serendipity ✙ harvey kinkle

By tranquilette

30.9K 851 88

serendipity (noun): the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. cover by... More



2.9K 74 5
By tranquilette



To say that Victoria was nervous would be and understatement. She had never been the new girl; all her life, she had lived in San Fransisco, always having her best friend Cindy by her side. But now none of those statements were true, and she could feel the anxiety creeping in with the fact that she will be starting at a new school in approximatively one hour.

But, Victoria did what she has been doing since she could walk, and composed herself and banished those thoughts of nervousness. She was Victoria Murphy, always composed, always guarded, and most importantly always right. The past week was nothing but a small bump in her road to greatness, at least that is what she told herself. She didn't quite know how to grieve, and after the initial shock wore off, and people stopped calling her a freak (thanks to the move), she went on with business as usual.

Pretending everything was fine was the way she grieved, she had decided whilst unpacking her new room. Sitting down at her vanity and brushing her shoulder length brown hair, she applied her makeup. Satisfied with how she looked after having popped on her cherry chapstick, she stood up and brushed off her yellow dress.

She was interrupted by her mum knocking on her doorframe, who smiled kindly. "You look beautiful honey. Nervous?"

She smiled at her warmly and laughed, "why would I be? This will be a piece of cake."

Her mum laughed lightly, glad at how her daughter was handling the situation, and walked away. Victoria grabbed her school bag and after yelling goodbye to her parents exited the house and started her walk to school. The new town they moved to was mostly covered in a gigantic forest, but Victoria wasn't complaining. It was a nice contrast to San Fransisco. Finally making it to the school, she made her way inside and glanced around. It was a lot smaller than her high school in San Fransisco, but once again, she wasn't complaining.

She trekked to the principles office, and opened the door after knocking. She was met with a woman sitting at a desk. Victoria smiled at her, "Hello, I'm Victoria and I'm new here. I came to collect my schedule."

The woman nodded and smiled whilst getting up, "I'm Assistant Principle Glover, welcome to our school!" She turned around and opened a drawer, "Here you go!" she said whilst handing the schedule over.

Victoria smiled and thanked her, then turned around to leave. Exiting the room and turning to look for her locker, she looked up to see someone bumping into her at full force, her books flying everywhere and her schedule ripping into two from the weight of the books. "Fuck! I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!"

Victoria looked up to the owner of the voice and saw a long brown haired boy with deep brown eyes. She scowled at him, "Yeah, I could tell when you rammed into me." She bent down to pick up her books at the same time as the boy, making their heads bump together. "Oh my god! You are insufferable!"

The boy looked at her shocked, "hey, I was only trying to help!"

She grinned at him sarcastically, "Yeah well thanks a lot champ, but this damsel in distress can pick up her own bloody books, even if you were the one to knock them down. Don't really want to end up with a broken leg from anymore of your help."

The boy scoffed at her, "unbelievable." He got up and dusted his jeans off, "well have fun then." Then he proceeded to saunter off to wherever he was originally going.

Victoria finished picking up her books and now her two piece schedule, sighing irritatedly. At least she managed to find her locker.

✙ ✙ ✙

Quickly hurrying to her first class of the day after having packed her books into her locker, Victoria's eyes wandered around the room to find an empty seat. She quickly walked to an available spot next to a short brown haired girl and asked, "is this seat taken?"

The girl shook her head. "Nope. Hey, I haven't seen you around, you must be new!" She extended her right hand, "I'm Susie."

Victoria took it and shook it whilst smiling, "I'm Victoria, nice to meet you."

The teacher, having arrived, interrupted them. During class Victoria payed attention and took notes as fast as she could, but this teacher was a lot quicker than her teacher in San Fransisco was and she was having a hard time keeping up.

When class was finally finished she started packing her bag, but looked up when Susie started talking to her, "Hey, I saw you were having a hard time taking notes. I mean, I get it, it took me like three months to learn to keep up with Mrs. Jefferson's pace, but I promise you'll get there. What do you have next?"

Victoria looked down at the first half of her schedule, where Monday, Tuesday, and half of Wednesday were. "Um, I actually have free period."

Susie's eyes lit up. "Same! Want to go to the library to talk?"

Victoria smiled, already liking how bubbly this girl was. "I would love to."

Getting comfortable on the couches, Susie glanced at her. "So I couldn't help but notice your schedule was ripped. How did that happen?"

Victoria sighed frustratedly. "An idiot rammed into me and made my books fall, in the process ripping my schedule."

Susie grimaced, "Oh, I see. He must have been a member of the football team. There's a lot of idiotness to go around there."

Victoria laughed warmly, "Maybe."

Susie continued, "And how come you moved here?"

Victoria's smile faltered for only a second, "Well my dad got a job offer here at the newspaper so we moved here."

Susie nodded, "so you only live with your dad? I only live with my dad too."

Victoria nodded to acknowledge what Susie said but continued, "No, actually I live with both my parents, well my adoptive parents. My real ones passed away when I was like 3."

Susie glanced at her, "oh, I'm sorry..."

Victoria laughed, "Oh it's okay, nothing to get awkward about, I don't even remember them. All I have is this fancy ring, but other than that I don't even know their names. But I really do love my mum and dad who took me in, so everything's okay." She glanced down at her silver ring, with an ornate S being engraved in it, fiddling with it.

Susie smiled, "I'm glad to hear that. I don't get along that well with my dad, we don't fight or anything, we just don't have a lot to talk about so yeah."

Before Victoria could formulate a response, the bell rung, indicating that they should get going. She really liked Susie, and felt proud of herself for already making friends.

Susie quickly got up, " Come on I'll walk you to your next class and make sure no more jerks bump into you."

Victoria laughed, "Okay, thank you."

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