Obey me - oneshots

By cherrynix

514K 13.8K 10.9K

[Planning to eventually edit all of the chapters, some of the edits include changes in turns of events, some... More

๐Ÿ’— Flatterer (Asmodeus x reader) ๐Ÿ’—
๐Ÿ’šSatan's little pet (Satan x reader)๐Ÿ’š
Take me home (Lucifer x reader)
My princess (Leviathan x reader)
Crash (Satan)
Haunted house - Mammon edition
โค๏ธ Keep you safe (Beelzebub x Reader) โค๏ธ
In the name of love - Diavolo x reader
Darkness (Satan x reader)
Sweet as chocolate (Beel x reader)
Hungry (All x reader)
True romance - Satan x reader
True romance 2 (Satan x reader)
Stronger than hate (Belphegor x Reader)
Off with his heart (Lucifer x Reader)
Sleepyhead (Diavolo x Reader)
Crash 2(Alternate version, Satan x Reader)
Warmth to your cold (Diavolo x Reader)
Roommates (Barbatos x reader)
Sweet as a cookie (Asmodeus x reader)
Storm of hearts (Barbatos x Reader)
The act of a fraud (Lucifer x fox spirit reader)
Inspiration (Satan x writer reader)
Shared bond (All demon brothers x reader)
Chocolate kiss (Beelzebub x reader)
๐Ÿ’› Brand new model (Mammon x reader) ๐Ÿ’›
Disgrace of a saint (Lucifer x demon!reader)
Windy surprise (Solomon x reader)
The greatest of ideas (Leviathan x reader)
Greedy for love (Mammon x reader)
Sweeter than cake (Simeon x reader)
Party preparations (Barbatos x reader)
His Queen (Diavolo x demon!reader, 2nd part to "Party preparations"
Heart-shaped box (Lucifer x reader)
The one they appreciated (all x reader)
Precious (Beel x reader)
Pillows (Belphegor x reader)
Run away (Satan x Reader)
๐Ÿ’› Mine (Mammon x reader) ๐Ÿ’›
๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ“– Our little date (Simeon x reader)๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’š
๐Ÿ’ž Part I: Obey me characters reacting to scars ๐Ÿ’ž
๐Ÿ’ž Part II: Obey Me characters reacting to scars ๐Ÿ’ž
๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ“– My sweetheart (Simeon x reader)๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’š
๐Ÿ’œ No one to blame but himself (Belphegor x reader) ๐Ÿ’œ
๐Ÿ’™ Tea and cuddles (Lucifer x reader) ๐Ÿ’™
๐Ÿ’š The avatar of wrath, Satan ๐Ÿ’š

Teddy bear (Mammon x reader)

11.4K 429 178
By cherrynix

A/N - Sorry for the lack of updates, I haven't been doing too well these days 😅

''Told ya, I'm the winner!'' Mammon grinned but not for long as a hiccup left his mouth, making Asmodeus frown a little.

''Not gonna happen!'' You said as you drank the last shot left on the table, forcing it down despite feeling like you weren't far from all the contents of your stomach coming out.

''Aaaaaand the winner is...Y/N!'' Asmodeus exclaimed, cheering excitedly for you. How did you all end up in the bar anyway?

It all started with Mammon angering Lucifer by accident, which resulted in him running away from home and taking you with him. Lucifer wouldn't argue or punish him in a crowded place, would he? That's when the idea to go to the bar was born.

Originally you two were supposed to have only one drink to waste some time, but after Mammon challenged you to a drinking contest, you were too confident in your alcohol tolerance to disagree. What was for sure was that you needed a judge to make it fair, and that's how Asmodeus ended up with you two - after all, Asmodeus could never refuse to opportunities of having a fun time, and as stubborn as both you and Mammon were, you drank much more than you should have.

''Yayy..!'' You smiled, laying your head on the table and letting out a soft breath. The world around you was spinning for a while now, and you felt so lightheaded..

