sanem tells Can to slow down and Can apologizes as he didn't realize how fast he was driving..yes please slow down Can we dont want an Emre accident on our hands right now

Sanem offers to drive because she is worried about him and Can says no he already slowed down...if he was up for it he probably would have made a joke referencing the last time she drove to agva that its better he drive...but Can is too hurt to be joking

Can offers to drop Sanem off at her house and that it probably would be better if he did and I am so glad Sanem says no that she will go wherever he goes ....this was such a great moment as whenever he gets hurt he pushes people away and isolates himself and Sanem isn't letting him do that anymore...she wont let him push her away

She leans over and hugs him in the car and he looks at her hug and i think realizes just like the photo license, dealing with emre and his accident, and so many other times...Sanem is the one person that can get through to Can and he can show how he really feels to her....ughhhhhh this episode is going to hurt sooooo much

Huma talks with Ceyda

Huma asks about Ceyda's father who is very wealthy and got a divorce....but Huma gets disappointed because he already remarried...Huma reeks of golddigger

Huma then switches tactic and starts to encourage a Ceyda and Can relationship....saying Can and Ceyda are very similar in upbringing etc and Emre spaced out in his own Leyem thoughts agrees

Ceyda says she feels she is lucky to work with someone as creative and intelligent in Can and then Huma and Emre give each other a knowing look that makes my skin crawl...last thing i want or need is Emre and Huma teaming up together to ruin Can's life

Ceyda leaves on condition by Huma that she comes back again....blech Huma is laying on the sweetness pretty thick and i feel like i'm getting a cavity from it

Canem at the mountain hut

I love that Can is chopping wood ...he always does that to get out his angsts

Sanem is watching him and she is telling him about how she had a bad first meet with Huma....I am disappointed that during this traumatic time, Sanem is focused on herself and not Can...I hate this whole storyline of Sanem trying desperately to make a good impression on Huma...All Can needs right now is a moment to think and be supported and Sanem is going on about how Huma doesn't like her...get over it and be supportive Sanem

Can: What difference does it make if you didn't have a good start? It doesn't matter to me if my mother doesn't like you it means nothing to me, also you are exaggerating you just met at the door

Sanem tells him that tonight wasn't the first time she met Huma and she tells the whole story of Huma at the Mahalle and the kitty situation

Can wakes up Sanem by telling her it wasn't a coincidence, saying his mom probably went there on purpose to check out who his girlfriend and family are...Duh Sanem

Sanem is upset at herself: Great and bravo to me, what she must think of me

Can: let her think whatever she wants Sanem, what difference does it make? I dont care what she thinks, do you understand me. She has no right to comment on my life or what I do

Sanem: she is your mom in the end....'

Can: she was my Ane until she went and left me...Sanem put your insecurities and your need to be liked aside...Can is saying that his mom has not been apart of his life that's what you should focus on being there when he feels hurt and abandoned. You caring about Huma's opinions over Can's feelings is not ok with me

Can: she is nothing to me besides Emre's mother

Sanem tries to say something else and Can interrupts saying the real conversation should be why now is Mamma divit coming out of the woodwork after so many years...Sanem just rolls her eyes...ufff ya Sanem is not being her supportive self and it hurts to see

Huma stares at a recent pic of Emre, Can and Aziz...i love the picture see all the personalities there - Aziz strong in the center, Can on his right side, Can is happy leaning on his dad and Emre is on Aziz's left a little behind Aziz with a serious face almost a scowl's the definite mood of the beginning of the series lol

But all huma sees and tell Emre is that Can needs to cut his hair and change his style...clearly she prefers the demeanor of Emre the straight laced business type

Emre laughs and says go try to tell him that lmao i would love to see that interaction

Emre and Huma talk in the kitchen

Emre: why did you come suddenly?

Huma says its because of the article..Huma:You both keep making mistake after mistake and i find out through first you think oh it's about Can being arrested but then you soon learn she meant the article about Canem and that according to Huma she came just on time to stop this Canem situation...Huma has her priorities straight

Huma: Your dad also had this bad taste and obviously passed it down to his Huma is trying to imply things about Aziz and I never took this bate...I trust nothing that comes out of this woman's mouth

Huma tells Emre that Ceyda is interested in Can... Emre tells Huma that Can knows and doesn't care....Huma lets Emre know about her plan to fix that and Emre actually tries to convince her not to interfere. Huma tells Emre to stay out of it...Score one point for Emre....but he is right now scoring -3000 so yay for him

Emre asks about his step dad Erol....and Huma admits that they got divorced.... And now we know why she was asking about Ceyda's father and why she was disappointed he was married

Emre asks Huma why they got divorced

Huma: let's say no face of a man could make me smile except the faces of my sons ...and then she gives Emre a hug....Well we know where Emre gets his manipulation gene from...Bravo Huma you raised him well

And now we know the real reason why Huma is here - She needs a place to stay to regroup and maybe even find a new rich husband

Huma also asks about Emre and Aylin and is disappointed to hear they broke up...ya because Aylin is Huma's soulmate ;)

Huma manipulates Emre by saying she left her bags at the hotel and the first thing she did was come quickly to see her boys....leaving out the stalking Sanem and her family part so she sounds like mother of the year... then she leaves going back to her hotel so that Emre can call Can to let him know she left so he will come back to the least she knows her son a little bit lol

Canem having Cay in the hut

Ok so if this was ayse i would say it is significant that they are not drinking traditional turkish cay....but imma go with they ran out of that tea on set and so they were using tea from craft service lol or whatever that equivalent is in turkey ;)

Sanem tries to convince Can to give his mom another chance...

Sanem:isn't it possible she changed? ....Girl seriously this boy is what 30?...out of the blue his mom comes back into his life and without knowing anything about his mom you can say that...why not listen to him first

Can: no it's not possible sanem, you don't know my mom...damn right she doesn't

Can: if my mom is here than there are 1000 problems that will come up

Sanem: if you listen to her maybe she will convince you to forgive her...Sanem is getting on my last nerves

Based on Can's body language and how far away he is sitting from Sanem it seems Can is annoyed too...Can:what do you imagine would happen, she will tell me a sad story then i will believe her and then i will forgive her, is that what you think will happen?

