The Sheikh's Rebel (gay) ☑️

By monkeybreath

70.5K 4K 388

After their first meeting, Tyler wants nothing more than to put the arrogant Jared in his place. The man seem... More

1. An unfortunate encounter.
2. Busted!
3. Stalker identified.
4. An unwanted offer.
5. Who's the Boss?
6. Eric.
7. "Ah, shit. Buttons!"
8. Michelangelo's David.
9. Payback is a Bitch!
10. Meagre victory, Massive defeat.
11. Smile, your a big hit on YouTube.
12. Paris
13. "Crap. Of course he's a Prince."
14. Vague de Chaleur
15. The medallion
16. The shocking truth.
17. (Un)Pleasant memories.
18. A new path
19. Christmas = Drama.
20. Who am I?
21. Bluff is paid dearly.
22. High point, Low point.
23. Bolivia.
24. Surrender.
25. "Fleur called. You're an asshole!"
26. Sheikh Jabaar.
27. TKO.
28. Pushed out of the closet.
29. This is where I belong.
30. The walk of shame.
31. Family pride and bubbles.
32. Marwon Al-Din
33. Featherweight.
34. Fleur.
35. The odd one out.
36. A painful search.
37. Promises you have to keep.
38. Tyler stands his ground.
39. Amir vs A Cheeky Monkey.
40. This changes everything!
41. Where do I belong?
42. The answer he never wanted to hear.
43. Never leave you protégé.
44. Tarek is mine!
45. "Do you even know why you came here?"
46. The eye of Al-Din.
47. "He's not going to last 15 minutes!"
48. Even those who knew what was coming listened breathlessly.
50. "Do you want to see him tear me to pieces?"
51. "He's my kryptonite."
52. "I'm just the stupid fool who fell in love with an Arabian Prince."
53. "I know why you're smiling, naughty boy."
54. A crazy fool.
55. "The protection you evoke in one, elicits the aggression in the other."
56. "Why had Fleur done this?"
57. "Soap opera."
58. Oblivion.
59. "Simple? Apparentely we have a different concept of simple."
60. "I am Fortune's Fool."
61. The last grain of sand.
62. Betrayal.
63. "Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments."
64. "All that remains is me."
65. Kismet

49. "He'll hate you for this!"

704 49 13
By monkeybreath

Loud clamoring erupted. From many throats sounded harsh resentments and dismay. The old guard remained the quietest. They tacitly recorded him.
Tyler met their gaze. He lingered on Princess Jasmine. As soon as he spoke, it went quiet.
"Princess Jasmine will hold the title for the rest of her days, but Prince Jareed will be stripped of his title immediately, as well as the right to pass it on to his firstborn."
Fleur jumped up. "Why are you doing this? Why are you sabotaging my marriage?" she cried furiously.
His blue eyes slipped from Princess Jasmine to Fleur's red cheeks. "It's not my intention to sabotage your wedding, Fleur. I take back what is an eyesore for many."
On the side of the Benali and Mahfouz family was nodded. Fleur seemed appalled.

"Let me be clear," Tyler said in a stern tone. "If no agreement is reached that everyone supports, then all agreements expire and I will not shy away from sharing my discontent."
"Jared will be furious when he hears this," Fleur said with a face of anger. "He'll hate you for this!"
The destructive words barely touched him. She didn't tell him anything he didn't already know.
"Jared's emotional status is secondary to the greater cause," Tyler said coldly. His tone clearly indicated that this was the end of the matter. Fleur was visibly shocked by his cold words.

He turned to the old Mahfouz. "I'm leaving Dubai tonight, even if it's under different circumstances than before this conversation. Your intention to ensure my safety is greatly appreciated, Mr. Mahfouz," Tyler nodded. "I'm going to Paris to visit Sheikh Jabaar and then travel on to Brazil for the wedding."
He nodded to Jawdat who stood.
"The day of the wedding is also the deadline for the agreement. Next Friday at noon, local time, everything must be signed. If not, all agreements will expire and the royal bloodline will be maintained."
"But we are willing to sign now," Murtada Benali said.
Tyler shook no. "With the next transgression, I won't react as mildly as I do now." He pointed to Bahir. "Then I'll take a quarter of his wealth, as I will from all of you."
There was a shocked silence.
"The consequences are too great to react hastily. The deadline is set at next Friday, 12:00 local time. If there are any questions, you can contact Jawdat."

On a whim, he said especially amazing Jawdat: "I would like to speak to the heads of the families alone. The rest can wait in the hall."
Cautious glances were exchanged. The two younger generations left. Fleur hesitated, but left after Tyler promised to talk to her as soon as this conversation was over.
He was left with Gaith Mahfouz, Murtada Benali, Princess Jasmine and Marwon Al-Din.

Tyler shook his head tired. "Did I make it better or have I saddled you with more problems?" he asked, looking around. His gaze lingered with Gaith and Murtada.
"I have seen in the Al-Din family what strange leaps the younger generation can make to fulfill the ambitions of their respected elders."
Marwon nodded sadly. "I made bad choices and was able to correct a serious misstep thanks to Tyler's intervention." He put his hand on that of his cousin, who warmly patted it.
"It's up to you to lead that younger generation. That reckless misstep Bahir committed is so characteristic of the stupidity of this generation. They don't think about the implications of pressure and violence."
Tyler looked around the table pleadingly. "That's why your leadership is so dearly needed. Right now! While you still can."