''Y/n, are you okay?'' Asmodeus asked, touching your hair and pushing it away from your face, his eyes focused on you.

''Mm..'' All you could do was making a noise in reflex to Asmo's gentle touch as sudden tiredness came over you, your eyes closing on their own.

''Hey, quit touching them like that!'' Even though you couldn't see him, you were more than sure that Mammon was crossing his arms right now and staring at Asmodeus with a look that could kill. 

''Why should I? It's not like they're your property or something!'' Asmodeus chuckled, putting his arm around your shoulders as he did, it only angering Mammon more.

''No one is allowed to touch Y/n like that, okay? No one!! Only me, got it?'' Mammon got up so quickly that the chair he was sitting on previously fell onto the ground, the thud making you flinch faintly.

''Calm down, you scumbag..'' Asmodeus rolled his eyes, sighing as he pulled his arms away from you. ''Just so you'd know, Y/n looks like they're gonna pass out in any moment..''

''How dare you talk to your older brother like that, moron--huh?'' Mammon's attention was finally drawn to you, and seeing you look so sleepy and drowsy.. Even now you looked cute in his eyes, but of course he wasn't going to admit that.

''Y/n, can you walk?'' Mammon asked, poking your cheek with his index finger.

''Mammon, you truly are an idiot..'' Asmodeus sighed, looking down at you and touching your shoulders. ''There, let me just..'' He mumbled as he was about to pick you up, but of course Mammon wasn't going to let him do that.

''Hands off!'' He yelled, pushing Asmodeus away and picking you up in his arms instead, holding you carefully despite his seemingly angry behaviour. You just laid your head on his chest, too tired to do anything else. Maybe this drinking competition was a bad idea after all.. That's what you thought as your eyes closed on your own, the noises around you fading out.

''Ugh.. Not only do I feel sick, but I also gotta carry this human around!'' It wouldn't be Mammon if he weren't complaining. Even now, that he was drunk, he still didn't want to admit that he enjoyed having you so close to himself, being your knight in..not so shining armor. 

''You know, I'll gladly carry Y/n if you can't do that! I'd take such gooooood care of them!~'' Asmodeus said with the biggest smile on his face. Perhaps this boy was the reason why Mammon didn't want his true feelings to be obvious, after all, there's no way that Asmodeus could ever keep his mouth shut if he saw Mammon being soft with you. 

''Never!'' Mammon frowned, clutching you even closer to his warm body. 

A while passed before you all finally reached the House of Lamentation. Trying to not bring any attention of his brothers, Mammon went to your room quietly, closing the door behind him and putting you down onto your bed carefully. 

''I hope we won't feel too sick in the morning..'' Mammon murmured quietly, covering you with the blanket before turning away to leave.

''..mmon..'' You reached your hand out instinctively, tugging onto the first thing your fingers could touch to, which was the back of Mammon's jacket. 

''Huh?'' Mammon raised a brow, glancing at you and biting his lip at how cute you looked. Still sleepy and dazed, when did you manage to gain your senses back?

''Don't go..'' You mumbled tiredly, pulling his jacket weakly. With your eyes closing again, you didn't notice the surprised look on Mammon's face. He surely didn't expect you to say those words, but it would be lies if he told that he didn't want to stay. 

''Um..are you alright, Y/n?'' Mammon walked back to your bed, hesitating a little before sitting down besides you and touching your hair softly, rubbing it as his eyes scanned your face with concern.

''Mhm..'' You made a noise of agreement, snuggling closer to him and wrapping your arms around his waist, your belly and chest pressed against his lower back. ''Just like a teddy bear..'' You thought aloud, giggling and squeezing him. A happy drunk; that's what you looked like right now.

Just like a teddy bear?! Your words repeated in Mammon's head, his cheeks reddening. 