Sanem: you won't know until you lsiten to her, a mother's love is something else, everyone needs a mother's love.....Can is not really buying what she is selling

Can: I don't need my mother's love, Sanem. All i need is you, You are always the only thing I need ...and then he kisses her ...but they are both sad in this kiss and Sanem barely responds to it

Sanem: you are like this for me too

Ok i know i have been bringing up dolunay and inadina ask a lot lately in my recaps...sorry not sorry lol but we're about to talk about the difference between them all 3 - they all have the lead guy with mommy issues but the difference is that in Inadina Ask and Dolunay both defne and Nazli listened first to the mommy issues first before making their decision on what to do next...some mistakes were made by the love interests in both shows but they had heartfelt moments of the leads telling their love interest what they experienced with their mothers and we understand the characters yalin and ferit better...this ek scene is so rushed and Sanem does not wait to really understand how Can is feeling, she just tries to convince him to listen to his mom and forgive just feels out of touch and lacking in their relationship and her empathy

Then sanem gets a text message from Leyla and ofcourse breaks the moment Sanem: its late, how does time always pass with you i never understand it... Asli wow don't try and bring in an ayse line to try and make this moment better it wont work....This is so hurtful that she just wants to leave and you even see Can is sad when he says- so youre saying it's time to go

Then Can gets a text and Sanem goes into jealous mode harassing him like who called is it? ceyda, ceyda texted right, it ceyda right ...and Can just says calmly trying to calm down crazy Sanem and says it was Emre

Can tells Sanem that the text said Huma went to her hotel and they leave to go bring sanem home

Sanem is now back home. We get no Car ride home or goodbye moment...Sanem tells Leyla and Mevkibe that the woman they hated is Can's mom ....

Mevkibe is freaking out and says she must have come for info....yep Hello the Can divit, Mevkibe parallel is coming alive with their street smarts ...Sanem tells what happened at the party with Huma and Leyla scolds Sanem for having a fight with Huma at the door of the divit house...But Mevkibe says Sanem was right....go Mevkibe!....but then Sanem tells how much she yelled at Huma and Mevkibe gets all tweaky lol thinking about how outspoken her daughter was...that's reserved for Mamma Aydin ;)

Leyla says that Huma probably knew who Sanem was when she met why is everyone having the same line for 2 scenes lol

Sanem: so she was being deceptive when she asked if i was the help at the party....good morning Sanem thank you for joining the party

Mevkibe like a Lioness protecting her cubs that are Can and Sanem, she is furious ...she cant believe how a woman could leave her own child and then come back suddenly ...she thinks it's because of Canem....Mevkibe is awesome

Sanem not listening to Can but somehow to mevkibe comes to the conclusion that Huma knew about her before coming to the Mahalle...uh Duh

Sanem starts getting mad and both mevkibe and leyla are trying to calm down the crazy lol because we know Sanem's crazy is well crazy ;)

Can comes back to the divit house and talks with emre

Can came into the kitchen looking around as if he was going to be attacked by an animal popping out of nowhere

Can asks if Huma really left and Emre says yes that he has no interest in deceiving him....uh huh righhhhhttt

Can: why did she come? dont you dare say you called her

Emre: no it was a surprise to me too

Can is trying to believe him...Can: ok so what did you tell her about Sanem as she already knew where she lived

Emre: I told her nothing, when she saw the article she asked me and i confirmed it

Can tells Emre about how Huma went to Sanem's neighborhood so if he didnt tell who did? ....Can: Who else besides you is talking to her?

Emre: Aylin comes to mind

Can is pissed : of course Aylin, if something was not connected to her i would be surprised. How do we get rid of this woman?

Emre: dont worry i will tell Ane to stay away from her....but Can says not to as knowing their mom she will get closer to Aylin...true dat...Can knows Huma well and sees past all the Bullshit Emre is too used to being manipulated to see

Can is still wondering why Huma came to istanbul all of a sudden and Emre is like she must have panicked when she heard about Can's arrest...And Can and I both dont buy it...Can doesn't believe she would come just because concern over him and says Huma will get bored and go back to her husband in switzerland is so heartbreaking that Can doesn't think his mother would come there only because of his arrest...he obviously learned this from experience as a child ...from the way he spoke to Sanem on their first date , it sounded like his mother never came to see him and that he never went to switzerland...Emre would visit on his own....ugh I want to hug Can

Emre says she wont go back because she got divorced

Can: You see? Now the real reason for her arrival is clear, Seeing me was an excuse she is looking for someone to console her and when she gets tired of it she will run again....poor Can

Emre: no she is worried about you really

Can: why is she worried about me? For what reason? She should have been worried about me when she left me and went my eyes are getting watery right now ... Can continues: On my birthdays, on basketball games, on mothers days, should i continue the list? When my eyes were looking for her every time, hoping she might come back... :( yep i'm holding back tears right now

I think this is the first time Can ever talks like this with his brother Emre...they both felt the other parent abandoned them of sorts but this moment... wow

Can's eyes were getting watery in this scene and Emre was getting choked up as well...he finally saw Can's side of the separation when the divits got divorced

The next morning Huma comes to the office...:( hate it

She walks in slow motion of course with her heels making noise and ceycey freaks thinking it is aylin

Guliz tells Ceycey its not Aylin but Huma...ceycey is stressed about getting fired as ceycey do lol ...he keeps repeating to himself "i am the weakest link" ...oh boy ceycey maybe try some yoga

Huma makes ceycey so nervous he can never pronounce her name

Huma starts calling ceycey "Office Boy" and i dont know why but i find this so hilarious and never get tired of it

Huma: what is your name office boy?

Ceycey: Ceycey

Huma: no i dont like that i will call you office boy....lmao what guts, nerve and badassery to decide without any shame to say no to their name and call them a nick name like that

Guliz has fun teasing Ceycey about it lol

Deren is "happy" to see Huma and takes her to a place to work

Sanem and Leyla are going to work and Osman offers to drive them and Leyla says he should go get some rest instead as he just got back from a night film shoot...Sanem is kidding around with Leyla kinda like ohhhh you care about Osman, "you dont want to risk him" and Leyla brushes it off embarrassed and they go off to work

Aylin enters the office and greets Huma.... ceycey almost faints at the sight of them together lol Ceycey: uh my blood pressure always drops when she is around.. Everyone is talking about how it looks like Huma knows Aylin well....Im a little confused how people didn't know in the office that Aylin and Huma knew each other...let's analyze

i mean Aylin was in the office since Can was there as we know from Aylin mentioning way back when in episode 14/15 how Can saved Aylin from not getting fired when she made a Aylin has been around for a while

Everyone knew Emre and Aylin were engaged but were thought to have been broken up.. And Guliz and ceycey worked with Aylin which caused Ceycey's anxiety and made them aware of the engagement ....therefore why wouldn't they think Huma, who is close with Emre, would be connected with Aylin?....

Huma even recognizes Deren so why not aylin?....another question we will never get answers to

Aylin and Huma treat Deren as the help and now I see why Emre liked Aylin...Can we say Mommy issues ;) Aylin and Huma are two peas from the same pod

Deren was handed humas coffee mug as aylin and Huma go to Emre's office...Deren is frozen in rage

Ceycey: now she will turn to me in 3 2 1....on cue Deren Screams ceycey Coffee! Lol love that She screams...she is so mad she storms off as Ceycey wonders if this is a super power of Deren to scream like that lol well it definitely caused an earthquake effect when Canem were interrupted by her in the archive super power? Maybe ;)

Aylin and Huma talk in emre's office

They talk about how low in class Sanem and her family are and Huma is convinced they are using Can for his money...Golddiggers always think everyone is caught up in their game....I know... i am feisty today ;)

Aylin setting up the attack- she tells Huma not only is Can blinded by Sanem but Emre also was getting in the clutches of Sanem's sister Leyla

Aylin says she did everything to save Aylin and Emre's relationship...gag...She continues on to say how generous she was to forgive everything Emre said and did to her but evil Leyla got in the way....poor Aylin continues that she had to make a tough decision and it was tiring to choose between saving herself, the company or Emre... wow...this is next level ...should we give a medal to Aylin for her bravery and selflessness?