Sitting on the table, it was clear to the four attendees that he felt encumbered by the following words: "I have asked the judge to strip myself of all power. I wanted to offer you the assurance that I could not make any arbitrary demands. Unfortunately, this was not possible. At my request, Judge Al-Fez has prepared a form that significantly limits my power, provided that the conditions laid down are met. I sincerely hope that this is supported by everyone."
Murtada looked at him incomprehensibly with his head shaking. "Why all the trouble?" he asked with bitter resentment.
To Murtada's surprise, Marwon grinned broadly. "Can I?" he asked Tyler.
"Go ahead," he said, blushing slightly, raising eyebrows with Gaith, Murtada and Princess Jasmine.
"Tyler has already expressed his admiration at our first meeting for the health, beauty, strength and leadership that the members of our family bear."
He grinned and said in Tyler's voice: "No, really, Mr. Al-Din! Where are the short, fat and bald people in your family?"
Tyler blushed slightly. "I, in my extended family could not fill these fifteen chairs with that standard. Next Friday, you will fill a whole church with it. I feel proud to be connected to such a family."

Princess Jasmine showed a beaming smile and said: "Tell them about your first official request as a bearer of the eye."
The light blush on his cheeks deepened. "Did Sheikh Jabaar tell you that?" He cleared his throat. "Is that really necessary?" he fidgeted back and forth on the table with noticeable awkwardness.
She nodded. "To show how innocent your heart is."
Shyly, he looked at the floor. His legs dangled off the table and for the four who observed him he looked indescribably young and authentic.

"My first request was to Jared. He told me he had to do what I said. So I said, Stand on one leg, hit on your head with your left arm and turn circles on your stomach with your right arm." Tyler got up from the table and demonstrated.
"Of course he refused me in that ruler tone of his. Then I lost my nerve," Tyler said, smiling.
Gaith looked at him speechless. "That was your first request? No money or anything else?"
"No," Tyler said, looking the man in the eye.
"Why not? Why not now? You can get anything you want!" said Murtada fervently.
Sad, Tyler shook his head. "All I want, Mr. Benali, is what cannot be demanded, but needs to be given."
"So you sacrifice yourself," Princess Jasmine said softly.
"We all pay a high price for this peace," was his short reply.

"Both the judge and Nahir spoke very highly of you. It's so hard to imagine you're only nineteen," Murtada said. "You switch so effortlessly between shy and inexorable."
Tyler sat down. "I follow my gut. As I have explained to Mr. Al-Din before, I do not like violence, but I have no problems with applied pressure." He looked at the four seriously. "I hope it's not necessary for me to demonstrate this again."
Frugal glances were exchanged, followed by brief head shaking.
"If there are no other questions, I'll be speaking to Fleur before I leave," Tyler said. He walked to Marwon, but he didn't do anything until the man gave him permission. He could see the pearls of sweat in the grey eyebrows, but nothing was said.
"Do you want to take me in your arm, Marwon?" asked Princess Jasmine. "I'm experiencing some difficulty when walking."
"Of course, Jasmine," he said, and graciously offered her his arm.
Standing together, they walked away.

Gaith was holding Tyler's arm. "You have no idea how incredible that image of those two is. If you've accomplished that, you're a miracle worker."
Tyler looked right at him. "I have only given both parties my honest opinion, Mr. Mahfouz. They have done the hard work themselves."
"Like with us?"
Tyler nodded. "And your hard work starts now."
Together they walked on.
"I've noticed that the Al-Din family is looking for your opinion and appreciates your answers. Is that something we are allowed to use?"
Tyler hesitated. "I am at your disposal should such a situation arise, but I want to avoid unnecessary interference in family matters."
Gaith nodded. "And that's exactly why I'd like to hear your opinion. Thank you, Tyler."
With a handshake, they said goodbye.

Fleur just picked up the last piece of their conversation through the open door of Amir's office.
"Do you want to avoid unnecessary interference?" she threw at him as soon as he entered the office. "Then why are you stripping Jared of his birthright? Do you know what your actions will do to him?"
"Yes," Tyler said. "I know exactly what my actions will do to with him."
He grabbed her hands. "I'm taking away the only thing he shared with his father, and it will hurt him infinitely. He's going to need you, Fleur. He's going to need you to get through this difficult time."
Shocked, she recorded his expression, and the remorse in his eyes brought her to a startling insight. "You're in love with him," she said, shocked.

Angry, she ripped her hands loose. "Is this revenge because you can't have him?" she said starkly.
He sighed. "Believe it or not, Fleur, but this is separate from the feelings I have for Jared."
Fleur looked at him suspiciously. "And should I just assume that you have his best interest at heart?" Her voice sounded bitter.
"Fleur, you know him better than anyone. He fought for his own identity all his life. This is the sacrifice necessary to free him."
"From who? From me?" she asked sharply.
Tyler shook his head. "Not who, but what," he corrected her.
"Okay? What?" it sounded condescending.
"From the obligation to marry you because his family told him to do so. Now he can marry you because he loves you, Fleur."
She looked at him for a while. "How do you know that?"
He swallowed hard. "Because I asked him."
Despite her outrage, Fleur was not impervious to the pain in Tyler's voice.

"What are you going to do after we get married?" she asked cautiously.
The light in his eyes dimmed.
"You won't see me again after the wedding, Fleur. My obligation will stop as soon as I have expressed my blessing. Then I'll go my own way."
She took him incredulously. "We plan to rebuild the practice and live in Jared's house."
Tyler shook his head. "My part in your life is almost finished."
She grabbed his hand. "I love him terribly, you know," she said, overflowing with emotion.
"I know, Fleur. That's also the only reason I can let him go."
"We won't see you again?"
"You have my word." His last words sounded faint.
Fleur didn't seem to notice anything and left reassured.

Tyler felt his breaking point coming. Overwhelmed by all the intense emotions, he collapsed.

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