Love, War, and Best Friends (...

By KingPerseus160

202K 3K 2.1K

Percy is betrayed by who he thought was the love of his life. He leaves camp to complete a quest from Chiron... More

A New Quest
New Information
Sortings and Meetings
Complete Domination
Secrets Behind Closed Doors
Getting Use to Things Again
A New Class? A New Club?
The Return
Meeting the New Girlfriend
New Experiences
A Little Brawl
The Plans
The Betrayal
High Risks and Consequences
Captured - Multiple Times
Back to Hogwarts
The Battles
The Final Battle
The End
~Author Note~
A New Story

A Little Skirmish

10.8K 165 96
By KingPerseus160


"Care to explain to me what happened during lunch Harry?"

I rubbed my neck nervously and looked the wise man in front of me.

"Well you see..." He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Spit it out my boy."

"Well, Percy walked into the dinning hall with Draco. They sho-"

He waved his hand and nodded his head at me. "This I already know. In case you forgot, I was there. I saw their little exchange. What I want to know is why he stormed out of the dinning hall."

"Ron had asked Percy why he was with Draco and why they smiled and shook hands. His response was asking Ron why he couldn't talk to him. Neville then said how Draco was a Death Eater and he couldn't be trusted. He also questioned Percy whether we could trust him too."

"Ah I see, Mr. Longbottom does seem tense around Mr. Jackson. It must be about Ms. Lovegood I presume?" He said stroking his beard. I would've laughed if he hadn't looked so serious.

"Umm yes... Anyway sir he then asked Hermione to defend him but she didn't comply. Percy then asked her again which she responded uncharacteristically, if I do say so from all the years I have known her. Ron then continued to accuse him and Percy just ignored him but when Hermione snapped, Lavender had told him to leave. And that is what happened." I explained a bit nervously. I didn't want to blame any of my friends, but I had a feeling this was more important then it seemed.

"Thank you Harry. Just do one thing for me, try to get Percy back. He may not seem like it but he is smart and powerful. It would not be wise to have him on Voldemort's side." He said leading me out of his office.

I felt as if he wasn't telling me something. I could tell he was holding back some information.

"Understood professor, but do you know by any chance what he was doing with Draco and why Hermione has been acting differently lately since Percy came?" I asked curiously.

"I do not know what Mr. Jackson was doing with Mr. Malfoy, but as for Hermione's case, that is not my story to tell. You should ask her yourself or even ask Percy." He said with that twinkle in his eyes I have seen many times before at my time at Hogwarts.

"Thanks professor." I walked out the door and heard it close behind me. I walked down the spiral staircase and walked past the gargoyle statue.

Should I find Percy and apologize to him it go talk to Hermione first? What would I say to either of them? I don't exactly know what is going on.

I spotted Percy, Hermione, and Ginny waking down a hallway. Well they're both here now, I guess now would be a good time.

"Percy!" I called, jogging up behind them.

"What do you want?" He asked, annoyed, with a slight glare.

I gulped from his look, though I had a feeling he's looked at people more fiercely before.

"Well are you going to tell me something or just stand there and waste my time?" He asked me, tapping his foot impatiently.

I could tell he was getting more annoyed. I took a quick glance at Hermione to see her looking at me expectantly. I looked at Ginny to see her just looking at me curiously.

"I uh, um well, uh wanted to say sorry Percy..."

"For what?" he raised an eyebrow.

"For accusing you for being a Death Eater even though you don't seem like one. I shouldn't have assumed." I hung my head in shame.

He looked at me with a stoic face before suddenly breaking out into a lopsided grin. "All good Harry, understandable for you to think since I was with Draco. Just remember to think before doing anything." He held out his hand.

"Really? Thanks man I guess you're right." I extend my hand and shook his hand.

"Though, is it ok if I do ask why you were with Draco... And um I thought you were mad at him Hermione." I asked, glancing at Hermione for the last part.

She shook her head. "He explained to me with some of Professor McGonagall's help and we've sorted it out.."

"Well if you really want to know and I know you probably won't believe me, but I was having a friendly conversation with Draco. He's a good kid, just going in the wrong direction. He told me what's going on with him and I could see all the pressure he had. Also, before you ask, I swore on the Unbreakable Vow to not reveal anything he told me." Percy answered the first part of my question with a slight grin.

My mouth hung open from what I had just heard come from the mouth of the boy in front of me. "I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, if what you say is true then I don't know. Just don't expect me to be all buddy with him."

This caused Hermione and Ginny to nod their heads in agreement. Percy just shook his head at us.