Aylin starts to get "teary eyed" and one gold digger to the other - Huma and Aylin give each other a hug

Huma: dont worry i am here now everyone will go back to where they belong

Ceycey tries to enter with two coffees for these ladies but cant do it lol so he gives the task to another worker and runs away ...i get you ceycey I wouldn't want to go in there either

Osman tells ayhan that Leyla said "she didnt want to risk him"...and he is all gushy and Ayhan is trying to throw him back into reality because she hates her brother being sad and upset over Leyla...Me too Ayhan me too...Ayhan reminds Osman that Leyla just ended things with Emre...Osman thinks Leyla has seen the real face of Emre...Boy is blind even when she is mad Leyla defends Emre to everyone ....Poor Osman is really blinded by his feelings....Ayhan says that she doesn't trust Leyla and if she upsets him she will upset Leyla...Lol she is a great sister ...then Ayhan says you are all that i have and i just dont want you to be sad...awwww ....but Osman is still in his crazy alternate universe and tells Ayhan that everything will be great as he will marry Leyla....ufff ya Osman

Back in the office- ceycey is taste testing different coffees that he moves up in the world and is no longer called Office Boy lmao good luck with that

Sanem arrives late...which i guess now is her thing...and ceycey is telling her to not be late as Mamma divit will fire her...Ceycey keeps mispronouncing Huma's name and Sanem keeps trying to help him say it lmao HUmiley, hanem, hanam, Hum hanem, ha hanim etc lol and sanem keeps repeating...":Huma hanem ceycey Huma hanem"

Ceycey is a bucket of nerves as the evil duo Aylin and Huma are walking in the office...Ceycy tells Sanem that Huma and Aylin are very close...this thought scares me too lol so I totally get ceycey's freak out...Ceycey calls Huma, Medusa because if you look directly at huma you will turn to stone lmao

Sanem asks if anyone noticed she was late and ceycey says no but then Deren comes welcoming Sanem to the office lol gotta love feisty Deren....this part always bothers me because why is Sanem always coming late? and that also means Sanem and Leyla always are coming late doesn't make sense really, Leyla would never purposely be late and I don't like that since Sanem has become an official writer in the office she is either: always late, leaving work or messing up ad campaigns.

Can and Emre come into the office together...And Can does not say gunaydin to Sanem as she is sitting not visible but who do they run into? No other than Huma

Huma kinda shames the brothers for being late....ya when did this become a thing Leyem and Canem showing up late? usually they are the first ones in the office

Can to Huma: you haven't left yet? You don't plan to stay long right?

Huma: I am your mother i deserve to be spoken to more respectfully

Can:I wish you good luck in trying to get respect from me

Emre: Can now is not the time

Huma doesnt get why Can is acting this way....ummmm wow really?

Can: do you really want to talk about the reasons surrounded by so many people? No i didnt think so...He walks away and Huma looks devastated with Emre comforting her...ummm am i supposed to feel bad for Huma? Sorry not going to happen...if you wanted me to feel bad for Huma she shouldn't have kicked a cat bowl, insulted and demeaned anyone that was "beneath her" and obviously trying to manipulate her dice ....I could have seen a tragic abandonment story with a remorseful young mother but her attitude does not make me soften to the woman who abandoned Can

Mevkibe goes to the bakal to see nihat...we are still doing this storyline? I mean what's up Asli let them make up already

Nihat is sleeping and Mevkibe is trying to passive aggressively wake up Nihat by slamming the door, and rumpling a bag she is using to get some rice for herself...maybe this is also a little throwback to Can needing to know the difference of rices when he helped out Sanem in the store...Dont mess with the rice's pride lol

Nihat does not wake up from the noises and mevkibe wonders how intense his dream is lol...then she says his new middle name is stubborn - she is calling him Nihat Inat lmao

Mevkibe slams an oil on the table and Nihat wakes up

Mevkibe: Gunaydin... NIhat says he wasnt sleeping, he was just resting his eyes and Mevkibe says he was snoring and she started mimicking the noise lmao

Mevkibe says she is making Sarma ...and when Nihat is excited she says it is for Can because his mom came to town... NIhat and Mevkibe bicker some more ...sighhhh just make up guys please...and also awwww she is cooking for Can love it

Emre talks to Aylin

Emre tells Aylin to stop with all her shenanigans and leave his brother alone

Aylin: when did you start defending and looking out for your brother like this? ....good question Aylin

Emre: you were my weakness and I was in love with you so i went along with your doings but now i dont love you and wont let my brother down again....and there is the Emre we know and...not love....he takes no responsibility and blames aylin for all his actions...she must be a sorcerer or a siren maybe for him to be completely in her control

Aylin is so calm, cool, and collected: so now Leyla is your weakness.....yep so he morphs into her guy now...Emre, in my opinion, is not his own person but rather a ball of playdough

Sanem brings Can cay in his office

Can is so happy when Sanem comes in with the Cay he gets all playfully surprised about her brining the Cay

He goes to kiss Sanem and she starts stopping it and Can says -why are you bending away from me what happend?

Sanem: your mother is here

Can: so what if she is here, she won't stay long i'll send her away no one should stand in Can's way when he wants to kiss his sevgil ;)

Sanem tries to convince Can to not send Huma away etc because blah blah shes your mother blah blah blah

Can says he doesn't want to talk about it about Huma, Fabri or aylin and that all he wants is to concentrate on work...and Sanem agrees

Sanem talking to Can about the slogan plans

Sanem is talking about the campaign for Redmode and Can is watching her in slow motion, focussing on her lips and her eyes, then her lips, then staring at her talking seriously and with intent but muted lol hes like sipping his Cay as if this is a strip tease lmao and i love it

Sanem realizes he is lost in space and tries to bring his attention back ...which does brings him back.... for a moment

Then he kinda does a once over of her lol

But then Fabri calls Sanem's phone and Can sees the caller ID....ufff ya way to ruin the mood

Can is pissed understandably asking why Fabri is calling Sanem....Can picks up the phone and asks Fabri why he is calling...Fabri fast on his feet says it's to apologize to Sanem for everything that has happened....Can: Sanem has nothing to talk to you about. Stay away from my sevgilim and from my company, got it?....ok while i do understand his anger....Sanem can speak for herself....I hate when he acts like possessive Can aka Asli's Can....He would have never acted like this before....Fabri says aren't we past threatening and Can: hang up then, no i'll hang up...and Can hangs up the phone lmao i did laugh at this....

