Pink Skies (Dean and Sam Winc...

By OzzyBlack22

213K 6K 594

"Well Jack called for me, " Rania told them. "I did not, " Jack said looking at her with accusing eyes. "Ye... More

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Pink Skies 24

3.6K 131 25
By OzzyBlack22


Rania's body ached,it was still night but it was cold she pulled the teddy bear close that Jack gave her,enjoying the comfort it gave her. Rania's large pink eyes sprung open,looking up she saw long dim lights, the words SOWRDFISH  was faded on a wooden board she wanted to talk,to call for Jack or Sam yet she couldn't. Looking down she noticed she was in jeans and boots yet as she went to touch her leg,her wrist felt bound like with...Santina.

Her eyes looked to see a large disfigured woman in underwear and nothing else. Her flesh smelled rotten,her eyes sunken in as her skin bubbled underneath making certain parts of her body bulge as pus and blood seeped from open wounds.

"I've never had a Winchester before," the garbled voice stated as her vision spun.

"I'll rather be eaten by anyone...except you," Dean's voice stated as he was smacked across the face Rania gasped feeling blood leak out of her mouth.

"When your friends get here,then we'll feast," she cackled as she used a knobby finger to taste his blood.

'Damn it,Mother goddess...please,' she heard Dean's distorted voice pray,'have Rania get here.'

Rania gasped at the memory trying to collect her racing thoughts,quickly she rushed almost falling  into Sam's room. She realized that she was seeing Dean,he was captured,she wondered how he did it since she severed their connection but shook it off,he needed Sam.

"Samuel!," she yelled at Sam who instantly pulled her close drawing a gun.

"Are you ok,where are they?," he asked lowly trying to protect her.

"No Samuel,Dean needs you the ghouls got him," she rushed out as she pulled away tossing him his clothes.

"Where is he?," Sam asked hurrying to get dressed.

"Sword Fish is what I saw on wood," she rambled running to Jack's room. The door flew open to show his glowing golden eyes.

"Jack,Dean is in trouble we're leaving," she told him tossing him his clothes to get dressed. He rushed to do so,he wanted Dean saved but mostly he wanted to impress Rania,she would be so proud of him.

"We don't have a ride, " San stated once they were outside yet hearing glass break he saw Rania break the front window to a red car, getting in and hot wiring it as it rumbled to life she smiled at him happily as he looked surprised.

"How did she learn that?," Jack asked.

"I watched Samuel,now c'mon," she told them as they got inside the car Rania sped off as they realized, she didn't know how to drive at all.

They reached the area,Rania parking out of sight as the two men got out of the car vomiting. Rania shook her head at them watching the four ghouls guard the place from outside. The smell of rooting flesh seemed to burn into their nostrils as Sam tried to think of a plan to save his brother.

"Rania!," Sam whisper yelled at her as she walked up to the ghouls.

"Oh hi ghoulie," you stated in a singsing voice,"I'll be going inside," she told them as one shoved her to the ground her eyes flashed red and she smirked.

"Your the bitch, you was with those hunters,"one spat out voice malicious yet soon his bottom jaw was ripped off as the others went to attack Sam and Jack struggled to get up seemingly shocked by Rania's actions. Sam shot at one that lunged towards her hitting it between the eyes as Jack slammed anothers face into the ground a slushing sound had them look at a red Rania as she held a ghouls heart in hand.

"I didn't mean to steal it,but I wanted it," she pouted as they took their last breath and collapsed she put it in her mouth swallowing it whole.

"No!," Sam yelled,"bad girl," he told her as Sauvegarde pouted.

"No time we need Dean," Jack told them as he checked the door it was locked from inside as Sauvegarde slammed her elbow into the glass reaching in she unlocked it as she formed her crystal weapon into a bow that gave off a soft luminescent glow.

"Let's play," she said as they walked in behind her their guns drawn a ghoul jumped out and Sauvegarde pulled her invisible bow string back as she shot a bright red light shot  into their head as it turned into dust immediately.

"Rania can't do that," Sam stated as she smirked.

"Rania is actually stronger than me," she told him scoping out the area.

"How?," Jack asked confused as she glared at him.

"I'm not telling you," she snapped,"you reek of brimstone,especially now," she told him as they moved forward. Sam was confused by her statement but Jack wasn't,fire and brimstone was in hell, she could smell hell on him but Jack didn't understand why she noticed that ordor on him now.

'Maybe since I'm drawing in Rania's powers my devil side is growing,' Jack thought to himself,hoping the red haired girl didn't figure it out too soon and expose him. He cared for the brothers deeply but he knew they'd abandon him if they found out what he was doing to her. He knew he needed to be strong, stronger than them or any enemy if he wanted to have Rania as his. So he kept quiet as they walked Sauvegarde stopped as she stood on the wall in the shadows she put her finger to her lips then disappeared into the dark corner. Ghouls immediately came out attacking them as Sam and Jack began shooting but there was too many as the familiar sound of a gun clicking reached their ears.

"All out?," a mocking voice asked as they saw a grotesque figure of rotting flesh step forward.

"Take them to the other one, now we're feasting," she commanded as two ghouls grabbed each of them. They struggled against them to no avail as they were dragged down the dirty halls that had a strong ordor of ghoul and fish. Soon large metal doors were opened to reveal a slumped over and beaten Dean.