"Anyway what are you guys up to?" I inquired, just noticing that we were standing near the main doors of the castle.

"We were just going to sit by the Black Lake because it's a nice day and think of a way to get Neville to stop hating Percy so much." said Ginny.

"I sill don't understand, why doesn't he like me? I never did anything to offend him I think" Percy muttered with a thoughtful look on his face

"You're so oblivious Percy. He likes Luna, but he thinks she likes you so he's jealous." Hermione rolled her eyes incredulously at how blind Percy was.

"Huh?" Percy questioned with a bemused expression.

Ginny and I laughed at him. Hermione shook her head in defeat.

"Let's just go." I sighed.

"I'm with Harry on that." Percy agreed.

We opened the doors and walked toward the Black Lake. I didn't notice it before but it really was a nice day. I guess they were right. Percy led us to a big tree by the lake that provided a good amount of shade to protect us from the sun glaring down on us after sitting there for a while. He took a seat and leaned against the tree while Hermione sat next to him. Ginny sat across from them and I decided to lie down and rest my head on Ginny's lap. She stared to play with my hair a little.

"Now that I look at it, you guys look kind of similar. Both have green eyes and messy black hair. You could be brothers," said Hermione, leaning her head on Percy's shoulder.

Percy laughed. "Us brothers? Doubt it."

"I agree we are nothing alike at all." I nodded.

"I was just saying." Hermione shrugged.

"Well, onto the topic at hand, commerce planning for 'Operation get Neville to like me for which I still don't understand why he hates me'." Percy frowned.

We laughed at Percy for his operation name.

"Anyways we got to get Neville to see that Luna doesn't like Percy." I started.

"How exactly would we do that?" asked Hermione.

"Guys I think you're both forgetting, does Luna actually like Percy or not?" asked Ginny, voicing an important piece of information we were forgetting.

"Well she can't!" Hermione said quickly. She turned a bright pink realizing what she had just done.

"Aww, I didn't know you were so possessive Mione." smirked Percy, poking her in the side of her stomach. His statement only caused her blush even more if possible.

We all laughed at her reaction.

"I, um, was just saying she can't because then it would ruin the plan." She stuttered, obviously trying it come up with an excuse.

"Whatever makes you feel better Mione." giggled Ginny.

"Ok guys, enough teasing Mione. Seriously though, she is right, how does Luna feel towards me and Neville?" asked Percy changing the attention from Hermione who shot him a very grateful look.

"Can't we just ask her? I don't think she would be the type to get offended or really even hide anything from other people." I questioned.

"I mean we could... but wouldn't that be rude or something?" Percy answered.

"I don't think she'll mind. She doesn't really let petty things bother her." voiced Ginny.

"Ok so we should ask her first then if she doesn't like Percy, then what?"

"We could get them to go on a date!l exclaimed Percy from his position.

"Ok, and what if she does like Percy?" I asked for a plan B.

"We could say Percy and Hermione are already dating!" exclaimed Ginny.

I looked over to Percy and Hermione to see them blushing furiously. I laughed. Ginny was right though, Percy seemed to make her happy and smile more than before.

"Aww! See they're blushing like crazy." squealed Ginny.

"Ginny why would you say that?!" demanded a very red Hermione. Percy seemed to get most of the blood out of his face though.

"What? It would help wouldn't it Harry?" Both girls and Percy turned to me waiting for my answer.

"I um, yea I think it's a good idea..."

"See! Harry agrees with me!" Ginny smirked.

"Yea but that's just cause you guys are dating." pointed out Percy.

"Yea but I do think t would be a good plan b."

"Fine, I mean I kinda wouldn't mind if um... Hermione doesn't mind." said Percy taking a nervous glance at said girl.

"Oh uh, yes I wouldn't mind." She replied win a small blush.

"See! What was the problem then?" asked Ginny.

"Nothing, anyway, so the plan settled then?" asked Percy.

The rest of us nodded our heads in agreement.

~~ Line Break ~~


Hermione and I had went to go find Luna while Harry had decided to ask Percy for some help in physically fighting. I will admit Percy was right, once we had our wands we couldn't do anything. We were basically powerless, though I hoped Harry would never need to use the training during a real fight.

"Where do you think she would be?" asked my best friend.

"I honestly have no idea. This is going to be harder than I thought," I replied.

We walked along the corridors of Hogwarts and spotted some Ravenclaw students.

"Hey have any you seen Luna?" I asked.