Can tells Sanem if Fabri calls again to not say a word to him and to tell him, and Sanem agrees....this part i do appreciate because in Can's perspective Fabri is pretty much stalking Sanem so the concern on that end i appreciate...not the picking up Sanem's phone call ....he doesn't own her

Deren introduces the staff to Huma...and in front of everyone Huma asked if there are too many people working, if they are all necessary....What a ......nope I wont go there....Deren is awesome and says everyone is needed and in fact we don't have enough people...Deren trying to keep everyone's jobs safe is one of the things i love about her

Ayhan calls Ceycey and he answers it in front of Huma....woof that is gutsy...Ceycey realizes what he did and says it's urgent so he asks ayhan what she needs and Ayhan gets insulted and is like that is not how you speak to me...Love this girl...everyone in this series please take note...Ayhan does not take being spoken to disrespectfully by her sevgil you hear that Sanem and Leyla?...learn from her....

Ayhan gives ceycey a secret mission and he freaks out because he hates secrets...she wants Ceycey to follow Leyla

.....but he does love missions lol he gets all excited about being like a detective....but we know he is a terrible detective as we will see that in episode 39 lol

Ayhan tells Ceycey she wants him to follow Leyem...Ceycey: do you want to watch people's relationships like a pervert bahahahahah omg i love ceycey

Ayhan tells ceycey that Leyla is flirting with Osman and she wants to protect him and make sure Leyem is not a thing anymore...Ceycey agrees

Ayhan hangs up abruptly because a customer comes in the store and Ceycey talks to himself: we used to argue who would hang up, a kiss goodbye, and i love you, now she just hangs up, has our relationship become chill ceycey you're good

Ceycey decides he will talk to ayhan about it...gosh this relationship is i think the healthiest of every couple on this show

Can is talking or yelling rather to Emre in Can's office

Can is upset about fabri and is convinced that Fabri is after something and Emre showing too many of his cards asks if Can wants Emre to talk to Fabri...ummmm gee Emre how do you have access to Fabri / think Fabri would listen to you...Can is too upset to think about this

Can: you can't normally talk with him. he says vile things so calmly and then you go least he gets it now

Emre says he will talk calmly to Fabri and Can says ok but take huma with you lol love it..Can maybe then sneak some kisses in with Sanem and wont go crazy seeing this woman in the office

Something to note: the fandom was going crazy over the shirt CY is wearing as it shows a little part of his chest through the tear style.... the part where the albatross tattoo is now tattooless as it is a drawn tattoo and they don't draw the tattoo when Cy where's a shirt for filming ... the fandom had a frenzy and for the next chunk of episodes we wont see the tattoo and the fandom was missing it a result in episode 33 there will be a comment about it...but we will talk about that when the time comes ;) is kinda crazy how interactive production was with the fandom...they really took our complaints seriously ...sometimes too much lol ama neyse

Sanem goes to the archive room to call Fabri back

that is risky... going outside to call him back would be better, as the archive room is a Canem spot....very risky, Sanem

and another lie to add on to all the lies... she just promised to not speak to fabri...:(

Even the way Fabri picks up the phone with a grin makes me want to punch this I kinda get Can's um outburst ;)

Fabri tells Sanem that there is an error in the perfume formula and there is something missing in the directions as they cant replicate it....Sanem gave the right formula and a bottle of good quality perfume that they could have analyzed...this is just Asli trying to fix things....Asli realized she screwed up in 26 and had a month to see the fandom implode and explode all at once...she is trying to retroactively fix it cant unring a bell, get the toothpaste back in the tube or any other analogies you want to use...too late Asli, too late... you made her sign it away ....stop trying to get on our good side

Sanem is shocked by it not being right and Fabri is accusing her of changing the recipe because she is afraid of Can....again he has that bottle of the goods just go and analyze bro

Fabri wants Sanem to come and make the perfume in his labs and Sanem refuses saying she will write it again and send it

Sanem really could have turned it back on him...."I gave you the recipe, that doesn't mean i have to make it work for you, just like you gave over the shares but didnt say you would give it back to Can"....but of course she doesn't say that

Fabri theratens Sanem that if she doesn't make the perfumes for him, then he will tell Can....Sanem, this is the moment when you say go to hell and tell your sevgil what is going on

Sanem agrees to come at lunch time....Deren finds Sanem in the archive room and tells sanem that huma is looking for her so Sanem leaves the archive room

Sooooooooooo....... Sanem does not only give away her scent one time, but she does it twice and helps them produce it in the lab....Asli seriously i dont think you sharpened that knife you stuck in our cant really turn as much as you want it too

Emre tries to get Huma out of the office and she says she is not a guest and to get used to her being there....GRRRRRRRRRRR NOOOOOO GET OUT OF THE OFFICE YOU ARE RUINING OUR CANEM now what? Canem cant be together outside of work and now not inside the office as Sanem wont let Can kiss her when Huma is in the building...WTF

Huma and Aylin criticize the colors chosen for the campaign saying they look cheap and Deren says since she is not in charge of this campaign it's not her dealings but it is Sanem and Can's issue...Deren is disappointing here

Sanem comes with Cay and goes to see what Huma wanted

Huma: everyone is working and you arent here?....that is true i will give her that

Sanem: i had cases i was looking at in the archive room

Deren again calls out sanem saying she loves the archive room and that she made a space for herself away from everyone...freaken Asli even is taking away my love for Deren

Huma says basically that its easy to cover up lies down pretending you are working...ufff ya

Sanem offers Huma cay and Huma looks at it like she the mother F*ing Queen of Cay....Huma: did you choose the color for this ad campaign?

Sanem says proudly: evet

Huma: you cant even choose the right color for Cay ....oh no you didn't ...that is crossing a never in my life did i think i would want to fight someone for insulting a tea color lmao what dizis do to a person

Sanem looks like she is about to cry and Huma continues: I do not understand how they could trust such a big campaign with you!....What i wont go there again...but Huma is trying my patience here

Then Huma and Aylin go after Leyla but this time Deren doesn't put Leyla down as according to Deren "Leyla is different" and does a great opposed to Sanem...right because Sanem did not create 4 of the most successful campaigns of this year

Huma and Aylin continue to bully and humiliate Leyla but Leyla is actually acting in a very refined way and not getting upset with their words

Huma: you both are sisters? Im not surprised

Can sees what is happening and comes to the rescue

Can stops the bullying of the Aydin sisters

This bullying was next level humiliating as it was done in front of everyone

Can: what is going on here?

Huma and Deren: we are going over the colors of the campaign

Can: with what right do you have?

Huma: i am a partner of the company

Can: being here once in 40 years, bravo

I love Can setting them all straight in front of everyone too...he does not tolerate disrespect in his office workers, especially the Aydin sisters

Huma: aylin agrees too so could it be the wrong decision

Can: oh really, she has a habit of making wrong decisions...lmao love it...Can: you should only decide what belongs in your own makeup ...I love him...