"Dean!," Sam yelled as they were forced into metal seats and tied up to them. All Dean did was groan in response to his brother.

"Rania knew they were coming," Jack stated aloud thinking to how she told them to keep quiet.

"She's coming back for us," Sam told him," she cares about us."

"Rania does not Sauvegarde," Jack told him not understanding why she'd just leave and not warn them at all,'maybe she does know what I'm doing,' Jack thought to himself,'but why let them be killed too?,' he asked himself as he saw an odd glow coming from the far corner of the room. Sauvegarde popped her head out of the dark corner smiling until she saw Dean.

"My Dean," she cooed running to him she kneeled at his feet wanting to touch him but scared to hurt him. Sauvegarde kissed him bloody lips softly then his head," my dear what have they done to you?," she asked as the sound of a door opening startled them.

"Go,we don't know how many there are or their plans at least we have surprise on our side, so hide," Sam whispered to her as she nodded her head in agreement then stepped back into the shadows and disappeared.

"Well if it isn't the Winchester boys and should be Anti-Christ," the ghouls teased.

"What did you do to my brother?," Sam asked tugging at his restraints as the ghouls mocked an 'oh' at him as if he wasn't frightening.

"Nothing he didn't deserve," one replied as Sam noticed red eyes flash on the other side of the shadow room. Sam was confused as he realized she kissed Dean on the lips and was protecting him.

Had she choosen who she wanted?



Sam's neck snapped to the right as he was punched in his jaw making his teeth snap against each other. He grunted in pain as he tasted blood the ghouls cheered in joy at him being in pain. Yet soon a loud scream echoed the room as blood sprayed they stepped aside seeing a crysral scyth against their comrades throat as it was dragged against their neck slowly as brown and red blood flowed freely. They followed the staff to a dark corner as they saw blood red eyes staring back.

"Its just a demon," one stated brushing it off, "we have the Winchesters, were safe."

Yet Sauvegarde sliced one stomach open stepping from the shadows.

"No...your," a ghoul asked stepping away from her yet she smirked slicing everyone apart everyone who attacked or tried to run. Sam looked away trying not to get blood in his mouth as she leaned on her weapon smiling a bloody smile.

"Wow messy," she laughed rushing to set them free yet she was more careful with Dean.

"I got him," Sam stated yet his brother was already thrown over her shoulder as she walked back the way they came. Sam never had a mission done so quickly without him or the others getting seriously harmed, he was happy about it but seeing how caring she was with Dean upset him.

Soon they were back at the hotel, with him driving he went to get out but Sauvegarde reached over and closed his door.

"Jack go get our stuff, we're leaving," she told him her red eyes focused on Sam's as Jack got out she sat back in her seat looking at Dean's slumped form in the back seat.

" head we have other missions we can't go," Sam told her.

"And Dean is hurt, I'm not going to push him we're going home," she replied crossing her arms in defiance.

"Why did you kiss him?," Sam blurted out the question that burned into his mind.

"That's our business," she cooed as Sam gripped the wheel tightly.

"I...I wanted you," Sam confessed,"I just wanted one good thing to be mine."

Sauvegarde laughed at him heartily as he stared at her with heart broken eyes.

"Oh my dear Samuel," she cooed pushing against the door to be closer to him,"when will you understand?," she asked straddling him in the seat her warm peppermint breath fanned against his face as tears threatened to fall,"I'm too much woman for one man," she told him looking serious yet sexy as a smile burst across her face as she kissed him biting his lip as her long tongue explored his warm cavern,she dominated him grinding against his member placing his hand on her left breast and right arse cheek.

"I'm meant for more than just one...Winchester," she gasped out as her eyes rolled back she collapsed against the wheel, the horn ringing loudly into the dark morning,Sam placed her in the passenger seat quickly just as Jack ran out with everything.

"I was coming I just needed Nia's bear," Jack explained getting into the crowded back seat. Sam sat dazed trying to decipher what he thought Sauvegarde was implying. Shaking his head he pulled off in Baby heading to tge bunker.


Rania saw herself in a rose pink garden on a swing. A tanned man with chestnut hair around his ears and face,he pushed her high on a white rope swing. She wore a large sheer gown with layers of lace as the sleeves billowed around her. On her left calf was a beautiful symbol hidden in her tattoo design.

"Higher Chuck!," Rania yelled out happily.

"Anything for you baby girl," he told her as large beautiful winged creatures watched them she waved at them. Their wings were perfect wind and shade to her. Yet her Dad told her to leave them alone especially Lucifer and Michael they were her best friends since she was a baby. Yet her Dad was spending more time with her to keep them away. They never hurt her but she wondered what her Dad was hiding. Even though her mind raced her pink eyes looked back at him full of what God wanted most...

Pure unconditional love.


Sam carried Rania inside first as Jack helped with Dean to be carried inside.

"What on earth?," Mary asked almost yelling as she looked at the bruised Dean and unconscious red head on the couch.

"We can explain," Sam and Jack spoke in unison as they then looked at each other nervously accidentally dropping Dean onto the hard floor Mary gasped hands over her mouth as she glared at them.


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