"Luna? Looney Lovegood? What do you want with her?" asked some 7th year.

"Don't call her that! And do you know where she is or not?" I said defending Luna.

"Whatever you say. I saw her in the library last." He said before returning his attention to his housemates.

"I don't get why people always make fun of her. She's such a nice person, just because she likes to express what she believes in more than other people doesn't mean she should be treated unfairly." I ranted.

"You're completely right, we should get people to stop bullying her too." Hermione stated.

Hermione and I walked upstairs to the library on our quest to find Luna. We walked into the library and walked down the first couple aisles of bookshelves. I told Hermione to keep looking in the front while I went to go check further back. Walking towards the back I spotted long golden blonde hair.

"Hey Luna. What are you doing in the library?"

"It's wonderful to see you Ginny. I'm just looking for some information about bowtruckles."


"They are an insect eating, tree dwelling wooden creature that is hard to spot. They are selective creatures who only inhabit worthy trees. They are alternatively called the wandmaker's friend as the trees they inhabit can be used to make wand's wood."

"Uh huh. Anyways Hermione and I need to talk to you.

"About what?" asked the blonde hair girl in front of me.

"Well how about we go get Hermione here first so we can both explain everything to you first."

She nodded her head and got out of her seat and we set off to look for Hermione.

"Psst Hermione. Where are you?" I questioned hoping she would hear me.

"I'm over here. Did you find her?" A voice came from somewhere.

"Yea, where are you?" I said trying to locate her.

"I see you so I'll come over to you." Luna and I waited a few moments before the brunette appeared from around the corner.

"Hey Luna." smiles Hermione.

"Hi Hermione. So what did you guys want to talk about exactly?" asked the Ravenclaw.

"Well um how do we explain this?" I asked looking at Hermione, trying to get her to start.

"We just uh wanted to um know if there was any lucky guy in your life...?" She said quite awkwardly, though she said it better than I would have.

"Lucky guy? You mean someone I love?" Luna asked.

"Well uh yea, love, like, you know." I added.

"Well of course then I love daddy. He's the best in the world. Ever since mom died we have gotten really close. I love looking for creatures with him."

"Uhm Luna that's not exactly what I meant... what we are trying to say is romantically." I explained.


"Well is there?" inquired Hermione.

"Kind of, I don't know I never exactly liked someone before." replied Luna.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Well there the problem is its two different people. Percy and Neville. They're both incredibly nice to me and sweet. I don't know what to do can you guys help me?" explained Luna.

Hermione looked at me with a questioning look and I nodded my head.

"Uh Luna, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but Percy and I are kind of a thing..." Hermione said a bit nervously.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Hermione I didn't mean to intrude. What a terrible mistake I have made! I'm a terrible friend." She ranted.

"No no no, Luna! You're a great friend! You just didn't know. It's ok." reassured Hermione.

"You sure?"


"Well now what?" I asked.

"Well we could go find harry and Percy now and plan on how to get Neville and Luna on a date." said Hermione.

"A date?" Luna asked nervously.

"Yes what's wrong?" I asked worried for what was bothering her.

"I uh have never been on a date before."

"Don't worry we'll help you, right Ginny?" I nodded my head in agreement.

"Also can you guys not mention this to either of them?" Luna asked shyly.

"Of course." I reassured her.

We waked in silence left to ponder what to do next. We were on our way back to the Black Lake.

When we got to the Black Lake, Harry was lying on the grass, sweating and panting like crazy with Percy standing over him. When we got unit earshot I heard him say, "C'mon Harry, that wasn't that much of a workout, you're just over exaggerating."

"Easy for you to say. You've been doing this for like your whole life, I haven't." He wheezed.

"So whatcha make him do?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I made him run some laps, push ups, and sit ups. Basically cardio, strength and endurance to help him shape up. You guys want to try?" He asked without turning to us.

"Uh maybe next time." I saw Hermione and Luna nod their head out of the corner of my eye.

"Well you guys can come next time I train Harry. By the way, when do you want to do it around this time every week or whenever we are free?" He asked still inspecting Harry.

"Yea sure whatever." He said tiredly.

"Anyways what about Luna?" He asked.

Said girl spoke up, "Uh hey Percy."

"Oh! I didn't even hear you, you were so quite. I'm sorry!" He said finally turning around to look at us.

"It's ok." She said blushing slightly and turning away.

Percy raised his eyebrow at us. I decide it would be a good time to explain the situation. "Luna here would love to go on a date with Neville."