Can takes Sanem's cay from her hand...Can: for the tea you don't understand what is right...He comforts Sanem by rubbing her cheek a little and says in a whisper to her - health to your hands, Hayatim. The tea turned out very well....he is so tender to Sanem and I kinda can feel like he was worried about this which is why he wanted his mother nowhere near Sanem

Huma pulls Can to the side

Huma: your father was not running this place well, he would have never let people he didnt trust be a part of this company, he would have never entrusted important things to these people

Can: he entrusted you with the role of mother.....bam that was a slap in Huma's haughty face...normally i would be like - wow Can way harsh but how Asli wrote Huma? Nope she deserved that and more

That definitely bummed Huma's ego down a peg as she looks upset by his statement as Can walks i feel sorry for her? Nope...not even a little....didnt have to think about it or anything

Back at the Mahalle Nihat is tired and asks for Cay and Muzzo comes to visit a leather jacket and necklaces? What is happening? What is with this new style...are you trying to go Can Divit because sorry its not happening...only ceycey can pull that off ;) (episode 40 reference if you haven't seen the whole show )....Muzzo says this whole twisted story about what happened with Hama's visit like she wants to invest in the mahalle she even gave money to the cat, all this garbage....are we supposed to think Huma is misunderstood or that Muzzo is not understanding anything?....The first i won't buy and the second i believe with every fiber of my being....lmao im extra and i know it ;) ....Muzzo is money hungry and its pissing Nihat off as he starts talking about building big building etc in the mahalle

Ceycey isn't being subtle and is spying and bothering leyla lol....nothing more really to it than that lol

Mevkibe comes to the rescue to show this Huma what a real Ane is...Slow motion Mevkibe enters the agency like a boss holding her stuffed Cabbage

Huma is shocked to see her there and Mevkibe ignores Huma...again like a boss

Can is right there to greet Mevkibe...we couldn't see it but i definitely think he ran to meet her lol

Can invites Mevkibe happily into his office so excited for the visit, and to see the dish she brought

Huma follows after them

Ceycey tells Sanem that Mevkibe is in the office and that Mevkibe, and Can went to his office with Huma following...Ceycey still can't pronounce Huma's name and Sanem tries to help him again say Huma...Ceycey tells Sanem to bring tea and be "surprised" to see her mom there...Sanem says it's a good idea and goes running for that cay lol

Can and Mevkibe is in his office

They sit on the couch together awwww

Can: the stuffed cabbage is so good i want to stick my head in the whole so cute he becomes like an 8 year old sometimes with her and i love it ....and i love she is the caring sweet mom he never had

Mevkibe says she won't mention it again but that she wishes it won't happen again...and that she came to basically cheer him up as Sanem told her the news...Can kinda shakes his head understanding and appreciative...even though i think she is referencing the jail situation i think maybe she is also talking about Huma lol

Huma walks in like she owns the place...Huma: Sanem is the reason for the news so why not she be the one to tell you

Mevkibe is confused

Can: Ms. Huma does not know all the details of everything and so she blames the wrong people and so I beg your forgiveness on behalf of her

Huma introduces herself and Mevkibe shakes her hand like Huma did obnoxiously to Mevkibe before and i love it

Mevkibe gives this great look as she and Huma look away from each other lol...I would call it a look lucy usually gives when something crazy is happening on I love Lucy

Can: I seemed to have lost my appetite, Mevkibe hanim, I will eat them later...poor Can this is so hard for him...especially when you see the stark comparison of a Huma next to a loving Mevkibe

Can then calls out Huma saying wow what is the coincidence your car breaking down in Sanem's neighborhood, after so many years of not being here...Huma kinda indirectly insults the mahalle and just as Mevkibe is about to attack Sanem comes in with tea

Sanem: i made new tea you see the color is different's not different at all honestly and Can looks at it like no i dont see the difference lmao and he starts to really focus, trying to see the difference....lmao i love cy improv

Sanem tries to get Huma to eat the stuffed cabbage and Huma says no

Huma insults the mahalle saying she doesnt eat the same food as them, and she doesn't want to live in a mahalle but at a residents...Mevkibe makes fun in return saying oh you eat money instead

Huma responds its a modern lifestyle and Mevkibe responds ah the modern style where you dont know your neighbors names huh where if you need help no one will come

Mevkibe to Can: If i had a modern life, cocuk ah ah

Can smiles: I agree with you fully Mevkibe Hanim

Huma leaves and Can says she is sour not because of the stuffed cabbage lol...Can called Huma snobbish

Sanem gets a text from fabri saying he is waiting for Sanem and hopes she doesnt change her mind..i won't bother writing the text here...Fabri is not worth it lol

Ceycey updates Ayhan on the Huma VS Mevkibe throw down

Can walks Mevkibe out

Can thanks her for coming and says that she brightened up his day

Mevkibe: I will bring it whenever you are sad, cocuk ....i love their relationship so much

Sanem asks Can if she can go with Mevkibe as Mevkibe is upset and Can says ok and he will go to the gym to burn off the stuffed cabbage ....yes please ;)

Huma and Aylin talk about the Aydins and how terrible they are and they will take them down

Office Humor, I guess, is that Huma is making them listen to classical music and they are all pretending to be conductors...ha.ha.ha? this supposed to be a cliche rich person bit?...if the staff are not conducting then they have their hands covering their ears...because people who aren't rich cant enjoy classical music?...literally this is a 4 min scene...welcome to the world of Asli filler scenes

Sanem at the perfume chemist lab- She gave the recipe again! And says she hopes to never come back....Fabri actually has the audacity to ask if she wants to go to lunch, as if he didn't just do everything he did to her...Sanem leaves pissed

Emre comes to Fabris office and sees Sanem leaving it and Emre leaves without going in

Can at the gym with Umut...his real life smart to have him in scenes- might as well really work out during work out scenes right?....Can is boxing with a shirt on so no albatross tattoo...not sure why he started wearing shirts during gym time... he hasn't done it before...could be CY is self conscious about all the people in the fandom talking about him losing weight the bts of this episode he asks demet if she thought he lost wait and her not paying attention on the phone said yes...she laughs realizing what she said and says no not really...then he tells her how much he weighs lmao poor cy... that probably sealed the deal ;) of no shirtless scene until he gains back some of his lost muscle weight

Mckinon and ceyda in a car and Mckinon talks to his spy on the Fabri inside

This makes me a bit uncomfortable as maybe Mckinnon is not as squeaky clean as he claims to be...he has an insider too in Fabri's company...that is pretty shady

The spy tells Mckinnon that Fabri is about to bring a new perfume to market and get it out before Mckinon's release date for his perfume...Mkinnon says he needs to tell Can the news as he is very worried now about his own perfume release...which is confusing because ummm the agency is doing a makeup campaign not a perfume one...Mckinnon is a world renowned photographer that works in a makeup company that also does perfume ok far fetched but fine...but now he not only is having a new makeup campaign but also a perfume one?...even when it was never mentioned?... Asli is confusing the hell out of me

Ceyda of course was planning on going anyway to the agency because why not right and says she will tell Can about it

Sanem returns to the office

Lets just take a moment to acknowledge how Sanem's extensions are on point this episode but at the same time it's way too noticeable so maybe not...i do like how they look on her...wait until her cup size grows in 30 lmao dont worry i will mention it is as even Demet is having trouble with it lol i think they are slowly trying to make Sanem more "mature" and think extensions are the way to do it ...*she says shrugging in confusion*

Sanem is walking into the office so lost in thought and distracted and Can is walking behind her and sees something is up that she is not present, he even comes so close to stick his head around to see her face and then he grabs her into an embrace

Can: I caught you...gahhhh love it ....catch me anytime Can Divit ;)

Sanem: you scared me

Can: What is with the not present look, you are looking forward and not noticing your surroundings, i look at your face and see its all red, all flushed?

