The Last Search For Arlow Tsa...

By CynkNapp

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Arlow Tsai is a great guy (really). Around the time space aliens became known to the human race, Arlow was i... More

Prolog - Someplace Outside Reality
Source Investigation Report: Time, Place, And Person
Case File: First Appearance #1
Case File: First Appearance #2
Case File: First Appearance #3
Case File: First Appearance #5
Case File: First Appearance #6
Case File: First Appearance #7
Case File: First Appearance #8
Case File: First Appearance #9
Case File: First Appearance #10
Case File: First Appearance #11
Case File: First Appearance #12
Case File: First Appearance #13
Case File: First Appearance #14
Case File: First Appearance #15
Case File: First Appearance #16
Case File: First Appearance #17
Case File: First Appearance #18
Case File: First Appearance #19
Case File: First Appearance #20
Case File: First Appearance #21
Case File: First Appearance #22
Case File: First Appearance #23
Case File: First Appearance #24
Case File: First Appearance #25
Case File: First Appearance #26
Case File: First Appearance #27
Case File: First Appearance #28
Case File: First Appearance #29
Case File: First Appearance #30
Case File: First Appearance #31
Case File: First Appearance #32
Case File: First Appearance #33
Case File: First Appearance #34
Case File: First Appearance #35
Case File: First Appearance #36
Case File: First Appearance #37
Case File: First Appearance #38
Case File: First Appearance #39
Case File: First Appearance #40
Case File: First Appearance #41
Case File: First Appearance #42
Case File: First Appearance (See Appendix)
Case File: Connectivity #1
Case File: Connectivity #2
Case File: Connectivity #3
Case File: Connectivity #4
Case File: Connectivity #5
Case File: Connectivity #6
Case File: Connectivity #7
Case File: Connectivity #8
Case File: Connectivity #9
Case File: Connectivity #10
Case File: Connectivity #11
Case File: Connectivity #12
Case File: Connectivity #13
Case File: Connectivity #14
Case File: Connectivity #15
Case File: Connectivity #16
Case File: Connectivity #17
Case File: Connectivity #18
Case File: Connectivity #19
Case File: Connectivity #20
Case File: Connectivity #21
Case File: Connectivity #22
Case File: Connectivity #23
Case File: Connectivity #24
Case File: Connectivity #25
Case File: Connectivity #26
Case File: Connectivity #27
Case File: Connectivity #28
Case File: Connectivity #29
Case File: Connectivity #30
Case File: Connectivity #31
Case File: Connectivity #32
Case File: Connectivity #33
Case File: Connectivity (Appendix)
Case File: Summary of The First Appearance
Case File: Second Appearance #1
Case File: Second Appearance #2
Case File: Second Appearance #3
Case File: Second Appearance #4
Case File: Second Appearance #5
Case File: Second Appearance #6
Case File: Second Appearance #7
Case File: Second Appearance #8
Case File: Second Appearance #9
Case File: Second Appearance #10
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #1
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #2
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #3
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #4
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #5
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #6
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #7
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #8
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #9
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #10
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #11
Case File: Arlow Leaves Earth #12
The End Of The Multi-Verse #1
The End Of The Multi-Verse #2
The End Of The Multi-Verse #3
The End Of The Multi-Verse #4
It Is The New Age

Case File: First Appearance #4

40 15 12
By CynkNapp

Viewings of nice scenery and young animal media videos were high in the city.

After the Lan left, many went to bed and slept well. The diplomatic and security teams were not sleeping. Area managers were arriving and wanted briefed. Meetings of all kinds lasted many hours.

These were professionals and did not need privacy breaks. Plans were made. But really you never know. What were the Lan going to do tomorrow?

In the morning, the alien arrival area was almost vacant. Just a few small groups of Wroug in black suits, and maybe a dozen white slow moving drones fluttering about (high above).

About five minutes before the meeting. A Lan appeared at the arrival area. A female Lan (known as an elLan) in a black professional suit with a reasonable black skirt and shoes. She was taller than most Wroug, but shorter than male Lans from the days before. There seemed a fair pause, the elLan standing still on the arrival grounds.

She started off towards the building at a pace and stride very like the male Lans. Not many noticed as she walked. She was alien, but almost fit in with every day Wroug women heading to their workplaces.

She entered the diplomatic offices. There were three Wroug in black suits. She was taller than any of them. The Security/Diplomatic Area Chief greeted her. He said, "The mission to collect information was not one that I knew of, but those Wroug are under my command. They should direct any responsibility to me".

The elLan had a pleasant smile, but made no comment.

They headed down stairs, the elLan said, "The Lans that came had good intentions but they are an outreach organization. I personally do not think they committed any offence. They created unexpected reactions. We have decided to restart here as a diplomatic meeting. The Wroug are not a space faring race, so we have not made contact before now. I understand that the Wroug were a longtime member of the area galactic sentient groups. Quite an advanced race, but then entered a period of technology abstinence."

Chief: "Abstinence is a kind description. Wroug civilization crashed very hard. We have been building up slowly. The Wroug blame aliens and say aliens threatened us before the collapse. I am pretty sure, the aliens merely warned us and did not cause our problems. For a long time, we would have alien visits. They would ask us if we want to continue some agreement or another, we would ask some basic questions and then would accept to continue. I am sure it was sympathy or kindness that kept us in the group."

"So I would like to ask you for a quick test. Run down that hall, touch the wall, and come back. Some athletic types got their times down to 5.2 seconds"

The elLan dipped down and clicked the timepiece. Clik,clik,clikity,clikity,clk,clk,ck. Smack, when she hit the wall with her foot and hand. Knee fully compressed, she launched back. Clk,clk,clk,ck,ck,ck,ck. She tapped the timepiece and came to a stop ten feet behind where she started.

Chief: "3.7 seconds?"

elLan: "Yes, desk work always takes an edge off your best times."

Chief: "Uhh. Can we perform a medical exam?"

elLan: "sure"

The elLan changes to medical gown. When asked to hop onto the examination table, she uses her calves to leap onto the table standing on her feet. Looking down to Wrougs gathered with a wry smile. The chief smiles and nods. She smiles and lays down on the exam table.

Chief: "Can you turn off your systems?"

elLan: "I will keep my protective systems on, and we should keep my data streams online. I will turn off everything else."

The chief sees very many internal systems in the elLan. There were scans of the other Lans, from the white drones. This Lan had much more equipment. He thought the Lan would want a skilled and trained representative to be prepared and equipped for any situation. After dressing, both the elLan and Chief head upstairs towards his office.

Chief: "I am a history buff. I see little which shows aliens like you in this area of the galaxy."

elLan: "We do go through style changes. The suit style clothing is new, and we used to have our data connector along both ears that point upward." She uses index fingers to show spots behind the ear at the skull. "It was a good placement when messages were mostly audio. I believe they considered it annoying, and a hard place to keep clean. They used to wear protective ear covers."

Chief: "Did the covers give an impression of pointy ears?"

elLan: "Yes, the covers were generally skin toned"

Chief: "Was the style to wear a large cloak with a hood?"

elLan: "yesssss?"

Chief: "I recently read a compelling historical work, about a very young being on a space station. Her description of a helpful alien race was not one I recognized. Still, this may only prove that the Lan dressed in manner matching others races at that time. I would say that Wroug and Lan clothing choices are also similar now."

They reach his office.

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