"Ginny! You don't have to just tell them like that!" exclaimed the blonde.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Oh never mind. I'll just get some blibbering humdingers on you!"

"Blibbering humdinger? Anyways lets just start planning on how we are going to get you and Neville to go on a date?" I asked curious on exactly how we were going to pull this off.

"We could say is five are going out. Then Harry can suggest that Luna will be lonely. Neville would probably agree and that's when Neville can confess his feelings for Luna and since she already likes him there will be no problem." explained Hermione.

"That is a good idea Hermione." said Percy.

"Thanks." She said with a tiny of pink on her cheeks that I had caught before it faded.

"Well why don't we get ready and I'll go ask Neville." said Harry.

~~ Line Break ~~


Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and I were all waiting outside Hogwarts. We were planning on going to Hogsmeade. We were waiting for Harry and hopefully Neville. He was a good kid, I just think he needs to calm down on me grudges. I haven't even done anything to him! Apparently he hates me because he thinks Luna likes me! I don't like Luna that way, I think of her in a sisterly way, though I'm not sure if I'll truly understand her completely one these days. After waiting for a couple of more minutes Harry and Neville appeared in the giant door frame.

"About time you guys showed up! Its one in the afternoon and we're burning precious day light!" exclaimed Ginny.

"Sorry we got caught up on something, nothing important." explained Harry.

"Hey Luna, Hermione and Ginny." said Neville. All three girls waved to him. "Uh hey Percy." He said nervously looking at me. I caught Luna frown slightly at this out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey man." I said sticking my hand out to him.

He looked at my hand for a moment before taking it and shaking it hesitantly.

"Lets get going everybody!" I wanted to go already. I heard some interesting things about Hogsmeade. I wanted to see it for myself, hoping it lived up to the expectations I had.

We walked for a bit before I saw a town coming into view. Thank the gods it was fair weather, though pretty windy. I was walking next to Hermione in the back with Harry and Ginny in the middle and Neville and Luna all the way in the front. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hermione shiver a bit. I took of my sweater and handed it to her.

She mumbled a thanks and put it on. It was big on her and went almost to her mid thighs. she looked really cute in it. Gah, gods damnit Percy! She only thinks of you as her best friend, she would never like you like that. There was a sliver of hope that I was wrong.

"Well here we are." said Neville.

"What do you guys want to do?" asked Hermione.

"How about we split up and meet up in the front of Three Broomsticks Inn in two hours." suggested Ginny.

"Sounds like a plan." I said.

"Ok we'll see you guys later." said Ginny before her and Harry went off into some direction into town.

"Yea we'll see you guys later." Hermione said before taking my hand and pulling me away.

We walked in silence for a bit still holding her hands. Her hands seemed to fit perfectly in mine. The warmth coming off from her hands was comforting.

"So where ya taking me?"

"I thought we could just walk around for a but and talk if that's fine with you." she answered.

"You're the one who knows the way around here."

We walked for a bit before we came up to a cliff. The view was absolutely amazing. I turned to look at Hermione to see her staring off into the distance.

"Beautiful isn't it?" she asked.

"Very beautiful." I said still looking at her.

She turned to look at me and probably realized I was talking about her. I blushed and looked back off the cliff.

"So how did you know about this place?"

"Well the first time I came here I just wondered around and found this place. I usually come here whenever I come to Hogsmeade. I enjoy the view, especially when the sun is setting. It is perfect." she explained.

"Listen Hermione, I need to tell you something."

She turned to face me, her hazel brown eyes locking with my sea green "What is it Percy?"

"I just, I uh." I didn't know if I should tell her, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. We just stared into each other eyes.

Before I knew it we started to lean closer to each other. My heart started to beat rapidly. We got closer and closer, our lips were right about touch right before I heard a noise and felt a sharp pain in my back and falling over.

Hermione was immediately kneeling besides me worried.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Someone hexed you." she said warily looking around our surroundings.

"Correct girl." said a masculine voice.

From my position on the floor I saw a couple of figures in black standing in front of us. Damn it where id they come from! I shouldn't have let my guard down.

"Help me up Hermione."

She helped me up and I had to lean on her, putting some of my weight on her. I got a better view of them.

"Death Eaters." I growled. "What do you want?"

"We were sent to capture the girl over there." said the one in front pointing to Hermione.

I stood up completely and pushed Hermione behind me. "You'll have to get through me first."

"Hermione I need you to listen, go find the others I'll hold them off for as long as I can."

"I can't just leave you hear by yourself. I'll stay here with you."

"No Hermione, get Harry and the others, I need you to do this."