''Hey..!'' Mammon stared at you shyly, but realizing that you had fallen asleep, the white haired boy sighed in defeat. ''Guess I'm stuck here..'' He mumbled to himself as he looked down at your arms that were still wrapped tightly around him. Somehow managing to lay down next to you, he pulled you closer, placing a kiss onto your head before falling asleep with you in his arms.


''Ugh..'' You rolled onto your back, covering your eyes as the light in your room felt painfully bright. You were right, drinking that much really was a bad idea because your head was hurting so much you wished you could cut it off. 

''Mornin', Y/n.'' You peeked through your fingers as you heard someone speaking, sighing as your eyes met with Mammon's. How did he manage to look so fine after all of those shots he had taken? 

''Morning.. Don't tell me you're not feeling sick at all..'' You mumbled, watching him as he sat on the side of your bed.

''Not the slightest bit!'' Mammon grinned. Of course he wasn't going to let you know that he threw up just moments before you woke up. ''There, this should help..'' You didn't notice that he was holding a glass of water and some pills in his hands until now. Being left no other choice, you sat up slowly, gulping as your surroundings looked a little bit blurry. 

''Thank you..'' You mumbled, swallowing the pills without much questioning and putting the glass down. 

''Not at all! Remember, I told you that if anything was to happen, I'd be the one to help ya!''Mammon's expression was still as bright as it was before. Was he so satisfied with himself? He did have to admit that it felt nice to be needed..

''..And if it weren't you, I was supposed to die..'' You chuckled despite your headache as you remembered Mammon saying that back when Leviathan almost attacked you since you outsmarted him in a quizz about TSL. Back then you thought it was extremely weird, now you just found it funny. It was ridiculous how the times had changed..

''I'd be sad if you died though..'' Did he actually sound upset or did your brain made it seem this way? Either way, you didn't want him to feel bad, so without much thinking, you hugged him, leaning your body onto his due to the comfort as you felt his arms wrapping around you in return.

''And that's why you're supposed to save me, you idiot..'' You giggled, laying your head on his shoulder as it felt so heavy. ''Ugh..'' 

''I know, I know..'' Mammon smirked softly, yet hearing you make that unsatisfied noise, the poor boy couldn't help but get concerned all over again. ''Are you feeling sick?'' He asked, to which you shook your head faintly.

''N..no, it just.. Hurts..'' You mumbled, peeking up at him and sighing innerly at his confused expression. ''My head..'' You explained, looking away again.

''O-oh..'' Mammon blushed faintly out of embarrassment, touching your hair and rubbing it softly. ''I don't know if this helps, but..''

''It does..'' You cut him off before he could continue, closing your eyes at the feeling and inhaling his scent. His touches felt so nice and calming that it made the pain fade, and that, obviously, was a good thing.

''Um..Y/n?'' Mammon mumbled after a while, looking down at you with a shy look. 

''Yes..?'' You opened your eyes to look up at him, gulping at that look on his face. Was that something you should be nervous about..?

''You know.. I'd like to continue being your teddy bear..'' Mammon blushed madly at his own words, avoiding your gaze as he looked away. He wasn't the only red one here though - your cheeks were in the color of cherries as well.

''Huh..? What do you mean..?'' Where did he got such words from? You were already beginning to panic thinking about what you could've said or possibly done yesterday without remembering it.

''Well, you.. Yesterday you passed out in the bar so I uh.. brought you back and put you to sleep, but you..um.. told me to stay and then hugged me and said that it felt like hugging a teddy bear..'' Mammon's voice had gotten quieter due his shyness. So you were right; it was a thing you had done yesterday, however you did remember that.

''I thought that..I was dreaming that..'' You mumbled, hiding your face in his chest from the embarrassment before he could look at you and laugh at your dumbness. ''But I.. would like that.. You being my teddy bear..'' You couldn't hold back that big smile on your face, but little did you know that Mammon looked just as happy as you did right now.

''Perfect..'' Mammon chuckled, laying down with you carefully and hugging you closer. Who wouldn't be happy at the thought of endless cuddles from their beloved?

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