Sanem: I ran to work, that's probably why. Did you go to the gym?

Can: yes it went well got rid of a lot of stress, it was very helpful ...he says it sooooo closely while walking and holding her arm gahhh stress from huma but probably also missing Sanem

And what do you know who breaks up their cute walk into the office...none other than Ceyda *facepalm*....She must tell Can important news

Sanem: great, you should get an office here with a nice view because it must be so hard to constantly come here...lmao I love this girl and her sas

Can invites ceyda to his office

Can and Ceyda ...and Sanem go into his office...I mean ...really?...Sanem you dont need nor should you be in that office meeting it has nothing to do with you, other than you are his girlfriend...this bothers me because she wanted people to not see her as his girlfriend as the reason behind her work status then work like a real worker sanem gosh

Ceyda tells Can that Fabri has a new perfume coming out

Now not only did Sanem give the perfume she is responsible for Redmode possibly losing out on a big campaign because of Fabri rushing his release date

Still no one is explaining when the agency got involved in the perfume part but not now they have to postpone the make up launch to help with the perfume launch that they did not actually have any ad about...this is a very convoluted storyline

Then out of nowhere Can tells Ceyda that Fabri has the nerve to even call Sanem too...why is this her business ...Can doesn't usually share private info and i'm not sure why he has started it now

Sanem leaves and says to herself "what have i done now"....oh sanem you just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper ...just be honest and these next few episodes won't be so unbearable to watch ...Maylesef

Sanem tells Leyla about the Mckinnon spy and leyla says don't worry because if Ceyda knew anything about Sanem she would have told true that B...That woman would pounce ;) i'm trying so hard Ablas ....then Leyla tells Sanem she has a plan to get her parents back together but it's a little childish...and of course that takes priority over telling the truth with Can....

Emre goes into the office and tells Can that he couldn't talk with Fabri because he wasn't there...but he didn't go into the office, he just came back when he saw Sanem there...Can tells Emre about the perfume that Fabri is rushing to put out and you can see that Emre understands now why Sanem was at Farbi's office

Can lets the agency know about the switch and they will work over night in the Divit house

Can asks Sanem if they should leave and Sanem responds: Canem, i need to first go home, to do one thing.. Can: is there anything i can help with... Sanem: no thanx....and Can just walks away nodding used to the brush off i think

So Leyla and Sanem's idea to get their parents back together is to tell each parent that the other parent is very sick and in a bad way, have the parent freak out and rush is wrong with they want both parents to get heart attacks?!...i hate this ...and then they run and see a nice dinner...this is cruel ...Mevkibe and Nihat hold each other so tightly worried and then Sanem and Leyla lock the a cruel version of the parent trap....Nihat and Mevkibe decide to eat etc until the children let them out ...Sanem and Leyla left pictures of the family on the table too ...the dinner is sweet but it sucked how they got them there

Nihat says Mevkibe looks just as beautiful as when their kids were born and Mevkibe calls him an aslan a lion...and eeek... i love it but also feel like oh man watching your parents on a date lol

Awww they reminisce and then Mevkibe calls Nihat "Nihatim" my nihat and Nihat calls Mivkebe "Mivkebenim" my mevkibe...and my hearts a flutter

Mevkibe: lets not do this/fight ever again... Nihat: we won't, mevkibe

Nihat goes to comfort mevkibe and he strained his back and Mevkibe takes care of him awwwwwww love them

Sanem arrives at the divit house

Finally early lol

Can opens the door and says: Canem welcome...what no birtanem? This whole episode is confusing and off

Sanem sad looking: well founded, Canem

Can happy to see Sanem takes her hand: come on

She enters the house while Can holds her hand and instead of a kiss on the lips she gives him a cheek

Can: are you ok, its back ;) ...but i'm pretty sure he asks because it was clear he went for the lips and she kissed his cheek instead

Sanem: Im good Baligim my love, i'm good

Can still not sure says: you're good? I can tell something is wrong you are tense, you're thoughts are in a different place

Sanem: no im really well actually but a bit tired

Can: that's not good ... and he gives her a tight hug saying he will transfer his energy to her.....gahhhhhh this man

Then the moment is broken by Emre and Huma coming home

Sanem greets Huma and then Huma asks Can if he will greet his mother and he gives this death stare wow

Huma showed up with her bags because the Divit house is more comfortable than the hotel

Can is pissed and is not happy but Emre is ok with it

Huma gives Sanem her coat to hang up and Can is pissed by this whole thing

There is a knock on the divit door and Sanem tries to cheer Can up and puts on Huma's coat making fun of her as she gets the door for the office people....and it does make him smile a bit...that was sweet and cute sigh

Osman and Leyla hang out because let's be real Osman has never officially asked Leyla out so I am not calling this a date

Osman says he was happy that Leyla called as he usually calls and she is too busy...feisty osman i love

Leyla says dont say that and then she says the real reason why she called him....ufff ya...Leyla says she wanted to leave her parents alone for a while...nice so he is filler time...Ice queen

Ugh i dont like this moment- Osman says just call me and i'll come and Leyla is like ok....ufff ya

Muzzo bumps into them - should i call you a couple? Its romeo and juliet sitting at a table....ummmm not quite muzzo

Leyla says muzzo can sit in her seat as she will go and Osman offers to bring her home but Muzzo says she can go on her own and Leyla agrees...Osman asks for her to let him know when she is home....ughh first Muzzo shut up second grr Leyla i dont like that she acts "clueless" when she is not

Muzzo and Osman talk about a dream world where they will somehow get out of the friendzones....Osman is their only hope lol as there is no chance with Sanem

Huma is settling in to her new room at the Divit house

Ok so this is the second guest room of this house...why was polen sleeping in Can's room again lol I mean boundaries glad Huma wasnt staying in the Canem guest room that would creep me out ...good move Cagri

Emre asks if Huma needs anything and she responds - yes respect lmao ok that was funny i will give her that

Emre basically tells knew Can would be this way

Huma blames Can's attitude on Sanem affecting him....nope nope nope this is not an Aylin situation where you get to blame everything on Sanem nope not having it nope

Emre: Canem has a good relationship...he doesn't say Canem but you get the gists ;)

Huma: do you approve of this relationship?

Emre: at first i was worried but now we have to respect Can is happy....he's such a weazel, he still can't say yes to supporting Canem...he is a snob and doesnt think Canem are really right for each other but because his bro is happy hes now ok with it how is does Leyem work again? Oh right he is using her to feel like a good person got it.....ufff i know im harsh right?