"Be careful or I'll never forgive you." She took off running to find the others.

"You three after her." said the Death Eater obviously in command. The three Death Eaters started to run after her.

I quickly pulled out my wand, "Confringo!" the spell hit two of them, but before I could attack again I had to dodge an Avada Kedavra coming at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him run off towards the way Hermione went.

"Damn it." I mumbled under my breath. "Petrificus Totalus!" I yelled. The spell flew towards the Death Eaters, but my target moved out of the way. It then hit another Death Eater behind him.

"Well, not who I was aiming for, but that works."

The Death Eaters deciding to go on the offensive all yelled a bunch of hexes and curses at me. The first couple of Death Eaters sent some Imperios and Avada Kedavras. I was able to narrowly dodge some of them and used the Protego charm to block the ones I couldn't dodge.

Hermione needed to get back soon, I was tiring fast because of the hex that had hit me off guard.

"Is that all you got?' I taunted. Hopefully they would get mad and lose concentration.

"Silence! You are a mere boy, you can't defeat all of us together!" said one with some anger.

"Stupefy!" I shot a couple of them towards them. I was able to his a couple of them successfully stunning them.

"Expulso!" one of them yelled. I jumped out of the way just in time before the spot where I was standing exploded.

I tumbled onto the ground. I was slowly getting up until I heard a faint Crucio, shortly after I was hit with immense pain in the chest.

"Ahh!" I screamed in pain.

Thanks gods for being a demigod. It gave me some resistance to some spells, had I not been a demigod I would be dead. My shirt was ripped and there was blood lfowing from my torso.

"Impossible! How are you still alive?!" asked the leader.

"Because you suck." I said starting to lose some of my consciousness and my eye sight started to get blurry.

Their brief shock allowed me to stand up wobbly. I surveyed their remaining forces. There were only a fourth of them left, I uses Lady Hecate's training has paid off for my first real fight.

"Percy!" I turned around to see Hermione with everyone else running towards me with their wands in hand.

"Hermione! Are you okay?" I asked making sure that Death eater hadn't got the chance to do anything to her.

"Oh my god Percy are you okay? We need to get you help as soon as possible." she said looking at my wounds.

I grimaced, "Its not at bad as it looks Mione."

"It doesn't matter that your friends are here, we'll kill you all!" exclaimed the leader.

"Shut up." growled Neville. He then fired a couple of Stupefies joined with Harry firing some Petrificus Totaluses. Luna and Ginny were covering them with Protegoes. They seemed to be working like a team who have fought before.

"Percy you need to get out of here!" said Hermione worried for my wellbeing.

"I can't just let you guys for yourselves. I'm staying to help." I really wish I had some nectar or ambrosia with me right now.

The battle in front of me was going nowhere it. It was a stalemate until the leader seemed to get aggravated. He yelled "Fiendfyre!"

My eyes widened at this. "Everyone get out of the way!" I screamed. Harry, Ginny, and Luna heard me but Neville didn't, the fiery inferno was heading right towards him. I pushed Hermione into safety an ran as fast as I could towards Neville. I got to him in time and pushed him out of the way just as the fiery inferno consumed me and the spot he was at.

Before I was engulfed completely by the inferno I saw his eyes widen. The fire was extremely hot, almost as hot as Mt. St. Helens. Thanks gods for being a son of Poseidon otherwise I would be a crispy Percy.

The burning sensation finally got to me and gave a pained scream. Once the inferno died out I was on the ground all covered in soot. Almost all my clothes were brunt completely. Some of my skin was burned and I was on the brink of unconsciousness.

"Percy!" I heard Hermione scream before running over to me. "You're going to be ok." she tried to reassure me.

"Stop them for me." I croaked. I could see tears start to form in her eyes. She nodded and stood up and pulled her wand back out.

Before my world went black I saw my friends fight and defeat all the Death Eaters except their leader who was able to apparate away last second.

~~ Line Break ~~

Somewhere in a dark and secluded place

"You have failed me!"

"M-my lord, they caught us off guard."

"Come let me see." The man walked towards his master. His master grabbed his head and went through the memoires of his servant.

"Defeated by a couple of students! You disgrace!"

"S-s-ir, please give me a second chance."

"No, Avada Kedavra!" the curse flew and hit its mark. The man dropped dead.

The murderer of the man thought in silence, of this mysterious green eyes boy he has never seen before. He looked awfully familiar like someone he knew. His mind immediately came to a blue eyed woman with brown hair as realization dawned on him.

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