Mockingjay academy

By WritingAsUsual

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Ok so where do I start, this story has all characters from all the hunger games books. They all look like the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: fixing things
Chapter 12: truth 'O dair
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16:party for the not-normal
Chapter 17: after life
Chapter 18: (extra long update)
Chapter 20: I Go Back To December
Chapter 21:change in the weather
Chapter 22: theyre gone
Chapter 23: our group
Chapter 24: classic day
Chatper 25: suprising events
Chapter 26: no trust
Chapter 27: bad blood
New story out!!
Chapter 28: messy place
Chapter 29: secrets
Chapter 30: sydney or katniss
Chapter 31: One returns and one leaves
Chapter 32: hurting
Chapter 33: happy?
Chapter 34: do i have a Brother NO
Chapter 35- TIME SKIP
Chapter 36: Angry
CHAPTER 37- Regret and Remorse
CHAPTER 42 {Very Long Update}
Chapter 43: Shopping, cinemas and memories
Chapter 44: Going till morning
Chapter 45: We're naive
Chapter 46: numb

Chapter 19: my new bro?

2.7K 110 7
By WritingAsUsual

(At the café)
Everyone turned up apart Cato and clove. The reason behind that was no one bothered to tell them.
When they get here we start the convocation off with the teachers that we hate. Then I moved on to more interesting things after we order our food.
I daze my eyes so all the lights go into a circle shape and everything is blurry.
"ANNIE! ANNIE!" Finnick is snapping his fingers Infront of my face.
"Wh..what?" I stutter.
"You zoned out," he tells me. I nod and start to eat my dinner. It's a bit cold that makes me wonder how long I have been zoning out. If that makes any sense.


I Finish my salad and just sit back on my chair. I only had a salad because I'm not that hungry. Seriously. But not everyone is happy about that..
"Katniss you really should eat something," Peeta tells me.
"Just leave her alone." Gale hisses.
"Katniss.." I smile as I turn to. When I look at him a smile comes naturally.
"I'm fine, I promise, though you should be eating you've spent all day in the woods."
"Yeah," laughs Peeta "I still don't get how you climb so eat something."
"I'm fine I promise." I reassure him.
"See. Happy Peeta?" Gale smirks. It's not funny. Not to me. But to gale he thinks he has a habit of over estimating how he comes across. I mean he thinks it was a joke. But that was sort of an insult.

This is hard. All I want to do is talk to peeta. But gale makes that impossible as he blabbers on and on about his primary school how and he had a best friend who he had to move away from. I had that. When I was younger. My friend moved away. I can't remember why though. It happened when I was 11.
At that age people called me Katy. And there was this boy, he hated me talking to other people, he was so afraid of having no one to confide in or even to speak to. So one day during an argument round his house...he threw something at me. Glass. It was a glass vase then he hit me with the bottom of the vase that wasn't broken.
But his strategies where always different. I could never quite keep up. I could never remember stuff clearly.
I only remember very clearly his first name and this phrase he always used to tell me before I passed out. He hoped it would sink into my head. Like it was a curse.
His name was Gail. Spelled differently to my friend sitting next to me Gale. And the saying that would stay in my head till I was awake was
'The eyes are the true way to remember someone'
But I have never seen 'gail' spelled that way before. But we live in a world of wonder.

I shake my head.
"What? Why do shaking your head?" Gale reaches for me. "You ok?"

"Yo guys shhh!" Cato hushes me and peeta. Gale leans into Cato convocation.
"Ok,ok,ok I have a question!" Clove squeals. "Childhood nicknames?"
"Ok! Shimmy," glimmer says.
"What happened you like that sort of dance or something?" Marvel jokes.
"Hahah so I was name shimmy because I couldn't stop moving," there's a bit of laughter from Annie and Finnick before someone speaks up.
"Sea monkey." Finnick announces. "Laugh joke, but that was my name." I put a strait face on and look at the others. Then we just burst at the same time. Laughing so much I might be sick.
"When my mum re-married my new dad always joked about how he couldn't remember my name. Actually just thinking about it his surname was Ever.. Something but he changed to Odair." Everyone turns to me.
"We can't be related there are so many people with the surname everdeen." I tell them.
"What was his first name?" Finnick asks.
"David." We say in Union.
I try to think of how this worked. It's impossible.
"Finnick do you have any brothers and sisters?" I look down to he table.
"No, although David said he had two daughters."
"You know what I think?" Glimmer says. We all exchange nods.
If that's true then FINNICK is my brother. Step brother even.
I have a brother.