The agency is working in their usual Divit house spots...I love that Sanem always sits on the right side of Can

The agency is worried because the previous perfume of Fabri was a repeat and now Fabri is confident with something new

Can asks if Sanem has any ideas and since she isnt thinking she said some nonsense and Can sees something is up more than what she was saying before as now she is not paying attention at work too

Huma comes in trying to pretend to be sweet and says that what Sanem says is right as people dont switch perfumes often Huma only uses one it titled- gold digger?

Deren says the colors Fabri chose might indicate a flower smell....eeeeek deren is good...ceycey freaks out to that comment as well

Guliz says its probably for a woman

Huma calls Sanem ...Sanemcim and Sanem without thinking calls her Hamancim...eeek

Huma asks Sanem for her "famous cay" blech ...and Can does not look amused by the sudden shift in Huma's vibe...Sanem goes to get her tea

Can asks Emre for any ideas and Emre says he thinks its a woman's perfume but doesnt have another idea...Can is just like thanx so nothing else then lol

Nihat is moving back home....yayayayay finally....but poor guy has to stay on the couch because of his back

Back at the divit house

Sanem brings Huma tea and makes a joke to Can and he smirks..she basically says "just like this what did you do"lol like what great tea she made lol

Huma: Can i'm not bothering you right?

Can clearly pissed ....Can: no actually you don't exist for me so no....harsh lmao but i love it

Can lets everyone take a break

Huma compliments Sanem's tea and says she normally doesn't like tea...surprise surprise...but she loves Sanem's tea....ick ...and Sanem is just eating up this over the top act while Can is not buying a single piece of it

Sanem: Can you noticed the ice between me and your mother is melting and she is treating me nicer

Can: dont let the ice melt there is no need, let there be no good relationship......seriously Sanem stop trying to make it good with Huma, Can does not want you close with her, dont you get that he is saying it straight to your face ...why would he want his sevgil to be close with someone he despises and doesnt trust?

Can: dont trust her, you will never know what she is really thinking, ok?

Sanem: i thought if she treated me well that everything would be good....Listen to what he wants girl that is not what he wants ....ahhhhhhhh it is so frustrating

Can: just focus on work, perfume is your thing, i am waiting for great ideas from you

Ceyda arrives at the divit house

....compass sport i guess runs itself?... can this Ceyda storyline please be over already?

Sanem starts to say what is she doing here...and Can cuts her off...

Can: if you are going to say what is she doing here, you keep saying that, she comes here like this what can you do.....oh that pissses me offf- maybe you can talk that way to Huma but take it a notch down Can that was rude and disrespectful

Can: welcome Ceyda....grrr

Huma called Ceyda and so she came to chat

Can to Emre: when did they get so close?

Emre: at the party and Ceyda's dad was friends with Ane

Can looks a little frustrated probably because Sanem has been trying so hard to get approval from Huma and ceyda and huma are bffs now

Can lets everyone leave saying that they can be done for the day

Can talks in a whisper to sanem in a begging fashion...

Can: you dont have to go, we have things to do, you will not go

Sanem gets a call from Leyla before answering Can...Sanem: yes abla...Can is like is it really Leyla and checks it is Leyla...I think Can is getting that Sanem has been avoiding him

Sanem tells Can happily that her parents made up

Sanem: Can i

Can: you have to go home...2. Before its too late

Sanem: wow you are 2 for 2.....grrr i dont find this funny as now its just pathetic...they have not spent more than 2 minutes together this entire episode...and they are supposed to be getting married how? How does this make sense?

Can says he will take her home and stay at the mountain hut....He says he will stay at the hut as long as Huma is in the house...poor guy

Canem leaves and Ceyda and Huma are disappointed as they wanted to chat with him...get the hint ceyda?...Sanem gives jeyda this look like ya he's my man taking me home as Canem leave the house.Huma invites Ceyda for dinner and Ceyda says Can wont come without Sanem as Sanem never leaves them alone...uh duh why you need to be alone with Can? Huma convinces Ceyda to not give up as Sanem is jealous because she sees the danger in Ceyda as Can is so suitable for her...this encourages Ceyda...sigh i'm bored with this

Huma barely knows Can and decides ceyda is good for him?

Emre is confused because he thought Huma was getting used to Sanem byt how nicely she was treating her....ya because Huma is a manipulator do you think you got soo good at it Emre?

Emre will not support Huma in her evil plans to break up Canem....good for you Emre

So sanem goes home and has an aydin family group hug and then Can goes to a dark empty hut :( this is heartbreaking ...Sanem should have realized that Can going to the hut was a cry for help and a need for comfort but Sanem was too wrapped up in her own family stuff...Can goes and takes out an old picture of young Can, Emre and Huma...ugh he is hurting so much and Sanem is too worried about: hiding the perfume, Nihat, mevkibe, and huma liking her, to see how destroyed Can is

Sanem tells Leyla- she cant tell Can about the perfume but everyday not doing it gets worse...yep accurate...Sanem thinks she made a mistake and Leyla says it was to protect Can so it wasnt ...I agree...Sanem's mistake was not that part ...i mean it was a mistake to give the perfume and I still feel betrayed ...but the real mistake was her lying about it and covering her lies with lies and then pushing a hurt Can away...that's what the mistake is not doing everything to save the love of your life...I feel like Leyla convincing Sanem she did the write thing was also Asli stating her case why she sold the perfume lol but sorry Asli not forgiving you...i forgave Sanem for selling it but not the lies and hurt she causes Can

The next morning Emre and Can talk in Can's office

Emre tries to convince Can to tolerate Huma and Can is ending that conversation as he doesn't want to spoil the mood

There is a ring box on his desk!!!!!!

Emre sees it and says is that the ring?

Can: I am going to propose to Sanem today I even prepared the mountain hut...sighhhh ....The fragmans of that week let us know there would be a proposal by the hut but still cok romantik ...sighhhh

Emre: but is this the right time?

Can: yes it is the right time

Can takes out that old pic of him, emre and huma to show Emre

Can: yesterday i thought a very long time looking at this photo

Emre: it was a very good time

Can: yes, very good, it was very good. This is our last family photo, look how happy we are, but all i am left with is this photo, sorrow and disappointment...ughh Can this is so sad

Can: i never was able to find trust and love in someone until Sanem, now i believe i could be happy with someone

This actually touches Emre and he says: I am very happy for you, come here and they hug

It is devastating and heartwarming to see that Can has only trust in Sanem...we really see his abandonment issues coming to light...afraid of people leaving he never trusted someone enough to love them

OK the picture so much to unwrap here it needs its own number

This picture is supposed to be their last family picture before everything went ...umm..why isn't Aziz in it?

Then if this was a pic before they separated- the ages are all wrong

Can told Sanem way back when that when his parents divorced Emre went to live with his mom abroad and he stayed with his dad...because Emre was so small when he left, the brothers had a hard time communicating as Emre did not know how to speak turkish they didn't really connect until adulthood

The picture shows kids that are like 7 and 9 or so ...Emre should have been like 2 or so when he left otherwise why would he have issues with turkish if they left around when he was 7 ...i think this is a continuity issue but still such a weird photo to is so confusing

Sanem tells Leyla she is going to tell Can the truth but in private

Emre asks if he can talk to Sanem alone and he says its urgent and Sanem says ok...But Can comes out of his office before Emre and Sanem can talk

Can: Sanem dont take off your things, it's very good it suits you well, Cok iyi baya iyi... turn around and she spins for his energy is adorable and Sanem is shocked enough to spin

Can: we have to go urgently

Sanem: where?

Can: what where? You always ask where to, it's a this boy is all nerves repeating his words over and over

Sanem: ok im coming

Can looks at Emre: You understand righ,t you understand...lmao he is soo excited and nervous

Leyem are going to a cafe outside so Emre can talk to Leyla about what's going on

Ceycey follows them to see what's going on as per Ayhan lol and takes pics of them

Emre tells Leyla he knows about the perfume and leyla fills him in too

Emre tells Leyla that Sanem shouldn't tell Can the truth as it will break him...and that Can is proposing today

Leyla is freaked as she tells him that Sanem is going to tell the truth today

For once can Leyem leave Canem alone?...let them figure it out without Leyem's unhealthy influence please

Leyla tries to call and text sanem but no response

Emre tries to call Can but his phone is off

They stupidly decide to go to the mountain interrupt the proposal i guess ...because somehow that will not hurt anyone?

Ayhan is not sure she should show Osman the pics of Leyem...then her thoughts are interrupted by aysun giving her congratulations for Osman and Leyla having a future engagement because they were seen together last night...then Aysun goes to tell Mevkibe too...everyone just mind their own business please ...I can't

Osman planned a fancy dinner reservation for Leyla, if she is free tonight...ok Osman is not getting this...if you want to ask a woman out on a date...first set a date then make plans...dont expect her to just be free at a moment's notice... all that does is leave her feeling guilty and stressed and you disappointed and annoyed

Leyem in the car

Leyla: i hope we get to Sanem before she speaks to him, they love each other and i want them to be happy

Emre: so do i...but he says it like ya if two people i.e Leyem love each other they should be happy together

Aylin is calling his phone...what a buzzkill not that i really care for Leyem getting a moment ruined on their way to ruin a major Canem moment...Aylin is pushing a dinner and Emre says no dinner

Mevkibe calls Leyla asking if there is something between her and OSman and she says yes because of the Emre and Aylin phone call...and it works successfully to hurt and annoy Emre..and Leyla hangs up the phone

Emre: Leyla, what is going on between you and Osman

Leyla: my personal life does not concern you

Canem arrive at the mountain hut

Sanem: I actually wanted to come here with you

Can: really

Sanem: yes to talk

Can: to talk, in fact i know what you are going to talk about, but if only you wouldn't interfere in this matter...Sanem thinks he knows about the perfume

Sanem: Can you really have to understand me

Can: Sanem, i know you want my relationship with my mother to be good , but this is not something that is easy for me at all, let me handle that on my own, i don't want you to get upset at all

Sanem kinda relieved but not really: ok Canem

Can smiling: ok

Canem leave the car and walk to the mountain hut...and it is beautiful

There is a beautiful table , beautiful white draping material over the tree, flowers everywhere, and dream catchers, and a nice cozy spot of pillows under the white drapery filled with love

Can puts on a beautiful song to play Ay Tenli Kadin by Ufuk Beydemir

Sanem smells the roses sighhh so beautiful

Sanem: the flowers smell beautiful

Can hugs sanem: None of them smell as good as heart is already hurting...he only breaks apart from the hug to kiss her cheek

Sanem: Can, keske we could always stay here, just you me and nature

Can: you wouldn't get tired of me?

They both smile and while Sanem hugs him she says: No i could never get tired of you, why would i?

Can kisses Sanem's palm...and

ok I am sorry i am about to do this but I hate this proposal....if you love this proposal I completely understand and I beg you to stop reading this part because I cant hold back but i dont want to ruin it for you but I waited for this moment and i have not been able to watch this moment since the first time because of how much this proposal hurt to i am sorry but i need to do it this way


I waited for this moment i waited to see how he would propose...and it's a dream world...and then he speaks and she speaks and its all wrong...i dont know what Asli actually wrote for this scene..but it wasn't this...these beautiful words spoken were literally lines Can Yaman said in Dolunay... word for word and that hurt because it lowers this proposal as well as taints Dolunay

He starts off saying that in ancient egypt they used to believe that there is a vein in the left ring finger that connects straight to the heart of a person so that is why they would put the ring on the left ring finger to be connected to the heart....Ferit tells this to his friend Engin as he is getting a special ring ready for Nazli that was for his proposal for Nazli...word for word....i wish he would have told Nazli this but it still was in Dolunay...

Can traces his finger from her finger down to her chest in this explanation and Sanem responds without any feeling towards... no shy or coyness as he traced over her chest just a childlike - really?...not a romantic response at all

Can:modern medicine has proven that there is no such vein but people who are in love when they get married still wear the ring there, to feel the heart of the loved one in their heart

Can opens up the ring box and Sanem asks is this the moonstone?

Can: yes sanem its the white moonstone...Sanem you are my bright side of the moon

Sanem: but i broke this stone...dude just absorb the love dont start asking questions

Sanem: did you make the ring out of the yep he just said that

Can: Sanem since I met you, I feel like a completely different person, but at the same time I feel completely myself, more than ever. I am more afraid but more courageous than ever. I feel myself light as a feather, but stronger than ever. After I met you, I felt more my eyes, my hands, the beat of my heart, sanem. ...this was probably Asli's writing but it fell flat for me Sanem was not responding the way she usually does and the words seem repetitive and not how Can Divit really speaks

Can: Until the end of my life i dont want my eyes to part with your eyes, and my breath to part with yours.......and the most beautiful line of this proposal.... yep you guessed it was taken from Ferit's first proposal to Nazli and honestly he said it more passionately hurts honestly..and i am not sure how they got away with it, as it is literally word for word someone else writing...In the Nazfer seen Ferit is lost in the words and so is Nazli they are so close and he smells her there but in this scene they are a littl distant trying to feel but i felt nothing it...the music and the atmosphere did not help my dissapointemnt

Can: will you marry

And then it freezes and my heart is broken as i am sure the parts where they repeated being stronger and being afraid etc was Asli but the main part of this proposal was not Asli and everything just didnt feel right and i know people loved this moment but it killed me because like yes there were looks and slow motion moments and the music was beautiful but something happened where Cagri and CY looked at his proposal and said no this won't do and decided to add Ferit Aslan lines to a Can Divit proposal....i hated it as these two men were different in every way...Cagri the director and CY worked together on Dolunay together and it just breaks my heart that Asli couldn't write something original enough and CY and Demet couldn't connect with it enough


Thank you Ablas for spending the time with me watching and reading...I dislike this episode greatly so i'm sorry if its a bit of a downer...Next week may be hard to handle as well but we will get through it together....I am glad i got to talk it out with you Ablas ;) be safe and healthy and I will see you next week

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