"Ok, my was Gale but spelled a different G. A. I. L. because I wanted it spelled differently." We all just stare at him.
"You were a very weird kid." Marvel blurts out.
"And proud of it..." He looks around. "Stop staring at me with your creepy eyes!" Us girls carry on glaring at him.
"You know what? Keep going after all the eyes are the true say to remember someone!" He says. Glimmer laughs.
"I don't get that." Clove whispers to cato. Who's next to her.
Then it hits me. He's 'gail' he beat me un ionises when I was little. My hands turn into fists. Tears start to form in my eyes. Even the hairs in the back of my neck start to rise.
"Gale," I begin. "be honest with me."
"You remember?" He stutters.
I ignore peeta trying to ask me what's going on but I only answer by saying
"Nothing don't worry."
But I don't take my eyes off Gale. My hands finally knock into tight fists and I remove them from the table.
"you have 30 seconds to come up with an explanation I can't believe you!"
He told me he had a mental problem when he just wanted my sympathy and forgiveness. He's sitting next me. I laughed with him, I talked to him. I trusted him.
"You knew didn't you!" I yell as I stand up. The tears spring my eye. "The whole entire time you knew! And thought I didn't!?"
"Knew what?" He says calmly.
"That I was her!" I slap my fists on the table causing annie and FINNICK to look our way. "You were never gonna tell were you?"
I turn away and look to Peeta as I let silent tears fall down my face. My hands feel hot and sticky, as I look at them PEETA takes one of my hands in his own trying to comfort me. But then blood starts to pour from the hands. Drips onto the floor and makes a pool on the table.
"I'm sorry....It was your fault!" I slowly look back to gale.
"You couldn't stand me being with other people!" I say.
"You took my freedom and disposed what was left of it and then comeback for more!" I yell.
"You were the only friend that I had!" Gale rises to his feet and our whole table falls silent.
"Katniss what are you guys talking about?" Peeta asks again.

"I'm not explaining." Gale says.
"Don't look at me!" I stand up.
"I was not some Barbie doll! then or now! But to you I was your personal toy! You know everyone's human, everyone brakes, everyone face loss, everyone can live in hope.....but you took away all of that!"
I exhale all the breath I didn't know i was holding in
"That day you killed a part of me that I will never get back." I stand up.
"Katniss! Don't blame me! I told you not to go off with other people!" He starts.
"You have no right to call me by my name! You abused me! You took away my freedom! You almost turned me into an avox!"
"Avox?" Clove questions.
"Not. Now!" Gale hisses.
Then then the tears start to flow.
"You did it for months all because I wouldn't hang out with you!" I scream. Gale takes one of my bloody hands in his.
"Katniss..." He begins.
"Don't touch me! Don't talk to me! Don't go near me again!" I shove him away.
He falls back into your chair.
"You think your so strong!" Gale lunges from his chair and pushes me back. Peeta catches me in his arms luckily. Peeta eyes lock with mine for a second and his look reflects mine. Fear

Are you happy you got the whole group listening to our argument?" I stand back up.
"They would of at some point." He mutters. I put my hands over my mouth as I gasp.
"You knew! You knew all along since you saw me here! You knew!" I shout.
"No!" He says normally.
"Don't lie to me! I know you knew about it!" Know I only realise I probably have blood on my face from my hands.
"You knew!" I repeat.
"I never forgot." He admits.
More tears fall from my eyes.
"At least I see you for who you really are." He looks around our table. Then when he looks back at me our eyes lock. And en he speaks again.
"Your rude! You lie! You hurt! Your selfish! You are unforgiving! But I will forgive you!" He holds his hands out for me.
"She did nothing wrong!" Peeta defends me.
"I am willing to forgive you." Gale repeats.
"Well that makes one of us."

I'm trying to tell myself this is just a dream. I mean it's really strange why gale is suddenly like this. Please just be a dream.
I can't believe this. And I know for sure he will carry on hanging out with us.
I will smile at him.
I will talk to him.
I don't think I can ever forgive him.


Next chapter will have a huge impact on the story.
I will be updating on Christmas Eve.
I want to thank everyone because my story has now got
10K readers
I was literally jumping up and down but I couldn't scream because I only found out at 23:00

Shout out to whoever comments first


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